Political Cartoon and Meme Thread

The Smollett hoax has backfired maybe more than all the other hoaxes put together since Al Sharpton's Tawana Brawley scam, because it's the rare hoax to stay in the news cycle after it was exposed. Not that it will change the methodology and attitudes of the anti-White power structure, but continuing to "wake up normies" is the best we can hope for given the current completely one-sided nature of the system.

The Duke Lacrosse Hoax was actually far worse. The crooked DA indicted three innocent white men and tried to put them in prison for decades, with the support of most of the corporate media. It took months to expose, which in a way lessened the effect. The Smollett hoax was exposed in a few days. This heightened the impact.
Charles Martel, what acts are referenced by your latest post?
thanks for the info, sir. what about the muslim gal?
Yup, that's it! Couldn't remember it.
Related to this, a "weaponized autist"/anon on one of the chan boards did some digging on AOC (Occasional Cortex)'s Congressional website profile and found out that a phone number listed there belonging to the name "Riley Roberts" really belonged to the son of William Casey:


So, is it any wonder that the C1A "Mockingbird Media" depicts her in a positive light so she can spread her B.S. (disinfo) via the MSM to the zombified masses?
Related to this, a "weaponized autist"/anon on one of the chan boards did some digging on AOC (Occasional Cortex)'s Congressional website profile and found out that a phone number listed there belonging to the name "Riley Roberts" really belonged to the son of William Casey:


So, is it any wonder that the C1A "Mockingbird Media" depicts her in a positive light so she can spread her B.S. (disinfo) via the MSM to the zombified masses?
I'm not surprised at all. Cronies of cretins in a cacoon all slithering in there together like the satanic scumbag serpents that they are. The Lake of Fire will be a perfect place for them all.
Response to AOC by Green Peace Founder:

From "Based" James Woods' Twitter Feed:
Amren, those are ALL excellent and very true! Keep 'em coming!!
American Freedom News