Pittsburgh chases more diversity!

Skipperron said:
I asked them why that [Pena's ethnicity] was important and them whether we were at the point where he have to hire managers and coaches for each ethnicity

And what did they say, Skipperron?

They did not really tell me a good answer but of course a few drug their response toward the ole cliche of me being a racist. They never seem to see the irony of how racist their comments were to begin with.
Pirates are down to three candidates and holding. Porter, Tosca and Bannister and of course as Van_Slyke_CF mentioned there is also probably Hurdle. I think that Ron Wotus of the Giants is also a candidate for the job and they have to wait on him as well. I heard Tosca has mentioned he will probably just take his job with Atlanta as the bench coach and forget Pittsburgh.
And then there were two........Bannister and Hurdle are the final two candidates with Hurdle the NEW favorite. However Hurdle may also be one of the favorites for the Mets job so the Pirates may once more lose out
Zach Duke is now out of Pittsburgh,it appeared as though he was pitching in a manner that said he wanted out,look for him to pitch well for another team.
Duke has been traded to Arizona for a player to be named later. It is strange how Pittsburgh lately seems to tell EVERYONE that they are going to release a player and then when they try to trade him ....surprise.... they cant get anything for him. Capps was handled the same way. Released. Oh well.
And now the one player that hit with power for the Pirates last year (Garrett Jones) is being told he will probably have to become a platoon player if he wants to see much playing time. 21 homers and 86 rbi's in his first full season is somehow not good enough for a team that lost 105 games. Look for Jones to be traded before long.
Well I have made up my mind to never post on any more Pirate sites. I read them and just get more angry. They have this massive need to trade Jones and it is always to get an hispanic or black player. And usually one that has much worse stats than Jones. And you cannot talk or reason it out with them. Plus they are now openly saying they want the team to be black but more importantly HISPANIC. In the past they at least tried to hide their bias. I am sickened and can't talk to them anymore. Thank goodness, the government has not taken this site down. That scares me as well. Am I just getting paranoid. LOL
Merry Christmas joy joy the Pirates have resigned Donald Veal. Ohif we could ONLY resign Lastings Milledge now my life would be complete
An interesting addition at third base could be Josh Fields,I felt he never really got a chance to prove himself,maybe it will happen here. Ah,perhaps I spoke a bit too soon as Josh Fields is no longer with the team,and rule 5 draft player Josh Rodriguez is,funny how that happens!Edited by: LabMan
LabMan said:
An interesting addition at third base could  be Josh Fields,I felt he never really got a chance to prove himself,maybe it will happen here.

I doubt it LabMan. Tubby Affletito Pedro Alvarez will get all the time, regardless of his weight, lack of range, and agility problems.
Of course, they immediately re-signed him.
The "battlin Buccos" will buried by June,a subliminal message is sent to the DWF's and is coated in cultural marxism every timethis team is mentionted in the media,"this team has a great core of players led by Tabata,Alvarez,and Walker",always at least two non White playersspoken of first and in a two to one fashion.

Alvarez is now known as "Pede',in Pittsburgh no doubt endearing him more to the fan base,how long will it be before Tabata is known as "Tabbi" or "TabbiCat"?Edited by: LabMan
Labman, because Alvarez played at Vanderbilt, I figured he was sort of a dark-skinned hispanic, but had straigh hair, ect. (i.e. Adrian Gonzalez). Upon a google search, he appears to be just a fat, kinky-haired mulatto, much like Manny Ramirez. Unlike Manny, I doubt he does muchduring hiscareer, now that steriods have been banned.

Even more disturbing, while doing the google search, is I found Alvarez has become a folk-hero in Pitt with some DWF's because he married a worthless, white slut thathappens to bethe daughter of anex-ASU baseball coach....talk about a caste clown, letting his daughter marry this turd because he was money, I doubt your average Jewish American would let his daughter do this, but this caste-clown did


Then again, what could the coach do, even if he objected? Here's a story I was told. Not 100% sure it's true, but the source was good and it's believeable. In the early 1990's former Boston College basketball coach Jim O'Brien (white, Irish) was enraged when his daughter was dating Bob McAdoo Jr. (who is black) and a fight/heated argument followed.

His daughter reportedly replied something like this: "Don't start that $h!t with me....You've been bringing black males into our house since we (her & her sisters)were young children and telling us to look up to them and idolizethem. Now you have the nerve to tell us we can't date or marry one?".

Moral of the story, don't become a college coach if you have daughters?
Alvarez isalsocalled "El-Toro",thanks to the caste clown Pirate announcers,how long will it be until we see a group of DWF's with red capes and in full bull fighting gear?,interesting that the Cincinatti Reds have a "helluva"third baseman over there and his name is simply Scott Rolen!
Truthteller,thanks for posting the above story,please all,read the comments below the story,because it is "As God would have it"!
The Pirates announcers are absolutely terrible. Any dark-skinned savior they anoint, they'll latch onto and praise his every movement on a baseball field. Their enthusiasm for the perennially disappointing Lastings Millege was sickening whenever I had the misfortune of tuning in.
James MacDonald,or J-Mac is the latest idol of the Pirate broadcasters,we are not supposed to notice as all breaking pitches stay up in the strike zone,and he get shelled each time out!
Buc's claim Xavier Paul from Dodgers today,anyone know anything about him? Steve Pearce,or John Bowker will be sent down,funny how that happens!
John Bowker is the player to go,he was good enough to start with San Francisco two years ago but comes to the Pirates plays very little and is now sent to the minor leagues,much the same can be said for Alex Pressley,the Tampa Bay Rays have become a team playing these types of players,and are fun to watch.
I don't see the point in letting John Bowker go to pick up Xavier Paul. If they wanted to make a move soon, they could've brought up Alex Presley to be a new backup OF.
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