Olympic Final Four



Great teams to cheer for in the final four of the Olympics.

Argentina and Greece played a nailbiter this morning, but I am glad to see Argentina advance. They have more individual talent, so they should be a better matchup against the USA. Greece plays great team ball and has great shooters, but did not have the one-on-one skill to handle the Argentine defense. When Argentina needed a basket, they gave it to Manu and watched him work his magic.

Argentina knocked USA into the bronze game 4 years ago, maybe they can do it again! Tip time 7:15am PST.If anybody can do it, it would be Ginobili, Nocioni, Scola, Delfino, and company

Spain and Lithuania in the other game, the early one on the 20th (5am PST tip).I don't know who to cheer for. Spain definitely has more talent, but the way they went soft and stupid against the USA in pool play makes me think the USA is in their heads.
I think Argentina is our last hope.
I'm not bummed at all.

A White win would be great, but the NBA has already chosen an even darker direction (if this past NBA Draft is any indication). Only the wealthy can go to an NBA game these days. The middle class can only buy some NBA merchandise if they so choose. Even many wealthy folk have financial problems these days...

If Lithuania was to make the Gold medal game and let's say that their opponent was the USA, Lithuania would be assured at least a Silver medal. That would be a HUGE accomplishment for tiny Lithuania. The Caste media wouldn't want the "common folk" to recognize that situation. They don't want us to understand The Bell Curve for a given population.

With basketball and the variables that are tied to it, it's unlikely that a black team will win everytime. It's also unlikely that a White team will win everytime. Frankly, there isn't enough international tournaments.

There are great Slovenian and Latvian (basketball) athletes that could help a larger country like Poland, Ukraine or Russia -- but they won't be a traitor to their birthplace and I wouldn't expect them to -- so we don't see these athletes in the Olympics. We need to have a discerning eye and not buy into the Sports Illustrated/ESPN mass distortion.

There are some White Americans that could help a team like Australia, a top-notch sporting nation, but they are unlikely to make that move. It makes one think of The Bell Curve again. White American talent isn't being showcased on this Olympic stage.

Australia sounds like a good option for an American basketball player of English/Irish descent.
Ginobili is hurt, so the US will go to the final for sure.Edited by: nevada
Argentina had some great plays on the US. Nocioni blocking Kobe's dunk was priceless, then he recovered to force the turnover on LeBronze. What a highlight. And Scola is an unbelievably skilled warrior. Very impressive.

Argentina laid down the blueprint on how to beat USA in that dominant second quarter performance. We see if Spain can follow up on it.

First rule: play with passion and aggression! They started out the first quarter in a fog, and they got drubbed. When Argentina played hard, USA picked up a lot of fouls and backed off, further feeding Argentina's aggressive play.

Second rule: zone zone zone. Why even close out on the shooters? Lazy defense wins against USA because they hate to shoot and are bad at it! Their entire gameplan keys on the emotional boost of dunks. Take away their dunks and they go flat and their shooting suffers too.

If Spain plays with passion and plays smart, they will shock the world.
89Glory. Have you ever wondered if Spain was slightly dogging it in their previous match probably knowing full well it would all come down to the gold medal game between the USA and Spain? Maybe they didn't want to put their best game plan forward and wanted the Americans to be overconfident in the gold medal match. I am kind of grasping at straws here but I watched that game and it didn't look to me that the Spanish were even putting out 75% effort in that embarrassing loss. Whether all that is true or not, I predict a close and exciting game this Sunday.
Nocioni was hurt too. And they miss Pepe Sanchez bigtime. Argentina could have won that game. Nocioni is right up there with Dirk and Nash for me. He's one tough SOB. I don't think he gets enough PT or shots on the national team or with the bulls. Argentina played much better with Delfino bringing the ball up. That new pg looked very uncomfortable. Scola played great.

Any word on Calderon's injury? Spain really needs him.
G301, I agree with you, the Spanish effort was pathetic and I definitely got the impression they were sandbagging, probably for the easier playoff bracket, and also to play possum.

Strong indicators of sandbagging in the first matchup, aside from their general lack of effort or passion: Pau only took 8 shots.Rudy only played 19 minutes. They barely played any zone, and played almost zero help defense. We will see a different effort and a different game plan in the gold medal match, playing for all the marbles, I am sure.

Unfortunately, Calderon looks to be a scratch. In his own words: "As you all know, I did not play and I am not very optimistic about playing in the Final. It is a small injury that if I force any further, I run the risk to injure myself more seriously."
KG, Nocioni is a stud, it is that simple, playing hurt and putting up that effort. Him and Scola are my new favorite players.

Here is the replay of that sequence where be blocks Kobe's dunk attempt, then forces the turnover on LeBronze.

Spain is doing a great job keeping it close at halftime, playing against USA and the refs.Great basketball game so far.
Who would have thought USA would win on their 3 point shooting, but that is what did it. 13 of 28 from behind the arc, with big shots down the stretch.The USA defense was exposed, they were outrebounded, and their foul count high, but 3's won it for them. I'll be darned.

