race mixing in islam

Actually it was fairly common at one point. Lighter skinned slaves were considered more intelligent and lower maintenance than their darker skinned brethren. They were worth more money. Impregnating your slaves could be a profitable investment. The British eventually put a stop to that though.
Yes exotic Quadroon types ie J LO or Mariah Carey were used as concubines for owners that were into race mixing. I also found this interesting on the genetic ancestry of native populations and populations of the new world........https://genographic.nationalgeographic.com/reference-populations/
Actually it was fairly common at one point...

I don't believe it. The occupational government and the enemy media are always trying to disparage white men, especially great men of the past, by continuously propagandizing about how they lusted after hideous negresses and anything else their sick minds can think up, like the old canard about President Jefferson fathering picaninnies that they keep dredging up and presenting as history. 5 will get you 10 that 99 per cent of the mulattoes here were caused by drunken white trash toting a jug of white lightning visiting the slave shacks after dark. Thus the mixed race blacks in the US are an amalgamation of the lowest of the low, the lowest element of white trash combined with slaves of slaves, because the black slaves they brought here were already slaves of other blacks in Africa who captured them inland and brought them to the coast to sell to the slave traders, because the slave traders didn't venture inland.

Female black slaves.

I rest my case.

I be a good girl, massuh, but all right, ah'll lay down wid you if y'all gibs me shot ub dat dair hooch.
This basically explains the rise and fall of the middle east over the past 1300 years

"There appears to have been a blond, racially Nordic element, amongst the leadership of the Arabic peoples, from the very earliest times. Thus, as the distinguished Harvard anthropologist Carleton S. Coon has noted, when referring to the population of the Yemen plateau:

"The Nordic-looking people are usually confined to the social stratum from which civil officers and religious men are drawn, and it is more than a coincidence that the acknowledged descendants of the Prophet are lighter-skinned and show greater evidence of blondism than the rest of the population. There may perhaps have been a Nordic strain associated with the holy families who entered this region from the Hejaz in early post-Islamic times." [Coon (1939) 408-409.]

Professor C. S. Coon has also stated, that amongst the people of Morocco:

"The ordinary city Arabs are little different from their pastoral and agricultural brethren, but this rule does not apply to the aristocratic families. These merchant-princes are sometimes blond, and of Nordic appearance; others of them look like Mekkan aristocrats in Arabia." [Coon (1939) 484.]

The Prophet Muhammad (AD 570-632), the founder of the Islamic religion, was apparently fair-skinned; a freedman, by the name of Umar, described the Prophet thus:

"his face was not [COLOR=#009900 !important]fat[/COLOR] nor rounded; it was white tinged with red". [Guillaume (1987) 726.]

Most authorities on the issue appear to agree that Muhammad was brunet, but Henric von [COLOR=#009900 !important]Schwerin[/COLOR] has stated that:

"Red-hair is still honoured amongst Moslems as the Prophet Mohammed himself was reported to have red hair." ...

Carleton Coon's books on race as well as Professor John Baker and any other book that honestly and scientifically studies racial differences have been censored and banned from US libraries and schools and colleges.


Blond Palestinian boy
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I think you would have to be this drunk to bed down with these women....:tongue:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blrHRVvRxEI

I could never be drunk enough to bed down with those half human half ape creatures. By the way, I clicked on your link and it started with an ad for Vanguard Insurance or something, and the ad started off showing a negro holding hands with a white woman. The ad agencies are fast tracking miscegenation.
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This basically explains the rise and fall of the middle east over the past 1300 years


first he talks about mahomet, islam's prophet,saying he was white, and even a red headed man
but he is widely known as very dark
al jahiz, in his book "the superiority of blacks over whites" (whites in the middle east at that time means brown skinned mongrels) says that:

The ten sons of Abd el Mottalib the grandfather of Mohammed were all black and strong.
The Amir ibn al Tufayl said that the Kaba was well guarded when he saw them on black
camels going around the Kaba. Ibn Abbas was black and very tall. Those of Abu Talib's
family , who are the most noble of men, are more or less black.


the accepted translation of his physical description is that he had a big mouth, hair that was not curly or straight, and bluish skin:


from Margoliouth, "mohammed and the rise of islam"

so he was not white
more likely very close to black
anyways white at that time meant brown skinned mongrel

i didn't find anything about ali having blond hair
but he was described as having white hair, like all old people
ali was described as black:

‘Ali b. Abi Talib (d. 661) was the first-cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet. Many claim that it was he, not Zayd, who was the first male convert to Islam after Prophet Muhammad. Whether the first or the second convert, these two both preceded Bilal. And like Zayd, Ali was intensely black, ādam shadīd al-udma. [7] He too is described with precisely the same complexion as Bilal. ‘Alī’s own son, Abu Ja’far Muhammad, according to Ibn Sa’d (d. 845), described ‘Alī thusly: “He was a black-skinned man with big, heavy eyes, pot-bellied, bald, and kind of short.â€[8] ‘Alī’s descendents, the sharifs/sayyids, were similarly described as black-skinned.[9] Zayd and Ali were thus ‘Black Muslims’ before Bilal.


