Pittsburgh chases more diversity!

Neil Walker arrives,good news!,the Pirates call Walker up and he is at third base,looking very solid at the plate and in the field.
Now Walker is supposed to play second instead of Iwamura. Today I think the Pirates are starting six whites, plus a white pitcher. One thing about baseball, quite unlike the NFL or NBA, is that a mostly non-white starting lineup can get white in a hurry. Some examples are the Giants and Tigers who are both much whiter in terms of starting lineups this year than in years past.
Neil Walker should get the bulk of the playing time at second, and, if Andy LaRoche can keep his back healthy, he should get plenty of time in the lineup, regardless of when Pedro Alvarez arrives.

Both Walker and LaRoche are versatile IFs, and Walker can play some OF and C, too. I hope Jeff Clement keeps improving and they keep that idiot Lastings Milledge on the pine as much as possible. I can deal with Andrew McCutchen being in center because he's a player, but Milledge sucks.
Neil Walker is looking good at second base.

Garrett Jones has established himself as a pretty good everday player in RF.

Ryan Doumit is playing more first and should try to establish himself there because he is not a good catcher defensively.

I'm really getting sick and tired of so many DWFs on a few Pirates sites that keep worshipping Lastings Milledge and believing he will be a super player for the Bucs. He sucks and will always be a bad player, but because of his afflete, uber prospect status, he'll keep a job in MLB for another year or two at least. Edited by: Van_Slyke_CF

Yep, he stuunk in NY too. Bad player and worse attitude.

When he's out of the majors, it won't be long before you hear his name come up about some crime he comitted.

Tom Iron...
The Pittsburgh broadcasters have named the Pirate left fielder,"who actually plays in left center,and gets to nothing hit down the line",Lastings "Thrilledge"!,and there is a group of DWF's who sit in left field calling themselves,wait for it,"the Milledge people"!
I just turned on the Pirates-Tigers game and they are wearing Negro League uniforms.

Bud Selig and the boys have made annual Negro League uniform days and the Civil Rights games a permanent part of the game.


They better hope no one ever looks into the "negro leagues." For the most part, they were a total unadulterated mess, from start to finish.

Tom Iron...
Howdy Gents!

Gosh it seems a long time since Van Slyke and other real baseball players actually patrolled the outfield for the Pirates, the last stretch when they were good. Has it been twenty years?

Ah, the Nutting family. We think about the Nuttings, the Lerners, the Al Davis group, the Bidwills, the Angelos's, and many others. Such criminal family syndicates dominate American sport, and many other American industries.

And it is galling to see Lastings Milledge ANYWHERE in a major league uniform. I agree with you. He sucks. In fact one could point to his departure from Washington as the turning-point for that franchise, that has gone from worst in the world to merely mediocre.

No hope for the Pirates with current ownership. Perhaps bankruptcy could bring in new bloodEdited by: Realgeorge
Van_Slyke_CF said:
I just turned on the Pirates-Tigers game and they are wearing Negro League uniforms.

Bud Selig and the boys have made annual Negro League uniform days and the Civil Rights games a permanent part of the game.


I was at Saturday's game, what's a "Crawford"!!??

Actually the Pirates weren't that bad that night, only one black and 2 hispanics in the starting line-up, same as the Tigers.
the Pirates have went overboard over the excitement and love and articles about the new players Tabata and Alvarez. When they mention our top prospects being brought up it is always their names mentioned. They show Pedros parents continually. Whatever they do, even if it is bad, they gush over how good they are or are going to be. Yet the best top prospect brought up has been a white player, Neil Walker. But not much excitement has been expressed over the one player brought up that has produced Wonder why
Also though Alavarez and Tabata are talked about as saviors for the Pirates, Walker was brought up and called a utility player and the press was told he would be a bench player and role player. He of course, screwed that up for them by being great and winning the second base job. But he still plays second fiddle to the two latin saviors
And we have not stopped. Starling Marte is the next latin saviour in minors but he is on hold as he broke his wrist, thankfully postponing his arrival in upper minors. And even some dwf are getting excited about shorstop Argenis Diaz, one of the worst hitters EVER. But those same fans never mention Mercer, Cunningham or D'Arnaud. I guess white shortstops just don't have that same thrill.
Neil Walker is doing a terrific job at second base,a position in the middle infield that is usually taboo for White players,he is hitting well also but is overshadowed by the newly arrived Latin heros,and yes Alvarez family is shown in excess cheering from the stands,we don't see much of Neil Walkers dad,Tom,ex-major league pitcher,and the rest of Neils family and friends,and they are in attendance!

Garrett Jones has been displaced from right field and continues to perform well,positive comments about this guy are kept at a low key also.
Yeah and on all the sites DWF's continually say things like "I like Jones but we need to trade him....". I always come back and say well if we could get a lot for him now "while he is doing good" (as if it is luck, I guess) then maybe we ought to trade Andrew McCutchen. Just think what we could get for him. Then I sit back and laugh at all the reasons he CAN'T be traded.
1) The DWFs still believe Lastings Milledge is going to be a good player.

2) They believe Pedro Alvarez can play 3B defensively and is going to be an elite player.

3) They believe Andrew McCutchen is going to be one of the best OFs in the game. He is O.K., but he's not even close to the player Andy Van Slyke was in his prime.

4) They believe Jose Tabata is going to be an All-Star caliber performer, and not just a good average hitter with no power.

5) And they want to trade Garrett Jones.

There is this pathetic line of thinking on some Pirates' boards out there that somehow, someway, if the Pirates would have a "darker" lineup full of affletes and affletitos that the team will return to winning ways.

It's not going to happen.