Great games by Pau, Navarro, and Fernandez (how about that dunk over D. Howard!).

Spain showed up real strong, without one of their key players, and destroyed the myth of USA invincibility. Too bad they lost, but good for them for what they accomplished.
89Glory said:
Spain is doing a great job keeping it close at halftime, playing against USA and the refs.Great basketball game so far.

Those darned refs!!! Gotta watch out for them. Bummer.
When Spain cut it to a two point lead in the fourth I thought they had it. Everyone for the U.S. was starting to play tight except Kobe Bryant. That 4 point play was huge. I'm not sure if it was a foul. Both teams played great basketball. It was a very exciting game. I wish Spain would have won but I'm not disapointed with how they played. Ricky Rubio is the best 17 year old I've ever seen, and Rudy Fernandez's dunk was an awesome play.
I watched some of the game and was impressed with the skill level and elite athleticism of the Spanish team. This is a country with about one-fifth as many whites as the U.S., yet the U.S. cannot produce any world class white basketball players??? Caste, caste, caste.
Don, every since I have discovered this site and the castesystem I have learned on thing. The biggest villians in this system are the WHITE GM's and WHITE HEADCOACHES. This f..king Coach K is a villian. You mean to tell me he could not find one elite white college player or solid white pro player to be on the team? Say what you will about the many levels of this conspiracy, but to me its the TRADER WHITES like Coach K who do the greatest harm in undermining white athletes.

I so wanted Spain to pull the upset. Its great that they played hard and kept it closer than many thought. But a loss is a loss. F..king White GMs and Head coaches in America who run the NFL and NBA and college level.
So, why do these coaches and GMs do this? What do they have against their own kind? It sounds incomprehensible to me to sabotageyour ownpeople like this. What do they have to gain?

In any event, it was a great game. The difference was KobeBryant. Team USA had him, and Spain didn't, it's that simple. After it got to 89-91, he basically took over the game and won it.

As for Rudy Fernandez,what a player! You mean to tell me, in all of America, there aren't 5-10American Rudy Fernandez(s) out there, who can become NBA All-Stars? Where the heck are the American born white players? We've seen plenty of world-class white BB players during this Olympics, so clearly, something is wrong inAmerica.
foobar75 said:
So, why do these coaches and GMs do this? What do they have against their own kind? It sounds incomprehensible to me to sabotageyour ownpeople like this. What do they have to gain?

It's not just them. It's a general agreement on how things work in the U.S., which no one in a public position is going to buck because there is zero incentive to, just the opposite. To openly oppose it is to be forever ostracized and demonized, to oppose it covertly is the only way to do it, and even then it must be done very piecemeal and gingerly.

As far as "sabotaging your own people," what do you think affirmative action is all about? Current immigration policies? The portrayal of white men in the media, not just in sports? Anyone who is white whohits it big, i.e. becomes a player in the system, knows the rules. Athletes are black, football players are black, basketball players are black. Whites are unathletic overachievers. Blacks must constantly be uplifted, sometimes fairly but often times unfairly. America is "diverse" and "multicultural." Whites cannot dominate anything. White domination is inherently racist and must be deconstructed and changed.Whites have no redeeming virtues as a race and have no right to survive, much less openly express pride.

Whites are headed for minority status in numbers, to pave the way for that they must become second class citizens psychologically in the country their ancestors founded and built.C'mon man, are you that naive and blind about what is taking place? All the lip service paid to "equality" is nothing more than the rhetorical shield for the demographic revolution that is taking place.
Don if you believe 1/2 of what you say, we are doomed and we helped dig our grave! I believe in some of what you say, but not all. I can't and will not believe all whites in power will bend over and take it, just to protect their respective hamlets. No way! I am one of those who will in my own way to support white athletes. Thank God we now have boxing. Whites dominating can't be denied.

You being a senior and founding member of this site should advise us on how to reverse the trend and be more hopefully. Give us specifics, not just doom and gloom. You are sounding like a "grumpy old man" who wished things had turned out diffently, if you only tried or helped to right the ship(white people). Damn it! Don I respect you but please give constructive advice not "we are f..ked, no use trying" line.
I told how those "within the system" must operate in order to protect their place. That doesn't mean there's no solutions or no hope; what it means isthat change must come from outside the system. In other words, as long as most whites continue to accept the institutions, information, opinions and story lines of the system as true and legitimate, the status quo will continue and whites will continue to willingly march toward their extinction.

When enough people understand how all of us are manipulated to further the ends of the small group that is in control, then progress can begin to be made. My posts are never designed to convey the message that were f'd and there's no use trying to resist. If I thought that I would never have bothered starting this site and putting all the time into it that I do. I try to make people understand how the system works, so that they can be more effective in opposing it and helping others to expand their consciousness far beyond the very narrow spectrum of "acceptable" opinion allowed by the system. In other words the system itself must be understood and rejected, and then all great things are possible. I believe that out of the current world situation great advances in human consciousness must be achieved to move mankind forward, and that that possibility is at least there. Those of us who know the truth have great power, because Truth and Love are what animates the Universe. We can and must break the current construct that wants to permanently greatly limit man's possibilities, possibilities that can only be achieved through freedom and liberty.
Don great post as far as the reasons for the anti-white policies and how we can defeat them. But one of the things I hope for is that when whites drop below 50% of the American populous, which will likely happen in my lifetime (I am 28 years old), that other groups will stop treating us like we are the privileged group that has to be brought down a notch.

