Please take BYU off your Rankings

Hey Joseph Smith Jr. if Asians are smarter then Europeans why don't India and Burma have the same high living standard as those "dummies" in Denmark,Norway and Sweden?Go to Gramblings website and ask them to recruit some White players maybe they could get a Joe Montana,Dan Marino,John Riggins,Merlin Olsen,Sam Huff,ETC,ETC,ETC. You don't speak for Mormons or BYU-go to Eastern Europe get some big kids bring them to BYU,red shirt them one year,feed them and put them in the weightroom and you will win every game.
Asians with college degrees: 6,250,000

Whites with college degrees: 64,590,000

This I believe does not include the vast number of whites who enter tech schools and such and join unions, which I'm sure completely blow Asians out of the water. As has been stated previously, The lower class Asians may not be included in the IQ tests, so I don't know how good of a measure that would be...
what KG2422 and OC football said about IQ scores. *nods in agreement*

you see AsiansRSmarter, we try to deal in facts here, as difficult as it may be sometimes. we try to not bury our heads in the sand like so many Americans do, because we don't want to take it in the pooper. our country is going to hell in a handbasket, and the embracing of ghetto culture and all that is black is a highly visible symptom of said demise.

we are well aware of the slightly higher average IQ scores of Asians, and it has been posted on many other threads (try scanning the site before bashing us like we're ignorant), and we are aware of the higher SD of whites, but KG already showed you that.

furthermore, we are also aware of the VAST disparity between asian/white scores and blacks and mexicans. somehow, that doesn't impact your position. hmmm... i guess all those "scholar athletes" (or should i spell it out phonetically for your minority students benefit?) "skolar afaletes" that you're pleading to come to BYU are all exceptionally bright. okay...
we are also aware of all the white athletes out there who routinely are bigger, faster, stronger, and better than black players yet get passed over and never get a fair shake. kind of like what you are wanting to happen at BYU.

funny how you guys have had the best season since Luke Staley was there (with a nearly all-white team, i might add) and you automatically want to get rid of the kind of players who got you there. strange.

true, there are a few guys on this site who get infuriated by clowns such as yourself and lash out at you with inflammatory language. righteous anger sometimes makes us forget restraint. normally, we utilize our wits and the facts at hand to refute your position and dismiss and ridicule un-informed white bashers like you. we're sick of whitey getting the short of the end stick all the time, especially because it is other white people who are creating the problem. so you'll just have to deal with the less-than-civil treament your attitude inspires from time to time.

hate mongering is not what this site is about. this site exists solely because white athletes have been unjustly discriminated against based on their skin color, and we're doing what we can to address the problem. such an "educated and enlightened" personage as you are should value the existence of this site rather than dismiss it.

of course, that would only be true if you were after the facts. that hasn't seemed to bother you up to this point, so why start thinking about what we're saying now?
By the way when you recruit these Eastern European men and you become Champions year after year,I can't say these tough guys will become Mormons.I mean I just can't see Fedor Emelianenko,Vitali Klitschko and Alexander Povetkin acting like Donnie Osmond.But you will win football games!!!
So are black athletic websites that promote how well they do in football, basketball, ect... racist as well. Using the logic u are to claim this site as racist means that is racist and a whole host of other sites. Oh wait though I know the basis of your logic on this site its called the DOUBLE STANDARD.Edited by: whiteCB
well...not all asians dispize blacks I see...maybe hes not really asian...he looked like he had a "MALCOM X" avatar...anyways like everyone has been saying...everyone here knows that asians are very inteligent, as are whites...and I do belive that asians have alot more morals and decenty than other minorities...but that being said...for you to think that your smarter than us I find strange...after all...most of your technology is simply improving on things that we have already made...that being said I still have alot of respect for asians, and I can only hope that ur ignorance (even though im not sure your asian) doesnt effect the way people at this site view most of us arent too critical of you guys seeing as you face discremanation as much as we do...
PitBull said:
Asians are smarter thatn whites? Then how come so many come here to
go to college? Why are they always stealing our technology and violating
our patent and copyright laws? I can't think of the last time we stole any
technology from them, can you?

In response to Pitbull, I think that was only true of the Japanese Meji Restoration when they brought in westerners to modernize so they wouldn't be dominated by imperialism. Certainly we also helped the Japanese after dropping an atomic bomb on them because we wanted to build towards a peaceful future. In recent history an interesting note is that Japan, if I remember correctley has passed America and Europe in science, but especially Biological sciences where they are at the forefront in things like Stem cell research.They actually grew new eyes for frogs to replace defective eyes and some of them actually worked. Sure the Swiss, Norwiegians, and white Americans are still taking home lots of Physics prizes, but I find it amazing how far one country like Japan with limited resources is doing so well. They are very innovated and basically have to bring in supplies from other countries and come out with better products or their economy would colapse. China on the other hand is just starting to rise.

