Playoffs Thread

Kaptain Poop said:
Here's Keith Brooking trying to fit in:

Jungle monkeying Keith

But soon to come: Drew Brees
This reminds of a wrestlers interview (insert Ric Flair/Hogan). Still it isn't as idiotic as Brett's Pants on the Ground duet with Jarrett Allen....
Bart said:
Fightingtowin said:
Perhaps KP, but are these guys acting black?

I think chanting and getting a team fired up is just a part of sports, although blacks seem to do it more.

Are they emulating the Maori headhunting cannibals? Pretty sure they are.
Yes, it's similar to the Samoan dance routine. The people are related. I think Tongans have a similar warrior dance too.
Sorry guys, but I don't see anything wrong with what Brookings, Brees and Favre displayed. They are successful leaders of their football teams and their results are indicative of their performance on and off the field. Football is a highly intense, hard contact sport that is emotionally charged and requires intense amounts of motivation and drive to successfully perform. If this type of chanting helps in that effort, and is effective team-wide, then all the better.
dwid said:
yeah the 60 mins epi was disgusting, islanders seem to get as much hype as affletes, there was a part on the segment when the samoan said "imagine if the Samoan population was ten times what it is?" the interviewer said "then wed have to call it the National Samoan League" basically implying that they are so talented theyd take the league by storm. What a bunch of crap. They are taking what used to be White positions, Linemen, Linebackers and some fullbacks. BYU has been using Polynesian halfbacks instead of White ones. They aren't as strong as Whites, and I haven't many polynesians with great speed.
When you have a small population base such as Samoa you can have statistical anomalies show up and not really imply as much as it looks on the surface. Ie at one time Viking Alberta with a population of 1000 people a produced 7 NHL players (the Sutter brothers)if you statistically extrapolated that you would have weirder percentage than the Samoan one.
Edited by: white is right
i think you guys are taking this too seriously. they're motivating their teammates. If anything we should be supporting them. theyre teammates, white & black, are looking to them for motivation and leadership.
Kaptain Poop said:
If "we be special" isn't acting black, then I don't know what qualifies. This is all mimicking black behavior, lets not kid ourselves. I've met many self-proclaimed racist white youths who mimick black behavior who claim to be racist, but really they are just low-lifes looking for any reason to offend anybody in any way they can. Brees and Brooking of course are low-lifes, but they are mimicking black behavior for reasons that I think involve social pressure more than anything. They have been told they are leaders and have to give a jungle-monkey motivational crap-talk and do a good job of playing the role.

Well to be fair though, he didn't say it in the normal context that one would associate with typical black ebonics. I heard it as more of a generic dumb jock pep talk that I never really liked as an athlete, often coming from players I didn't respect. "here is what we got do to win this game yadda yadda blah blah blah ad nauseum speech" Condensed to "We just gotta do what we do, we play like we play, we be us, we be special." Doesn't exactly mean the same thing as something like Tyrone describing who his team is. Who is we? We be special. Edited by: Bear Backer
it has been said that Brees got the speech from when he visited with the military and changed it up a little bit, at least the part at the end, the win/again part

"Drew said in two interviews now that it was something he learned from some military guys, shared it with the team & they worked on, then began to do it this season before the game & they all loved it. But, he also stated in both interviews that he will not reveal what they are saying because it's something special only for the team."Edited by: dwid
um guys last year brees was doing the war chant for the movie 300.....He said in an interview that is where he got the idea....He changed it up this year because he felt year new war chant....Next years will be something new too in guessing.
SoberWF said:
Sorry guys, but I don't see anything wrong with what Brookings, Brees and Favre displayed. They are successful leaders of their football teams and their results are indicative of their performance on and off the field. Football is a highly intense, hard contact sport that is emotionally charged and requires intense amounts of motivation and drive to successfully perform. If this type of chanting helps in that effort, and is effective team-wide, then all the better.

