Pavlik vs. Taylor II: The Rematch

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
According to boxingscene, Jermaine Taylor will be fighting Kelly Pavlik in a rematch early in 2008. He has decided to use the rematch clause in his contract.

This is better than Pavlik vs. Duddy. I wouldn't know who to root for in that one - I'm a fan of both. But I would enjoy seeing Pavlik KO Taylor again...
I'm surprised that the Taylor camp is exercising this option. He fought a near perfect fight and was still badly ko'd. What do they think will happen this time?
I agree with you JD, black fighting white is always much more appealing to me that two white brothers fighting.
This fight is at a weight of 166 so if Taylor wins is he the middleweight champ or has he just avenged his lost. As he has had trouble making 160 of late I think he may move up to Super Middle weight of course avenging his loss would probably help in the rating and help get a shot at the winner of Calzahge-Kessler..
The middleweight championship will not be on the line. If you make a catch weight bout the fight must be under the championship limit. Leonard-Lalonde was a catch weight bout they fought for Lalonde's 175 belt at 168.
Thrashen said:
I agree with you JD, black fighting white is always much
more appealing to me that two white brothers fighting.

As Bernard Hopkins would say "they have the complexion to make the

I think Taylor loses again. His main complain after the loss was regarding
his stamina but I saw him eating a lot of right hands. These are issues that
need to be addressed with before trying again. If he loses again he won't
get an opportunity to fight for the belts for a while IMO.
I hope Pavlik is as motivated as he was for the first fight - Taylor will be for certain. I think the outcome will be the same, unless Taylor decides to run from him all night, and the crooked judges award him a decision when it's over.
Taylor has been having difficulty making weight at 160 for some time. He is probably hoping to avenge his loss to Pavlik and use that to launch a run at one or more of those three Super middleweight belts Joe Calzaghe won Saturday and will vacate if he does go up to Light Heavy.I think Kessler-Taylor would be a good fight.
It would have been nice to see Pavlik fight and defeat someone like Winky Wright, instead of the rematch with Taylor.
Edited by: JD1986
I hope Kelly has great recuperative ability.;_ylt=AlfErFoQnb1NCxYqp0H4Wz OUxLYF?slug=ap-pavlikinjured&prov=ap&type=lgns

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<TD ="yspwidearticle">November 9, 2007

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (AP) -- Middleweight champion Kelly Pavlik needed 108 stitches after cutting his hands and arms on a window. His trainer insists the boxer will be ready for the rematch with Jermain Taylor early next year.

"This has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on this fight," trainer Jack Loew said.

Pavlik was trying to repair and clean old windows at his home Monday. While trying to open one, he sustained three cuts to both forearms and hands. There was no evidence of tendon damage, his doctor said in a letter released by Pavlik's publicist, Fred Sternburg.

The stitches will be taken out Nov. 16 and Pavlik is expected to resume training within two weeks of their removal, Loew said.

Pavlik (32-0) knocked out Taylor (27-1-1) in the seventh round Sept. 29. The rematch is expected to take place Feb. 16 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

"We had no intention on getting into the gym until the middle of December anyway," Loew said.</TD></TR></T></T></TABLE>

Edited by: Bart
Caste concepts aside, Taylor is making a big mistake going in against Pavlik so soon. Pavlik will beat him up even worse this time.

He should build back up gradually after being blasted out like that. Oh well, it's good news for caste fans.
The hand injury Pavlik sustained concerns me. From what I have read they were only superficial wounds, Tendons, and ligaments sustained no damage. However February is not far off. I think that Kelly better be damn sure that his arms, and hands are 100% when he steps in the ring with Taylor. Another thing that concerns is the way Kelly seems to be under rating Taylor. Kelly is phenominal athlete with the potential to be a truly great boxer. If he keeps his focus, as well as his desire I believe he will one day be considered the greatest middleweight of all-time. (Provived he makes weight for atleast 2 1/2 to 3 years).
Am I jumping to conclusions in proclaining Pavlik's greatness? No. But I have not seen a middleweight utterly destroy all comers in the manner in which Pavlik has since the likes of Marvin Hagler. Even Hopkins, a great middleweight in his prime did not savagely dispose of challengers in the manner in which Kelly Pavlik does. Pavlik just doesn't win, he punishes, and tears his opponent to shreds until they are spent. All that being said, he is only 25 years old. 25 years old!!!! I believe he will become even more dominant with experience. However, he has to stay focused, and take nothing for granted.
Based on how Pavlik and Taylor fought last time I cannot see any legitimate reason why the same result will not repeat itself. Taylor surprisingly did not fight an in and out fight as I would have expected and as I would have advised him to to. Instead he tried to stand in front and fight off the hardest punching middleweight since perhaps Stanley Ketchel. Taylor has since fired his trainer, the famous Emanuel Stewart, and now is trained by someone unknown, at the moment. Perhaps in Taylor's mind he sees the knockdown he gave Pavlik in the last fight as inspiration, suggesting what could have been had he better measured his energy. What should be discouraging to Taylor is that he only hit Pavlik because of a momentary lapse in defense and he connected with 3-5 of his best shots and was unable to finish him. Pavlik has much to celebrate from the first fight and should be very encouraged by the effectiveness of his abilities. He was able to gain control of distance with his jab and use it, as a prod is used to move livestock, to work Taylor to the side ropes and the corners where he would land his awesome combinations. He should smile and grin at the fact that his telescopic right hand was able to fit so perfectly with the wide open left side of Taylor which ultimately set up the knockout. I do not hesitate for a moment in predicting a repeat of the first fight with Pavlik winning by a knockout. Taylor may move a little more, try to be more elusive, but the onslaught on Pavlik will eventually catch up with him and ...BANG, it will all be for not.Edited by: Maple Leaf
Time goes by so fast - it's only another ten days away. The closer we get to Pavlik vs. Taylor II, the more eagerly I'm anticipating it! This will very likely be an exciting fight.
This is a do-not-miss fight; this will be something memorable; this kind of fight is better than football.
I'm thinking about buying this PPV. I wonder, will Max Kellerman be doing the commentary? Sometimes he's on PPVs, sometimes not. Since he hates Pavlik, he'll be making discrediting comments. Hopefully we'll have Merchant instead.

