Bart said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
But one of the things I hope for is that when whites drop below 50% of the American populous, which will likely happen in my lifetime (I am 28 years old), that other groups will stop treating us like we are the privileged group that has to be brought down a notch. I honestly think with the the increase in numbers of other races that whites will start demanding fair policies again (an end to A.A politics) and the still present white majority government will follow the people's lead. But I think things are going to improve and other groups will start treating whites as friends and not suspiciously.
Riggins, in my opinion you are
very naive or perhaps a most clever troll. We are rapidly descending into the abyss. When we are in the minority our situation can only get worse, not better. Have you not read the history of South Africa, Rhodesia, Haiti, and many other countries?I'm sure you have, you're obviously well informed and intelligent. Your posts contain as much praise and admiration for blacks as they do whites. They would be endorsed by the Rainbow Coalition. You try to convince us that we are all the same under the superficial veneer of skin color. That is the FATAL mistake made by white people.As blacks and browns gain more and nore power, they use every possible resource to advance their agendas,
not ours.They will take everything for themselves, destroying us in the process. We need to educate our people NOW while we still have the opportunity.
I really don't want to turn this into an argument, but I don't like being called "perhaps a clever troll". Am I naive, I don't think so, I come from a significantly different Canadian culture Bart. I have started to become a little less trusting of other groups since I now live in NJ, with the disorder, political problems and racial tension between different ethnic groups.
Secondly, I 100% agree with this site's message against stereotyping and zealous discrimination in sports. I even agree with most of the political views, except the more extreme posters on the site. I agree that the Duke Lacrosse hoax was a witch hunt against the "rich white boys" from a school hated by the Marxist media and the support of the "Jena 5" was disgusting. I am firmly against Affirmative Action, if I wasn't that would make me a troll.
I would actually be pretty nervous if blacks did become the more dominant group than whites politically and numbers wise and would probably move to Ireland or something. Blacks would probably start seeking reparations ridiculous entitlements etc. from whites to get back at us for the past. I wouldn't be all that nervous with Hispanics in charge (some of them are actually quite white btw) as long as they start learning English more and try to adapt to American culture. I too like the rest of you want more National guard on the Mexican/ U.S border and a more complete wall to stop the ridiculously growing hoard of illegal immigrants.
However, there are many people of other races here and we will never go back to segregation, so the best thing to do is to try to make peace with them if we can. I am definitely more trusting of other groups than most on this site. In Canada I met some really nice people of other races and even made friends with a few. America will continue to have whites as the largest demographical group in all of us Castefootballer's lifetimes although when us younger posters are old we may drop below the 50% margin. The doom and gloom theories are overly pessimistic. It just so happens that there might be less white guilt causing favoritism toward other groups by the white elites when other racial groups standard of living increases and that was my point. I want everyone's standard of living in this country to be reasonable even though I realize it isn't always possible.
If Obama gets elected, I would be very upset as he is an afro-centric far left radical. Basically I am a moderate for this site, but overall many of my views would be considered significantly right of center. I was not a huge supporter of Ron Paul, but really liked some of his ideas and would definitely prefer him to Obama. But Paul's tax and economic policy and legislation policies where too libertarian IMO, many of his other ideas, morals, foreign policy, fighting special interests were brilliant. Paul is clearly better than Obama despite the fact that few in this country would say that. I truly want to fight for this site, so me and you will just have to agree to disagree on the way to do it Bart.
Please PM me next time if you want to discuss the troll issue. I really hate being called a troll when I try to do a lot against the caste system. Good night and good luck!
Edited to add: BTW McCain has shifted to the right on his illegal immigration stance and I think his plan is better now. I heard something of the sort that McCain wants to increase the fines that illegals have to pay to naturalize and slow the process. They will have to prove they truly want to be an American. He also wants to secure the border "first" now. We simply can't IMO deport a whole 15 million illegals and break up their families. Lets bring them out of the shadows, deport only the criminal ones and get them paying taxes. This will help our current deficit situation caused by Bush's stupid economic and moronic Iraq war idea. It will also help save our health care system to stop the ever increasing flow of illegals problem.
Still think I'm a troll Bart?
BTW Don, if you would like to move my reply to Bart to Happy hour I will not complain if you do so. I just want people to know that I am behind the theme of the site.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins