Pujols Got Greedy

Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages
I'm a Cardinal fan, and for all of Pujols' career, we've been told what a nice guy he is, and I have to say i couldn't disagree. But his true colors have really been showing lately.

The past couple years he's become more of a prima donna. He hits into tons of double plays. He jogs to first. He's buddies with Molina and those 2 run the show with TLRs help. He's been getting a big head, and bashing Rasmus in the media is just one example.

So before the season started, the Cardinals offered him an outrageous contract of like 10 yr / $20 million per year. But he was a crybaby and wanted more like $30 million / yr.

What I absolutely love is that Pujols is having one of his worst years ever and he is costing himself millions of dollars! ha ha, i love it!

As a Cardinal fan, i really hope he takes his greed elsewhere this offseason.
I'm a Cardinal fan, and for all of Pujols' career, we've been told what a nice guy he is, and I have to say i couldn't disagree. But his true colors have really been showing lately.

The past couple years he's become more of a prima donna. He hits into tons of double plays. He jogs to first. He's buddies with Molina and those 2 run the show with TLRs help. He's been getting a big head, and bashing Rasmus in the media is just one example.

So before the season started, the Cardinals offered him an outrageous contract of like 10 yr / $20 million per year. But he was a crybaby and wanted more like $30 million / yr.

What I absolutely love is that Pujols is having one of his worst years ever and he is costing himself millions of dollars! ha ha, i love it!

As a Cardinal fan, i really hope he takes his greed elsewhere this offseason.

I've been periodically watching the Cards since '07 and while I've never been a fan of Pu-jawls or Molina, I dislike them more and more as the years go by. Maybe part of it has to do with me not liking the huge size of the contracts they are getting. It would be nice if we got our priorities straight in this country and didn't pay these players so much money. I doubt it will happen though, sans a complete economic collapse.
Good job Col Reb. I enjoy watching an occasional Red Sox game but these guys dont play through injuries and they are grossly underpaid.
Well, don't all athletes want money?

Everybody wants money. If everyone's wants were catered to it would be total anarchy. I'm convinced that US sports would be much more enjoyable if the players made as much as they did in the 50s/60s.
Peyton Hillis is still playing on his 7th round rookie contract, 555,000 or so when most backs with his talent are getting paid in the millions...Like Chris Johnson who didn't think 13 mill a year was good enough.

Peyton's agent should be working on an extension for him so Hillis can get what he's earned, just in case of a career threatening injury. If not, another monster year from Hillis and he'll be paid handsomely next year.
Pujols ends the year hitting .299 with 99 RBIs.

Towards the end of the year, the media was talking about how badly Albert wanted to hit .300 with 30HR and 100 RBIs. (I guess individual goals are more important to him than team goals).

Albert falls 1 pt short and 1 RBI short for the first time in his career. His 'contract' year is the worst year of his career.
Pujols to the Angels for a reported 10-year/$250 million contract.

I hope the Cards can win next year without him and the Angels, with the exception of their few talented young white players like Trout and Bourjos, fall flat on their faces.
I grew up a Cardinals fan. Inherited it from my father and his father.
I had to learn to stop being a fan when I began to understand the evils of fandom of any kind. This was especially hard to do since baseball isn't affected by the Caste System the same way the other team sports are. And LaRussa rapidly put an end to the "Black Birds" teams of Herzog and Torre. So I've been able to cheer for a mostly white team for a decade that just happened to be my "boyhood" team, too.
However, I was always irked by the Cardinals' commitment to Pujols, particularly when it meant going cheap on the rest of the team. The bullpen has been nothing but bargain bin reclamation projects ever since Pujols showed up. The starting rotation, outside of Carp and Waino, has equally been an experiment in "thrift". And the less said about the middle infield the better.
This morning on ESPN, they reported that Pujols took the Angels' offer because he was angry at St. Louis for not breaking the bank for him. While I suspect that's probably part of it, I know for a fact that Pujols was miffed that Oquendo (i.e., the worst the third base coach in baseball) didn't get the Manager job. Furthermore, every time a "Big Name" latin free agent hit the market over the years, Pujols tried to pressure the club into signing him, steroid history or not.
I am so glad to be rid of this selfish jerk. Anyone who has watched the Cardinals over the years with a critical eye has seen that, despite his great "averages", he is not much of a winner. Pujols has an amazing ability to go 2 for 12 in the first three games of a series, then hit three home runs and go 5 for 5 in the final game. Well, that's great for his stats. Meanwhile, the Cards lost the series 3-1 while he was grounding into double plays the first three nights.
I just hope they don't go after Prince Fatter now (as Carp unfortunately suggested this morning).
here's a flashback to last year from the hypocrite:


Pujols to Rasmus: If you don't want to be here, we don't want you
Cardinals slugger Albert Pujols hopes to soon have a talk with outfielder Colby Rasmus about his reported trade request. His message? If you don�t want to be here, we don�t want you.

Pujols was approached following the Cardinals� 4-2 win over the Cincinnati Reds Sunday after a report surfaced that Rasmus requested a trade earlier this season.

