Peyton Hillis

It makes me sick how Hillis is being treated still. I have been arguing, with Browns fans no less, on the espn boards about how talented Hillis is. Many of them want him to have many fewer carries next year and Hardesty to take a lot. Maybe a 60/40 Hillis/Hardesty split! Ludicrous!<div>
</div><div>Hillis is a top 5 elite talent in the NFL. Fact! Softest receiving hands for a RB... Fact. Strongest runner (either him or Peterson or Turner)... Fact. Excellent vision. Fact. Elite athletic talent. Fact! Very good speed. Fact.</div><div>
</div><div>Why the DWFs for Cleveland want to take who is by far the best offensive weapon on the team and cut his carries in half baffles me. I also get absolutely sick and tired of hearing how he "wore down" at the end of the season....</div><div>
</div><div>He was literally the ONLY offensive talent the Browns have (especially since Evan Moore curiously rarely saw action) and every defense keyed on him more than any other player in the league. He did more with FAR, FAR LESS than any other running back in the entire NFL.</div><div>
</div><div>Also, MJD and Peterson missed time at the end of the season. How come no one questions their ability to handle the load? Hell, even though Toby Gerhart (who I truly feel can and will become a 1,000 yard rusher soon) was his back-up Peterson didn't lose many carries to him.</div><div>
</div><div>The fact of the matter is that the MSM is afraid their agenda is showing holes... Hillis finally got the chance and butt-f**ked them with his awesome performance. They are afraid he will do it again and again, so they are doing all they can to ensure that won't happen. They are down-playing his accomplishments, inventing false weaknesses, etc.</div><div>
</div><div>I'm just sad guys like Merrill Hoge never got enough carries to crack the barrier in the early 90s. Or Mike Alstott didn't get more carries... if he had he would have had 2-3 1,000 yard seasons in his career. How close he came must have scared the MSM and the PtB.</div><div>
DWFs have been erroneously conditioned to believe the BS against White athletes and how much superior affelets are. It is going to take a couple of years of Hillis dominating to shake them of this myth. But I do think he was worn a little at the season's end. Hillis was IT as far any type of offense.

Next year Browns will have to get a couple of good recievers, good back up QB, better OC, maybe a tightend who can catch, all with that vanilla look to them.
I agree, he as worn down a bit but not because he can't be a 250-300 carry a year running back... But because he was hit so much due to the absolute rubbish offensive talent around him... Scratch that, I can't even say talent because the affletes around him possessed none!<div>
</div><div>Like you said, next year if they can get a couple good receivers and an OC that learns to run to the left side of the line more... and use Evan Moore as that pass catching tight end, Hillis will be hit dramatically less and find the running lanes to be wider and more frequent. If this happens (and Caste-phile Holmgren doesn't replace Hillis with Hardesty) watch Peyton to average around 5 yards or more a carry.</div><div>
</div><div>Man would I LOVE to see Jake Sharp get a chance to be that change-of-pace back in Cleveland!! Hell, if Sczure (sp?) hadn't decided to go to the MLB I could see him being a valuable asset in Cleveland!</div>
I still wonder what the average DWF thinks of Hillis. I know he gets a lot of respect from the Cleveland fans but what about other cities. Do they still see him as a hybrid back or a bruising powerback?
whiteathlete33 said:
I still wonder what the average DWF thinks of Hillis.  I know he gets a lot of respect from the Cleveland fans but what about other cities.  Do they still see him as a hybrid back or a bruising powerback?

My cousin's husband is a classic DWF (big gut hanging out of a Bears jersey, the whole nine yards) and told me that Hillis "came out of nowhere" and that "no one outside of Cleveland knows who he is." I explained that PH didn't come out of nowhere, that anyone who knew about him in Arkansas or Denver should have expected him to succeed, and that he succeeded despite have to play Pitt. and Balt. twice/year.

This self-proclaimed football expert asked "Yeah but what did he do against the Ravens."

"144 yards and two touchdowns."