I think there are too many factors to say that this culture is smarter than this one all across the spectrum. Different cultures progressed at different rates based on cultural diffusion, religionand their own desire to change. If there is any group that I think struggles in the math/science area I would say Africans. However, some of the best entertainers are AfricanAmerican'sso I don't think they are lacking in things like performing arts.There are always exceptions. George Langford for instance is a prominant Cell Biologist on the Dartmouth college staff and he is African American.

Asians used to be criticized for their lack of creativity inthe performing arts, but their have been recent films that are indicitive of Asian cultural interests. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Actually the Joy Luck Club is a movie that won some awards by Amy Tan it was a very good movie. There are also writers like M Night Shagmalon who wrote the 6th sense who is of Indian (India) background. and I loved the movie Harold and Kumar go to white Castle which featured two rising comic Asian actors.

I really had a lot of respect for Reggie White when he made thatstatement that different cultures have different talents. He took a lot of heat for it, but I think he's correct. However it isn't right to devalue any group as complete failures.
The hilarious thing is that AsiansRSmarter claims to have "demonstrated that the vast majority of the Cougar internet community shares his view." The board he showed had what, 8-10 posts on it. A far cry from a "vast majority." I hear a lot of BYU fans talking about Luke Staley, even now, when we are 10-2 heading into the bowl game. He's the best running back ever at BYU and he is white. Why the effort to get blacks at BYU? To try to change perceptions about BYU and Mormonism? I say absolutely. Why spend time and effort to recruit blacks just so you can claim diversity when you have some of the best white players around the country who are more than happy to come to Cougartown and who can and do win? It makes no sense to me but to use the people who are more willing to come to BYU than trying to force the issue on people who can't take the moral heat. There are 100+ other programs they can go to. Gary Crowton tried to bring in the athletes and some of them got in big trouble and are still talked about in Happy Valley to this day. As for your request, consider it denied!
Japan is the second largest economy in the world. They do not lack for
resources. Japan is doing great research in the biological sciences, and
so are we and Europe. But none of this research is being done by people
with 106 or 100 IQ's, so I'm not exactly sure why this metric is being
brought up.

When people are talking about professional athletes and the great
intellectual achievements, they are talking about people very far out on
the right side of the Bell curve.Yet then they talk about average IQ
scores. The funny thing about whites is that they are well-represented in
practically every type of endeavor imaginable. This is not true of other
races, so no one here should feel bad beacuse they are white. On the
contrary, there's an awful lot to be proud of.

"I believe in free speech and all, BUT....." Save it. Nobody would be
paying any attention to this site if it weren't shedding a little light on the
truth. You can be sure of that. If you don't like the angle, do yourself
and us the favor of tuning out.
AsiansRSmarter, you seem to believe that blacks are superior athletes. You are judging by statistics and generalities.
However, you reject that statistics that show Asians to have slightly higher IQs to indicate athletic supremacy.
If average IQ doesn't indicate mental superiority, why would average speed indicate athletic superiority?

False logic huh.
I don't get the 'drive by' posting by Asians. Probably a class project for Diversity 101 or something. The thread he referred to is from last April, why the interest now?

Also the bit about the "rankings" doesn't make sense unless he is talking about the Colonels listing of how many teams start white players which is a factual account not a "ranking."

Anyway he/she did not stick around for any discussion so who cares. They did mention in the post that they were NOT Asian but just trying to irritate us by insunuating that Asians are smarter. And who can argue about that? They allow almost no-non whites into their country, they limit how many can play on their sports teams and their feelings about blacks would make us here on this site seem like enlightened diversity lovers.

They are fiercely proud of their people and culture and protect it against outsiders. We do just the opposite, and nobody is more to blame then people like AsiansRsmarter.
Jaxvid, you are right, he's referring to the article ranking the recruiting classes by I-A programs from back in the Spring. I think he is saying rankings because BYU was ranked 3rd in its recruiting class in that article, based on the number of whites who signed. I was surprised he didn't see my posts about BYU on the whitest teams threads, but oh well.
PitBull said:
Japan is the second largest economy in the world. They do not lack for
resources. Japan is doing great research in the biological sciences, and
so are we and Europe. But none of this research is being done by people
with 106 or 100 IQ's, so I'm not exactly sure why this metric is being
brought up.

Japan does lack raw materials. This is what fueled their agression in Eastern Asia during the 30's and 40's. Manchuria and the subsequent puppet state that was setup, Manchukou, was spring board to Japanese plans to gain resources from China or Siberia.

The U.S. oil embargo led to Pearl Harbor. Japan has a great service economy, but to say they lack in resources is correct.
Yeah, but I was talking about, if you
the end of my first paragraph... lack of raw
materials / natural resources. They are also an
Island nation around the size of California w/
180 million or so living there. As
to BYU I would have to agree
that they do quite well and don't
need to bring in more blacks. They are one of the few
schools that whites have a true shot at scholarships to play RB and CB.

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
As posted earlier, the Mormons did in fact 'preach' the inferiority of the darker folks.

