Pro Bowl Black QB hype.

You said it well whitelightning. I don't believe there is a superior race either. I do feel I have an obligation to stand up and address the injustices that are going on in this world regarding racism in sports. Okra63, what you don't seem to see is the fact that this discrimination against great white athletes transfers over into many parts of life besides sports. Sports isn't much more than a gnat on my shoulder either, but if you treat the racial discrimination that is occuring against whites as a problem that is isolated to sports, then you will have something akin to a monster on your shoulder. All you have to do is look around and see what is happening. Have you ever heard of affirmative action? Its the same thing, but in the BUSINESS world, not sports. You never know when it might affect you. If you continue to treat the problem as a gnat and think its only about sports, you are failing to see the big picture. You might be surprised one day to find it has affected your life. I hope I have made it a little clearer for you to see.

As far as comments on this website being considered racist, all I can say is people will think what they want to think. Someone who is brainwashed into thinking anything pro-white is racist will automatically see some comments as racist, because they have been taught to think that blacks are naturally better athletes. You tell me which is truly racist. If this were a racist site, I would have nothing to do with it, but since I understand what the real definition of racist is, I have no problem posting on here because I see nothing wrong with the site. I'm not going to be a hypocrite about it either.

If talking frankly about matters of race and discrimination in sports and real life makes you uncomfortable, maybe this site isn't for you. It definitely isn't for those who believe the lies perpetuated by the Caste System. Check the link that says About Us. I hope that you become comfortable with yourself in discussing these issues, because they do and will play a role in all of our lives, for good or bad. I am not trying to pile on you okra, I just want you to think a little more about what we are talking about here. If you do, I think you will understand that there is no need to be afraid of what we type here as long as we are honest and truthful about it. I think you will also understand what a man who I'm sure you know said many times, Right makes Might!
I still don't think you get what this site is about,okra.There are are a lot of big sports fans here and they don't consider sports to be a nat that lands on their shoulders that they brush off.I'm a total ATHEIST and I find all religions,that is christianity to islam,to be a nat that needs to be brushed off,so your deal about that jesus dude means nothing to me.I find it funny how you christian types talk about a relationship with old jesus but yet you can't hear,see or touch this supposed friend.What do you do when you're on your knees praying(begging) I guess you're talking to yourself.Anyways,people on this site are fans of the white athlete.I think it is natural to go for your own kind.People are also here because they want the white athlete to get a fair-shake.There have been far too many injustices done to white athletes in the past,too many to mention and we want to see that corrected.If a white guy is beaten out in a position like CB in football by a black guy and the white was given every opportunity to compete on an even playing feild,so be it,congratulations to the black.We just want the white athlete to get his fair shot.If none of this really matters to you,I suggest you find some religious site to voice your opinions.
Well fellas, the truth of the matter is that all races are not the same. Good, well intentioned people don't like to admit the obvious. The Greeks had a highly advanced civilization thousands of years ago. They discoverd andformulated the concepts of math, algebra and geometry.The collective genius of those people contributed mightily to the advancement of life on this planet. Until the white man came to Africa, they were living in a very primitive state of existence. They had mot even developed a written language much less the wheel.

The countries of South Africa and Rhodesia were built by whites and since have reverted to black control. Blacks having killed the farmers,and takenthe land are starving to death (what a surprise) while absolutely every single aspect of their govenment and economy have gone straight to hell! Not to mention Aids and disease rampant because of their proclivities.

Last night I read another report on the internet of white missionaries slaughtered in Nigeria.That has been the fate ofwhites for generations. They bring medicines, teachers, social engineers and a whole lot blood , sweat and tears and often times end uplosing theirlives, being butchered, raped, burned, shot and mutilated. For what?

Do you realize most of the inhabitants of Africa have a very low I.Q. Much of those in the sub-sahara region are measured at 60 and some groupd 50. Do some research before being angry with my post.

I've lived in heavily black neighborhoods and now live in an area virtually lilly white except for some Asians who are quiet and courteous. The contrast is like that of heaven to hell.

Detroit was at one time a very nice place to live. What do you suppose happened? I will tell you if you don't have the courage to see the truth. The same thing happens to every city or area on the FACE of the earth when blacks become the majority. Okay, so Michael Jordan can dunk a ball and Randy Moss can catch a pass better than the many white guys. Oh how absolutely wonderful and beneficial to our society.Who is to say which group or culture is superior it's all subjective ... right? Sure.
Be angry with your post,Bart?I applaud it.With the election going on in Zimbabwe there are many blacks who wish they could go back to white-rule again.Even they recognize the incompetence of their own kind.
Speedster said-I find all religions,that is christianity to islam,to be a nat that needs to be brushed off,so your deal about that jesus dude means nothing to me.I find it funny how you christian types talk about a relationship with old jesus but yet you can't hear,see or touch this supposed friend.

I enthusiastically disagree speedster. I can see God's handiwork everywhere. You'd have to be blind not to. I can hear him speak to my heart. He saved me when I was lost and without hope, and he can save you too, if you'll confess your sins and have faith in him. Jesus is the best friend I've ever had. He doesn't betray or disappoint me like people do.

