race mixing in islam

White people were killed because they were convinced by their Television sets that Germany was evil because they wanted to take over the world with a Master Race of (gasp) white people! Oh the horror! Check the propaganda. Not a stretch considering Orson Wells was able to convince Americans via radio that aliens were attacking in 1938.

That's actually a myth.
Japan's hope was that the massive attack would either cripple our Pacific fleet and/or detour the U.S. from pursuing a bloody war in the Pacific when everyone knew Roosevelt really wanted Germany. There wasn't much hope for Japan either way but the Chinese may have genocided the entire island. Mao killed about 30 million Chinese after the war. What would he have done to the Japanese?

I did some minor research about why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. One suggestion is that Japan was going to attack the Dutch East Indies for resources and they thought that would cause America to attack them. So they attacked America and hoped America would bitch out and do nothing in response.

The firebombing of Tokyo actually killed more than the atomic bombs combined I believe. Point is that they knew they couldn't beat the U.S. if the U.S. in a real war.

Yes, see above.

Britain and France declared war on Germany without being attacked.

Right, but they did this in response to Germany invading Poland after Germany promised not to invade any more countries.

Hitler offered to peace terms and even to give back most of the land gained in Poland - even former German land.

I'd have to look into this.

Hitler absolutely tried to join alliances with Britain before the war against the Communists. He had invented the Anti-comintern pact in about 1935 to which none of the allies would support. Why? He knew where he stood and he knew and said who controlled the U.S. and Britain at the time - and they still do today. How could a Pact between the two possibly be accomplished or mean anything?

I'd have to look into this.

White people were killed because they were convinced by their Television sets that Germany was evil because they wanted to take over the world with a Master Race of (gasp) white people! Oh the horror! Check the propaganda. Not a stretch considering Orson Wells was able to convince Americans via radio that aliens were attacking in 1938.

The people of France and Britain did not happily go to war with Germany like they did in 1914.
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because USA was embargoing them and getting more and more stern in their warnings in regards to Japan's actions in China. Immediately after attacking Pearl Harbor they went after the Dutch East Indies because they needed oil and rubber to keep their war machine alive. They also attacked Singapore, Hong Kong and the Philippines right after Pearl Harbor. USA's carriers were conveniently away at the time of Pearl Harbor and Japan failed to destroy Pearl Harbor's fuel tanks, making Pearl Harbor a success on paper but a failure overall.
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because USA was embargoing them and getting more and more stern in their warnings. Immediately after attacking Pearl Harbor they went after the Dutch East Indies because they needed oil and rubber to keep their war machine alive. They also attacked Singapore, Hong Kong and the Philippines right after Pearl Harbor. USA's carriers were conveniently away at the time of Pearl Harbor and Japan failed to destroy Pearl Harbor's fuel tanks, making Pearl Harbor a success on paper but a failure overall.

But why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? America wasn't selling oil to Japan, it didn't have a naval blockade stopping Japan from getting oil elsewhere. As I said earlier, I think the Japanese thought America would declare war on Japan if Japan invaded the Dutch East Indies so they did a preemptive attack on America so America couldn't do anything when Japan actually did attack the Dutch East Indies.

They also figured America would not declare total war against them.

Japan should have just invaded the Dutch East Indies and hope that America would do nothing about it which they probably would have.
But why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? America wasn't selling oil to Japan, it didn't have a naval blockade stopping Japan from getting oil elsewhere. As I said earlier, I think the Japanese thought America would declare war on Japan if Japan invaded the Dutch East Indies so they did a preemptive attack on America so America couldn't do anything when Japan actually did attack the Dutch East Indies.

They also figured America would not declare total war against them.

Japan should have just invaded the Dutch East Indies and hope that America would do nothing about it which they probably would have.

The longer they waited to attack the more built up USA would have been when they finally did attack. That's my understanding. USA was building up their armed forces for a war with Japan and Germany. If war was inevitable Japan wanted to start it at the most favorable time.
The longer they waited to attack the more built up USA would have been when they finally did attack. That's my understanding. USA was building up their armed forces for a war with Japan and Germany. If war was inevitable Japan wanted to start it at the most favorable time.

My thinking is that America would have done nothing if Japan had attacked the Dutch East Indies so attacking America was a gigantic error.
My thinking is that America would have done nothing if Japan had attacked the Dutch East Indies so attacking America was a gigantic error.

