Olympic Games basketball 2012 redux


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I have the vast majority of posts in CFs Marc Gasol thread. Marc plays for Spain. Spain lost, and I've dealt with it. This "almost almost won" talk is deeply flawed. If Team USA won a close game in the Gold medal match, with everything on the table, that can be seen as a positive rather than a negative....

Look, it's simple, no one here wants to hear your effusive praise of black athletes. That is not what the site is about and you know it. We let you do this occasionally because you otherwise make good posts. But you should know what is proper and what is not proper. I'm not over at blackathlete.net talking about how dominant the Klitschko's are so you should not be here talking about how Lebron James is the greatest player in the world. That is common sense and if you cannot excercise that then you shouldn't be here.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Maybe Deadlift is a male version of Linda Blair and he is posessed by a DWF....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDGw1MTEe9k

I only refer to this team as Team USA, NOT a Dream Team.

James Harden, who was plain embarrassing in the NBA Finals? Which gave Team USA a whopping 3-players from the OKC Thunder.. (several players would have been a superior choice for Team USA.)

Andre Iguadala and Tyson Chandler? I think people would have rather seen a player like JaVale McGee in Olympic play. An active rebounder/defender and can run the court.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Look, it's simple, no one here wants to hear your effusive praise of black athletes. That is not what the site is about and you know it. We let you do this occasionally because you otherwise make good posts. But you should know what is proper and what is not proper. I'm not over at blackathlete.net talking about how dominant the Klitschko's are so you should not be here talking about how Lebron James is the greatest player in the world. That is common sense and if you cannot excercise that then you shouldn't be here.

You are the one who went into the NBA playoffs thread I started and essentially went.. "YAWN." Last time I checked, CF has an NBA section.

If YOU happen to not be interested in basketball, that's great. No one is going to force you. What I see a lot, is people claiming no interest in basketball and yet being smarmy in basketball threads. Go figure. In the soccer section, there is a Mario Balotelli thread amongst other black-themed threads.. where is the uproar? Vince Young threads, Mike Vick threads and an RGIII thread..

--What if RGIII, or someone else, in time, turns out to actually be good? The Balotelli thread was a thread to criticize him, but, eventually, in EURO 2012, he scored two goals against Germany to lead Italy to the final against Spain. Things like that can happen.--
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Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Deadlift said:
You really want to "talk" to me when you said this in a previous post, and when I didn't initiate a talk with you in this thread (where, predictably, you take another swipe at Drew Brees):

No, actually, what I wrote was meant for the vile poster trolling in this thread. You know, that same obsessed, multi-banned chump who created a repulsive Olympic basketball thread (called “Team USA 2012”) several weeks back. I’m sure you remember that thread, since you attacked him yourself in the post below…

Deadlift said:
Wait a second... Nobody cares about U16 basketball except for YOU. It's You that like the young ones, don't you? Your the bitch-boy, always eager to polish off your Dream Team buddies and "future Dream Teamers" that are still in high school.
And you had the audacity to refer to me as a “bully” a few months back? You should take your own advice and be more kind to newer members. I’d never go out of my way to talk to you, because it’s obvious that we can’t get along ever since your “re-birth.” Whatever. My poking fun at Drew Brees for his strange pre-game behavior shouldn’t offend any racially-conscious white man.

Deadlift said:
And this is coming from who.. our own Mr. Adjective?

“Mr. Adjective?” That’s rich. As if the act of being highly descriptive is some sort of undesirable writing quality on an internet forum in which one is tasked with defining their thoughts and beliefs exclusively through the written word.

Remember a few weeks ago when you reached 5,000 total posts and nobody even cared or congratulated you? Well, there was a very good reason for that subdued reaction to your achievement. Like Jaxvid said…you know what you’re doing, you know the kind of reaction you’ll receive, and you know what’s acceptable and what isn’t.

Deadlift said:
I have the vast majority of posts in CFs Marc Gasol thread. Marc plays for Spain. Spain lost, and I've dealt with it. This "almost almost won" talk is deeply flawed. If Team USA won a close game in the Gold medal match, with everything on the table, that can be seen as a positive rather than a negative....