That shut him up temporarily, but some of these clowns are so wilfully blind that you wonder how they manage to function in life outside of fantasy football.
Cassiodorus, I can only imagine what Hillis had to go through. I suspect the Ravens games had the most racial slurs in them. I'm sure Ray Lewis gave the bruthas on the team a message,"Shut that whiteboy down." What a bunch of scumbags these affletes are. Just think, the same DWF pay hundreds of dollars to see these affletes play and make racist comments towards on of their own. Just stop supporting black sports and watch how fast the bruthas attitudes change.
The thing is, I honestly believe that fantasy football had a pretty big effect on Hillis's popularity last season. No matter how drunk the White fan, your typical fantasy football player won't ignore someone putting up the kind of numbers Peyton did, regardless of whether or not the "know" him.
When you ask them their opinion of Hillis and Woodhead, I think the consensus amongst the DWFs: "It was one year. Lets see what happens next year and the year after that. Im not ready to put him in the Hall of Fame yet &lt;chuckle chuckle&gt;" They are very skeptical in general, but a few more years they'll have to acknowledge the truth. Meanwhile, they'll anoint any black QB that has an ok to great year as the next Warren Moon. (See: Mike Vick, Vince Young, Josh Freeman, Culpepper, et al)
Could the black dominance on NFL defenses have to do with White dominance at the QB position??? "Kill that whiteboy" might be a popular chant among black defenses in regarding to white QBs. Wouldn't work nearly as well with a white defense.
I wouldn't worry too much about Hillis losing carries. Remember, he was not even labeled the starter at the beginning of the season, and didn't even get the majority of carries through the first two games. Him simply being the "1A" running back, I was confident that by game 4 he would be considered the starter. Why I can't prove that to anyone here, I did tell some friends that. My rational was that he was the 5th RB used in Denver and eventually became the starter after the midpoint in the season, that if he's only the 2nd RB he'd be the starter a lot sooner than that. I figure he will be considered the starter from the getgo next year, which will be a huge accomplishment. We haven't had a white RB to the starter to begin the season in a long time.
Electric Slide, I sure hope so! Such a shame the white athlete has to go through and prove himself four times the amount the black athlete does, but that is the society we live right now. The only way Peyton Hillis doesn't become a Pro Bowler next year (barring some major freak injury) is if he is consciously made to become a back-up despite the betterment of the team. If you were to tell his stats, the quality of his teammates (actually lack thereof) and the importance he was to his team's offense... to a blind man and not mention him being white, maybe call him Jamal Hillis... and Peyton is said to be one of the top 5 backs in all of football.<div>
</div><div>Hopefully, followers of this site can keep telling everyone we come across about the caste system, and maybe coupled with showing whites who are actually given a chance dominating... maybe, just maybe the walls of the caste system against white athletes comes down.</div>'s self-described "wordsmith"
Desi Cortez is at it again:

Straight No Chaser: White Man's Burden
Is Hillis a force or a one-hit wonder??

DENVER (BASN) -- This season, Peyton Hillis says that several teams have taunted him for being a white running back, and I don't doubt him.
<H3 style="FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman; MARGIN-LEFT: 4.5pt; MARGIN-RIGHT: 4.5pt">NonethelessI've got to wonder if the Cleveland Brown back has got it as bad as Jackie Robinson had it? What do you think?</H3>
<H3 style="FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman; MARGIN-LEFT: 4.5pt; MARGIN-RIGHT: 4.5pt">I'd argue brothers give Peyton his just do, his "propers." We tend to be "man enough" to give credit where credit is earned. The man is baaad, and I'm sure Afro-American players told him so after they got-up off their asses and shook off the Snow Ball Expressimpact and shook his hand and treated him with his due respect. </H3>

I'd say Jackie endured much more hostilities based on the insecurities and fears of White men - that obvious "inferiority complex" we all know exist but are forbidden to speak of.
The Browns tailback stated that he encountered taunting this season because of his skin color (White.)He told the Dan Patrick show (via theCanton Repository) that opposing teams trash-talked to him about his race on the field.

"Every team did it," he said. "They'll say, 'You white boy, you ain't gonna run on us today. This is ridiculous. Why are you giving offensive linemen the ball?'