The USA issued them an ultimatum knowing that Japan could not and would not comply. They allowed them to move their entire naval fleet through the pacific ocean and attack so that the USA would have an "in" into the war. What our government really wanted was war with Germany but the American people did not.

then they say that true blacks, coal black africans, were only 10% according to them, that's exactly the %age of blacks you have in the US
and it doesn't change the fact that the moors introduced them in europe and made them mix with the natives

North Africa is basically white/Europid, branches of the white race, Berbers, Moors, Arabs, etc. Then when you get over to northeast Africa you have mixed white-negro hybrids like the Somalis and many Ethiopians. The minority of blacks amongst the Moorish invaders of Europe a thousand years ago were almost certainly slaves, as indeed they still remain in north Africa today. They did not mate with the Europeans. There is no evidence of ******* blood in tnose parts of Europe.
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United States Note to Japan November 26, 1941 (Dept. of State Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 129, Dec. 13, 1941)

The text of the document handed by the Secretary of State to the Japanese Ambassador on November 26, 1941, which consists of two parts, one an oral statement and one an outline of a proposed basis for agreement between the United States and Japan, reads as follows:

Strictly confidential
November 26, 1941

The representatives of the Government of the United States and of the Government of Japan have been carrying on during the past several months informal and exploratory conversations for the purpose of arriving at a settlement if possible of questions relating to the entire Pacific area based upon the principles of peace, law and order and fair dealing among nations. These principles include the principle of inviolability of territorial integrity and sovereignty of each and all nations; the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries; the principle of equality, including equality of commercial opportunity and treatment; and the principle of reliance upon international cooperation and conciliation for the prevention and pacific settlement of controversies and for improvement of international conditions by peaceful methods and processes.

It is believed that in our discussions some progress has been made in reference to the general principles which constitute the basis of a peaceful settlement covering the entire Pacific area. Recently the Japanese Ambassador has stated that the Japanese Government is desirous of continuing the conversations directed toward a comprehensive and peaceful settlement of the Pacific area; that it would be helpful toward creating an atmosphere favorable to the successful outcome of the conversations if a temporary modus vivendi could be agreed upon to be in effect while the conversations looking to peaceful settlement in the Pacific were continuing. On November 20 the Japanese Ambassador communicated to the Secretary of State proposals in regard to temporary measure to be taken respectively by the Government of Japan and by the Government of the United States, which measures are understood to have been designed to accomplish the purposes above indicated.

The Government of the United States most earnestly desires to contribute to the promotion and maintenance of peace and stability in the Pacific area, and to afford every opportunity for the continuance of discussion with the Japanese Government directed toward working out a broad-gauge program of peace throughout the Pacific area. The proposals which were presented by the Japanese Ambassador on November 20 contain some features which, in the opinion of this Government, conflict with the fundamental principles which form a part of the general settlement under consideration and to which each Government has declared that it is committed. The Government of the United States believes that the adoption of such proposals would not be likely to contribute to the ultimate objectives of ensuring peace under law, order and justice in the Pacific area, and it suggests that further effort be made to resolve our divergences of view in regard to the practical application of the fundamental principles already mentioned.

With this object in view the Government of the United States offers for the consideration of the Japanese Government a plan of a broad but simple settlement covering the entire Pacific area as one practical exemplification of a program which this Government envisages as something to be worked out during our further conversations.

The plan therein suggested represents an effort to bridge the gap between our draft of June 21, 1941 and the Japanese draft of September 25 by making a new approach to the essential problems underlying a comprehensive Pacific settlement. This plan contains provisions dealing with the practical application of the fundamental principles which we have agreed in our conversations constitute the only sound basis for worthwhile international relations. We hope that in this way progress toward reaching a meeting of minds between our two Governments may be expedited.

Strictly confidential, tentative and without commitment
November 26, 1941.

Outline of Proposed Basis for Agreement Between the United States and Japan

Section I
Draft Mutual Declaration of Policy

The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan both being solicitous for the peace of the Pacific affirm that their national policies are directed toward lasting and extensive peace throughout the Pacific area, that they have no territorial designs in that area, that they have no intention of threatening other countries or of using military force aggressively against any neighboring nation, and that, accordingly, in their national policies they will actively support and give practical application to the following fundamental principles upon which their relations with each other and with all other governments are based:

The principle of inviolability of territorial integrity and sovereignty of each and all nations.
The principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
The principle of equality, including equality of commercial opportunity and treatment.
The principle of reliance upon international cooperation and conciliation for the prevention and pacific settlement of controversies and for improvement of international conditions by peaceful methods and processes.

The Government of Japan and the Government of the United States have agreed that toward eliminating chronic political instability, preventing recurrent economic collapse, and providing a basis for peace, they will actively support and practically apply the following principles in their economic relations with each other and with other nations and peoples:

The principle of non-discrimination in international commercial relations.
The principle of international economic cooperation and abolition of extreme nationalism as expressed in excessive trade restrictions.
The principle of non-discriminatory access by all nations to raw material supplies.
The principle of full protection of the interests of consuming countries and populations as regards the operation of international commodity agreements.
The principle of establishment of such institutions and arrangements of international finance as may lend aid to the essential enterprises and the continuous development of all countries and may permit payments through processes of trade consonant with the welfare of all countries.

Section II
Steps To Be Taken by the Government of the United States and by the Government of Japan

The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan propose to take steps as follows:

The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will endeavor to conclude a multilateral non-aggression pact among the British Empire, China, Japan, the Netherlands, the Soviet Union, Thailand and the United States.
Both Governments will endeavor to conclude among the American, British, Chinese, Japanese, the Netherland and Thai Governments would pledge itself to respect the territorial integrity of French Indochina and, in the event that there should develop a threat to the territorial integrity of Indochina, to enter into immediate consultation with a view to taking such measures as may be deemed necessary and advisable to meet the threat in question. Such agreement would provide also that each of the Governments party to the agreement would not seek or accept preferential treatment in its trade or economic relations with Indochina and would use its influence to obtain for each of the signatories equality of treatment in trade and commerce with French Indochina.
The Government of Japan will withdraw all military, naval, air and police forces from China and from Indochina.
The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will not support - militarily, politically, economically - any government or regime in China other than the National Government of the Republic of China with capital temporarily at Chungking.
Both Governments will endeavor to obtain the agreement of the British and other governments to give up extraterritorial rights in China, including right in international settlements and in concessions and under the Boxer Protocol of 1901.
The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will enter into negotiations for the conclusion between the United States and Japan of a trade agreement, based upon reciprocal most favored-nation treatment and reduction of trade barriers by both countries, including an undertaking by the United States to bind raw silk on the free list.
The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will, respectively, remove the freezing restrictions on Japanese funds in the United States and on American funds in Japan.
Both Governments will agree upon a plan for the stabilization of the dollar-yen rate, with the allocation of funds adequate for this purpose, half to be supplied by Japan and half by the United States.
Both Governments will agree that no agreement which either has concluded with any third power or powers shall be interpreted by it in such a way as to conflict with the fundamental purpose of this agreement, the establishment and preservation of peace throughout the Pacific area.
Both Governments will use their influence to cause other governments to adhere to and to give practical application to the basic political and economic principles set forth in this agreement.
The USA issued them an ultimatum knowing that Japan could not and would not comply. They allowed them to move their entire naval fleet through the pacific ocean and attack so that the USA would have an "in" into the war. What our government really wanted was war with Germany but the American people did not.

Correct. They call it Roosevelt's back door to war. They made a secret embargo on Japan, an act of war, especially for Japan which needed imported raw materials to survive. They issued Secret ultimatums to Japan. They froze Japanese assets. They were not so secretly fighting against the Japanese in China(and the Germans too!). They broke the Japanese code and were well aware of their advance on Hawaii, but they kept the info from Admiral Kimmel, and they had removed his own code breaking equipment. They - Roosevelt and his accomplices - took the aircraft carriers that they wanted to sea, but they lined up all the old battleships that they didn't want anymore,in nice neat row, filled up with sailors. All very deliberate.

And speaking of the war criminals Roosevelt and Churchill (both recorded by the Germans, talking to each other about the advancing Japanese attack force), and north Africa (post above), they don't like to tell you about this, but the British sneak attacked the French fleet tied up in north Africa and slaughteted many more French sailors than were killed at PH.
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North Africa is basically white/Europid, branches of the white race, Berbers, Moors, Arabs, etc. Then when you get over to northeast Africa you have mixed white-negro hybrids like the Somalis and many Ethiopians. The minority of blacks amongst the Moorish invaders of Europe a thousand years ago were almost certainly slaves, as indeed they still remain in north Africa today. They did not mate with the Europeans. There is no evidence of ******* blood in tnose parts of Europe.

Moors, Berbers, and Arabs still keep very large numbers of Negro slaves today.

So, far from so- called race mixing Islam, these Islamic peoples have maintained their superior position and have not mixed with their black slaves for all these thousand or more years - and that seems to be a hell of a lot more than most Christians are capable of doing!
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North Africa is basically white/Europid, branches of the white race, Berbers, Moors, Arabs, etc. Then when you get over to northeast Africa you have mixed white-negro hybrids like the Somalis and many Ethiopians. The minority of blacks amongst the Moorish invaders of Europe a thousand years ago were almost certainly slaves, as indeed they still remain in north Africa today. They did not mate with the Europeans. There is no evidence of ******* blood in tnose parts of Europe.


If you don't consider Jews white then Berbers sure as hell aren't white either.
Don't try to put words in my mouth. Where did I say that Jews aren't white?
Don't try to put words in my mouth. Where did I say that Jews aren't white?

Are you serious? You never shut up about them and how they're the enemy of the white race. Werewolf has diarrhea? Must be the Jews. Werewolf stubs his toe? Must be the Jews. Werewolf's milk goes bad before the expiration date? Must be the Jews.
I told you to show me where i ever said that jews were not white and instead you respond with a hysterical tirade.

Jews - Talmudists - are a cult not a race. There are white jews, negro jews, asian jews, etc. The dominant Ashkenazi are white, albeit with a more or less common racial strain amongst many of them. Sephardim are racially indistinguishable from the Palestinians.
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The USA issued them an ultimatum knowing that Japan could not and would not comply.

Was not aware of this. Source?

They allowed them to move their entire naval fleet through the pacific ocean and attack so that the USA would have an "in" into the war. What our government really wanted was war with Germany but the American people did not.

America wanted Japan to attack them so America could get into the war against Germany.
And another thing while I'm here - I don't really hate anybody. I have the utmost respect for people who rise above their milieu, like righteous Jews, and there are plenty of them too, but you don't hear much about them because they have been disenfranchised, just as we have. They call them nasty names too.
And another thing while I'm here - I don't really hate anybody. I have the utmost respect for people who rise above their milieu, like righteous Jews, and there are plenty of them too, but you don't hear much about them because they have been disenfranchised, just as we have. They call them nasty names too.


Great comments and fully agreed. People need to be assessed as individuals. There is good and bad in all people.
I am a White Muslim, so I’d like to offer my insights on this thread and the topic brought up by Frederic, about “race mixing in Islam”.

To begin with, race mixing in Islam takes many different forms:

- In North Africa, there are numerous examples of Arabs marrying and/or having kids with Black Africans, and this began with the Arab Slave Trade, when Arab men first traveled to Africa and began enslaving the blacks that lived there. Some (probably a majority) of the current North Africans that you see today are full Arab, but there are also some people in North Africa who are full Negro, or appear to be a mix of Arab and Negro. It’s impossible to say exactly where this mix comes from, but certainly many Arab men had sex with their Black slave women and this is probably what started this kind of ethnicity several hundred years ago. In some countries, slavery still exists today where Arabs enslave blacks in places like Mauritania. This can also be seen, though to a lesser extent, in East Africa. It's also worth pointing out that in many Arab countries today, such as Egypt, there still exists a great deal of racism where light skinned Arabs feel they are superior to blacks, who are still seen as a slave class.

- In the Middle East, there is almost no race mixing with blacks because of course in countries like Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Afghanistan, and so on there are literally almost zero black people.

- In the “West” (USA, Canada, Germany, UK, France, Sweden, Finland etc.), what is interesting, is that in current times there are many instances of race mixing involving wealthy Arab men with multiple White European wives, almost all of whom have converted to Islam by choice. Many of these White women married to Arab men are from Western Europe (places like France, England, Germany), USA, or even Ukraine/Russia. What’s ironic is that many White women in Western Europe are surrounded by a feminist upbringing that preaches gender and racial equality in Western Europe or North America, then they suddenly decide to convert to Islam, cover themselves, and marry an Arab man who absolutely owns them under Islamic law (and the Arab man is free to have multiple wives). There is no “gender equality” in Islam, so it is a shocking choice these White women are making.

Here’s a video which aired on Nation-wide English Television (BBC) which discusses a growing number of White, former Christian, English women converting to Islam and covering themselves with Hijabs, in hopes of marrying Arab husbands and having Arab children under Islamic law:


It really is shocking when you consider how much feminist propaganda exists in Western Europe and North America, that so many liberated White women would “give it all up” and choose a completely different lifestyle by converting to Islam and marrying an Arab man under the pretext of no gender equality whatsoever. Understand that in Islamic law, the husband owns his wife. So these White women are not only converting to Islam but they are granting their body for life to their Arab husband and giving up everything that gender equality has taught them in the West.

Another interesting point is that many of these White women who convert to Islam and marry an Arab man, are former leftists, feminists and progressives. The video details White career women who have converted to Islam and married Arab men. So, the White woman in France or England grows up her whole life campaigning for gender equality, racial equality, and feminism and then they suddenly throw it all away and cover their entire body with a hijab to marry an Arab husband who basically treats them like a prostitute, using them for sex and often times has numerous White wives.

