Orania, South Africa (100% White)

I saw this story earlier this evening as well. The writer is aghast at the horror of an all-white area in South Africa where there is law and order and they protect their own. But I notice that he doesn't do a compare-and-contrast with the rest of the "rainbow" paradise.
Oh no! A place of refuge remains for Whites in Sa. How terrible. I'd like to choke that writer.
When I first saw the story, I thought, "great, a place in South Africa where whites are safe, rule of law is in place, and civil society is encouraged", but after reading the story, I realized that without including violent, murderous "majority race" folk, the place is just a travesty of justice!
thanks for posting the link.

an excerpt from the Yahoo "news" article:

Mostly Orania taps into white fear ...

(CarelBoshoff IV) also talks a lot about violence in other parts of South Africa. People in cities such as Johannesburg live behind giant walls and electric fences. In more rural areas, a panic has risen about what locals call "farm killings"Â￾ in which young blacks have murdered a few (emphasis added by JC) Afrikaner farmers.

the "journalist" lists this man's comments as if they weren't fact. as if they were hyperbole. as if they were irrelevant. the "journalist" also conveniently neglects to point out the HUGE difference in standard of living and crime and so forth between the "evil racists" in their community and the "noble blacks" in their human cesspools, imean wonderful cities.doing sowouldhave demonstrated the reasons for the Afrikaaners' desire to live separately and given necessary context to the story.not doing so, i'm sure, was just an innocent oversight.

it is this complete disregard for honest reporting that have caused more and more people to shun mainstream media and seek raw news/information elsewhere. Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
The truth is this journalist, like most Cultural Marxists, truly believes that white South Africans deserve whatever misfortune befalls them. Black violence against whites is just retribution for apartheid and any attempt to prevent that violence is equivalent to evading justice. However, these journalists also have to downplay black violence (black violence is just "white fear"). So we end up with some self-righteous mental dwarf deciding from the safety of his upper middle-class neighborhood that the level of violence against whites in South Africa is insignificant.
Paleocon said:
The truth is this journalist, like most Cultural Marxists, truly believes that white South Africans deserve whatever misfortune befalls them.

Very true, and they feel that way about all Whites. The media never acknowledges anything positive about Whites; Whites are denied existence as a race except in negative ways.

Cultural Marxism is a program ofl genocide against Whites achieved through massive non-White immigration and anti-White psychological warfare.
Could you guys imagine if blacks were being killed by whites the way whites are being killed in South Africa? It would be all over the news in every country. Yet we here very little about all the white women being raped in SA and all the killings. I wish we could help the white South Africans leave that terrible country.
They also had an interview with the recogonized president of the white community in South Africa and he pointed out that there are thousands of communities that are all-black an no one is talking about them.

Of course in the eyes of the cultural marxists it is okay to have an all black community, but not a white one. Heck in the US we have colleges that are all black and the MSM never says squat about them.
newguy said:
They also had an interview with the recogonized president of the white community in South Africa and he pointed out that there are thousands of communities that are all-black an no one is talking about them.

Of course in the eyes of the cultural marxists it is okay to have an all black community, but not a white one. Heck in the US we have colleges that are all black and the MSM never says squat about them.

Bingo! The ever-present cultural marxist double-standard (emboldened via the controlled MSM, Hollyweird & Madiscum Avenue) is what's the most enraging.
there are something like 20,000 murders a year in South Africa. I've been trying to find out how many are white victims, and haven't found an answer. If anyone can find an answer please post. My guess is that the majority of victims are blacks killed by other blacks, with most whites also being killed by blacks.
I just watched a show on South Africa. As I tuned in somewhere in the middle of the program they had a black guy interviewing a white woman from South Africa whose home was burglarized numerous times. She even said one time she was home and the blacks pistol whipped her. They then showed the multiple security measures she has taken since such as a guard dog and security system. The black interviewer then said that whites have money in South Africa so they are able to afford security systems while blacks can't. As usual not one mention of the rampant black on white crime just another excuse to make whites out as the "privileged" ones.
whiteathlete33 said:
I just watched a show on South Africa.  As I tuned in somewhere in the middle of the program they had a black guy interviewing a white woman from South Africa whose home was burglarized numerous times.  She even said one time she was home and the blacks pistol whipped her.  They then showed the multiple security measures she has taken since such as a guard dog and security system.  The black interviewer then said that whites have money in South Africa so they are able to afford security systems while blacks can't.  As usual not one mention of the rampant black on white crime just another excuse to make whites out as the "privileged" ones.

