only one? hah thats easy. Andrew Luck, dude is a great passer, strong arm, mobility in the pocket, can run too when he wants. If he had to play in Auburn's offense last year Id say he wouldve put up better numbers than Newton, of course passing, but rushing as well, had almost 500 rushing yards last year 8 ypc in a pro style offense that didn't have many designed qb runs.
big pass while falling to his knees
one of the few designed qb run plays, zone read (which is what the Auburn offense is based off of, well variations) He could do that all day. Not surprising that when Luck does it they say "fakes out", more like out ran the entire d which is what it would be called if someone like Newton did the same play. If he didn't have above average speed there is no way that is 51 yard td, maybe a 15-20 yard gain, two of the guys in the secondary were not fooled and were after him the entire way. They say he runs a 4.8 but I doubt that, has to be faster. Dalton ran around that time, and ran many zone-read type plays, rarely had anything longer than 15 yards
could probably play free safety as well
Stanford athletics video of him from 09 and 10
Edited by: snow