I honestly think with the the increase in numbers of other races that whites will start demanding fair policies again (an end to A.A politics) and the still present white majority government will follow the people's lead. And compared to other races we will still be the most numerous. I think other groups are catching up in America in standard of living and many whites are regressing. It is now harder to get a job in most states (not in the south) if you are white than black. Most of the government assistance programs, whenever race is part of the issue, are geared toward minorities. Also Whites do still seem to move up in their company ranks a little faster though in most states.

But I think things are going to improve and other groups will start treating whites as friends and not suspiciously. It is possible that the decrease in the white dominance in numbers could have the opposite effect that you claim and people will be less worried about the color of peoples skin when dealing with another race. Most Hispanics I have met in my area so far, I get along great with. It is the 2nd and third generation ones that are feeling entitled and as if they deserve advantages over whites. I hope that whites stay at least over 50% of the American populous in my lifetime, but eventually the drop below the majority will happen.
Glory, I don't think the refs had anything to do with the outcome. They blew a few calls against both sides. Basically Spain showed that as a team they were just one straw below the U.S. Kobe came up huge. I didn't leave this game sad. Spain did better than the biased media and drunken fans thought they would. There are a few black players on the U.S I like, but of course I would have preferred a Spain victory for our cause. The U.S has a large black populous to draw from and currently there were 4 black superstars that really shaped the outcome. Kobe, Lebron, Wade and Chris Paul are phenomenal players. With the way these 4 played in the tournament it was just too hard to overcome. However, Spain showed those drunken idiot fans, that they are indeed athletic.

Edited to add: It was a close and exciting game!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Can anyone remember what the American commentators said when Fernandez dunked on Howard? Did they manage to squeeze in the word athletic? I imagine not.

Not suprisingly Howard managed to swing his forearm into Fernandez's face, something which countless whites have had to put up with when dunking in the NBA.

Who's superman now hey!!!!!!!!!!
foobar75 said:
So, why do these coaches and GMs do this?  What do they have against their own kind?  It sounds incomprehensible to me to sabotage your own people like this.  What do they have to gain? 

In any event, it was a great game.  The difference was Kobe Bryant.   Team USA had him, and Spain didn't, it's that simple.  After it got to 89-91, he basically took over the game and won it.

As for Rudy Fernandez, what a player!  You mean to tell me, in all of America, there aren't 5-10 American Rudy Fernandez(s) out there, who can become NBA All-Stars?  Where the heck are the American born white players?  We've seen plenty of world-class white BB players during this Olympics, so clearly, something is wrong in America. 
The whites who made the final selection on the team were Head Coach Mike Krzyzewski and the head of USA Basketball Jerry Colangelo. What's amazing is that both of them are known for recruiting great white players. Coach K for Duke, which always has white All-Americans and NBA owner Jerry Colangelo has always had at least one white superstar on the Phoenix Suns. Currently of course its two time NBA MVP Steve Nash, but before Nash it was "Thunder" Dan Majerle and before him, Tom Chambers.
Originally there were two white Americans on the USA squad, Brad Miller of the Sacramento Kings and Mike Miller formerly of the Memphis Grizzlies and now of the Minnesota Timberwolves. Brad Miller has been hobbled with injuries and Mike Miller didn't make the final cut because although he's a great 3 point shooter, he's a defensive liability. His spot was taken by Michael Redd as the designated three point shooter but Redd hardly played because of HIS defensive weaknesses. While Redd is a great 3-point shooter in the NBA, in the Olympics he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Mike Miller would have done better in that role of coming off the bench and hitting some key 3 point shots.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
But one of the things I hope for is that when whites drop below 50% of the American populous, which will likely happen in my lifetime (I am 28 years old), that other groups will stop treating us like we are the privileged group that has to be brought down a notch.

I honestly think with the the increase in numbers of other races that whites will start demanding fair policies again (an end to A.A politics) and the still present white majority government will follow the people's lead.
But I think things are going to improve and other groups will start treating whites as friends and not suspiciously.

Riggins, in my opinion you are very naive or perhaps a most clever troll.We are rapidly descending into the abyss. When we are in the minority our situation can only get worse, not better. Have you not read the history of South Africa, Rhodesia, Haiti, and many other countries? I'm sure you have, you're obviously wellinformed and intelligent. Your posts contain as much praise and admiration for blacks as they do whites.They would be endorsed by the Rainbow Coalition. You try to convince us that we are all the same under the superficial veneer of skin color. That is the FATAL mistake made by white people.As blacks and browns gain more and nore power, they useevery possible resource to advance their agendas, not ours. They will take everything for themselves, destroying us in the process. We need to educate our people NOW while we still have the opportunity.
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