Peyton Hillis

Animalmuther0 said:
Because his skin color makes him low-paid and expendable.

this is, of course, the honest answer.

but we are the "evil racists" for saying it aloud. also, of course.
Let's hope this prediction about Hillis comes true. I'd like nothing better than to see Moreno continue gimpy-kneed and Hillis kick asson Sundaylike he did last season when he finally got an opportunity thanks to a near miraculous"emergency" scenario come true.

Shocker Special: Hillis, Ochocinco silencer, Tim McGraw lover

For years fantasy owners were tortured by the head-slamming backfield tactics of Lucifer Shanahan. Though the secrecy of his actions was understandable in the context of reality, in virtual circles, it was completely unacceptable.

Now, under the direction of a new sinister beast, Josh McDaniels (AKA The McDevil), Denver's discombobulated backfield is less decipherable than ever before. The roster is brimming with talented, suitable cogs, but no one, possibly even The McDevil himself, knows exactly how the touches will be divided or what the defined roles truly are.<A name=remaining-></A>

After deep internal reflection, heavyimbibing and digesting hours of Harry Potter films, the Noise has concocted a magical potion that once consumed, sheds light on the Broncos backfield. Its ingredients: orange Kool-Aid, one Terrell Davis cleat, a shredded Olandis Gary tendon, film of a Mike Anderson(notes) Mile High salute, Shanahan orange glow and man-boob sweat from the Barrel Man.

(Noise removes cork and drinks potion)

The result: Peyton Hillis(notes) will be the most valuable Broncos rusher this week in Cincinnati.

The second-year bruiser is a Swiss Army knife the Bob Vilas of the world â€" not to mention country music stars â€" appreciate. Equipped with workhorse brawn, adequate speed and tacky hands, he's a key contributor on the ground, through the air and on special teams.

Because of his incredible versatility, Hillis is a matchup concern for Cincinnati's improved but sill vulnerable defense ('08: allowed 3.9 ypc, but 131.5 total ypg to RBs). To alleviate pressure on Kyle Orton(notes), look for McDaniels to maximize Hillis' assets by deploying him in the red zone and on swing passes in the flat. As observed throughout the preseason, he's essentially a more powerful version of Kevin Faulk(notes) within Denver's spread system.
full article:,188879Edited by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
Equipped with workhorse brawn, adequate speed and tacky hands, he's a key contributor on the ground, through the air and on special teams.

I wonder if the author realizes (or would be willing to admit) that, technically, this means Knowshon has less that adequate speed.
I've visited some Bronco blogs and I found that most of the Bronco fans hate McDaniel and Knowshow, but love Peyton Hillis. Their frustration generally mimics what we see on this board.
Hillis got one frekin carry last game. He goes from playing like a Pro Bowl tailback last year- in his short stint as a starter- with the Broncos winning each game he started to 4th team tailback (starting FB) this year...Only in white loathing America.
The good thing Kaptain and WA33, is that "for once" many Broncos' fans realize Hillis is getting screwed. Kaptain, I've seen the same thing on message boards regarding Hillis's talent as a "tailback".
As I recall Peyton is slightly faster than Moreno even though he is over 30 lbs heavier! He is obviously stronger and can move a pile. This is something Moreno can't do.
A new coach may be reluctant to "lose the team" i.e. alienate the blacks on the team. So Hillis will have to be worked into the line up and only move in after the eventual injury or failure of the blacks in front of him. He may not see significant playing time until mid season.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Well Taco, Hillis is extremely agile for a man with bull-like power and returned punts at Arkansas. The NFL is truly ridiculous though. Hillis is another Brandon Jacobs/ Marion Barber/ Beanie Wells, but somehow because he's a big back "and white" they just can't fathom him being a tailback (even as part of a tandem backfield with Moreno or someone else). The NFL is completely asinine and is a tool of the white hating cultural Marxists.

Move over whitey, this is the (N)ot (F)or-Whites (L)eague! Covered by the (E)xaggeration of (S)ports (P)erformance of (N)egros network...I don't like using the word Negro, but this if for humor effect!

Negro is just a contraction of *******, which basically means the black race, so I feel no problem whatsoever with saying it as I would Mongoloid or Caucasoid. Sure blacks don't like it, but most of the time they can't even seem to figure out what they want to be called. Negro used to be accepted, colored (NAACP) then black, African America (now many of them don't like even that) some want to be called just African or back to black. I quit trying to satisfy their child-like egos a long time ago. I got called cracker or whitey more times in school by blacks than my actual name. I even had a black coach one time at a football camp call me white boy, but it didn't really bother me and I grew up and did just fine.
While I agree with you that it's not really an "epithet" my rule for using words is when they went out of style. Negro went out of style as an acceptable way to address blacks by the end of the 60s, if I'm not mistaken. Although segregation had just ended by the time it was taboo, the south was still fighting to re-segregate. I don't fault other posters for having a difference of opinion on this though.

Mulatto, on the other hand, I have no problem with because blacks somehow decided suddenly- in the late 80s or early 90s when U.S culture and race relations were the same as now- that it was "racist". Truth is, most racism- in America, Canada and Europe- is against whites nowadays. However, it usually isn't even reported by the media. Meanwhile, blacks get away with making hollow accusations of racism all the time.

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
according to that line of reasoning,saying anything positive about aWhite man went out of style in the 60's, too. so you better stop doing it.

your comment regarding the term "mulatto" points out the ridiculousness of the situation. the same thing happened with "negro" when the negroes suddenly found it "offensive" in the 60's. negroes want everything "their way" all the time, even when "their way" contradicts itself. they still proudly boast of the overrated turds who played in the negro baseball leagues. they constantly beg for money for their negro college fund. they call each other a bastardized version of negro but are "horribly offended" when a White person says it.

basically, they don't want White folks to do anything remotely resembling standing up to the bullcrap that is their jive-talking, race-hustling, handout program-accepting that they've become accustomed to since the gov't started forcing Whites to pay for the cesspool that is the negro way of life.

quit worrying about black sensitivities, man.because, seriously, no matter what you do it won't be enough. unless it is to give them everything you own then kill yourself. because that's really what they want.
Solid post, Jimmy, and I agree.
Yeah, two of my three best friends are black racially, but marginalized (to put it lightly) from black culture. They can't stand the conformity. They'd have my back anytime, and I'd have theirs.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
basically, they don't want White folks to do anything remotely resembling standing up to the bullcrap that is their jive-talking, race-hustling, handout program-accepting that they've become accustomed to since the gov't started forcing Whites to pay for the cesspool that is the negro way of life.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>quit worrying about black sensitivities, man. because, seriously, no matter what you do it won't be enough. unless it is to give them everything you own then kill yourself. because that's really what they want.

Good advice, Jimmy. Oh, and if we don't kill ourselves, they are ready, willing, and able to do the job for us. Crime statistics reveal their proficiency in such matters as rape, robbery, and murder. They have no peers. Edited by: Bart
i am so pissed at McDaniels. and to top it all off, he let Buckhalter and Moreno get all the carries and they unfortunately got going... i mean they are bound to have a good game at some point, giving all the opportunities to succeed. just think about what havoc would Peyton wreak on Browns D yesterday, had he gotten a chance.

at least he got a bone in his goal-line carry. but how can he, or us be happy with that?! 1 freakin carry... someone needs to get hurt before Peyton goes down playing battering ram to lesser players...
Even Lamont Jordan got 7 frekin carries. Jordan responded with less than 3 YPC, but somehow he's put ahead of Peyton, who plays like a Pro Bowler whenever he gets the chance. Buckhalter looked good, but Moreno's 4.4 YPC is not as good as Hillis did last year. I think Hillis honestly would average mid 5's per carry on the season in Denver. He's also the hardest to tackle in short yardage as well.