�If you don�t want to be part of this great organization man, this is one of the special organizations that you want to play for,� Pujols said. �And if you don�t want to be a part of this, then you know what? You need to figure out a place to go and play.�
I grew up a Cardinals fan. Inherited it from my father and his father.
I had to learn to stop being a fan when I began to understand the evils of fandom of any kind. This was especially hard to do since baseball isn't affected by the Caste System the same way the other team sports are. And LaRussa rapidly put an end to the "Black Birds" teams of Herzog and Torre. So I've been able to cheer for a mostly white team for a decade that just happened to be my "boyhood" team, too.
However, I was always irked by the Cardinals' commitment to Pujols, particularly when it meant going cheap on the rest of the team. The bullpen has been nothing but bargain bin reclamation projects ever since Pujols showed up. The starting rotation, outside of Carp and Waino, has equally been an experiment in "thrift". And the less said about the middle infield the better.
This morning on ESPN, they reported that Pujols took the Angels' offer because he was angry at St. Louis for not breaking the bank for him. While I suspect that's probably part of it, I know for a fact that Pujols was miffed that Oquendo (i.e., the worst the third base coach in baseball) didn't get the Manager job. Furthermore, every time a "Big Name" latin free agent hit the market over the years, Pujols tried to pressure the club into signing him, steroid history or not.
I am so glad to be rid of this selfish jerk. Anyone who has watched the Cardinals over the years with a critical eye has seen that, despite his great "averages", he is not much of a winner. Pujols has an amazing ability to go 2 for 12 in the first three games of a series, then hit three home runs and go 5 for 5 in the final game. Well, that's great for his stats. Meanwhile, the Cards lost the series 3-1 while he was grounding into double plays the first three nights.
I just hope they don't go after Prince Fatter now (as Carp unfortunately suggested this morning).

Excellent post. My interest in baseball was nearly non-existent for a while, but the whiter the Cardinals got, it made it fun again to root for them. Rumors have them going after Rollins. It'd be hard to be interested in them in the same way if they start signing a bunch of ********.

I hope they bring back Schumaker, but he's never gotten the respect he deserves. He's way better than Jon Jay, and the Cards need a CFer.

for the hundreds of people who work for the Cardinals, and for the majority of the thousands upon thousands of fans who have asked Pujols for an autograph or a handshake or the smallest of words, the three-time National League MVP is, well, terrible.
Having now covered sports for 17 years, I've witnessed few professional athletes who show greater disrespect and outright disdain for loyalists than Pujols. He is a man who, during spring training, walks from station to station with his head down; who responds to "Albert, we love you!" not with a smile or a nod, but with cold nothingness. When people call his name, he almost never gazes up. When people ask for an autograph, he doesn't even bother with a "Not now" or "Try me later." Instead, he turns to devices that men such as Barry Bonds and Jeff Kent perfected in the recent decades -- the steel-faced, how-dare-you-even-talk-to-me, ignore-the-world two-step.
Because of his endorsement deal with Upper Deck, Pujols signed only pictures and baseballs (every other player signed whatever was presented to him). To call him rude would be to personify an utter lack of emotion. Pujols wasn't rude -- he was absent.

Truth be told, inside the Cardinals' clubhouse Pujols was, on his best days, pleasantly present. When asked, younger players would praise his leadership skills because, frankly, that's what young players do. Yet with last season's arrival of the affable, open, intelligent Lance Berkman, members of the team were able to witness what genuine leadership looks like.
Interesting to see a little bit of the truth about Pujols slip out. He never struck me as someone who was friendly or a good leader, more just the typical self-absorbed, selfish modern non-White player.

It's always been curious too that there's been so little interest in whether or not Pujols was juicing. Given his build and apparent problems with controlling his temper he should have been viewed as among the most likely candidates in a sport filled with them. But as with Tiger Woods in golf there has always been that see no evil hear no evil attitude toward Pujols by the corporate media because of its agenda of pushing multiracialism and Cultural Marxism.
If Pujols was such a good guy he would have signed with Cardinals last season. I think this whole season he has been trying to repair his image because of the obvious greed and envy he has of A-Rod's contract. The CBS interview tried to portray him as a saint who was more interested in the poor of his ethnic homeland and mentally retarded children/adults because of his step child. He was offered 20 million for I think 9 years in the off season. This was a guy who talked about surviving on the equivalent of a welfare cheque for a family when he took care of his girlfriend and her kid on 800 a month rookie ball pay. :thumbdown:
Anybody who watched the WS could see how fat and out of shape "Fat Albert" has become. The guy can barely even run anymore, and he only does that when he feels like it.

It's going to be pretty hilarious watching him try to play in a few years when he looks like Prince Fielder. :biggrin:
Anecdotal for sure, but this guy says Molina and Pujols are racist against whites:


This poster makes a great observation:

I don't know if it boils down to being against white people, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me either. I haven't watched it in a while, but I'm pretty sure that in the WS celebration Albert runs to Furcal, then Yadi, then Dotel. But, unfortunately that's the way the world is now-a-days and nobody will notice because racism is considered a 1 way street when it actually goes both ways.
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