then he talks about the moors
yes some of them had blue eyes, and relatively fair skin
but as i showed, it was because some of them were born to white european enslaved women

he says :

Of Roman origin and blond, Byzantine lineage,

needless to say, bizantines and romans are not arabs

"Most of the caliphs were fair or ginger-haired with blue eyes, which seems to show a preponderance of Berber or Germanic blood.

no, a predominance of white european blood, because they were born to white european enslaved women

some of them dyed their hair black, as if to affirm their Arab descent.

this proves that arabs had black hair, and it also proves what i said ealier, arabs didn't like very black skinned people because they were viewed as too primitive, but they didn't like people with really white skin and fair complexion because it was viewed as inferior too (for cultural reasons: europeans were less advanced than arabs back then)

another example:

The son of a Navarrese princess, this greatest of Cordoban rulers was a short, blue-eyed Muslim who dyed his red hair black to match that of most of his subjects. In 929 he took the step of raising his dominion from an emirate, or kingdom, to a caliphate, or empire

he was not only the son of a navarese princess as i showed, but also the grandson of another european woman on his father side
so he was 3/4 white european, 1/4 black/mixed

i'm not going to mention all the examples but another one:

His skin was too pale however, and, according to Arab historians, he increased his grave and majestic appearance by growing a beard which he dyed very black.

arabs hated real whites as much as real blacks

then the end of the article talks about ottoman sultans: ottomans, or turks, are not arabs
they were probably originally white and mogrelised by islam
they even mention an ottoman sultan born to a greek christian woman and an ottoman father

one thing they never mention though, is how many black sultans existed
i showed it

and i showed how polygamy was used to mix races
therefore it is not surprising to learn that in the ruling class of muslim countries, there were some whitish looking guys and some blacks
that was the point of polygamy:

Napoleon argued that “Asia and Africa are inhabited by men of many colors: polygamy is the only efficient means of mixing them so that whites do not persecute the blacks, or blacks the whites. Polygamy has them born from the same mother or the same father; the black and the white, since they are brothers, sit together at the same table and see each other. Hence in the Orient no color pretends to be superior to another. But, to accomplish this, Muhammad thought that four wives were sufficient.... When we will wish, in our colonies, to give liberty to the blacks and to destroy color prejudice, the legislator will authorize polygamy.â€
saudi arabia's soccer team:



different shades of black

saudi arabia is the country where islam was created, the country where islam's prophet (mahomet) was born
"Race mixing in Islam"

As I said, Islam is the best of a bad lot, amongst the three narrow minded and cruel race destroying middle eastern semitic monotheist cults. I never saw a black Turk, and I accidentally came across this Turkish forum which has an English language section - what they think of Negroes:

"N's in Turkey: "AfroTurks"!!!"


All this let's all hate-Islam crap is all about Israel. Moslems were the "good guys" in the official story line as recently as 1999 when the almost all-Jewish Bill 'n Hillary regime was bombing the hell out of Christian Yugoslavia on behalf of Moslem Albania. And likewise the invasion of all the white countries by the dregs of the third world is all manipulated by Talmudists and supported by the Jewish-owned media.

David Duke:

"Jewish Groups Fight Demographic Shift in Israel But Work for It in America! "

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As I said, Islam is the best of a bad lot, amongst the three narrow minded and cruel race destroying middle eastern semitic monotheist cults. I never saw a black Turk, and I accidentally came across this Turkish forum which has an English language section - what they think of Negroes:

"N's in Turkey: "AfroTurks"!!!"


do you want me to post examples of people living in "christian" countries (turkey is a non religious state) or israel, saying the same about africans?
All this let's all hate-Islam crap is all about Israel. Moslems were the "good guys" in the official story line as recently as 1999 when the almost all-Jewish Bill 'n Hillary regime was bombing the hell out of Christian Yugoslavia on behalf of Moslem Albania. And likewise the invasion of all the white countries by the dregs of the third world is all manipulated by Talmudists and supported by the Jewish-owned media.

David Duke:

"Jewish Groups Fight Demographic Shift in Israel But Work for It in America! "


i am not israel-centered like you or like zionist jews, or anti-zionist arabs
i look at islam for what it is, for the danger it is for the white race
i am not israel-centered like you or like zionist jews, or anti-zionist arabs
i look at islam for what it is, for the danger it is for the white race

We never had the slightest problem with any Islamic country since the days of the Barbary pirates - until Israel came along.
do you want me to post examples of people living in "christian" countries (turkey is a non religious state) or israel, saying the same about africans?