As for Asians scoring higher on all IQ tests. Not true. In fact, until the tests were weighted differently in the early 70's - swapping the believed 'importance' of visuospatial vs verbal/analytical, Whites outscored Asians. Asians are able to learn, comprehend, but are unable to innovate - which is now being admitted by Asian scientists, politicians, etc. Go ahead, "google it" - this article , written by a Japanese professor, is but one example -

The structure of their intelligence allows them to be good at computation, but not necessarily the best mathematicians at the top end. They can memorize etc. but not create. This 'stereotype' evolved from observed reality many many decades ago. When the President of Singapore and the Japanese and Chinese govt. have schools resorting to bizarre measures to instill some kind of 'creative spirit' or ability into schoolchildren (with little effect) one realizes the difference is genetic, not just cultural.

BTW - in the few studies done on racial differences in SD (standard deviation in IQ) Asians have been found to have a smaller SD than whites. This is part of the difference, the unbalanced structure of their intelligence (high visusopatial - good for computation and memorization) and low verbal/analytical (divergent thinking/abstractions etc.) is another facet of their low levels of invention when compared to Whites - despite many more hours studying, millions of students grinding away for test scores and such.

In sports? While there have been some good Asian athletes, I've always thought the difference in spatial processing (supposedly only 'theorized' right now) has hampered many Asians - just look at the difficulties they have driving. This is no joke, anyone in CA or another area with lots of Asians can tell you horror story after horror story of mind-numbing, inexplicable dumbbell moves and problems created by Asians. I also think that while the media isn't on an Asian bandwagon per se, they will always be kinder to an Asian, any non-White, than to a White athlete. Because the people that control the media are in fact out to 'get us'. Asians are another tool against us.
AsiansRSmarter said:
What if a black kid we're trying to recruit
sees our name on your site?
That's one more scholarship for a white kid.

AsiansRSmarter said:
But as I've demonstrated, the vast majority
of the Cougar internet community shares my view.
To your face, maybe.
Colnel Callan, so basically your saying
that whites have more Brilliant people
at the top end of the spectrum,
but more dumb people than Asians also. As far as
creativity, I would say Europeans are the most
creative people in the world. The Irish and Eastern Eurpean Jews
especially are known for their creative Brilliance in show biz.
However, I really don't think these gaps are as large as people make
them out to be on this forum. Certain groups have small advantages in
certain areas in my opinion. However I would agree that I haven't seen
any area were whites are not represented highly. Asians and Europeans
both seem to do the best in the Math Science feild. There is also the
Math Science gap in gender. Men seem to do better than women in these
areas...I guess this is mostly genetics.

As far as Asian drivers my brother invented his own joke...Why is a
rolling stop called a "California roll"? Because Asians invented all the
bad driving techniques...Some may even eat California rolls while they
I don't think my bro will win any stand up awards, but I thought it was funny.

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
C Darwin said:
AsiansRSmarter said:
What if a black kid we're trying to recruit
sees our name on your site?
That's one more scholarship for a white kid.

AsiansRSmarter said:
But as I've demonstrated, the vast majority
of the Cougar internet community shares my view.
To your face, maybe.

Asians can be the most two-faced of all the races. I was recently hired by a health-care company, and it is my first "corporate" job out of college. I hear a lot of the more Americanized Asians telling black jokes and having some chuckles at their expense. I'll laugh if the joke is funny, but I'll never tell any of my own in front of them, becuse they are not to be trusted.

So, if anyone wonders as to why my posts are a bit "softer" and less "militant", its because my company monitors our activity from their computers. Actually, I think I'll just wait until I get home to post here, so I can fly off the handle in crazed rants, like I usually do.
I agree with Ground Fighter, I like to go off on my crazed rants here to. Love it actually. Patriot, I hung out with mormons through my mormon friend and I like the comradare and chicks(too moral) etc but despite that I could not even fake it going along with their beliefs. Great wholsome people don't get me wrong but I am just not that into Fantasy. Sorry Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints. What's the difference between a cult and a religion ? ....... about 300 years. The mormons are half way there.

I checked in the almanac and the mongoloid race on the whole has average IQ's lower than Caucasoids. I consider Pacific peoples, American Indians, and all Asians except Arabs and E.Indians as Mongoloid (what was wrong with "Oriental"). However Hong Kong, S Korea, Japan and Taiwan (sp) blow us away. I'd rather be good looking and white. Our work ethic and morality have helped us. Not that Asians don't have a good work ethic.

Incidentally, about a dozen African nations have national IQ's over 20 points below what is considerred retarded. I can't believe they are allowed to print those stats in today's political climate. At least we don't have censorship, yet.
Oriental replaced "Mongoloid" I think. If I were Asian, I would be offended by the term "Mongoloid" because it was also used to describe people with a certain type of mental "retardation."

Japan, South Korea, China, and Taiwan all are very controlling when it comes to education. Their governments only educate whom they think shows promise, like the old Prussian system kind of. So, most of their populations are not tested on IQ.

IQ tests aren't even tests of real natural ability. They test skills and reasoning. Their like NFL combines for students.
Could this be moved to Happy Hour now? It really has nothing to do with college football now.
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