The sheer quantity of post-Apartheid violence perpetrated against South African whites is utterly incalculable. The adorable little bedtime stories involving black-on-white home invasions depict a truly insurmountable zenith of vicious human brutality"¦the likes of which are unmatched in the last 1,000 years of sadistic torturers of men.

The premeditated spreading of AIDS (via rape, naturally) to white women, dumping boiling water onto young white children, tossing newborn white babies from the rooftops, setting fire to a home with a white family locked inside, defecating / urinating onto bound victims, eye gouging, raiding farms and butchering every living thing (whilst other family members watch, bound and gagged)"¦and these are merely the fanatical activities I can stomach repeating. There is more, so much more. These aren't merely isolated occurrences"¦these dreadful events transpire 2-3 times daily (for years and years) in a nation twice the size of Texas.

The supposedly gruesome "holocaust"Â (the accounts that are actually based on concrete evidence), in comparison, seems like an exercise in civility. No "benevolent"Â Allied army is marching to save white South Africans from their ultimate extermination. No Hollywood directors are clamoring to portray their infinite struggle to the dim-witted white masses. No sweet little Christian church groups hustle their patrons for donations to help white South Africans escape this horrid, savage nation (quite the opposite, they fund the aggressors). No American politicians campaign to allow white South Africans to immigrate the U.S. (again, quite the contrary, they'd much rather vow to introduce, say, Haitians into a typical American neighborhood).

Most "educated" and "well-read" Americans still feel much too slighted by the events of that "wretched" Apartheid to so much as utter a word against the racist, juvenile, cowardly "leaders" of New South Africa"¦let alone the vile citizens. Yet those same "super-intellectuals" remain entirely ignorant to the fact that South Africa is the rape and murder capitol of the world (per capita). It also dwarfs all other nations in the ultra-malevolent "baby-rape" category. These are the good people that every single Cultural Marxist government around the globe is interested in systematically selecting for residency in the New World Order. The South African flag isn't fit to line the pig sties of white men, let alone salute.

Sorry for ranting, but it's difficult to control myself when conversing about a nation that is so outlandishly objectionable.Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen said:
whiteathlete33 said:
I just watched a show on South Africa. As I tuned in somewhere in the middle of the program they had a black guy interviewing a white woman from South Africa whose home was burglarized numerous times. She even said one time she was home and the blacks pistol whipped her. They then showed the multiple security measures she has taken since such as a guard dog and security system. The black interviewer then said that whites have money in South Africa so they are able to afford security systems while blacks can't. As usual not one mention of the rampant black on white crime just another excuse to make whites out as the "privileged" ones.

The sheer quantity of post-Apartheid violence perpetrated against South African whites is utterly incalculable. The adorable little bedtime stories involving black-on-white home invasions depict a truly insurmountable zenith of vicious human brutality"¦the likes of which are unmatched in the last 1,000 years of sadistic torturers of men.

The premeditated spreading of AIDS (via rape, naturally) to white women, dumping boiling water onto young white children, tossing newborn white babies from the rooftops, setting fire to a home with a white family locked inside, defecating / urinating onto bound victims, eye gouging, raiding farms and butchering every living thing (whilst other family members watch, bound and gagged)"¦and these are merely the fanatical activities I can stomach repeating (there is more, so much more).

The supposedly gruesome "holocaust"Â￾ (the accounts that are actually based on concrete evidence), in comparison, seems like an exercise in civility. No "benevolent"Â￾ Allied army is marching to save white South Africans from their ultimate extermination. No Hollywood directors are clamoring to portray their infinite struggle to the dim-witted white masses. No sweet little Christian church groups hustle their patrons for donations to help white South Africans escape this horrid, savage nation (quite the opposite, they fund the aggressors). No American politicians campaign to allow white South Africans to immigrate the U.S. (again, quite the contrary, they'd much rather vow to introduce, say, Haitians into a typical American neighborhood).