The Pirates became the laughingstock of MLB over the past 18 years due to poor drafting and player development, trades, and FA signings, to go along with Scrooge-like ownership.

A Negrofied and Hispanicized lineup won't make things better.

As a matter of fact, things will probably get worse, if that's possible, with easily a 100-loss season in the works this year.
The DWF's/sheeple have come to these conclusions because the controlled media instructed them to believe these things,it is the same way with the Pitt basketball and football teams,and the Steelers,for the last 40 years they have been inundated with cultural marxism teachings designed to topple the White Male power structure,mix lots of white guilt and self loathing into the formula and most Whites will give away all that they have invented,designed,and engineered,sports are so popular in the U.S. that the social engineers realized that this was an important opening for them,and what modern day fan will not root for these new "Bucco's",to support their own would label them as racist.
Did you guys see the Pirates wearing their "Piratas" jerseys the other day against Milwaukee? And the Brewers wore ones that said, "Cerveceros."

One game it's having major leaguers clown around in Negro League jerseys, another it's having them all wear #42 for Jackie Robinson, and still another they do things like wear jerseys with Spanish on them.

The Giants wear "Gigantes"on their uniform jerseys,also when you see "los Mets.com",los Royals.com"Yankeesbeisball.com"behind the home plate area you are seeing advertisements for websites that are totally Spanish!
Baseball,a White American game,invented in White America,played in Stadiums designed and built by White people is now a part of the destruction of the White power structure,anyone still think that Jackie Robinsons entry into the game was to take advantage of his great baseball skills?,an expression of altruism?,or to maybe open the door to an eventual non-white takeover of "America's Pastime?Edited by: LabMan
Now the lowly Buccos are going to be saved by Dodgers' reject token black pitcher, James McDonald. There's only been a handful of decent black starting pitchers in my memory heading into middle age, but somehow, someway, drunk Pirate fans seem to believe even a darkening of the pitching rotation will be good to lead the club back to winning ways.

Or perhaps they see the all-black QB contingent for the Steelers to start the season and actually believe the delusional idea that it will be successful when most other teams have been forced to give up on their black failures.

The Steelers are becoming increasingly irrelevant in my sports world with Tomlin, Colbert and the rest of their affletes.

The Pirates are a joke and have been for nearly two decades.

Don's better off out West and away from the 'Burgh.

Skipperron does himself a favor by being far away, too.

LabMan gets my condolences.
The Pirates have fired pitching coach Joe Kerrigan and bench coach Gary Varsho largely for reasons undisclosed, but somehow they have decided to retain clueless Negro third base coach Tony Beasley.
Van_Slyke_CF said:
The Pirates have fired pitching coach Joe Kerrigan and bench coach Gary Varsho largely for reasons undisclosed, but somehow they have decided to retain clueless Negro third base coach Tony Beasley.

That is generally the way it is. Black coaches generally have to have seasons upon seasons worth of poor work to get their walking papers. How many second half collapses have talented Dusty Baker teams had? Last year was no different in Dusty Ball, and the three game sweep of his Reds team by the Cardinals may just signal he is about ready to have another classic late season meltdown. How many pitching staff's has he worn out by September? Yet there is still seemingly always someone readily available to give him a chance to manage at the major league level like he is is one of the great managers in history. If Dusty Baker were White he would have been out of the league as a manager after failing to win a world series with the Giants followed up by his colossal failure as the Cubs manager. If he were White and made comments about Black players playing better in the heat he would be completely blackballed from baseball. If he were White and not one of the only two Black Managers to appear in a World series he would be laughed out of the league for his unorthodox beliefs that OBP and walks don't matter unless someone has speed. He once refused to pull Nefi Perez who was a Black Caribbean player(and one of his infamous favorites) from the top of the order despite his pitiful batting average and OBP and high strike out percentage. Poor leadership and no discipline on the field or in locker room have also been hallmarks of Dusty Baker clubs. Edited by: Bear Backer
As Argenis Diaz makes his second start at shortstop for the Pirateslast night we remember Jack Wilson,Bobby Crosby,and Eric Bruntlett,who was interested in coming to Pittsburgh,average shortstops?,don't bet on it,these men are good players but are victims of the invasionfrom Latin America,Paul Yannish in Cincinnati is of the same caliber,but his name is played down as he makes each solid play.

The "up the middle positions"are the ones that that must be taken away from White American players first,all other positions are at risk also,and if you look around the major leagues more non-white base coaches are being placed a heartbeat away from managerial positions,some cannot speak English,what happened to the talent of White American players,managers,and coaches?40 years of cultural marxist mind control,and indoctrination have done the trick.Someone once said "if you throw frogs into a pot of boiling water they will jump out,but if you turn the temperature up incrementally it will not be noticed",and so it is with the DWF'S in Pittsburgh,and in fact,all around both major leagues.As teamsfrom time to timesport jerseys calling the giants the "Gigantes",the Brewers the "Cerveceros",and the Pirates'"The Piratas"how long can it be until White fans start buying these jerseys for their kids and themselves,showing that White American replacement is just about complete.Edited by: LabMan
Once more the Pirates lose and once more I watched as Andrew McCutchen "raced" over to make another great catch...reached up ....and TOTALLY MISSED THE BALL. It just went right past his glove. That gave up the go ahead run against a great pitcher Josh Johnson. That is at least the third time I have seen him do this. Yet no real outrage over his miscues. Blass was a bit surprised, Brown not so much. McCutchen is a good player and by most info I have a decent guy. But he is not a great fielder. I remember how he stated no run could hit one over him unless it was a homer. Since then it has been bad play after bad play. Of course he rarely gets hit with an error. Wonder why?
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