Posednik traded


Oct 15, 2004
The Brewers traded Scott Posednik to the White Sox for Carlos Lee. This might be bad news for the ML stolen base king. At any rate he is undervalued. He was traded with a pitcher for Lee. He makes $550,000/year which is peanuts. I don't have much faith in the White Sox using him right. Black outfielders that steal 70 bases are All-Stars and highly valued. Not so for Posednik.
I'm very surprised. I know his hitting wasn't as good
as it it could've been last season, but he's still a
great baserunner and defensive player. And
Milwaukee is one of the white-friendliest teams in
the league, as well. I hope Podsednik plays great in
Scott Podsednik was basically a 27 or 28 year old rooke when he finally got a chance to play. He had about 20 at bats in the bigs before joining the Brewers. His first year he stole 43 bases , was thrown out 10 times. He hit .314 playing over 150 games. The Brewers rid them selves of Sexson so Bud Seilgman could sell his team with about the lowest payroll after getting a stadium built at taxpayers expense. Gee, what a surprise .

Last year Scott hit only .245 but hey, the average church league has a stronger line up than he had. He's hit 15 triples in the last two years with loads of doubles, he is very exciting to watch. He's had a total of 113 stolen bases while being caught 23 times. That is fabulous.

Ricky Henderson's career stolen base PCT. was .808 which is unreal but Scott's is .831. Admittedly he hasn't played a great number of years but dang he can steal bases.
I have little faith in Ozzie Guillen using Podsednik right. Obviously,
US Cellular Field is a hitter's park that will most likely bring his
average up. I'll add a few more things unrelated to this thread
if I may.

Something about the White Sox, is that Paul Konerko who was the
best hitter on that team for years, but he had to bat behind the
declining Frank Thomas. Also, it took forever for Aaron Rowand to find
a roster spot on the team, and when he finally got the chance he led
the team in Avg and SB. What gets me is that I never seen a White Sox
cover more ground than this guy in CF yet the fans say he is slow and
is a bad fielder. Also the Sox signed AJ Pierzynski so lets hope he has
a good year to. I seen obvious racism since Jerry Manuel managed the
team was in love with black players, now Ozzie Guillen is in love with
every latin player.
The White Sox have been the worst team in MLB over the past 10+ years when it comes to starting everyday white players. There are other notable onessuch as Toronto, Florida and Montreal/Washington, but they at least would have a season or two with a white influx. Not the White Sox, though maybe this will be theyear it changes.
They will have 5 white starters this year playing the field. 2 Blacks
playing the field and 1 Japanese player. The DH will most likely be
Frank Thomas or Carl Everett. Only 2 white starting pitchers
though, and 4 white relief pitchers. They have 3 white bench
players. So 14 whites out of the 25 player roster.
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