Opponents of ObamaCare = Militias, Birthers, etc.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
More of the standard M.O. from the (Globalist Elite) controlled Leftists on "Crapitol sHill". Using name-calling & labels to try and intimidate the sheep into supporting the arch-socialist "ObummerCare".

Sen. Whitehouse: foes of health care bill are birthers, right-wing militias, aryan groups

By Kerry Picket on Dec. 20, 2009 into Water Cooler

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) today took shots at those who are not supporting the health care legislation. During a floor speech, he excoriated Senate GOP members for up holding the pending health care bill and accused their supporters of being birthers and fanatics in right-wing militia and Aryan support groups. He started off by citing an editorial from the Manchester Journal Inquirer, which used insults like "lunatic fringe.":

(WATCH THE VIDEO HERE about 116:06 in. 2:55pm EST)

"Let's Look At What Current Observers Are Saying As A Possible Early Indicator Of The Judgment History Will Inflict. Recently, The Editor Of The Manchester Journal Inquirer Editorial Page Wrote Of The Current G.O.P. Which He Called ‘This Once Great And Now Mostly Shameful Party,' That ‘It Has Gone Crazy, Is More And More Dominated By The Lunatic Fringe And Has Poisoned Itself With Hate.' He Concluded, ‘They No Longer Want To Govern. They Want To Emote.' A Well Regarded Philadelphia Columnist Recently Wrote Of The Conservative Paranoia And Lunacy On The Republican Right."Â

After explaining why absent GOP members who did not vote for the Department of Defense spending bill was tantamount to a "no" vote, he went on to say that Republicans and their supporters just want to "break" the momentum of President Obama.:

"Voting 'no' and hiding from the vote are the same result. Those of us on the floor see it. It was clear the three of them who did not cast their yes votes until all 60 Senate votes had been tallied and it was clear that the result was a foregone conclusion. And why? Why all this discord and discourtesy, all this unprecedented destructive action? All to break the momentum of our new young president.

They are desperate to break this president. They have ardent supporters who are nearly hysterical at the very election of President Barack Obama. The birthers, the fanatics, the people running around in right-wing militia and Aryan support groups, it is unbearable to them that President Barack Obama should exist. That is one powerful reason. It is not the only one."

I approached (AUDIO) Senator Whitehouse following his speech on the floor, and his responses to my questions were puzzling, to say the say the least. Mr. Whitehouse said he stood by his speech, but would not admit that he was accusing anyone who was against the health care bill as racist. He did reiterate that birthers are part of the group that is against the bill and are attacking president However, when I asked the Senator from Rhode Island what he meant by describing those who do not support the bill as "aryan," he responded "No, I didn't say that....again, pay attention to the speech."

According to the transcript above, Mr. Whitehouse did say what he seems to be denying. Perhaps he should pay more attention to what he says on the floor.

***Reference article & video


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Hum, standard fare here, he calls us birthers, fanatics, right wingers and Aryan support groups. I look forward to the day when these liberal politicians say you must be one of those "Caste Footballers". We will have arrived on the scene big time when that happens!

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
aren't all sports fans "fanatics?"

if so, i proudly qualifyas all three of these things.
Nov 8, 2006
Our enemies are always reduced to this sort of name-calling. There are no logical reasons to support the marxist/zionist takeover and all the actual facts support our side, so wet-brain appeals to emotion are spewed out. "Racist," "Hater," "Aryan Support Group," the jewish script is the same every time.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I'm racist (not Aryan) and I oppose Obama-care, I WISH the other people opposing it were racist too, it would mean we had a bunch more common sense people in the country.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Just what do you mean when you say you're a racist?

I call myself an American White Nationalist. When I say that, I mean I don't wish anybody any harm, but if anybody threatens me or my loved ones, I will do what I have to, to stop him. I also mean that I think minorities don't have what it takes to be Americans and I don't want anything to do with them. I don't look at this as hate, but racial realities.

Tom Iron...


Nov 23, 2008
Tom Iron said:

Just what do you mean when you say you're a racist?