You are spot on 100% correct!
It is ironic how Indy had a chance to kill the Jets a couple of weeks ago and now can be sunk by them. LOL, I thought Jalen Rose had a somewhat funny comment this morning on ESPN. He thinks the Colts will prevail. He said his mama used to say, "I brought you into this world and I can take you out of this world."Â￾ He said that is the way the Colts feel about the Jets - we brought you into this world, we can take you out of this world. Sort of amusing.

Don has pointed out on occasion how some talking points are scripted or planned in advanced. Rose's comments probably are good example. Also, Pittsburgh's Ryan Clark was in studio as a guest analyst, I guess you'd call it. He was breaking down A. Peterson's impact on Sunday‘s game. He starts discussing his fumbling issues. One problem, seconds before he utters any sentence about fumbling, there is footage rolling of Peterson fumbling the ball. Darn, I hate when that happens, the whole premise is destroyed for me. Someone missed the rehearsal.
I thought Favre was just being funny - not emulating blacks, but Brookings and Brees seems clear to me. I still root for the guys, of course, but the jungle monkey ebonics disgusts me. Why is it they emulate black Zulus, headhunters, and Samoans? Maybe because there isn't any similar white behavior (pregame chants - motivational ebonics) in all of white military and sports history. Me be white, so me liking acting white. Sorry if you disagree, that's how I be feelin.
It illustrates how Whites are affected by black dominated environments. Brees and Brooking are in a sense showing leadership, but they are doing it in a (non-White) way that never would have been done in the NFL pre-1980s. Can you imagine Dick Butkus or Bart Starr leading a similar ritual?And their mostly White teammates eagerly joining in?

And the fact that the networks so often show Brooking and Brees doing their thing, and show it in a favorable manner, should also be a tipoff that it's seen as a positive thing by the Cultural Marxists. The only other player I see leading the ritual as often as those two is Ray Lewis. I'm sure no one at ESPN or anywhere else would dare utter a word of criticism of it.

Another reason it's so popular with the media is because it shows the DWFs how fired up and supposedly ready to go all-out the"warriors" are. Watching just about any regular season game should dispel that notion.Edited by: Don Wassall
Kaptain Poop said:
I thought Favre was just being funny - not emulating blacks, but Brookings and Brees seems clear to me.

Kaptain, did you ever see the black American Idol contestant who made the song popular? Check out the video. Brett emulates his hat movement too. But I certainly understand why Brees, Favre, and Brookings acted the way they did. I'm positive the locker rooms are blaring hip-hop, rap and other forms of black music (sic) constantly. Gotta talk and act black to hang wiff dey dogs.

You know, I just can't picture Manning or Brady wanting to act like that.I could be wrong, but I think they would look like fish out of water. To me, that's a good thing.
Yah, I saw it and laughed. The 62 year olds rap mocked black youths and the 62 year old was mocked himself. I saw Favre's routine as simple mocking for a laugh and I've been as critical of Favre and his mugging for the camera as anybody (as well as his habit of chewing out his only white receiver). Still, didn't see any harm in pants on the ground. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
It's a funny song and makes fun of gangster looking young black hoodlums who walk around with their pants down to their mid-thigh and all the whites youths who emulate this stupid looking decade old fashion statement.

About the pants hanging down. Did you hear about the bum/murderer (killed three other bums) who tripped and fell over his pants, to his death recently up in NYC? Funny stuff.

Tom Iron
No I have not heard of that one, Tom Iron. It sounds like justice/karma to me. Maybe you could find a link and post it. It's got to be hard to walk much less run with your pants way down like that.Edited by: guest301
On CBS earlier today during a break in a college basketball game...they were doing a brief preview of the AFC Championship Game...the two quick highlights were of Colts WR-Austin Collie! Good stuff!!

Sorry, I don't seem to be able to transfer the link. If you google the name, Hector Quinones, the article will come up.

Four people dead, including gunman Hector Quinones, in Upper West ...
The holiday-season cheer of the trendy Upper West Side was shattered yesterday
when a career criminal slaughtered three members of a family in their ... - 85k - Cached - Similar Pages

Tom Iron...
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