I just hope the judges and referee are fair to Pavlik, but it is unlikely to go to a decision anyway.
Any word on Pavlik's hand? I know that he was injured a while back and received quite a few stitches.
Just saw the Countdown to the Pavlik/Taylor rematch on HBO. It was a great piece. It is a funny thing, I very much want Pavlik to crush Taylor. But at the same time I very much respect Taylor as a man. This coming from a person who holds most blks in contempt. I respect Taylor for his courage and respect of his opponent. Not too many men would want to seek revenge after being blasted out like he did in the first fight. I believe Taylor is a great person and good fighter. He is truely an exception to most black affelets. I will be watching this fight with great excitement. I suspect Taylor will be stopped in the 7th or 8th round. Also, Pavlik is an outstanding person and on his way to having a great career and income.

On a side note, caught the Quitana/Williams fight on HBO. Williams was a another blk fighter that HBO tried to hype into being the next great thing. He is a good fighter, but ran into a another fighter who excuted a great game plan and believed in himself. This was a somewhat major upset. Another blk lost his championship to a European fighter. And yes, Quitana passes the 'eye test'. He looks like he is a spaniard with only a splash of Tano blood that goes back four generations. It was a great fight and a great performance by Quitana.
Kukulkan, I watched the Quintana fight too and very much enjoyed it. You're right, Carlos appears to be of mainly Spanish (white) heritage. It was nice to see the much smaller Quintana defeat the overhyped black fighter who had such a reach advantage. Williams has a longer reach than Wlad Klitschko, 82" to 81", yet he fights at welterweight.

As far as Taylor goes, he is a nicer guy than most black men, but if you or I were fighting a black opponent and Taylor was watching, I'm sure Jermain would be rooting for his "bro" to win!
I agree on the Williams fight. Another Great Black Hype exposed. If these guys are such superior athletes, why do the usually lose to whites and Hispanics?

Look for Chad Dawson to be the next overhyped black to be exposed.
JD1986 said:
Kukulkan, I watched the Quintana fight too and very much enjoyed it. You're right, Carlos appears to be of mainly Spanish (white) heritage. It was nice to see the much smaller Quintana defeat the overhyped black fighter who had such a reach advantage. Williams has a longer reach than Wlad Klitschko, 82" to 81", yet he fights at welterweight.

As far as Taylor goes, he is a nicer guy than most black men, but if you or I were fighting a black opponent and Taylor was watching, I'm sure Jermain would be rooting for his "bro" to win!

82 cm right?

Why is it sometimes 82" and Pavlik has a 25.5 inch reach? How do they measure?Edited by:
Dont care if Taylor is a good person or whatever. You know behind the scenes hes saying to himself and his people how he lost to a white dude. I want him to get knocked out worse than the last time. said:
82 cm right?

Why is it sometimes 82" and Pavlik has a 25.5 inch reach? How do they measure?

82 inches - measured from the tip of one hand to the the tip of other hand, with arms outstretched. It's also sometimes called "wingspan".

Reach is very important in boxing. Black people usually have a longer reach than whites in proportion to their height, giving them a natural advantage in boxing and basketball.

Sometimes arm length is also considered "reach" - hence the 25.5" reach for Pavlik. Pavlik has long arms for a white guy, and that hasn't hurt his boxing career.Edited by: JD1986
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