I call myself an American White Nationalist. When I say that, I mean I don't wish anybody any harm, but if anybody threatens me or my loved ones, I will do what I have to, to stop him. I also mean that I think minorities don't have what it takes to be Americans and I don't want anything to do with them. I don't look at this as hate, but racial realities.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Tom Iron said:

Just what do you mean when you say you're a racist?

I call myself an American White Nationalist. When I say that, I mean I don't wish anybody any harm, but if anybody threatens me or my loved ones, I will do what I have to, to stop him. I also mean that I think minorities don't have what it takes to be Americans and I don't want anything to do with them. I don't look at this as hate, but racial realities.

Tom Iron...

I'm a racist by their definition of it so it doesn't matter what I think it means, what you think it means or what it really means.

I agree with the idea behind your post but: "I don't wish anybody any harm" is disengenuous. You don't wish anyone harm? There's a lot of SOB's I 'wish' harm to. Plenty of people that I HATE too. Why kid myself or others about it. It's true, probably true for you too.

What's the point of saying that you don't wish anyone harm or hate them? Elite whites, powerful jews, and many minorities wish you harm, and hate you. They want you driven down, broke, your family working like slaves to support the system that punishes you, if you agree with that, and nearly everyone here does it seems, how can you not hate or wish harm to those people? I don't get it.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
jaxvid said:
Tom Iron said:

Just what do you mean when you say you're a racist?

I call myself an American White Nationalist. When I say that, I mean I don't wish anybody any harm, but if anybody threatens me or my loved ones, I will do what I have to, to stop him. I also mean that I think minorities don't have what it takes to be Americans and I don't want anything to do with them. I don't look at this as hate, but racial realities.

Tom Iron...

I'm a racist by their definition of it so it doesn't matter what I think it means, what you think it means or what it really means.

I agree with the idea behind your post but: "I don't wish anybody any harm" is disengenuous. You don't wish anyone harm? There's a lot of SOB's I 'wish' harm to. Plenty of people that I HATE too. Why kid myself or others about it. It's true, probably true for you too.

What's the point of saying that you don't wish anyone harm or hate them? Elite whites, powerful jews, and many minorities wish you harm, and hate you. They want you driven down, broke, your family working like slaves to support the system that punishes you, if you agree with that, and nearly everyone here does it seems, how can you not hate or wish harm to those people? I don't get it.

Great clarification & points "Darth Jaxvid"! I hate the PTB/NWO because they seek to destroy our Constitutional Republic, our race & the Christian heritage & traditions our nation was founded upon!

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Jaxvid hits the nail on the head again. well said, sir. well said, indeed.


Nov 23, 2008
Jimmy Chitwood said:
Jaxvid hits the nail on the head again. well said, sir. well said, indeed.
I agree! What's the point in being nice if the other side wants YOU to go extinct? To hell with being nice!

There comes a time when we need to fight fire, with fire!

I don't mean picking up a gun shooting someone, that is!

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Your're correct I guess up to a point, but with Americans, it's important to remember we're the people all the world is amazed at. Yes, minorities hate us, but we must fight hating them in return. They hate us because of the reality that they're caught here in this society that they can't ever become a part of. They must always be on the outside looking in. They're fully aware that if it wasn't for the ridiculous nonsense of Affirmative Action and Quotas and all such other illusions kept in place to make it appear they're part of the all around equation,
they'd be ignored completely. That's why they hate us.

On our own part, we must try to never fall that low, as to just hate indiscriminately like them. If we do, we aren't good Americans I think. I look at minorities as a job we have to complete. We just have to defeat them when the time comes and remove them from our presence. Once they're back where they belong and can realize whatever their potential is by their own efforts, then we can possibly help them, or if we wish, ignore them.

As far as my own interaction with minorities, I keep it courteous. But I do stay away from them as much as possible. On the other hand, if a black asks me directions, I can't bring myself to mislead him.

