Quinn vs Russell

Brady Quinn is making a mistake by letting his agent engage in a lengthy holdout. First of all the money draft picks get is pretty well set; there isn't much wiggle room. Quinn as the 22nd overall pick isn't going to get more money than those picked ahead of him in the first round.

But more importantly he's now earned the wrath of the drunk white fans. Black rookie holdouts are forgiven the instant they sign, but it doesn't work that way with white players. Browns fans will be even quicker now to bebrutal towardsQuinn. It doesn't matter that he's from the Cleveland area, they're gonna be all over him if he isn't instantly Peyton Manning and of course he isn't going to be. Dumb move by Quinn and greedy agent Tom Conden, who isn't looking after Quinn's best interests.
I agree Don, Quinn is making a huge mistake. He needs to realize he was the 22nd player taken and to get paid like it. If he outplays his contract he will get a new one. He also could make a ton of money on endorsements as well. He better get signed soon though if he wants to get any reps.
Don is on the money with his "drunk White fans"statement,and it makes perfect sense,if we will only go back and read the J.B.Cash column,The New Sports "Culture"!
Don is absolutely right- the drunk white fans will never forgive a white rookie holdout, but completely forgive any black that holds out (and usually don't get mad at them even during their holdout). Quinn need look no further than what happened to Tim Couch. Those same white fans in Cleveland who instantly hated Couch and booed him from the very beginning, because he took a while to sign, will be even more likely to jump all over Quinn. Combined with the embarrassment of charging %75 for authographs at a signing show, Quinn is taking the public beating all white athletes who do anything questionable inevitably receive at the hands of the jock-sniffers in the media. I recall the heat Heath Shuler took, when he held out "too long" as a rookie. Redskin fans never forgave him, and booed his every incompletion, and that was a huge part of why he never had a legitimate chance to succeed. What I don't understand is why agents like Condon and Drew Rosenhaus continue to get so many clients. As was pointed out, the money for each draft pick is slotted and set already. What is the point of holding out, when you know you can't get any more money than those picked ahead of you? Contrast the treatment Quinn will get with the way DeMarcus Russell will be treated once he finally signs. Already, Quinn is being questioned more than Russell by the lame, wannabe comedians on ESPN. I can't think of a single black holdout who was booed incessantly by the fans, like Couch, Shuler and others were. As with everything else in Don King's America, there is a huge double standard here.
The cherry on top fellas is that he came from Notre Dame. Half of the people hate him already just because of that. I think his agent is trying to hold out saying that he should be paid like he was the #4 pick. Romeo does not like holdouts one bit. The best thing he can do is sign and get it over with.
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