I don't make a habit of criticizing people's personal religious beliefs (or non-religious beliefs) on here, but your post offended me very much. Is it not enough that Christians are being persecuted throughout the US just like white athletes? Why do you think religion should be done away with? I guarantee doing away with it will send this world into a tailspin. You seem very hateful towards Christians, and for what reason? Is it because you see hypocrites everywhere? I have news for you, they are in every religion and in atheism too. I will be praying for your salvation speedster. I hope that you will think about some of my questions and that this will end the bashing of people's personal religious beliefs. I was perfectly at home on this site until you brought that into it, but not anymore. I know I don't speak just for myself. I will not discuss this any more.Deo Vindice!
Col. Reb, this world is filled with people who have differing views on every subject imaginable.I don't see eye to eye with everybody and don't expect all to agree with my postions simply because I happen to believe or like them. Religious views are very personal and often divisive. Perhaps we don't all agree on some issues, so what? I happen to enjoy your posts and those of Speedster. If we stood together in the past our country wouldn't have been stolen from us. Col. Reb, I bet a dollar to a donut many of your Confederate heroes didn't share Robert E.Lee's religious convictions but they stood side by side with him and gave up their lives. Or am I just whistlin Dixie?
Bart, I think for the most part your whistling Dixie. Most of those men did share Lee's faith, just as most of our founding fathers had a faith in God, just read the Declaration of Independence. Our country was founded upon a Judeo-Christian values system. I'm not the one who is being divisive. Speedster has been by denigrating my and many others faith. I think diversity of opinion is good, but I don't want to feel persecuted as I do not persecute other people's religious beliefs. You don't seem to be reading what I'm saying very well. I think I was clear enough.
Well Col Reb, I respect your right to hold any view you deem worthy and certainly don't wish to offend you. I think I know where you are coming from .I believe in the freedom to choose and believe what one wishes. I have edited non-pertinent comments.Edited by: Bart
I myself am a christian.I was raised and still am of the
Baptist Religion.I.M.O. there is no right or wrong
religion.To each his own.I respect believers and non
believers.We are very lucky to live in a country where
we can choose if we want to believe in God or not.I
respect others and expect the same treatment back.I don't
think that we are here to debate about God or religion.
We are here because we have a love of sports and of our
fellow man.We know that many athletes & people in general
are being treated very badly.I respect everyone on this
board no matter how different we may be.Hopefully most
or you guys feel the same.We should try to move on
because as we all know,this can be a very touchy
That is right whitelighning. Religion is a very touchy subject. In my opinion, though, sports are not important as knowing where you are going when you die.

To me sports was an activity created by God for men and women to enjoy of all races and colors. People all over the world have been discriminated against. Whites in athletics, blacks during the '60s, and Jews during WWII. The issue of discrimination against white people is just now hitting the United States of America hard. White people should stand up for their kind as should black, purple and orange people. The purpose of this website is for us to talk about this discrimination and how we can stop it. White athletes are getting fed a line of junk in all areas of athletics, so I pose the question to all of you, "How do we stop the discrimination of white athletes?"
I want each of you to know I respect all of your views even though I may not thoroughly agree with them. I hope you can do the same for mine. We all agree about the white athlete discrimination.
I respect your views to okra63.I don't think that there
is an easy answer.The best way to stop any type of
discrimination is to put a huge spotlight on it.I think
just this website alone can make a major difference.All
of us spreading the word about what is happening to
these kids and grown men.I think we need to have this
site rival major sports sites like cnnsi and cbs sports
line.We need to educate parents,kids,adults,coaches,
scouts,players and the media in general.It will be a
uphill battle.There will be alot of people that are very
skeptical but we can help to acheive this!Hopefully
someday,we can put on a radio or cable show to also
support the efforts of these athletes.Again,we need
to be treated equal.Not to be slotted,not recruited or
not given the chance to play at all.Keep up the good
work guys.
Bart I'm sure I can a few things from the Talmud and make examples for and against. If anyone denies the Christian principles this country was founded on, and that most of the founders and people on both sides of the war between the states were Christians, there is nothing more I can say. The truth is, most people in the US identified themselves as Christians until the last 50-60 years. I hope you find salvation through your religious pilgrimidge.

I think whitelightning is right in that we need to be more open-minded about religion as well as the truth of history. We can all agree that we have a serious problem in this country in regards to race in sports. I cannot and will not, however, say that there is no right or wrong religion. I agree with whitelightning and okra63 that we need to concentrate on the issue that this site was created for, instead of getting into arguments on sensitive topics such as this. As I said a few weeks ago in another thread, I don't agree with everyone on everything on this site, but hopefully everyone here can agree that we need to make the most of this site and our effort to see that white athletes are treated equally in the major sports.
Reb,this was not a personal attack.Let me say this,I'm not blind,I don't need to be saved,I screw-up plenty,but I don't sin,that's just another religious word,and please don't pray for me because I deal with logic and reason,but if you must pray for me,then I will think for you.
Speedster said-if you must pray for me,then I will think for you.

That is fair enough.
Deo Vindice!