The Arab-German famous footballer and member of the German team, Sami Khedira, has a White European wife who is also a model, Lena Gercke:



On the other hand, there are also many examples of White men who marry Muslim, Middle Eastern or South Asian women. A lot of Iranian, Afghani, Pakistani, and Indian Muslim women want to marry White men because they immigrate to North America or Europe and they want to “fit in”. George Clooney, the A-list White American Actor recently made headlines for becoming engaged to an Arab woman from Lebanon. Here’s a picture of George Clooney (White male) and his sexy Middle-Eastern Muslim fiancée, Amal Alamuddin:


George Clooney, famous White actor with his Arab Muslim fiancee

In the USA, the NHL Hockey goaltender of the Buffalo Sabres and Team USA, Ryan Miller, has a Muslim South Asian (Indian) wife, her name is Noureen DeWulf:


Eric Cantona, a White man known as being one of France’s best ever footballers and one of Manchester United’s all time greats, also has a Muslim, North African wife, named Rachid Brakni:


So, overall, race mixing in Islam and with Muslims takes many different forms. Race mixing is neither encouraged nor discouraged in Islam. Race mixing is up to individual people.

A final point I would like to bring up is that in some Muslim families race mixing is an absolute no-no. Here where I live in Canada, a Muslim Pakistani father killed his Pakistani daughter because she had a Latino boyfriend. In Montreal, an Afghan family murdered their 3 daughters because they were acting “slutty” and going around with White and Spanish boyfriends. It was all over the news, search “Shafia Murders Montreal” on google.
Bedouins got down with their black slaves if you know what I mean.
Let me also address another issue, which is to Frederic personally, and other users on this site like Arend, who seem to always be insulting Muslims and directing all kinds of anger at Muslim immigration.

Here’s a question for you: Why do you think the Muslim immigration to The West is necessary in the first place? And who do you think is facilitating the immigration?

Here's an answer for you: Because idiotic White liberals and feminists that live in Europe voted into power other idiotic White liberals and feminists who satisfied a leftist agenda over several decades and now White European women aren’t reproducing at an extent of 2.1 children per woman, so the economy would stagnate if we didn’t have Muslim immigrants to bring in the young people that White women have failed to create.

So who’s fault is it that White women are too involved in their lifestyle and failing to reproduce? Certainly not the Muslim immigrants. The fault rests on idiotic White liberals and feminists whose weak-mindedness and selfishness contributed to arming Zionists and Jewish supremacists with the tools necessary to achieve their goals.

You can blame your own government, your own people, and Zionists for the fact that Muslims are taking over Europe and Whites are dying out and heading the way of the Dinosaur.

The mathematical fact is that White people are dying out due to low birthrates. It’s too late to stop it. The time to reverse the trend of feminism and declining birthrates was in the 1970’s or perhaps the 1980’s at the latest. By now, it’s too late. White people today make up only 7% of the entire world’s population, and in another 50 or so years, Whites could possibly make up less than 3% of the entire world’s population. You can say "thank you" to white feminists, white liberals, and Zionists for that. That is entirely their doing. It has nothing to do with Muslims.

Even in their homeland of Europe, Whites are becoming a minority. I’ve read articles indicating that England will become a South Asian (Pakistani & Indian) majority country in another 25 or so years. That’s pathetic on so many levels.

Say what you want about Arabs, Pakistanis, and Muslims but at least Muslim women give their husband many children. Here’s the comparison of a typical family life of a White Woman VS a Muslim Woman:

White woman: Married & Divorced. 1 Child. 0 Grand children. (This is why whites are dying out, White genes are not passing on)

Muslim Arab woman: Married & Stays married. 4 children. 12 grand children. (This is why Muslims are flourishing and taking over Europe).

You have a problem with Muslim immigration? Maybe you should direct your anger at the real issue here which is self-loathing white liberals, white feminists of which there are no shortage in France.
Bedouins got down with their black slaves if you know what I mean.

You know that pretty much all the American slave owners did that too right ? That's why African Americans on average have 15% White DNA.
You know that pretty much all the American slave owners did that too right ? That's why African Americans on average have 15% White DNA.

The whites in America didn't merge the offspring back into their own DNA though. Arabs would castrate their black male slaves and make babies with the females. The babies would be born free so far as I know. So to keep their slave population up they'd constantly have to get more slaves and the process would repeat. Southern Bedouin have a large amount of African admixture.