Political Cartoon and Meme Thread


Utter garbage. Those silly hens need back in the kitchen & “Count Orlok” Silver needs deportation to Israel. P1$$ on their fallacious, sanctimonious “virtue signaling” & cultmarx crapola!
Utter garbage. Those silly hens need back in the kitchen & “Count Orlok” Silver needs deportation to Israel. P1$$ on their fallacious, sanctimonious “virtue signaling” & cultmarx crapola!
And not a single one of them is an active/official politician or bureaucrat, but they have the audacity to think they will determine the future of our country? By looking at that grouping, I wonder what that could be...perhaps mass immigration, open borders, hate crime legislation, gun control, Internet crackdown, "empowering females" (further destruction of the family unit), protecting the banksters, more muh Russia B.S., etc. etc. etc.
All these memes are excellent! Man, truth speaks for anyone who wants it...
All these memes are excellent! Man, truth speaks for anyone who wants it...

We are living in The Age of Lies. Big lies, small lies, lies created and enforced by the ruling class, lies created by technology. The entire globalist/communist system of control, manipulation and exploitation is based on nothing but lies.
We are living in The Age of Lies. Big lies, small lies, lies created and enforced by the ruling class, lies created by technology. The entire globalist/communist system of control, manipulation and exploitation is based on nothing but lies.
The repeal of the Smith-Mundt Act in 2013 (supported by both parties or, together, the "Uni-party", unsurprisingly) allowed the U.S. Government to (once again) legally propagandize its own citizens, mostly as cover for the Sandy Hook Hoax but then also for all of the seemingly endless "Active Shooter" "episodes" that came about after that, amongst the other B.S., including "Russia Collusion", parroted by all of the MSM.
We are living in The Age of Lies. Big lies, small lies, lies created and enforced by the ruling class, lies created by technology. The entire globalist/communist system of control, manipulation and exploitation is based on nothing but lies.

Absolutely true! I forget who it was but one public official was quoted as saying "Our job will be done when everything the American public believes is lies." Or words to that effect.
Absolutely true! I forget who it was but one public official was quoted as saying "Our job will be done when everything the American public believes is lies." Or words to that effect.
William Casey, C1A Director, 1981.
Great memes. Especially Scooby and friends finding the criminal at the end of the episode...always the least likely one. Well, these hoaxes are all too common now as we all know. Plain and simple, the LSM wants the most likely ones to be thought of as the least likely ones. I'm seeing though, even what we'd call normies are waking up, and that's a good thing even though it's marginal.
The Smollett hoax has backfired maybe more than all the other hoaxes put together since Al Sharpton's Tawana Brawley scam, because it's the rare hoax to stay in the news cycle after it was exposed. Not that it will change the methodology and attitudes of the anti-White power structure, but continuing to "wake up normies" is the best we can hope for given the current completely one-sided nature of the system.
American Freedom News