As expected, you didn’t answer the question. You seemed to take pleasure in (and defend the honor of) Team USA’s triumphs in London. Why?


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
--What if RGIII, or someone else, in time, turns out to actually be good? The Balotelli thread was a thread to criticize him, but, eventually, in EURO 2012, he scored two goals against Germany to lead Italy to the final against Spain. Things like that can happen.--

the balotelli thread was created (by me) to monitor the performances of a player that is hugely over-rated because the media want a black european star
mario balotelli is one of the most know soccer players in the world, yet he never achieved anything at club level, and now his 2 goals against a very bad german defense will be his only accomplishment so far

yet he is one of the most expansive players in the world, plays in one of the biggest clubs, is paid more 5 times more than players that proved themselves at the highest level (like forlan the best player in the world at the 2010 world cup)
he's amongst the top-payed soccer players in the world, yet he has never achieved anything

the contrast between what is said about him and what he actually does is incredible, and it's easy to prove

he flopped at the last euro champs despite scoring 2 goals vs germany
he scored vs germany but made a clown of himself vs spain (with an incredible miss seen world-wide) and didn't score vs croatia
then against england he was terrible: http://www.castefootball.us/forums/threads/13581-mario-balotelli?p=251181&viewfull=1#post251181

and in the final match vs spain he was the worst player in the match, the reports are unanimous:


he is known because he is black and italian while there are few blacks in italy
i guarantee you, 100% sure, that if he was born in france, where 80% of the players in the clubs at youth level are blacks, he would have been un-noticed because he has nothing special
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Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
No, actually, what I wrote was meant for the vile poster trolling in this thread. You know, that same obsessed, multi-banned chump who created a repulsive Olympic basketball thread (called “Team USA 2012”) several weeks back. I’m sure you remember that thread, since you attacked him yourself in the post below…

I know that previous post of yours wasn't sent my way, but you thought you'd get one over me later on and replied to me in your typical, smug way, but you will deny being that way of course. I did make a post about Lithuania, a subject that was being discussed on this thread for some time before your post about the games.

And you had the audacity to refer to me as a “bully” a few months back? You should take your own advice and be more kind to newer members. I’d never go out of my way to talk to you, because it’s obvious that we can’t get along ever since your “re-birth.” Whatever. My poking fun at Drew Brees for his strange pre-game behavior shouldn’t offend any racially-conscious white man.

That guy wasn't any kind of newbie. He kept calling Europeans ****.

“Mr. Adjective?” That’s rich. As if the act of being highly descriptive is some sort of undesirable writing quality on an internet forum in which one is tasked with defining their thoughts and beliefs exclusively through the written word.

You are neurotic. I've seen you criticize the grammar of other posters when your grammar has been wrong on more than a few occasions. And, apparently, when you throw rocks at others, you become surprised when rocks are thrown back. Now, that's rich! Of course, most posters seem to be terrified of you for some reason, but I'm not.

Remember a few weeks ago when you reached 5,000 total posts and nobody even cared or congratulated you? Well, there was a very good reason for that subdued reaction to your achievement. Like Jaxvid said…you know what you’re doing, you know the kind of reaction you’ll receive, and you know what’s acceptable and what isn’t.

Or, maybe I should have started a thread in Happy Hour about it! I'll remember to do that next time.

As expected, you didn’t answer the question. You seemed to take pleasure in (and defend the honor of) Team USA’s triumphs in London. Why?

Now, you're simply running on fumes. Spain sleep-walked past France and Russia in the knock-out round. It was embarrassing, especially against France. Does anyone disagree? The USA was naturally going to be significant favorites for the title.

In the Gold medal game, Spain's passion was "clearly elevated" and they played hard. I would never deny that! Also, the USA is held to a standard of having to win every game in pool play. Spain, on the other hand, appears to have "tanked" the 4th quarter against Brazil and lost. If Spain wants more respect, they have to be better than 3-2 in pool play. Why aren't more questions being sent the way of Spain?? No matter where one looks, people have high standards for Team USA and much lower standards for the other contenders. That's part of the problem.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
You are the one who went into the NBA playoffs thread I started and essentially went.. "YAWN." Last time I checked, CF has an NBA section.