Most "educated"Â￾ and "well-read"Â￾ Americans still feel much too slighted by the events of that "wretched"Â￾ Apartheid to so much as utter a word against the racist, juvenile, cowardly "leaders"Â￾ of New South Africa"¦let alone the vile citizens. Yet those same "super-intellectuals"Â￾ remain entirely ignorant to the fact that South Africa is the rape and murder capitol of the world (per capita). It also dwarfs all other nations in the ultra-malevolent "baby-rape"Â￾ category. These are the good people that every single Cultural Marxist government around the globe is interested in systematically selecting for residency in the New World Order. The South African flag isn't fit to line the pig sties of white men, let alone salute.

Sorry for ranting, but it's difficult to control myself when conversing about a nation that is so outlandishly objectionable.

I know what you mean Thrashen. I was furious when I watched that show last night. I expected the white woman to mention some of the racism she has endured or the black interviewer to mention it. Boy was I stupid. Instead they just flipped the script and the interviewer said poor blacks can't afford security systems so they are vulnerable to crime. I just wonder how much longer this can go on? Honestly, how stupid can some white people be? Also look at the situation in Zimbabwe. The racist black leader has taken land away from whites. Whites don't belong in Africa and should leave. When they do these countries will completely fall apart.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
whiteathlete33 said:
As usual not one mention of the rampant black on white crime just another excuse to make whites out as the "privileged" ones.

I wonder how "privileged" that affirmative action interviewer would feel if he had to spend the same percentage of his income as the white South Africans to protect himself from the local wildlife.
Paleocon said:
whiteathlete33 said:
As usual not one mention of the rampant black on white crime just another excuse to make whites out as the "privileged" ones.

I wonder how "privileged" that affirmative action interviewer would feel if he had to spend the same percentage of his income as the white South Africans to protect himself from the local wildlife.

They also showed some guy(looked like a mulatto) and his group of civilian crime fighters. He supposedly keeps the streets safe and goes after all the drug dealers which to no surprise are all blacks.

This is the site that tells the whole story on the situation going on in Africa. Just as Thrashen posited in his brilliant rant, the level of brutality is unmatched anywhere in the world.

Frankly, I don't see how any whites could stay in such a hostile, dangerous and intimidating place? I understand how much can be vested in ones home, but at some point you just have to cut ties and leave. With the Communist ANC in charge, there's no hope for saving that forsaken, third world pest-hole.

This site depicts brutality with graphic evidence, it is not for the faint of heart.

God help those poor people.
Dissident said:

This is the site that tells the whole story on the situation going on in Africa. Just as Thrashen posited in his brilliant rant, the level of brutality is unmatched anywhere in the world.

Frankly, I don't see how any whites could stay in such a hostile, dangerous and intimidating place? I understand how much can be vested in ones home, but at some point you just have to cut ties and leave.

where are they supposed to go? several Western nations (including the United States and Canada) have actively rejected allowing White South Africans into their country. the Afrikaaners are "ray-ciss," you see. they're not like the civilized and wonderful Somalians that are spreading their cultural enrichment via gang rape throughout Minnesota. no, the Whites of South Africa would bring bad behavior with them ... or so we're told.

but with the rejection of visas from supposedly "benevolent" and "compassionate" nations (which really is a vivid example of the Caste System in a non-sports-related matter: the eager acceptance of vast hordes of illegal non-Whites into western nations compared to the rejection of legitimate White political refugees), it leaves the Afrikaaners with few options.
Sadly whites are under attack everywhere. The Great Replacement is working so wonderful to all of the leaders that hate us.

The more I think about it the more I think Orania is the model for survival. It has to be formed of independent leaders, banking, schools,
infrastructure, etc. etc. Homoeexuals and Minorities for the most part want to rule and not to coexist. Not all but so many. There is no form of
compromise of middle ground with these people. The best decision is to just live apart. Easier said than done but groups of whites need to buy land by the 100's of acres and emulate the Amish. Will this be allowed? Of coures the powers will try to squash it. Orania has done it
in South Africa of all places. Maybe it's not so far fetched an idea. To live in these places would be like going back into the past almost 100 yeasrs ago. Something to think about?
I sincerely hope they don’t have vibrancy forced on them.

The first south africans moved there way back in 1991. They have stood the test of time for decades now. It is possible but it takes
alot of planning, money and courage. Their security for the town is really outstanding too from what I've heard.

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