Playoffs Thread

DixieDestroyer said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Also did anyone hear during the Jets-Chargers game that there are 30 Samoans in the NFL? I was just watching 60 minutes and they said that a Samoan kid has a 56 times greater chance of getting in the NFL than any other kid in the US. Kind of makes ya think.

Yep, they were hyping tonight's "60 Minutes" episode glorifying Somoans looking to make it into the NCAA & NFL.

Still waiting for them to do a show on 60 minutes about the complete lack of whites at multiple positions in the NFL? Oh how racist it would be to bring something like that up. I think I'll win the $100 million dollar lottery before that happens though.
whiteathlete33 said:
Also did anyone hear during the Jets-Chargers game that there are 30 Samoans in the NFL?  I was just watching 60 minutes and they said that a Samoan kid has a 56 times greater chance of getting in the NFL than any other kid in the US.  Kind of makes ya think.

That is why it has gotten to the point where I despise the islanders almost as much as the WGA's. They are a tiny group who don't even number a million people worldwide, yet for some reason the caste system has latched on to them and in many instances has used them as a replacement for positions that once had higher numbers of whites. I suppose, that is probably why they have been ushered into the caste system. It seems like they have gotten the benefit because who else was the caste system going to try to push to replace the white man? They have already just about ridden the American black athletic population to the breaking point, East Asians are generally just not big enough to play football, neither are East Indians or Mestizos and the Mal Nourishment in Africa due to over population doesn't exactly lend itself to producing the size of athletes that the NFL desires either.
yeah the 60 mins epi was disgusting, islanders seem to get as much hype as affletes, there was a part on the segment when the samoan said "imagine if the Samoan population was ten times what it is?" the interviewer said "then wed have to call it the National Samoan League" basically implying that they are so talented theyd take the league by storm. What a bunch of crap. They are taking what used to be White positions, Linemen, Linebackers and some fullbacks. BYU has been using Polynesian halfbacks instead of White ones. They aren't as strong as Whites, and I haven't many polynesians with great speed.Edited by: dwid
Does anybody see this as evidence that background and income is what pushes minorities to become athletes more than whites? They stated American Somaons on average make 4,000 dollars a year or something to that extent. To them, its either play football, or be in extreme poverty for the rest of ur life. Its not NEARLY that bad in even the worst ghettos of continental U.S. Sure they live in poverty, but its one thing to be an American in poverty and another thing to be in poverty in what is essentially a 3rd world country.

Having said that, whites should still make up a larger part of the NFL, if not majority, just by playing the numbers game in terms of population. Instead, the idea of blacks being better atheletes is COMPLETELY overblown. When everyone sees 8 black men lined up at the olypmic 100 meter finals, they (usually white people) will make some joke about how white people are so inferior, i've heard it so many times, i'm so sick of self-loathing.

No one bothers to think that in the semi-finals, quarter-finals, etc that there were white sprinters competing. Not too mention that these are the 8 fastest men (out of possible 6-7 billion) in the world. No one in the NFL currently is anywhere near olympic speeds. Devin Hester, the supposed fastest man in the NFL or used to be at least, ran only a 10.4 (Tim Dwight ran a 10.2, just to throw that tidbit in there) on the track. Good luck against Usain Bolt's 9.59, Hester would be catching Bolt's track spikes with his teeth.

Where am i going with that? Well since no one in the NFL has olympic speed, the "field" should be alot more open to players who are "slower", right? Apparently not. Well, at least not when your white. Whites with speed simply get pushed under the rug. I dont know any other way to explain it. They just don't get the offers you see black athletes with similar stats and skill sets recieve.

Its ingrained in people's head (i will admit its ingrained in my head too from when i was kid, i have to stop myself in midthought im not lying) that when they see a white athlete succeed they think "just imagine if that was a black athlete in there how much better it would be". When they fail we think "well of course he missed that catch/tackle, hes a white athlete".

As a result, black athletes get the nod over white athletes because its automatically assumed they will get the job done better. Do i have any evidence to back this up? nope, just myself when i catch myself thinking these things. It's unfortunate that to bring topics like this up in the mainstream media people are labeled as racists if there is any "pro-white" sentiments. and even if they arent directly labeled, its always in the back of peoples minds.
I won't use the "F" word to describe the Chargers-Jets fiasco, but those who watched certainly must at least have noticed the questionable officiating, not to mention some other curious plays.