If YOU happen to not be interested in basketball, that's great. No one is going to force you. What I see a lot, is people claiming no interest in basketball and yet being smarmy in basketball threads. Go figure. In the soccer section, there is a Mario Balotelli thread amongst other black-themed threads.. where is the uproar? Vince Young threads, Mike Vick threads and an RGIII thread..

--What if RGIII, or someone else, in time, turns out to actually be good? The Balotelli thread was a thread to criticize him, but, eventually, in EURO 2012, he scored two goals against Germany to lead Italy to the final against Spain. Things like that can happen.--

Now you are just being a troll. Vince Young/Mike Vick, etc. threads are not started to heap undeserved praise upon those players, that's done at every other sports board on the internet, those threads are on CF to level rightly deserved criticism at those players which is rarely done in other places.

You cannot in all seriousness compare a CF Vince Young thread to one of your lovefests for Lebron James or whichever blacklete you are wetting your pants about currently.

It's obvious that you are either intentionally ignoring the theme and rules of this forum or are oblivious to the concept of what support of White athletes means. Your over the top support for black players especially as it pertains to basketball is disruptive and non-conductive to the goals of this site.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
"You cannot in all seriousness compare a CF Vince Young thread to one of your lovefests for Lebron James or whichever blacklete you are wetting your pants about currently."

That's utter hilarity. When Miami won the NBA Championship, I hardly said anything at all.

P.S. -- With Vince Young, it was pretty bad how more and more threads about him kept sprouting up..
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Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
With RGIII, I was recently tempted to post something in his thread about ALL the advertisements he's in, but I couldn't muster the courage to hit "post reply." I just couldn't. I would have also felt sick if I bumped "his thread." I'm probably not the only poster that feels that way.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006

You really want to "talk" to me when you said this in a previous post, and when I didn't initiate a talk with you in this thread (where, predictably, you take another swipe at Drew Brees):

Italy? Australia? China???? As for the Argentines, this veteran team's run is over. They didn't medal in London, and when they send younger teams' to the OGs in 2016 and 2020, they'll have a very difficult time reaching the medal stand. It's clear that you mentioned Argentina simply because of their "past." Basketball talent is not churned out - and put into this world - as easily as an assembly line would for the common candy bar.

And this is coming from who.. our own Mr. Adjective?

I have the vast majority of posts in CFs Marc Gasol thread. Marc plays for Spain. Spain lost, and I've dealt with it. This "almost almost won" talk is deeply flawed. If Team USA won a close game in the Gold medal match, with everything on the table, that can be seen as a positive rather than a negative....
I have a tendency to agree with Deadlift. I just don't see certain teams producing players to replace the key players who are aging. Argentina hasn't produced one prospect of note in years. I disagree about Italy they are producing prospects and seem to be a national program on the rise. I also think Spain is here to stay as legitimate medal threat. It will be interesting to see if Russia gets their act together and has a national program that can approach the USSR's development of prospects. Maybe having AK47 on the national squad is a good sign that star players want to participate on a squad that has a chance to make a medal run at the worlds or Olympics.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Spain wins that game with Rubio at the point. No doubt in my mind.

Second, I still believe that Russia had a chance to beat the U.S. Team but blew it in a close loss to Spain. They beat them earlier in the olympics but lost when it really counted. Such a shame as they would have matched up better.

I can't stand Lebron. Whether he is talented or not, he rubs me the wrong way. Always has and always will.

We are here for a purpose. You have been around a long time deadlift. I think you need to decide which side your on. I think your love of basketball sometimes gets in the way of your love for defending white athletes against the unfair treatment that they are subjected to due to the countless stereotypes.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Spain wins that game with Rubio at the point. No doubt in my mind.

I can't stand Lebron. Whether he is talented or not, he rubs me the wrong way. Always has and always will.

Agreed on both points WL. I admit "Queen LeBrown" is a good player, but he's an egomaniac who couldn't hold Bird, Jordan or Magic's jock straps IMO. He's very overhyped and overexposed as well. As for team USSA, I was hoping they'd not even medal as they do NOT represent the real America, but this cultmarx inundated Amerika 2.0. :icon_mad: