I have little faith in Ozzie Guillen using Podsednik right. Obviously,
US Cellular Field is a hitter's park that will most likely bring his
average up. I'll add a few more things unrelated to this thread
if I may.
Something about the White Sox, is that Paul Konerko who was the
best hitter on that team for years, but he had to bat behind the
declining Frank Thomas. Also, it took forever for Aaron Rowand to find
a roster spot on the team, and when he finally got the chance he led
the team in Avg and SB. What gets me is that I never seen a White Sox
cover more ground than this guy in CF yet the fans say he is slow and
is a bad fielder. Also the Sox signed AJ Pierzynski so lets hope he has
a good year to. I seen obvious racism since Jerry Manuel managed the
team was in love with black players, now Ozzie Guillen is in love with
every latin player.