Norv Turner's "brilliant" play calling certainly hindered the Chargers, as did his usual failure to make the necessary adjustments on both sides of the ball. I don't think he (or the media) will ever admit the obvious- Ladanian Tomlinson is clearly finished, and the continuous attempt to feed the ball to him is hurting the team. At this point, it's obvious that Hester will never carry the ball unless all black RBs (including the almost always inactive Michael Bennett and plodding FB Mike Tolbert) are injured.

I will be rooting for the Colts to win it all, but wouldn't be surprised if the "miracle" Jets duplicate the feat of another "miracle" Jets' team 40 years ago. One thing is for certain- Mark Sanchez is now 100% hispanic.

Between the countless penalties, injuries and non-stop beer and junk food commercials (including the latest offensive ad for Burger King, featuring an overweight white guy dressed as a baby, doing things like pouring milk and dirt on himself), and the horrendous lack of fundamental skills, it's harder and harder to follow pro sports.
I'm now rooting for a Colts/Vikings SB. I don't really mind that the Colts have a black coach (who seems to be pretty hands-off and fair to white players) and their all-black defense isn't exactly something to root for, but it's because I'm a Manning fan. There are still some DWFs and other "analysts" who question Manning's legacy, and a 2nd SB win will shut them up for good.

If Favre wins, that becomes your so called "Hollywood" ending, and considering MIN is a reasonably white team also, this will be a best possible match-up from a caste perspective, IMO.
The American Samoan thing is something I've commented on before. It's impossible to accept that a small island is capable of producing more NFL defensive starters than all of white America.

I don't buy the poor or hungry argument, either. Organized youth leagues are dominated by white kids, and they get better coaching, better equipment and greater family support than youths playing pickup in poor neighborhoods, either in our inner cities or on American Samoa.
It's just another facet of the Caste System.
I think destiny has in mind a Manning-Favre Super Bowl, one for the 'ages.'
I'm pulling for the Saints and Jets.Me being a Bear fan I detest Brett Farve he is arrogant and cocky I think the Saints are every way as white as the Vikings and the Colts have a coal black defence along with the coach. The Jets are the cinderella team got to root them as well!!
Goeux Saints and Goeux Jets that would be a great Superbowl!!!
bigunreal said:
The American Samoan thing is something I've commented on before. It's impossible to accept that a small island is capable of producing more NFL defensive starters than all of white America.

I don't buy the poor or hungry argument, either. Organized youth leagues are dominated by white kids, and they get better coaching, better equipment and greater family support than youths playing pickup in poor neighborhoods, either in our inner cities or on American Samoa.
It's just another facet of the Caste System.

You are right Big Unreal, it is absurd. The pro Samoan stance of the NFL is just another indicator of the caste system hard at work to displace white athletes. Not to mention the fact that they truly overlook enormous amounts of White talent every year all across this country. It is very difficult for a white player from a non traditional high school football power to get much interest in the college ranks. In Illinois alone there are literally thousands of white kids in smaller schools like 5A and below who usually don't have a snowballs chance if hell of being taken seriously. Illinois has 8 classifications from 1A (smallest) to 8A (largest). Even at the FCS level they generally have trouble getting noticed or offered scholarships.

One of the things that often strikes me about the caste system in the NFL is that it truly does not represent the realities of athletics in America at all. It is just like the media, Hollywood entertainment industry and many of the commercials we see on network television that represent America not as it is, but how the powers that be what America to be viewed. I truly believe that one of the major aspects of the caste system is getting white Americans to accept their eventual planned status as a minority.
I saw the 60 min special on american samoa. The size of those samoan football players are hardly impressive. I see samoans in carson and they are not big people. There certainly not as big as whites.
I took offense to the reporters comments about how american kids would never accept doing chores and implied that we're lazy and undisciplined.That's just a bunch of crap and so is that news piece because they took a cross section of the population they wanted you to see. As you stated, not all Samoians are big.
skiboy61 said:
I took offense to the reporters comments about how american kids would never accept doing chores and implied that we're lazy and undisciplined.  That's just a bunch of crap and so is that news piece because they took a cross section of the population they wanted you to see.  As you stated, not all Samoians are big. 

White Americans"¦.lazy and undisciplined? Opposite Day must be so much fun for the immature little children who run MSM.

They wouldn't dare use the word "lazy"Â to describe the members of a certain race (or races) who are actually unemployed, on foodstamps, uneducated, on welfare, etc. They wouldn't dare use the word "undisciplined"Â to describe the members of a certain race who actually commit the vast majority of crimes (despite being 10-13% of the population), leave their families, sell drugs, pimp women, etc.

It's only tolerable to speak in racial generalizations when being abusive to whites"¦.which, quite obviously, is the only acceptable group of humans permitted to be insulted via all forms of mainstream communication with the masses.Edited by: Thrashen
GeneralLee said:
Me being a Bear fan I detest Brett Farve he is arrogant and cocky
It's true that Favre can come across as arrogant and cocky, but it's funny to deride him for this quality as it's what white athletes need in general! If Jacob Hester, Peyton Hillis, (insert favorite white athletes name here) were more "arrogant and cocky", maybe we'd have more awareness of the caste system in the minds of countless DWFs.
Nice toobserve that the incredible afflete receiver Roy Williams caught a grand total of ZERO passes against the Vikes. It should be noted that he didn't have any drops, as he was only "targeted" once, on a throwaway by Tony Romo as he was under pressure. Considering that I didn't see the Vikings double-teaming him much, it could be argued that Danny DeVito could have suited up for the 'Boys and been just as effective. Considering that the Cowboys gave up first and third round draft choices (and swapped 6th rounders) for this poor excuse for a WRis mind-boggling.

You mention that the Colts have a black coach (and that's one of the reasons you're going for the Jets), but "your Bears" have a black coach also! What gives?
On the subject of Mark Sanchez, a DNA test is not even required!

One of his grandmother's is incredibly Indian, so anyway one looks at it, Sanchez is some kind of mixture. Not only that, the MSM is marketing him to OUR young girls as an ideal TanEveryman.

I'm certainly not going to support my "replacement." As for the Jets' possibly making the Super Bowl, that doesn't worry me because I'm confident that the NFC team would win.
FootballDad said:
GeneralLee said:
Me being a Bear fan I detest Brett Farve he is arrogant and cocky
<div></div>It's true that Favre can come across as arrogant and cocky, but it's funny to deride him for this quality as it's what white athletes need in general! If Jacob Hester, Peyton Hillis, (insert favorite white athletes name here) were more "arrogant and cocky", maybe we'd have more awareness of the caste system in the minds of countless DWFs.

This is very true. Favre also seems to understand there's a Caste system. Just last week Favre said that Percy Harvin reminds him of Wes Welker with his quickness, but that he's got a long way to go to be on Welkers' talent and success level. Most DWF or so called "experts" would scoff at the notion that Welker is anywhere near as good, quick or as athletic as Harvin.
I've never considered Favre arrogant, and "cocky" only in the sense that he is very confident in his abilities. A bit of a prima donna yes, but he exudes nothing but low-key class in his interviews and in the way he conducts himself off the field. On the field he shows his passion and enjoyment of the sport, but not in a way the least bit reminiscent of the selfish, look-at-meway so many blacks do.
I would root for the Jets if Woodhead had a more significant role when it came to running the ball. I dont want to hear all the hype about the Latino qb and almost all black defense as well the 3/5 black o-line. I would rather see the Colts with their HOF white qb, star white te and rising white rookie star Austin Collie, as well as their white o-line.Edited by: green fire317
Favre doesn't call the plays. Brooking's anger was focused on Brad Childress: In the end, the only thing of any real interest from the game was whether the Vikings ran the score up or not. "I thought it was totally classless and disrespectful," Cowboys Keith Brooking said after the game. "This is the NFL, that's not what this is about. I don't think there's a place for that. I was looking for Childress, I don't think it was right."
yes and now every dwf is claiming Brooking is "a big crybaby" and that they always hated him and that if he doesn't like it he should have stopped them from scoring (I wasn't aware Brooking played DB)

White players can't do anything without getting hate from dwfs. Afflete Williams claimed Brooking "was about to get his azz whupped" Yeah right, Brooking would destroy himEdited by: dwid
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