"Karen," like so many other terms, has been hijacked by the woke far-left and twisted into something far different from its original meaning. The term originally was meant to refer to an upper middle class woman who was rude to retail employees, waitresses, bellhops, and others of a similar, working class social status because she felt that "those" people were "beneath her." It was a legitimate term, and in its original, legitimate meaning was neither racial nor political. A "Karen" could be of any race and any political persuasion.
The left-wing extremists/globalists, through their control of the media, hijacked and twisted the term so that now, the typical (mentally retarded) CNN-watcher thinks of "Karen" as exclusively referring to white women with "right wing" views. A white woman who calls the police on a black male for any reason, no matter how legitimate, will typically instantly be labeled a "Karen" by the controlled (((media))).
Another interesting factor is that while the original "Karen" could be of any type of physical appearance, if you search YouTube for "Karen" today, you'll find that almost all so-called "Karens" under the new, woke definition are physically unattractive. In addition, most of them appear to be from poor/working class backgrounds. Basically, the term has been twisted a full 180 degrees, from a privileged woman verbally abusing those less fortunate than her, to an underprivileged woman getting into conflicts with people of higher social status or authority, such as cops. That's why modern "Karen-bashing" leaves a bad taste in so many people's mouths - it's been twisted into "punching down" when it used to be "punching up." Only bullies and a**holes, of which the woke left is full of, get a kick out of punching down. There's a reason why all good comedians punch up - it's the only way they can come across as genuinely funny. A comedian who punches down just looks like a jerk.
Applying the term "Karen" to little (White) children was just the inevitable next logical step for the extreme left. Children are the ultimate vulnerable group, the ultimate "punching down" target, the perfect target for cowards to attack.