
Feb 23, 2013
New York

This seemed so obvious. "Chris Rock" went for it, took the cash and publicity, then did his 'plainin' routine.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I didn't watch the oscars at all but did read over some of his monologue and he
was able to insult and denigrate white athletes when talking about the movie Creed. I am sure the white leftist sheep in the audience all laughed like the the self hating whites they are.

If I recall Chris Rock was also bitching about the lack of black baseball players in the MLB in the last year or so too.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Rock's non stop racial jokes.. The nearly all white crowd laughing on cue.. Ya didn't miss much. Leo finally got an Oscar and proceeded to ruin it by bitching about "Global Warming." Same guy who was spotted on a 450ft yacht this summer folks.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I'd just as soon get a root canal than watch such a vile, debased, limp-wristed litany of leftist lies & lunacy. Hellyweird stands for everything that I'm against (...& vice versa). Rest assured, those coddled cultmarx candy@$$ cowards have utter disdain towards "old school", no nonsense, hard@$$, "rebels" like many of us here.


Jan 27, 2016
I didn't watch the oscars at all but did read over some of his monologue and he
was able to insult and denigrate white athletes when talking about the movie Creed. I am sure the white leftist sheep in the audience all laughed like the the self hating whites they are.

If I recall Chris Rock was also bitching about the lack of black baseball players in the MLB in the last year or so too.

Here's the part you were referring to:

"Hollywood is sorority racist.

It’s like, “We like you Rhonda, but you’re not a Kappa.”

That’s how Hollywood is.

But things are changing. Things are changing.

We got a black Rocky this year. Some people call it “Creed.” I call it “Black Rocky.”

And that’s a big, that’s an unbelievable statement. I mean, cause “Rocky” takes place in a world where white athletes are as good as black athletes.

“Rocky” is a science fiction movie. There’s things that happened in “Star Wars” that are more believable than things that happened in “Rocky,” O.K.?" end quote.

HA HA that's so funny because like there has never been a White heavyweight champ since um..currently, and for the last 10 years too. Seriously do these people have to live in the past? Is it always going to be 1967 racially? We now have the internet and with the click of a mouse you can see that the heavier divisions in boxing are dominated by white guys. I guess if it doesn't happen in amerika it doesn't happen at all.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Chris Rock did a spiel some years back about how Lebron James would effortlessly dominate the NHL. As I recall, he said something along the lines that James would do so by using his supposed huge negro dick in lieu of a hockey stick.

If Rock had a shred of integrity, he would point out the 800 pound gorilla in the room and state that the establishment is Jewish, not White, but they're all sell-outs in Hollywood, blacks and Jews alike pretending that "Whitey" is still somehow in charge of things when Hollywood has always been Jewish controlled since its inception.

I like this recent quote from Jim Goad, who writes for takimag.com: "I decided to check on what kind of people live in Beverly Hills, and it turns out that the city is 61 percent Jewish. And by a miraculous stroke of mathematical improbability, 'all eight major film studios are run by men who happen to be Jewish,' or at least that was the case in 2008. Top media executives are so disproportionately Jewish, one wonders why everyone is complaining about white people in Hollywood but no one makes a peep about Jews.

"We appear to live in a world where everything is 'too white' but nothing can ever possibly be 'too Jewish.' That seems like a dangerously fragile double standard. Interesting times."
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