PBS' Smiley Wants "Black Agenda"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Just imagine the (contrived) "outrage" if a PBS or MSM "mainstay" said we needed a bigger White agenda, etc. Again, the cultural marxist double-standard rares its ugly head.

PBS host Smiley calls meeting to urge black agenda

By JESSE WASHINGTON (AP) â€" 22 hours ago

Two months after ending his annual State of the Black Union conference, Tavis Smiley is gathering African-American advocates to press the case for a "black agenda."

The decision was motivated by what Smiley called recent statements from some black leaders downplaying the need for President Barack Obama to specifically help African-Americans.

"I was compelled to do it because of this debate," the activist and PBS talk show host said Wednesday.

The panel discussion will be March 20 at Chicago State University. Panelists include advertising pioneer Tom Burrell, professors Michael Eric Dyson and Cornel West, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Bennett College President Julianne Malveaux.

The meeting is free and open to the public. Negotiations to televise the event are in progress, Smiley spokeswoman Leshelle Sargent said.

Some black politicians and activists have recently begun to question Obama's longtime stance that helping the overall economy will improve the fortunes of blacks who are disproportionately poor and unemployed.

West, for example, gave Obama a grade of C minus on policies and priorities focused on poor and working people, saying, "He has really not come through in any substantial and significant way." Members of the Congressional Black Caucus have blocked some legislation until their demands were met.

Last week, Smiley and the Rev. Al Sharpton had a fierce argument about the issue on Sharpton's radio show, with Sharpton taking heated exception to Smiley's claim that the reverend was giving Obama a pass on black issues.

When Smiley ended the State of the Black Union after 10 years, he said black issues were now being addressed elsewhere.

Apparently, however, not enough to his liking.

"This is not about Obama. It's about us," Smiley said in an interview.

He said that the Obama campaign and black leaders asked African-Americans for help during the election, but that "now that he's elected, what are black people being asked to do to hold him accountable to our agenda?"

Eric Deggans, who writes about the media and race for Florida's St. Petersburg Times, said Smiley's new event is consistent with his record of criticizing Obama's race-neutral stance. But there is a perception that Smiley is personally invested in the issue, he said, because Obama declined to attend Smiley's 2008 State of the Black Union event during the presidential campaign.

"It could be hard for people watching this to see Tavis as an honest broker," Deggans said. "He's playing an odd game," he continued. "He's trying to make great television and also present something that effects social change. That's often two different things."



Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
DixieDestroyer said:
West, for example, gave Obama a grade of C minus on policies and priorities focused on poor and working people, saying, "He has really not come through in any substantial and significant way." Members of the Congressional Black Caucus have blocked some legislation until their demands were met.

Imagine that, a "liberal"Â￾ who has accomplished absolutely nothing for his "base,"Â￾ which incorporates everyone on earth accept for white males.

Same old prosaic blueprint"¦make millions of empty guarantees, get elected, then be the same do-nothing figurehead character as all the rest. The Lord of Hosts, Barack, was intended to be "different,"Â￾ fat chance.

We're still at "war,"Â￾ the R's and D's in the government are still "divided"Â￾ (accept for the issue of ruining the white race), and there is still massive unemployment and economic hardships (especially for non-whites). Obongo is a mirror image of his villainous enemy, "W."Â￾ Gee, I didn't see that one coming.

The "conservative"Â￾ Bush Twins also achieved absolutely nothing for their base. The only difference is that only white nationalists are bright enough to realize how liberal the Republican Party has always been.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Smiley is extremely obnoxious, a professional raceagitator who is the rare black who can talk both articulately and very fast and that's what he does, blabber non-stop with the same tired talking points over and over again like a wind-up doll. From his point of view (and that of most blacks), it's still 1950s America -- or possibly 1850s America -- and nothing's changed, a "white racist power structure" still systematically oppresses and scapegoats blacks. There's never any deviation from that line, no acknowledgement of the difficulties most whites are encountering from that same "white racist power structure," no subtlety or intent to have an honest discussion about race.
Dec 18, 2004
You see this a lot. Obama is having to bend over backward to appease white voters. Earl Ofari Hutchinson is crying the same tune.