Please take BYU off your Rankings

Dec 5, 2006
As a Brigham Young University graduate and football fan, I ask that you take BYU off your national signing day rankings. Whenever our program flourishes we are able to recruit more black players, and have the best Polynesians sign. When we struggle, it becomes harder to sell our program to blacks.

In the past, we have successfully recruited many ny black athletes that matched BYU's character. Our football program has even produced two black Protestant ministers. To include us on such a list is a slap in the face at our efforts, and hurts our reputation.
Instead of looking for Polynesians you would be better off going to Europe and getting these men who dominate the World's Strongest Man contest, they are smarter,stronger and tougher then Polynesians and take the cold weather of Utah better, BYU won a national Championship without blacks so BYU don't need them and Utah don't need the crime.I had to laugh at the AsiansRSmarter name,smarter then who?? The Japanese and Koreans can thank General MacArthur for bringing in some Americanism to help these poor folk get a chance to get smarter.As far as being smarter then blacks-well who isn't???
I don't believe Asians are smarter, but only wanted to prove a point. East Asians consistently average six points higher than whites on every type of IQ test, does that mean you're intellectually inferior?

I don't care to get into an argument about athletic prowess, and this site has the right to exist. I just don't want the name of the school I love associated with this kind of movement. To use BYU's national championship team to illustrate why whites are more athletic is disrespectful to students and alumni.

This is how BYU fans reacted to your site:

Please take BYU off your list.

Edited by: AsiansRSmarter
AsiansRSmarter said:
I don't believe Asians are smarter, but only wanted to prove a point. East Asians consistently average six points higher than whites on every type of IQ test, does that mean you're intellectually inferior?I don't care to get into an argument about athletic prowess, and this site has the right to exist. I just don't want the name of the school I love associated with this kind of movement. To use BYU's national championship team to illustrate why whites are more athletic is disrespectful to students and alumni.This is how BYU fans reacted to your site: take BYU off your list.

noone is taking anyone off any list. we are celebrating a right of white athletes to be treated the same and on the level with any others, especially black athletes.
we're not arguing that whites are MORE athletic, we are proving that they are in fact just as athletic as their black counterparts.
Good. I don't want those cultists associated with my race.
AsiansRSmarter said:
Please take BYU off your list.

I'll ask the same of you! Please take me off your list. Year after year,decade after decade I've often been wakened frompeaceful sleep by your impertinent, overbearing, zealousmissionaries pounding at my door. How many times do I have to tell you to stop bothering me?? Oh, by the way, do some research on the racial history ofthe MormonChurch before you throw stones. Nice avatar.
Thanks Bart, another classic reply.
Any honest BYU supporter must admit that anti-black racial prejudice and discrimination have been a part of BYU for a long time and cannot lecture anyone on this site. Ever heard of the 1969 Wyoming Black 14? If not, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about when I say that 1978 was not that long ago. This site is the only place where whites get a fair shake, and if you don't believe me just google "black sports" and see how many results you get. Oh yeah, I am a current BYU grad student, so don't presume to speak for all Cougars.
The Mormons, until 1979, taught that blacks were descended from Satan and dark skinned peoples bore the "curse of ham" and are descended from Cain, I believe. I think most organized religions are a farce, in general, but I respect people who believe otherwise and their is nothing wrong with practicing an organized religion, as long as it is not in a way that I deem immoral and savage, i.e., Al-Qaeda.
We are just trying to establish legitimacy as athletes. We are not trying to dominate any people. We just want qualified whites to be allowed to play at the top levels. The BYU national championship team serves as an example of white legitimacy.
AsiansRSmarter said:
East Asians consistently average six
points higher than whites on every type of IQ test, does that mean
you're intellectually inferior?
How are the blacks and hispanics fairing on your IQ list? This is data
that I don't disregard. Whites should make every effort to surpass
their Asian counterparts in standardized test scoring. Edited by: C Darwin
What Asians are taking those IQ tests? Not the ones making the T-shirts and everything else in assembly plants. Lets see a fair cross section of Asians.
Freedom said:
What Asians are taking those IQ tests? Not the ones making the T-shirts and everything else in assembly plants. Lets see a fair cross section of Asians.
That's true the Chinese peasant that is half starved and illiterate is not figuring out the rate of decay of radioactive material.
AsiansRSmarter said:
As a Brigham Young University graduate and football fan, I ask that you take BYU off your national signing day rankings. Whenever our program flourishes we are able to recruit more black players, and have the best Polynesians sign. When we struggle, it becomes harder to sell our program to blacks.In the past, we have successfully recruited many ny black athletes that matched BYU's character. Our football program has even produced two black Protestant ministers. To include us on such a list is a slap in the face at our efforts, and hurts our reputation.

If you're actually serious about who you are and your intentions, then you have pretty poor judgment to think that your plea would have any legitimate chance at success on this site.
Colonel_Reb said:
Any honest BYU supporter must admit that anti-black racial prejudice and discrimination have been a part of BYU for a long time and cannot lecture anyone on this site. Ever heard of the 1969 Wyoming Black 14? If not, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about when I say that 1978 was not that long ago. This site is the only place where whites get a fair shake, and if you don't believe me just google "black sports" and see how many results you get. Oh yeah, I am a current BYU grad student, so don't presume to speak for all Cougars.