First of all, "Africans" is not a synonym for Negroes. Africa is a continent with four major races and many sub races. And yes people in Christian countries say the same thing as those Turks, but the governments of those Christian countries are flooding them with the wretched refuse of the earth and also force breeding them with welfare programs, and that is not happening in Turkey.
As I said, Islam is the best of a bad lot, amongst the three narrow minded and cruel race destroying middle eastern semitic monotheist cults....

Pope Says Children at U.S. Border Must Be 'Welcomed and Protected'

The Pope also goes around Latin America telling the people not to practice birth control. I don't see him inviting the literally BILLIONS of the third world's underclass into Vatican City. The population of Mexico was 28 million in 1950. It is now about 125 million. Beautiful Guadalajara, where I was, was a quiet town in 1940. It is now a sprawling city with a population of 4 1/2 million. Jews, Christians, and Moslems, all those narrow minded and cruel middle eastern monotheist religious fanatics, have brought nothing but death and destruction to this old world.
who cares what the old fart says. Just my take lol
More on the Moors.

Professor John R. Baker is the best authority on race, so while I have my Race book out I looked up Moors.
He is explaining how the word Moor is vague and misused and applied to different peoples, white and also mixed race. He says the word is so vague and misused that it should be banished.

Page 226-27:

"In one sense the word "Moor" means the Mohammedan Berbers and Arabs of north-western Africa, with some Syrians, who conquered most of Spain in the eighth century and dominated the country for hundreds of years, leaving behind some magnificent examples of their architecture as a lasting memorial of their presence. These so-called "Moors" were far in advance of any of the peoples of northern Europe at that time, not only in architecture, but also in literature, science, technology, industry, and agriculture; and their civilization had a permanent influence on Spain. They were Europids [white], unhybredized with members of any other race. The Berbers were (and are) Mediterranids, probably with some admixture of the Cromagnid subrace of ancient times. The Arabs were Orientalids, the Syrians probably of mixed Orientalid and Armenid stock ..."
More on the Moors.

Professor John R. Baker is the best authority on race, so while I have my Race book out I looked up Moors.
He is explaining how the word Moor is vague and misused and applied to different peoples, white and also mixed race. He says the word is so vague and misused that it should be banished.

Page 226-27:

"In one sense the word "Moor" means the Mohammedan Berbers and Arabs of north-western Africa, with some Syrians, who conquered most of Spain in the eighth century and dominated the country for hundreds of years, leaving behind some magnificent examples of their architecture as a lasting memorial of their presence. These so-called "Moors" were far in advance of any of the peoples of northern Europe at that time, not only in architecture, but also in literature, science, technology, industry, and agriculture; and their civilization had a permanent influence on Spain. They were Europids [white], unhybredized with members of any other race. The Berbers were (and are) Mediterranids, probably with some admixture of the Cromagnid subrace of ancient times. The Arabs were Orientalids, the Syrians probably of mixed Orientalid and Armenid stock ..."

there are many people that said things about north africa while they didn't know anything about it
north africa was french
english speaking peoples and german speaking peoples don't know much about that place and their people

the first black "french " soccer player and one of the first blacks to have an impact in european soccer was north african, from morocco: http://inbedwithmaradona.com/journal/2012/8/22/the-original-black-pearl.html
there are many people that said things about north africa while they didn't know anything about it
north africa was french
english speaking peoples and german speaking peoples don't know much about that place and their people

the first black "french " soccer player and one of the first blacks to have an impact in european soccer was north african, from morocco: http://inbedwithmaradona.com/journal/2012/8/22/the-original-black-pearl.html

Your comment makes no sense. North Africa was not "French" at the time of the Moorish invasion of Spain, and never was French, except for the French colonies, and France declared Algeria a state of France, but that didn't make it French. Professor John Baker is the foremost expert on race.
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Your comment makes no sense. North Africa was not "French" at the time of the Moorish invasion of Spain, and never was French, except for the French colonies, and France declared Algeria a state of France, but that didn't make it French. Professor John Baker is the foremost expert on race.

north africa was part of the french world, so the ones who know it better and have experienced it speak french
the experts on race from germany and the english speaking world have said many false things about north africa
north africa was part of the french world, so the ones who know it better and have experienced it speak french
the experts on race from germany and the english speaking world have said many false things about north africa

The more you post the less sense you make. The Moors invaded Spain 1,300 years ago. France went to north Africa in the 19th century.
The more you post the less sense you make. The Moors invaded Spain 1,300 years ago. France went to north Africa in the 19th century.

i mean that they speak about an area they had no contact with
because how could they not see that north africans have black blood in them? it's so obvious
[h=1]French police shoot dead knifeman who was shouting Islamic slogans[/h]

The perpetrator was a French citizen born in Burundi in 1994 and known to police for common crimes, a source close to the case told AFP, adding that the attacker "shouted 'Allahu Akbar' from the moment he entered until his last breath."

he was from burundi, so he was black
in it's videos, ISIS display the european-looking jihadis but they don't really show the black muslims
i suspect that out of the jihadis that came from france, the ones who weren't from arab/muslim families were mainly blacks