Rachel Maddow Hit Piece on Caste Football

I posted a response. We should all speak some truth to power by going to the video and telling the truth.
The fact that she's a self-important, INCREDIBLY unattractive loudmouth sanctimonious lesbian who thinks she's smart and funny (wrong, and WRONG) immediately leads me to discount everything she says as self-serving trash.

Which, of course, it is.

Don thanks for posting the link! Also you are right, the ancient forms of media are becoming more irrelevant every day.

Due to youtube having 12 hours and growing of video uploaded every minute, they don't have the people, resources or desire to root out pro white comments, hence why we can post them on youtube.

People can now watch youtube videos and select their own highlights to watch on NFL.com on their big screen plasma TV in the living room. The big cable networks are still in charge for now, but their influence is dying and the new media is taking over, where we can stake our claim!

What's great about sites like this is that it can serve as a home-base for our grass-roots operation of rooting out anti-white discrimination in sports. Among many other valuable contributors here, Dwid's videos have done a service beyond what any of us can even imagine. Scouts and Rivals might not change their anti-white ways, but that doesn't stop us from making videos and speaking our voice in comments!

As someone noted earlier sometimes activism takes a back-burner, but that's the only way we can reach other people. Make at least 3 comments a day that either support a white athlete, call out a writer for anti-white comments or backhanded compliments, or point out anti-white racism in the media, coaching, and recruiting!
Rachel Maddow is a self-hating white man.
Like kewl dude.
We here just wanna see a watchable product that is fair. We don't say that Warren Moon sucked or
that Barry Sanders was bad, or that Deion Sanders lacked speed. We just point out who CAN play football and who CANNOT and if any group is being discrimiated against.

The good thing is that some people are beginning to wake up along with those who are wide awake (the remnant), pretty soon you will get the stat geeks who follow fantasy football and just want to win (by getting underrated white guys that are highly productive). Also, attendance is down so owners are more likely to go with clean-cut guys who can play ball and who will work relatively cheap.
Good point about fantasy football. I'm seeing a difference there. Guys like Kuhn, Woodhead and Blair White are being picked up off the waiver wire more quickly than before. And I used to pretty much have my "pick of the litter" of White defensive players except for the very top guys like Urlacher and Ruud, but not nearly so much anymore. Even the White safeties the DWFs love to hate have recognized value in fantasy because almost all of them rack up very good tackle totals.

One good thing -- I stocked up on Peyton Hillis during preseason.
Edited by: Don Wassall
Well, we had about 2,000 more visitors today than average, mostly from searches generated by Maddow's looney tunes, knuckle-draggingcult followers. But the average stay was minimal, apparently caused by the cult members'infantile attention spans, which crave constant entertainment from Rachel baby and other providers of the type of red meat anti-white bigotry they crave. Edited by: Don Wassall
She found the fact that we look at NFL teams from a racial perspective disturbing

Then she should also find the entire NFL leadership and the majority of blacks "disturbing" since they also look at FB through a racial prism. Has this ignorant witch never heard of the "rooney rule" the "black coaches" alliance that grades every college team on "diversity" or the never ending debate about the lack of black QB's, coaches and GM's compared to their % of participation in football.

Liberals LOVE every double standard that negatively effects White men...
Also all logical comments under her youtube video (there were 3 or 4 last night) have been deleted as well... The shepard doesn't want any of her sheep to hear another point of view that makes a lot more sense than hers
Don is right. Going on NFL Network or any other news show would be pointless. They always have their agenda and always see us as being wrong.
In my opinion she made herself look foolish. She played it up as this "crazy racist freak show" but when she quoted the website it wasn't crazy at all. No black players were degraded, only quotes about how the Redskins are black. The quote about the Mets was a link to another website. I guess she could find castefootball.us through several websites but doesn't realize she is quoting a completely different website? Some people may not agree with counting White players or supporting White athletes but it is hardly a "crazy racist freak show"

I copied her video and posted it on one of my channels so we can comment on it and not have it deleted.

