% of Paycheck to Taxes


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Not sure if this belongs here but I was just wondering what total % of each paycheck goes towards taxes - whether it be federal, social security, medicare, state taxes. I know mine is around 40%. It baffles me that more people do not pay more attention or get fired up to this invasive and unjust practice of the government at any level. It also goes to show that so much of the political **** show that is America does its best to divert the average American's attention from their bank account to the sideshow that this country has become.

I do not claim to have an answer to the unjust taxing by the government overlords and honestly and obviously think the system is to corrupt. Special interests line the pockets of politicians, its an overgrown web of corruption and money that has probably grown by leaps and bounds since WW2. The system is broke and no one wants to fix it, the machine has effectively dimmed the lights of its citizens and created sheeple to caught up in the nonsense of Amerika 2.0 to even wonder why so much of their money is "legally" taken from them.

Sorry for the rant. I don't mean to pry on any individuals income level or anything like that.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Not sure if this belongs here but I was just wondering what total % of each paycheck goes towards taxes - whether it be federal, social security, medicare, state taxes. I know mine is around 40%. It baffles me that more people do not pay more attention or get fired up to this invasive and unjust practice of the government at any level. It also goes to show that so much of the political **** show that is America does its best to divert the average American's attention from their bank account to the sideshow that this country has become.

I do not claim to have an answer to the unjust taxing by the government overlords and honestly and obviously think the system is to corrupt. Special interests line the pockets of politicians, its an overgrown web of corruption and money that has probably grown by leaps and bounds since WW2. The system is broke and no one wants to fix it, the machine has effectively dimmed the lights of its citizens and created sheeple to caught up in the nonsense of Amerika 2.0 to even wonder why so much of their money is "legally" taken from them.

Sorry for the rant. I don't mean to pry on any individuals income level or anything like that.

Leonardfan, in that 40 percent are you figuring in sales taxes, property taxes, capital gains, cigarette taxes, and all the other taxes we are forced to pay?


Aug 22, 2012
Sales tax is also deceptive. Manufacturing is taxed at every level so the final price you pay for a product outside of sales tax still has a markup because of sales tax. Then people complain when jobs are shipped to China.
Dec 10, 2012
its an overgrown web of corruption and money that has probably grown by leaps and bounds since WW2. The system is broke and no one wants to fix it,..

I feel your frustration.. I have a skeletal & general terms solution to what I think is the nucleus of the problem. People who are putting virtually nothing into the system, routinely re-electing politicians who support their dependency..
With the modern tech. infrastructure, a system is developed where when a person starts collecting welfare, Section 8 help, etc.. their voting right is temporarily suspended. When they get off public assistance, their vote is re-instated. Exceptions for age.. people who are at retirement & have earned social security would be exempt. There's a tidal wave of ppl voting to keep their entitlements coming that never before existed in America, which used to pride itself on rugged individualism.

To counter criticism of this potential system.. the vote is already regulated by conditions of age, residency, etc.. receiving public assistance would be another reasonable qualifier (?)


Oct 12, 2008
The income tax is a Jewish device which became permanent in the US in 1913 along with the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the IRS. It is theft of your labor at gunpoint. After income taxes, every dollar you spend is taxed through sales taxes or direct taxes such as property, licensing, and fees. If you manage to save any money after taxes and living expenses, it is stolen through devaluation of the currency. All together they leave just enough money to subsist so the masses don't awaken.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
There are also taxes on your utility bills, cable TV bill, gasoline purchases, hotel room, etc. There are all kinds of hidden fees and taxes we pay every day in addition to what's taken by governments at all levels. And state and local sales taxes are upwards of 8 and 9 percent in some states.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
There are also taxes on your utility bills, cable TV bill, gasoline purchases, hotel room, etc. There are all kinds of hidden fees and taxes we pay every day in addition to what's taken by governments at all levels. And state and local sales taxes are upwards of 8 and 9 percent in some states.
Don, yet we are still on debt and it keeps rising.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
The income tax is a Jewish device which became permanent in the US in 1913 along with the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the IRS. It is theft of your labor at gunpoint. After income taxes, every dollar you spend is taxed through sales taxes or direct taxes such as property, licensing, and fees. If you manage to save any money after taxes and living expenses, it is stolen through devaluation of the currency. All together they leave just enough money to subsist so the masses don't awaken.
Damn straight!

I recently calculated my % taken through "legal theft" and it's 31%. That's all the various federal taxes, NYS tax (around 8%) and NYC local tax (around 4%). Then throw in the local sales tax which is 8.75% and the tax on utilities, like Don said, which is high. Lord, I don't even have property taxes or capital gains taxes and I already have well over 1/3rd of my money going to The State.

I once read that serfs during medieval times had to pay 25% of their labor to the feudal lords. What was so bad about the feudal system again? I'm a "serf" of USSA and the demonstrably corrupt NY city and state and 25% seems like a dream right now. In a few years, I plan to move to a more tax friendly state. More liberty and less government tyranny would also be pros. New Hampshire sounds nice....

Tax Foundation is a great website for all sorts of tax information. I find the stuff comparing states to be the most compelling. They mapped the country based on state and local tax burden ranks, which I've linked.


As you can see my state fleeces you really bad, ranking 2nd worst. My neighboring states are terrible too:

New Jersey - 1st
Connecticut - 3rd
Rhode Island - 5th
Pennsylvania - 10th


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Leonardfan, in that 40 percent are you figuring in sales taxes, property taxes, capital gains, cigarette taxes, and all the other taxes we are forced to pay?

I was just referring to those deductions taken straight from the paycheck:
Social Security

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Yeah, property taxes are another huge hit to the wallet to those who don't rent. Even if you're fortunate enough to have your house paid off, property taxes are like paying rent on it anyway.