Peyton is an rare oddity -- a White man who has the skill set to actually prosper at the running back position in the NFL. Now what makes his statistical accomplishments so, lets say remarkable and long, long, long over-due - it's been over a quarter-of an century since a White dude ran for a grand in the NFL . . .

And Hillis had two more games to get a 1,000 yards compared to the 14 contests Craig James had in 1988

Now here-in lies even more hypocrisy; White men dominated the running back position in both the NCAA and the NFL for decades, from the advent of the game on - both sport's respective hall of fames are stocked full of White dudes who were the fastest, the greatest . . .

Until true integration and competition was permitted. And, this is critical, White men can still today compete for running back positions, its just that they can't compete.

Note: Nobody is stopping them today. The only thing stopping a BYU running back from dominating in the NFL - their physical, mental and emotion abilities, or lack of. It would be only honest of angry White guy sports-writers and fans to admit this.

There's no banning or barring of White guys from that position or any others on the gridiron which they appear to be, as a entire group, virtually unable to compete at. Perhaps mommies insistence that little Theodore play . . . extreme Marbles, extreme four-square, extreme kite flying and bike riding has got something to do with their exodus from "real men's games."

Might dad be a little pre-occupied with his career, or distracted by his golf game to check n' balance mom's desires to raise a "nice guy."

This is the complete opposite of what we have at the quarterback position, where the Redneck Sports fans contention is Blacks aren't mentally advanced to prosper at the QB position.

We are, as a people, one n' all - unable to decipher NFL defenses, comprehend complicated NFL play-books nor manage both the game and clock while leading men into battle.

This racist Redneck company line is a given; you can hear that opinion tossed about by White fans of the game daily on sports talk radio, cable sports outlets and all across the vast Internet.

Black men are proving that even against all odds, small penised coaches and owners who don't want Ebony Signal Callers to succeed and prosper in the league, like the Shanahan Klan in Washington DC, heading up the Savages, the Black Field General is hereto stay.

I'd submit neither Shanahan, father or son believes the Black QB has been historically shafted by the NFL. I'd argue, like McNabb did - they're unmeetable expectations for Black quarterbacks - because the desire is for them to fail and go away.

The NFL can't admit to the truth; Quarterback is the last strong-hold for Euro-American Alpha males within the real traditional manly national pastimes.

Once they lose this slot, like they did in baseball, boxing and basketball - White sports fans will turn away, as they were with the NBA pre-Larry Bird.

And if it weren't for the orchestration of the pro game by the owners - the pro game would have looked like the college game twenty years ago - Black QB's everywhere . . . but the league understands this nation of consumers won't consume if it ain't a Favre, Brady or Manning.

Can we admit " we don't see skin color" White America has been, let us say . . . desirous of a White tailback for years . . .

If there too many gifted n' talented Black sportsmen on the field of competition . . . white folks loose interest. Yes, believe it, your color-blind co-workers and neighbors won't watch if White folks aren't involved.

Isn't that interesting . . . and all so telling, no?
So the rare, rare occurrence of a White tailback, amongst the rushing leaders in the league - is like Haley's Comet - a once in a lifetime event. The trick now for Hillis, not to be an one trick white rhino. He needs to do it three, four maybe five times over the rest of his career to have any real credibility beyond being an oddity.

<a href="" target="_blank"></A>
I noticed there wasn't a comment section after that "article"... otherwise I would have ripped that racist a new cornhole!<div>
</div><div>This guy must truly feel threatened by white athlete's proving that if they are given the chance they can do just as well as black ones, maybe even better. But absolutely not worse. Love how he throws in the small penis comment (which is actually proven to not be true, but that never stopped a bigot did it?) and is actually allowed to write such blatantly racist commentary.</div><div>
black quarterbacks "against all odds", I guess he means overloading the position with any black that shows some ability to throw a football. And this inferiority complexwe don't speak of, is he talking about his own race? because they seem to have the biggest inferiority complex, which is why they constantly mention race. Not to mention this article reeks of it. I guess the NFL wasn't "truly integrated" in the 60's when Jim Taylor dominated, or in the 70's when Csonka dominated, and guys like Hubard and Van Eeghan had success, or in the 80's when Riggins dominated, and James had brief success before an injury. Its funny how Jim Brown is considered the greatest of all time, but when talking about Taylor it was an era of "slow white guys". Taylor never received the amount of carries Brown did, if he had he wouldve beaten him in yards more than one season.

