Pro Bowl selections!

Yeah, Marc Mariani just had a 52 yard return though

Vince Wilfork has to be larger than 400 pounds by the way he looks.
Edited by: snow
I'm not watching the game, but I can imagine Vince Twofork/Forklift's gelatinous blubber constantly shifting around as he moves. It isn't a pretty thought!
Hah yeah its bad. Quite a few affletes looked to have gained weight in a brief period of time.

They just replayed a weird moment and focused in on it right before a commercial break. A black special teams player recovered a fumble for a td, jogs with the ball for about 20 yards after toward the sideline. Marc Mariani is jogging along with him for about 15 of those yards trying to congratulate him with a high five or something. He ignores him the entire time and bumps butts with a group of black players. Probably pretended to be Mariani's friend for whatever reason and then in public like "i dont know you brah". What a prick move.Edited by: snow
Enjoy seeing DT Kyle Williams playing today!

While Offensive Tackle has been losing ground over the years; Jake Long & Joe Thomas are now understood to be the Best Tackles in the NFL...& Jordan Gross is starting for the NFC...3 of the Top 4...maybe this continues to be a trend??

It has been looking like a 2 hand touch game most of the way...
I didn't watch this game nor did I watch the hockey all-star game and I think it's time to end these poor pale imitations of the baseball all star game upon which they are modeled after. Face it, these sports do not lend themselves to the all star format. The games are too violent to be played for "fun". It was understandable (a bit) in the old days when this was an additional payday for poorly paid players but to today's millionaires it is just a joke, or a chore, which the pampered, spoiled, primadonas of the NFL, don't understand.

Although I don't watch it, at least the NBA all-star game makes sense as basketball is ideally a low contact game that CAN be played for fun and still be entertaining. And as much as I like hockey, it really is time for their version of the all-star game to go away. This year they had two captains "pick" teams. Now how do you follow which team to root for in that situation? It's even worse then the games between the 'made-up' ever changing divisions. At least when you had north america vs. europe you could muster up a little faux nationalism to pick a team to cheer for. Maybe the NFL could go black against white players--now that's a game that would be watched!!!
I read that the 2011 Pro-Bowl was supposedly "sold out,"Â￾ however, when viewing the aerial footage during the national anthem, there were literally thousands of empty seats. Seriously, what sort of vile creature would actually travel all the way to Hawaii in order to watch this sloppy, unorganized, sissified exhibition of African ineptitude?

Before the game, the humble, kind, courageous, "changed"Â￾ man, Michael Vick, was posing, gyrating, flexing, and dancing like a Negro schoolgirl. You'd think he'd be embarrassed by his "one and done"Â￾ playoff performance.
The announcers said "almost sold out". I would imagine the majority people there are friends and family of the players, and football fans in Hawaii who are desperate to go to ANY game. Vick being there shows how meaningless the game has become with fan votes meaning more. He had a stretch of 7 good games, and then the last 7 were not on a pro bowl level, he threw at least a pick in the last 6 games of the season, which includes the playoff game. Also, 4 fumbles. Sacked 34 times, a little much for a "mobile quarterback", in fact hes been sacked more times in his career than Drew Brees on 2700 less pass attempts. I guess getting 6 (4 pass,2 rush)touchdowns on Washington (statistically the worst defense last year) means he should get the franchise tag and Kolb should look for another place to go. It seems most Philly fans want that. The most they are willing to say is, "i want Vick as a starter but Kolb as a backup". Can't have them both, Kolb has the potential to start an excel somewhere.