KG2422 and
OC football said about IQ scores. *nods in agreement*
you see AsiansRSmarter, we try to deal in facts here, as difficult as it may be sometimes. we try to not bury our heads in the sand like so many Americans do, because we don't want to take it in the pooper. our country is going to hell in a handbasket, and the embracing of ghetto culture and all that is black is a highly visible symptom of said demise.
we are well aware of the slightly higher average IQ scores of Asians, and it has been posted on many other threads (try scanning the site before bashing us like we're ignorant), and we are aware of the higher SD of whites, but KG already showed you that.
furthermore, we are also aware of the VAST disparity between asian/white scores and blacks and mexicans. somehow, that doesn't impact your position. hmmm... i guess all those "scholar athletes" (or should i spell it out phonetically for your minority students benefit?) "skolar afaletes" that you're pleading to come to BYU are all exceptionally bright. okay...
we are also aware of all the white athletes out there who routinely are bigger, faster, stronger, and better than black players yet get passed over and never get a fair shake. kind of like what you are wanting to happen at BYU.
funny how you guys have had the best season since Luke Staley was there (with a nearly all-white team, i might add) and you automatically want to get rid of the kind of players who got you there. strange.
true, there are a few guys on this site who get infuriated by clowns such as yourself and lash out at you with inflammatory language. righteous anger sometimes makes us forget restraint. normally, we utilize our wits and the facts at hand to refute your position and dismiss and ridicule un-informed white bashers like you. we're sick of whitey getting the short of the end stick all the time, especially because it is other white people who are creating the problem. so you'll just have to deal with the less-than-civil treament your attitude inspires from time to time.
hate mongering is not what this site is about. this site exists solely because white athletes have been unjustly discriminated against based on their skin color, and we're doing what we can to address the problem. such an "educated and enlightened" personage as you are should value the existence of this site rather than dismiss it.
of course, that would only be true if you were after the facts. that hasn't seemed to bother you up to this point, so why start thinking about what we're saying now?