whiteathlete33 said:
I just watched a show on South Africa. As I tuned in somewhere in the middle of the program they had a black guy interviewing a white woman from South Africa whose home was burglarized numerous times. She even said one time she was home and the blacks pistol whipped her. They then showed the multiple security measures she has taken since such as a guard dog and security system. The black interviewer then said that whites have money in South Africa so they are able to afford security systems while blacks can't. As usual not one mention of the rampant black on white crime just another excuse to make whites out as the "privileged" ones.
The sheer quantity of post-Apartheid violence perpetrated against South African whites is utterly incalculable. The adorable little bedtime stories involving black-on-white home invasions depict a truly insurmountable zenith of vicious human brutality"¦the likes of which are unmatched in the last 1,000 years of sadistic torturers of men.
The premeditated spreading of AIDS (via rape, naturally) to white women, dumping boiling water onto young white children, tossing newborn white babies from the rooftops, setting fire to a home with a white family locked inside, defecating / urinating onto bound victims, eye gouging, raiding farms and butchering every living thing (whilst other family members watch, bound and gagged)"¦and these are merely the fanatical activities I can stomach repeating (there is more, so much more).
The supposedly gruesome "holocaust"Â (the accounts that are actually based on concrete evidence), in comparison, seems like an exercise in civility. No "benevolent"Â Allied army is marching to save white South Africans from their ultimate extermination. No Hollywood directors are clamoring to portray their infinite struggle to the dim-witted white masses. No sweet little Christian church groups hustle their patrons for donations to help white South Africans escape this horrid, savage nation (quite the opposite, they fund the aggressors). No American politicians campaign to allow white South Africans to immigrate the U.S. (again, quite the contrary, they'd much rather vow to introduce, say, Haitians into a typical American neighborhood).
Most "educated" and "well-read" Americans still feel much too slighted by the events of that "wretched" Apartheid to so much as utter a word against the racist, juvenile, cowardly "leaders" of New South Africa"¦let alone the vile citizens. Yet those same "super-intellectuals" remain entirely ignorant to the fact that South Africa is the rape and murder capitol of the world (per capita). It also dwarfs all other nations in the ultra-malevolent "baby-rape" category. These are the good people that every single Cultural Marxist government around the globe is interested in systematically selecting for residency in the New World Order. The South African flag isn't fit to line the pig sties of white men, let alone salute.
Sorry for ranting, but it's difficult to control myself when conversing about a nation that is so outlandishly objectionable.