One Superbowl, that is all that a black quarterback has won (but we are told that is what coaches main goal is, regardless of what race, they play the best players to win the Superbowl)and he didn't even start the regular season. Taylor, Csonka, Eeghan, Riggins were all crucial to their teams winning the Superbowl, or in Taylor's case, the NFL championship for most of his career. Craig James was even a major reason why the Patriots made it to the Superbowl that year, it surely wasn't the duo of Steve Grogan and Tony Eason, but they lost. Mike Alstott also was on a Superbowl winning team. Hoge was a major factor in getting his team to the AFC championship game which they lost by 1 point, he still put up over 100 yards both playoff games. Brad Muster wasalso on a team that had post season success, he had 93 yards in a playoff win in 91. McNabb, Culpepper, Garrard, Leftwich, JaMarcus Russel, Moon, McNair,Kordell Stewart, Aaron Brooks, Michael Vick, Akili Smith, Tavaris Jackson, Vince Young, Jason Campbell, Jeff Blake, the list goes on.None havewona Superbowl and only a few have had any success in the post season.In fact, since hes emphasised that Hillis is a rarity and that no white had run for 1,000 yards for 25 years, I guess we should keep mentioning how now black qb has won a Superbowl for 22 or 23 years, and only one has been able to do it. Its a big difference between black quarterbacks, many have been given the starting job with no real competition, while no white has been given enough carries to reach 1,000 yards since Craig James up until this year, except for Mike Alstott one year, had he had a higher ypc he couldve broken it, but he was mainly given the ball in short yardage and goal line situations, which would lower your ypc and make it harder to break off long runs, and it was still less than 250 carries.

Whites have shown time after time that they are successful when given a chance at runningback, but I guess the writer would just dismiss that.

The reason why there aren't more black quarterbacks like college and there are the "Favres, Mannings or Bradys" is that you have to be able to pass. Defensive Coordinators are better at figuring guys out in the NFL. Usually black quarterbacks are figured out after a brief period of success, and they never adapt. Most are one trick ponies. I am sure Freeman will follow this pattern just like Culpepper.Vick had great success for the first half of this season, no picks, then he declined and threw a pick in almost every single game towards the end of the season. Aaron Brooks had one successful season and then was figured out and looked stupid for the rest of his career, and would smile after every interception. Every single one of his backups, (all white) were starting at some point, while he was waiting for a phone call for a job. Marc Bulger, Jake Delhomme, JT O'Sullivan. The first two had more success than he ever had.Edited by: snow
Snow - Too right, whites have just never been given the chance to succeed at running back since the mid-80s. Merrill Hoge was a very talented runner who could have easily broken the 1,000 yard barrier if he had been given enough carries. Alstott, as you pointed out, was used primarily as a short-yardage runner or in the red zone, where if he did break through the line untouched he only had a few yards to go until the endzone so he didn't have that 50 yard run.<div>
</div><div>I remember a running back from Boise State in the late 90s, Brock Forsey. He dominated college football. He ended up playing for the Bears for a couple years I believe. Despite being more talented and accomplished than the black running backs ahead of him on the depth chart, he rarely ever saw action. One game the great (pardon the pun) Anthony Thomas was hurt, Forsey stepped in and "amazingly" ran for over 100 yards in his first start! He really didn't get another chance in the NFL. Thomas came back and Forsey went back to the end of the bench, never seeing a game with more than a handful of carries again. He was out of the league in a couple years. Sad.</div><div>
</div><div>But it again shows that, almost without fail, the white running back has produced outstanding results when given the opportunity. But the Powers that Be refused to allow that to happen for an extended period of time, thus racist c**ts like the one who wrote the article above can say whites can't hang with the bruthas. f**k them.</div><div>
Wow. The writer (sic) of that drivel is as ignorant as I don't know what. Once again, he gets so many facts wrong it is a wonder that they let him publish that crap (except for the fact that it is a black website).
Must have been "amateur-night" at, or maybe blacks don't have the "neccessities" to write about sports. Mr. Snow posted a good rebuttal to the article, all I can add is the writer mentioned BYU and running backs, which is ironic because you will never find a guy who was more screwed by the caste system then Luke Staley.