I am so angry! I hope Hillis demands a trade and McDitz is run out of town after this year. And yes I'm gonna say it, I wouldn't mind at all seeing Buckhalter and Lamont Jordon get a sprained knee or high ankle sprain and miss 4-6 weeks. The situation is so unjust that I am losing my morals and sleep over it. But seriously, Lamont Jordan isn't a tenth of the player Hillis is! Every single Denver fan and all the fellow players at other positions should be wrecking havoc on Josh McDitz for screwing Hillis..but NO, they're too good for that!
Buckhalter is playing well in a good run blocking system, but Peyton Hillis is a better all-round RB and is the incumbent starter. Seniority with the team means nothing to Josh McDitz however. Moreno has potential and should be being used as the change of pace back to Hillis. The fans are nuts for not calling for McDaniels job for screwing the best offensive threat on the team, only because he's white. Wake up DWFs!
Broncos got off to a possible worst start for us, sitting at 2-0. that means McDaniels is free to do as he please, at least for the time being, and he clearly doesn't see Peyton as a factor in running game, hence even jordan getting carries ahead of him. whatever possesed him to use Peyton on this goalline carry, we'll never know.

i am aching for him to get the hell out before he damages himself. at least Leonard is in the position to step in if benson goes down and is not being asked to be a battering ram. Hillis needs, again, at least two injuries to actually be considered, and even then, who knows, Mcdaniels might sign someone like Alexander to carry the f**kin thing.

it's a disgrace. he whet my apetite in the preseason, actually using Peyton as a runningback quite a lot.
I haven't posted on this site in a long time, bcause there is not a whole lot left to say that hasn't been said at least a thousand times. I must admit though that the Peyton Hillis situation is very depressing. He certainly meets all the criteria to be a first rate running back, except for one, and we all know what that is. Until Peyton or any other white running back is willing to raise hell with the coaches and the national media nothing will ever change. Coaches and the media obviously assume that nothing is wrong because nobody is complaining. Mike Alstott is a great example. A great RB who was shafted and never said a word about his situation. He could really make a difference now since he has retired, but does anyone hear a word? NO!
Next year everyone on this site will be having the same discussion about Toby, and Jake, and everything will be the same. Sad but true. If this really bothered white people they would quit going to the games. If you don't have fans the league dies, and it is the white fans and sponsors who keep the league going. Then maybe people would at least start asking questions, but we all know that will never happen because the majority of white folks don't get it. This situation took years to get to this point and will probably take longer than that to correct if ever. I figure at the rate blacks kill each other, go to prison or both, the situation should correct itself in about 100 years. Until then I'll turn off the tv until Dirk starts draining 3's and Vlad and Vitali KO another opponent The NFL SUCKS.
mark b. said:
I haven't posted on this site in a long time, bcause there is not a whole lot left to say that hasn't been said at least a thousand times. I must admit though that the Peyton Hillis situation is very depressing. He certainly meets all the criteria to be a first rate running back, except for one, and we all know what that is. Until Peyton or any other white running back is willing to raise hell with the coaches and the national media nothing will ever change. Coaches and the media obviously assume that nothing is wrong because nobody is complaining. Mike Alstott is a great example. A great RB who was shafted and never said a word about his situation. He could really make a difference now since he has retired, but does anyone hear a word? NO!

Next year everyone on this site will be having the same discussion about Toby, and Jake, and everything will be the same. Sad but true. If this really bothered white people they would quit going to the games. If you don't have fans the league dies, and it is the white fans and sponsors who keep the league going. Then maybe people would at least start asking questions, but we all know that will never happen because the majority of white folks don't get it. This situation took years to get to this point and will probably take longer than that to correct if ever. I figure at the rate blacks kill each other, go to prison or both, the situation should correct itself in about 100 years. Until then I'll turn off the tv until Dirk starts draining 3's and Vlad and Vitali KO another opponent The NFL SUCKS.
People are less racist now than they've ever been, it's only natural to assume that nothing is wrong. I mean, there still are white stars in the league, it's not like every white player is ignored. People just don't think about it because it's really not a big deal to them anymore. The NFL will move on eventually, just give it some time. There's no reason to not enjoy a game just because 80% of the players don't share the same skin color as you. I love watching football, even if most of the players are black, because this is an amazing game and I've grown up around it. I don't hate rap music because most of the rappers are black, it is what it is. Football and the NFL can and will change, the league used to be all white; the pendulum has now swung all the way to the other side. It'll get back there, have some faith guys. There's only so long that people can stereotype before it gets busted down. I mean, you don't hear people complaining about there being hardly any hispanics or asians in the league, do you? Once the media gets wind of this, it will change.