This one just has the segment about Castefootball

but if anyone wants to comment on the entire segment I put that on my channel as well.

Edited by: dwid
dwid, it's good to see you posting again man, and thanks for uploading the clip to your channel!
It's pretty obvious this moron didn't actually check the forum out. She just looked at the homepage an the articles about the number of white players on certain teams. Any idiot can do that. If she would have actually checked the forum out she would have seen the mountain of evidence that we have presented.
Thanks for posting the video we can comment on Dwid! Everyone lets make sure we comment on this and hopefully others will see it when searching for the video!
the reason i know about david duke and james edwards is because they dared to fight in the enemy dojo.

we would be crazy not to seek the publicity.
Great exposure. Bad press is better than no press. <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p>
A few nights ago Ireadsome of the exchangeamong the founding fathers at the Constitutional Convention. <O:p></O:p>
Today this. <?: prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /></V:STROKE></V:F></V:F></V:F></V:F></V:F></V:F></V:F></V:F></V:F></V:F></V:F></V:F></V:ULAS></V:pATH><O:LOCK v:ext="edit" aspectratio="t"></O:LOCK></V:SHAPE></V:></V:SHAPE><O:p></O:p>
That her buffoonery is acceptable reporting shows just how far we've fallen as a nation. <O:p></O:p>Edited by: Alpha Male
I surprised Ms. Maddow didn't take time to explain to her audience what 'paradigm' means. She's a Rhodes Scholar, so it's a safe bet she knows the meaning.

Her show needs a different producer. Those wide angle camera views are a mistake. There has to be at least one shouting argument per show, with tight camera shots. 'Let's you and her fight' is always better than a lecture. And why is she dressed like she's going to a softball game? Just copy what Roger Ailes has done, arguably the best producer in all of television.
I've watched the video several times now. The logo is show 90% of the time.
The depth of the "argument"Â￾ against Caste Football was, as usual, exclusively non-factual. It strictly consisted of buzz words such as "crazy"Â￾ "white supremacist,"Â￾ "freak show,"Â￾ and "racist."Â￾ Along with "taunting"Â￾ such as "thank you, castefootball, for the aerobic workout our entire staff got while laughing at you racist [there's that word again] freak shows."Â￾

If this more masculine adaptation of Keith Olbermann thinks this website is "hardcore,"Â￾ the little corporate-funded prostitute would die of massive brain aneurysm if she saw some of the "alternative"Â￾ websites available online.

Even among the Republican-Democrat (Turds vs. Diarrhea) Monopoly, Maddow is a nonentity"¦but this publicity is a great start.
Count your blessings, gang -- Don has already replied about 7 times in
this thread. That's more than he posts in the Nationalist Times
forum in a year, maybe two!
Don Wassall said:
When I watch a show like Maddow's for 60 minutes as I did last night, it reminds me of how totally irrelevant the way outdated liberal vs. conservative, Dem vs. Repub pseudo-"battle" has become in my life, and happily so.  </div>

BINGO!!! It pains me that I have to sometimes sit through the dumb downed MSM when the gf or a family member wants to watch that rubbish.
Nelson said:
Count your blessings, gang -- Don has already replied about 7 times in this thread. That's more than he posts in the Nationalist Times forum in a year, maybe two!

Nice haircut, Nelson. You look like you've been working out, too.
Hey Nelson, it's great to finally see you here at CF (the other side of ANU)! I've long wondered what it would take to get you posting over here. Michael posts here occasionally too.
Thrashen said:
If this more masculine adaptation of Keith Olbermann thinks this website is "hardcore,"Â￾ the little corporate-funded prostitute would die of massive brain aneurysm if she saw some of the "alternative"Â￾ websites available online.

Even among the Republican-Democrat (Turds vs. Diarrhea) Monopoly, Maddow is a nonentity"¦but this publicity is a great start.


oh, man! these are awesome!!!