Lastly, I assure you jaxvid, when the time comes, if I'm still in this world, I'll do what has to be done with these poor people. Don't think I'm in any way operating under any false illusuions about this.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Tom Iron said:

Your're correct I guess up to a point, but with Americans, it's important to remember we're the people all the world is amazed at. Yes, minorities hate us, but we must fight hating them in return. They hate us because of the reality that they're caught here in this society that they can't ever become a part of. They must always be on the outside looking in. They're fully aware that if it wasn't for the ridiculous nonsense of Affirmative Action and Quotas and all such other illusions kept in place to make it appear they're part of the all around equation,
they'd be ignored completely. That's why they hate us.

"A society they can't ever become a part of?"Â￾ You're joking, right?

For all intents and purposes, non-whites rule white Americans in nearly every conceivable facet of modern American life. White Americans are quite literally enslaved, living in an invisible, self-constructed animal cage of false democracy"¦where Minority Rules. This psychological prison is so vast, so globally expansive, and so thoroughly all-encompassing that life in the modern world would feel somewhat strange without it. 99% of every single white person on planet earth only knows how to live by the Script, because their parents, and their parents, only knew said Script"¦.and the abundantly clear consequences of disobedience.

Any non-white American has the ability (and is wholly encouraged) to live absolutely free off of whites Americans who choose to work and pay their racially-hustled taxes. Any non-white man can impregnate any white woman, and white men are strong-armed into paying for both of their lives, and the lives of their little mutt-brats. Sounds like a round-about way to discourage whites from having large families, no? Every single purchasable product produced in this country now features several different languages (beneath English). Every single business, educational institution, professional athletic franchise"¦..hell, even something as outwardly trivial as a TV commercial cast, must possess a certain number of those who "can't ever become a part of."Â￾

I could name thousands of instances in which anti-white laws were enacted by our totalitarian "Ameircan"Â￾ government"¦.and zero laws which helped whites in any calculable way. If I am incorrect in this statement, anyone feel free to correct me. 99% of minorities, and 99% of whites are clueless to affirmative action. This "equality tool"Â￾ will continue unabated until the racial endgame has commenced.

Tom, I'm not sure you fully appreciate the "Reverse Butterfly"Â￾ transformation this nation has undergone since WWI. I not only hate the PTB and the greedy-handed minority beneficiaries"¦but also the limp-wristed white "men"Â￾ and "women"Â￾ who were too apathetic towards their volk to fight against it.Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Outstanding retort Thrashen!

Tom, I understand what you mean in the way of being civil (to a degree). I also don't mix/buddy-up with minorities, but if I have a minority as a waiter, etc...I'm not going to automatically act like a douchebag towards them. For one, they'd hawk a loogey in my grub
, and secondly I try to act like a Southern gentleman...unless someone treats me, my family badly...then the "Aryan Warrior" comes out.
I don't advocate just randomly acting like a prick towards minorities...unless they start the "attitude", etc. with/on us.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
I agree with the idea behind your post but: "I don't wish anybody any harm" is disengenuous. You don't wish anyone harm? There's a lot of SOB's I 'wish' harm to. Plenty of people that I HATE too. Why kid myself or others about it. It's true, probably true for you too.

Well said jaxvid. I have friends and family members who toss out that I don't wish anybody harm stuff. I tell em they're fooling themselves. Besides, I remember quite well what they were saying not too long about Saddam Hussein, Iraqi's and Arabs in general. A lot of talk also on this site about turning all their countries into glass. Nuke every man, woman, child and camel to hell!

Now, don't misunderstand me. I am not criticising them. They believed in the weapons of mass destruction story line and everything else that went along with it. It is natural for humans to get very angry, hostile and hateful when they believe they are being targeted for destruction.

When Hussein was hanged they were all very giddy and it was not JUST because they felt justice was being served. No, there was a sweet sense of satisfaction. Hatred and the desire for revenge are strong elements of the human psyche.

Think not? Then why do so many on this site love Clint Eastwood's movie characters? Dirty Harry, Josey Wales, and that old guy who shot and killed everyone in sight in the movie - Unforgiven - were not exactly turn the other cheek, Kum Ba Ya singing, poster boys.

If we think hatred and vengeance are justified we will not pass judgment on those who act in concert with our values.As everything else in life, it all depends on where our sympathies lie, or as I like to say, "Whose ox is being gored?" Edited by: Bart