I'm fully aware of BYU's history and I'm not lecturing anyone. As I've said before: I respect this site's right to operate. I just want BYU's name removed. BYU has done much to erase misconceptions and change its image, and you're throwing us a couple decades back. We've spent money on advisors to help blacks adapt to the environment in Utah. What if a black kid we're trying to recruit sees our name on your site?

I've said I do not think Asians are intellectually superior. Just that the same arguments made to assert that blacks are dumb can be used to demonstrate that Asians are more intelligent than whites. 60% of Asian-Americans finish college, compared to 25% of whites.

And of course I can't speak for all Cougars. But as I've demonstrated, the vast majority of the Cougar internet community shares my view. If Colonel associates with other BYU fans, he knows full well that's true.

Please, remove BYU from your list.
I believe I'm speaking on behalf of the people of this site when I say your request is noted and denied. Regardless of what you think of certain articles or opinions expressed by members of this site, the MAIN intent is still breaking down the social barriers that prevent capable white athletes from playing certain football positions at an elite level. BYU is a favorite among us at castefootball because (for one reason or another) they recruit unheralded white athletes to play any damn position on the field they're capable of. Luke Staley was good enough to play tailback for any university in the country but he chose BYU because it was the only school that wasn't desperately trying to get him to convert to defense. That's something to be proud of my friend.
Asians are smarter thatn whites? Then how come so many come here to
go to college? Why are they always stealing our technology and violating
our patent and copyright laws? I can't think of the last time we stole any
technology from them, can you?

Why the need for censorship? I don't find the asian references insulting,
just inaccurate. I don't feel intellectually inferior to them at all. Why can't
orthodoxy be challenged?

First it will be you, then another PC sports fan, and then another, and
another, until all we can talk about is the weather.

If you don't like it, grow a thicker skin.
Sark6354201 said:
If you're actually serious about who you are and your intentions, then you have pretty poor judgment to think that your plea would have any legitimate chance at success on this site.

I agree. Perhaps someone could enlighten me as to why we have been "drawing so many flies" latey? Every time I turn around, theres a new foe on board. We're starting to attract haters by the truckloads. Its been like a troll-a-thon around here the past few weeks.
AsiansRSmarter said:
We've spent money on advisors to help blacks adapt to the environment in Utah. What if a black kid we're trying to recruit sees our name on your site?

Oh my God,how terrible! A decrease in the number of blacks flooding into Utah is just too horrible to contemplate. We must close this site immediately! Where the hell is Don? JB Cash? Anybody?
Bart said:
A decrease in the number of blacks flooding into Utah is just too horrible to contemplate.

Yeah, it would be a real horror. All the crime statistics returning back to their normal lows again.
AsiansRSmarter said:
And of course I can't speak for all Cougars. But as I've demonstrated, the vast majority of the Cougar internet community shares my view. If Colonel associates with other BYU fans, he knows full well that's true.Please, remove BYU from your list.

i call bullsh*t on that... "vast majority"... there was like 10 or so people on these message boards that even replied, and the thread starter has an image of a role model "Snoop Dogg" in his avatar... why do you think he doesn't find this site too much to his taste?
The standard deviation for Whites' IQ scores is higher than that of Asians. Simply put, Whites have more people with very high and very low IQs than do Asians. The people at the very high end of the spectrum are usually the most creative and inventive.

The West has often been more affluent and stronger militarily in the past than have Asian (East and otherwise) countries. This may change with our inability to preserve our culture and blood.

But we should take BYU off "our list" because Asian said so.
You are a funny Asian!
Edited by: KG2422
Quick to point out that 'asians are smarter than whites,' but not saying much about how much more intelligent both whites and asians are than blacks. Doesn't seem to mind the myth of black athletic superiority, either.

Funny that he says this site has a right to exist and a right to free speech, but insists that BYU be removed from some list posted here (I don't follow college football that much so I'm not even sure what list he is referring to, lol). So much for free speech. At least you haven't been banned yet.

Best thing for you to do is stop reading sites who's positions you disagree with. Save you some heart burn.
The percent of Asians with a college degree is 45% not 60% and the percent of whites with a degree is 30% not 25%. Get your facts straight.

SOURCE (see summary table) ucation/004214.html

OK you almost right about the IQ scores.....The diffence between whites and Asians is indeed 5 points (101.4 to 106.1). The gap between other racial groups and whites is wider. However, I wouldn't put much thought into the whole IQ thing. I'm not sure if IQ scores really mean anything.

IQ scores source: inion

For the record I would be happy to see more Asian's on the football field as they are currently under- represented. Many believe that Asian's are not gifted as athletes.

Also, realize that when we make lists reguarding the number of whites on on any given football team we ALSO include Pacific Islanders. This being because many of us would like to see more diversity on the field; specifically at the skill positions. To have more Asians on the basketball court would be favorable as well. Notice how many on this forum praise Yao Ming.

We like BYU's football team because they are willing to look at white's (and Asians) as potential skill players.

It bothers me a bit that you dont believe that your football team can win without Blacks. Maybe you are the racists. Dont worry, most American's also hold this contention. Exactly what we are fighting aginst here.

Yes there are some racists on this forum. Unfortunatly.
Edited by: OC football
American Freedom News