Problem is that CasteFootball is an overly racist place, so you can't expect ideas expressed here, while they may be with good intentions, to actually get media attention. You need a real, unbiased place to really get people's attention. Not even Fox News would touch something like this.
Manifest Destiny said:
Once the media gets wind of this, it will change.

Problem is that CasteFootball is an overly racist place, so you can't expect ideas expressed here, while they may be with good intentions, to actually get media attention. You need a real, unbiased place to really get people's attention. Not even Fox News would touch something like this.

Great schtick! Yeh, as soon as the media finds out about what's going on, everything will change. All that's needed is a site like this filled with only dedicated "anti-racists" allowed to contribute and the deaf, dumb and blind corporate media will suddenly realize there's a Caste System in sports. What else will they catch on to under your benign guidance? Affirmative action? Epidemic black-on-white violence and hatred? All their movies, programs and commercials that demean whites?

You're a tool or a fool. Either way, you're done here. Maybe the one poster here you think is "reasonable" will have empathy for you.

Manifest Destiny said:
mark b. said:
I haven't posted on this site in a long time, bcause there is not a whole lot left to say that hasn't been said at least a thousand times. I must admit though that the Peyton Hillis situation is very depressing. He certainly meets all the criteria to be a first rate running back, except for one, and we all know what that is. Until Peyton or any other white running back is willing to raise hell with the coaches and the national media nothing will ever change. Coaches and the media obviously assume that nothing is wrong because nobody is complaining. Mike Alstott is a great example. A great RB who was shafted and never said a word about his situation. He could really make a difference now since he has retired, but does anyone hear a word? NO!
Next year everyone on this site will be having the same discussion about Toby, and Jake, and everything will be the same. Sad but true. If this really bothered white people they would quit going to the games. If you don't have fans the league dies, and it is the white fans and sponsors who keep the league going. Then maybe people would at least start asking questions, but we all know that will never happen because the majority of white folks don't get it. This situation took years to get to this point and will probably take longer than that to correct if ever. I figure at the rate blacks kill each other, go to prison or both, the situation should correct itself in about 100 years. Until then I'll turn off the tv until Dirk starts draining 3's and Vlad and Vitali KO another opponent The NFL SUCKS.
People are less racist now than they've ever been, it's only natural to assume that nothing is wrong. I mean, there still are white stars in the league, it's not like every white player is ignored. People just don't think about it because it's really not a big deal to them anymore. The NFL will move on eventually, just give it some time. There's no reason to not enjoy a game just because 80% of the players don't share the same skin color as you. I love watching football, even if most of the players are black, because this is an amazing game and I've grown up around it. I don't hate rap music because most of the rappers are black, it is what it is. Football and the NFL can and will change, the league used to be all white; the pendulum has now swung all the way to the other side. It'll get back there, have some faith guys. There's only so long that people can stereotype before it gets busted down. I mean, you don't hear people complaining about there being hardly any hispanics or asians in the league, do you? Once the media gets wind of this, it will change.Problem is that CasteFootball is an overly racist place, so you can't expect ideas expressed here, while they may be with good intentions, to actually get media attention. You need a real, unbiased place to really get people's attention. Not even Fox News would touch something like this.

Manifest Destiny, you are simply a brainwashed fool who's been drinking the kool-aid for a long time. It probably started around HS, continued thru college (assuming you went to one), and of course continues full-speed today. I don't think there's much hope for you here to wake up and see the reality of what's going on. So, go back to watching MSNBC and cheer for those black players on Sundays. Your departure will immediately raise the cumulative IQ of CF by a few points.
Manifest Destiny is actually a very common case. Someone who believes whites are being overlooked, but does not see the agenda or motives behind it. He thinks the goal is to be less racist towards everyone, and everything will be ok. But he doesn't understand that less racist means more anti-white in today's society, and that everything about the caste system is very deliberate. That's why many of us are Republicans/ Libertarians/ White Nationalists, because we understand the full dynamics of cultural marxism.
American Freedom News