That writer also capitalized "Redneck" which is kinda like capitalizing "N@gger"
Unintelligent and unreadable was this article. They are scared of white success that the writer of this article is really just too stupid to even know what he is attempting to write about. Maybe he should of wrote about the breakdown of the black family and how many brotha's wind up in jail and prison before they get to run the football in highschool and college. Clearly this writer is clueless as to why whites haven't been able to run the ball in the NFL for many many years. He dosen't care because he is a classless, clueless wanna be writer that has it in for whitey. I ask the writer of the article were is your savior Michael Vick watching the Super Bowl like the other black QB's who are incapable of playing the position to warrant even third string status in the league for which they don't deserve to be in at all. So go ahead and hate on whitey at least Hillis knows who his daddy is compared to the masses of brotha's who find the hardest day of each year is fathers day because they don't know who in the hell their daddy could be. Their you go article writer put that in your type writer and smoke it like a blunt dog.
Colonel_Reb said:
Wow. The writer (sic) of that drivel is as ignorant as I don't know what. Once again, he gets so many facts wrong it is a wonder that they let him publish that crap (except for the fact that it is a black website).

Agreed blatantly racist. Peyton is the only white man with the skillset? f**k you there are plenty who have the skillset but are denied the opportunity b\c of their skin tone.
This "wordsmiff" wrote another dumb article recently that was posted somewhere on CF. What the hell is Sprint doing advertising on their racist site?
Their anti-White site you mean.The author should have taken in the skills competition for the QBs at the Probowl, Vick couldn't hit 50%, he looked horrible.
Sprint own boost which is a brothas best friend unlimited talk text and web for fifty bucks with no credit check sounds like a match made in hell for Sprint and the broke credit challenged readers of that particular web site.
Toby Hillis, great dialing in on "wordsmiff", that author probably pronounces that word the same way.
Don Wassall said:'s self-described "wordsmith"
Desi Cortez is at it again:
<div>Straight No Chaser: White Man's Burden</span>
</font>Is Hillis a force or a one-hit wonder??</font></span>
<div></span></span></span> </span></span>DENVER</span> (BASN) -- This season, Peyton Hillis says that several teams have taunted him for being a white running back, and I don't doubt him.</font></span></span>
<h3 style="font-family: Times New Roman; margin-left: 4.5pt; margin-right: 4.5pt;">N</span></span></span></span>onetheless</span>I've got to wonder if the Cleveland Brown back has got it as bad as Jackie Robinson had it?</span></span> </span></span>What do you think?</span></span></span></span></h3>Wow, you have to go back to the 1940's to find a documented example of a black player being the victim of racist taunts? That's what I think.</font>

Black men are proving that even against all odds, small penised coaches and owners who don't want Ebony Signal Callers to succeed and prosper in the league, like the Shanahan Klan in Washington DC, heading up the Savages, the Black Field General is hereto stay.
"Small penised coaches and owners"? How would you know? Are you "on the down-low" like so many of your "brothers"? What's this obsession with penises by black men. Always grabbing them or talking about them.</font></span></font>
Once they lose this slot, like they did in baseball, boxing and basketball - White sports fans will turn away, as they were with the NBA pre-Larry Bird. </span></span>
</font></span></font></span>" they did in baseball, boxing..."? You must be watching too much of BSPN and HBO to notice that most boxing champions are now White and baseball is still majority White despite the incessant and successful Affirmative Action policies of MLB. I know these channels like to give the illusion of black and/or hispanic dominance in these sports, but that's not been the case lately, especially with boxing.
Edited by: Highlander
American Freedom News