Own interests at heart?


Aug 2, 2008
Do you people honestly believe that coaches at all levels don't want to play the best players available? I mean that just goes against there own interests. Coaches in college and the pros are making so much money. I mean do you really think they would jeopardize that by not playing their best. Hit me back.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Hello Cmon,

For the most part, I believed exactly as you do for many years. Now though, yes I do believe there is a definite bias against White players at all levels.

You've come on this site and I extend a welcome to you. Just stay with the site and read the comments with an open mind and maybe you'll start seeing things from a different point of view.

Remember, nobody made you come on this site. You came of your own free will. So somewhere in you there's some doubt. That's why you're here.

Take care Sir and have a good day.

Tom Iron...
Apr 22, 2006
Do you really believe that corporations and governments, schools and universities at all levels don't want to choose the most-qualified person available, not someone just because they are non-White / non-White male? CEOs and University presidents are making so much money. Would they really jeopardize that by choosing less-qualified minorities over Whites? I mean that just goes against their own interests, right??? Right???

Yeah, right.Edited by: son_of_Radovan

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Cmon said:
Do you people honestly believe that coaches at all levels don't want to play the best players available? I mean that just goes against there own interests.
A coach's best interest is to remain employable, not to win games. Coaches with loosing records are hired all the time at all levels, but breaking the caste rules in sports is a career ender.


Nov 13, 2005
Cmon, I understand your point and the argument you are making. Coaches spend hours and hours of time on their teams, would they really throw jeopardize their team by cutting talented white players?

A few thoughts. Look at the performance of last years virtually all-white Air Force team. Look at how a white receiver like Welker was nearly cut by Miami before finding his niche in New England. Speaking of New England, look how white RB Heath Evans was out of the league (doing construction wasn't it), gets called back in to the NFL and does fine as a tail back for a few games before the black starter was back. I think coaches have been programmed to undervalue white players at WR, RB, CB.
In baseball, remember the lesson of moneyball, how teams traditionally underrated the value of players with a high on base percentage. As a 11 year old kid I remember questioning why a baseball team offensive stat rankings in the Sunday paper was always pegged to batting average, not runs per nine innings, or why on base percentage wasn't ranked ahead of batting average, and yet baseball GMs and managers didn't appreciate this until recently. This isn't neccessarily a racial thing, but a good example of unimaginative, go with the flow thinking, although many white players do get lots of walks, so white players would benefit from a greater appreciation of walks somewhat. Think about it, an 11 year old kid was ahead of the curve. Another non-racial example of dumb management, look at the prepostrous contracts given to baseball pitchers on the downside of their careers like Barry Zito and Mike Hampton and Dontrelle Willis.
No baseball team would really be so dumb as to give a seven year 117 million dollar contract to a solid journeymen pitcher who might be worth five or seven million a year for a few years, would they?
Some food for thought for you.
Mar 8, 2007
Referendum wrote,

" . . .but a good example of unimaginative, go with the flow thinking..."

Thanks for the post. I think that you make a VERY valid point here. Just because a person is in a high position doesn't mean that he is the most astute or most knowledgeable. My observation is that the people who attain the high positions are very often those who are most skillful at "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" or at maintianing the status quo, albeit, maybe, slightly differently than the other guy. Oftentimes they are clueless as to a better way to do the job, as in the example of the team stats given by Referendum.
Mar 8, 2007
Cmon said:
Do you people honestly believe that coaches at all levels don't want to play the best players available? I mean that just goes against there own interests. Coaches in college and the pros are making so much money. I mean do you really think they would jeopardize that by not playing their best. Hit me back.

Can you give me an explanation for Jacksonville's James Harris' seeming obsession with black quarterbacks?

Can someone do some research and name the white quarterbacks who were passed over by Jacksonville so that they could draft a black quarterback.


Cmon is underestimating the caste filtering that is done before the pro level, especially in football. Colleges have a vested interest in affirmative action,which affects their scholarship offers.

It begins even farther back, as blacks start puberty on average almost two years earlier than whites. Thus, during the crucial junior high and high school years, whites are typically overlooked for overdeveloped blacks. Whites will catch up physically with later development, but not before being filtered out of the athletic system.

Not to mention that American pro leagues are about marketing and money-making. For whatever reason, the media likes to hype vicious blacks over equally or better qualified whites (see: Kimbo Slice).

As others on this site document extensively, there is plenty of straight up anti-white racism and discrimination, with no concern for so-called "self interest" as you think of it.

Keep your eyes open for anti-white discrimination in sports and it will get more and more obvious.

White Power

Feb 25, 2007
To add to that point here's hoping Garrard gets injured and Cleo Lemon has to play, and then Shack Harris will be exposed for what he is a brain washed negroe who feels that blacks can play quarterback better than whites. How he is still in the leauge and in charge of any teams personel is beyond beleif. Cleo Lemon might well be the worst quarterback on any teams roster in the last 10 years. However taking all this into account he still was signed by the Jaguars to be their 2nd string. Now if you don't beleive theres favoritism in the NFL then you my freind are either an alien from another planet or a complete and utter moron you choose the titile that best fits you.


Aug 2, 2008
White Power said:
To add to that point here's hoping Garrard gets injured and Cleo Lemon has to play, and then Shack Harris will be exposed for what he is a brain washed negroe who feels that blacks can play quarterback better than whites. How he is still in the leauge and in charge of any teams personel is beyond beleif. Cleo Lemon might well be the worst quarterback on any teams roster in the last 10 years. However taking all this into account he still was signed by the Jaguars to be their 2nd string. Now if you don't beleive theres favoritism in the NFL then you my freind are either an alien from another planet or a complete and utter moron you choose the titile that best fits you.


Aug 2, 2008
Personal attacks won't get you anywhere White Power. If I don't immediately agree with you I must be a moron huh? I bet you were captain of the debate team in high school. Also how can you hope for somebody to get hurt? Thats just cold man. And as for 89glory can you please show me documented proof that blacks reach puberty quicker, because I have a hard time believing that.


Aug 2, 2008
I also see numerous complaints about the lack of whites at hb,wr, and cb. Don't you think its because speed is a major part of those positions? It is blatantly obvious that african americans are faster than white americans. I base this on the fact that no white person has ever broken 10 seconds in the 100 metre dash. Without wind of course. Black runners do that countless times a year!

White Power

Feb 25, 2007
Yes usually running from lions in Africa or the police in the hood. So whats your point theirs more to playing football than speed you don't see it because you must be a brotha who had a free ride based on his limitless athletic ability yeah right get off of this site, and while your'e at it teach Vince Young how to stay in the pocket and avoid the pass rush while throwing a perfect spiral strike down feild LOL.


Aug 2, 2008
It never amazes me how quickly some people show their true colors or lack of class. Its just astounding. I wasn't talking about every position in football. I was talking about the three postions in football which require the most explosive speed. If you want to make sweeping generalizations without knowing somebody I got one for ya. You must have been the guy that I was blowing off the field and still cries about it when he's forty Uncle Rico. Just get over the fact that your slow and uncoordinated and couldn't hold a brothas jock.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Aww man i always root for new members, peace cmon
Feb 22, 2007
New Jersey
Cmon said:
You must have been the guy that I was blowing off the field and still cries about it when he's forty Uncle Rico. Just get over the fact that your slow and uncoordinated and couldn't hold a brothas jock.

Black man alert with the "brothas jock" comment. Hey cmon, how many WR have olympic speed? What about white guys with 40 times like Kevin Curtis? Is he some genetic mutant? How do you explain players like Wes Welker?

I know you wont answer, since youll most likely be banned soon.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Cmon said:
You must have been the guy that I was blowing off the field and still cries about it

Now we understand why you're so upset. Wrong forum Sally.

White Power

Feb 25, 2007
Your probably picking up my trash or washing my car or some other mundane job because unlike you while I was very good in sports I did not need them to get out of the ghetto hell I didn't even know what a ghetto was til I started watching good times on television LOL. So you see the average white man or non black can make it in this country without having to deal drugs pimp women or be able to run fast and jump high. So your point that you blew past me so what I don't care what are you doing now, and where did all of your athletic exploits get you a couple of illegitmate children, and some pissed off sista's when you failed to make it big. I beleive the nation of Islam has a sports site that might be more to your liking. You will be kicked off of this site soon my dark freind good riddance. More and more fans will start waking up to the fact that their is reverse racism in football, and when they do the tide will change and blacks will be the minority at all positions. How do I know this it's simple the white people of this country can change it whenever they feel it will benefit them. Right now it's not a big enough issue for the average sports fan, but when it becomes one the watch out brotha. Your days will be numbered at all the skill positions.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
C'mon, Cmon.

Here we go again.

If speed is a necessity at halfback, please explain Jerome Bettis, Emmitt Smith... et al. There are dozens of threads that discuss this issue in depth, did you bother to read any of them before posting?

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Oh, and one more thing. You titled this thread "Own interests at heart."

Why yes, I'd say we do have our own interests at heart, at least on this board.

Just like blacks everywhere else on the planet.

Is that a problem? Or is it a problem because it's white men who deign to have self-interest?

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
This guy is Brutal on Ritalin. He literally gets off on this stuff. Ignore him I swear his mother must have fed him from a bottle and never held him.....
Jun 26, 2007
i hope cmon doesnt get banned i want to see the posters here who know the truth just bamboozle poor old cmon with the truth, untill he has no choice to concede or better yet get off this damm site and let us go on about our business


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
"Just get over the fact that your slow and uncoordinated and couldn't hold a brothas jock."


Forums like this one are so boring, in that we enlightened few all have to rush in to inundate a person (who in this case is black) with the myriad of facts to support the existance of the caste system.

Fact, there has never been a single black person on this forum who's actually changed their minds after reading the seemingly infinate amount of cold, hard facts. The people who come to this site to "heckle" caste football members all have one thing in common: they always have opinions, but never any facts. This brainwashed loser is no different. His arguments (and I use that term loosely) are just random opinions.

This "person" is not worth arguing with.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Thrashen said:
"Just get over the fact that your slow and uncoordinated and couldn't hold a brothas jock."


Forums like this one are so boring, in that we enlightened few all have to rush in to inundate a person (who in this case is black) with the myriad of facts to support the existance of the caste system.

Fact, there has never been a single black person on this forum who's actually changed their minds after reading the seemingly infinate amount of cold, hard facts. The people who come to this site to "heckle" caste football members all have one thing in common: they always have opinions, but never any facts. This brainwashed loser is no different. His arguments (and I use that term loosely) are just random opinions.

This "person" is not worth arguing with.

Thank you.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
A few more inundations: how do you explain media articles complaining about the lack of black centers, or the too white Houston Astros who made it to the World Series, or the too white Home Run Derby squad? Yes, the media and the corporations are all about finding and playing the best talent on Earth; they have no agenda,whatsoever.

These replies are not for this "person," but for people on the fence. So, hopefully, by reading this they'll hop on over to the truth. I also like to refresh with these great points to help debate drunk white fans. Good posts.
Edited by: Alpha Male