
Jan 1, 2006
The fact this candidate is getting so much media attention and the fact Obama is a serious contender makes a sad commentary on the large number of naive white voters in America. He has actually raised a lot more money than Hillary(not that she is much better).

Who are all these arses with money endorsing Obama ? He may not win this time but it bodes ominously for the future of our once great land. Edited by: Sean Carlisle
I think there is a large number of white Americans in this country that want to vote for Obama just to ease their white guilt. Perhaps these people believe that a vote for the black candidate vindicates them of racism. Possibly they want to impress a black associate or neighbor.

When Obama doesn't get the nomination, I can hear the race card already being played...

America would never have a black president. It's a racist country!

Well, please excuse the white people that are paying attention to the affirmative action practices and standing up for them selves. I find it amazing that people that hold an anti-affirmative action point of view are permitted to be slandered as racists.
Below is an email making the internet rounds. Just goes to show you media adoration trumps inexperience and a radical Muslim background.

Who is Barack Obama?
Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu , Hawaii , to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black Muslim from Nyangoma-Kogel , Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white atheist from Wichita , Kansas .

Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii .

When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father Returned to Kenya .

His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a radical Muslim From Indonesia.

When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocated to Indonesia .

Obama attended a Muslim school in Jakarta .

He also spent two years in a Catholic school.

Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim.

He Is quick to point out that, "He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school."

Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence w as temporary at best.

In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya Soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over His son's education.

Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam.

Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta . Wahabism is the radical teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world.

Since it is politically expedient to be a Christian when seeking Major public office in the United State s, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background.

Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.
On fathers day weekend they had a special tribute to all the presidential candidates (who were fathers) on one of the sunday morning talk shows. The clip they showed of Obama, was his wife introducing him before a crowd, at some sort of political rally. She introduced him as "my babies daddy, Barrack Obama"Edited by: KJV1
The sons of Moslems are moslems. You have no choice in the matter. Both Obama's natural father and adopted father raised him as a moslem.
Obama is either a moslem or an apostate (one who renounces islam). Attending christian schools or churches does not negate this. I am waiting for him to delare whether he is a moslem or apostate. Only he can say this.
Well I would rather have him than Hilary as prez. Snopes refuted the e-mail that you are citing here a while back.
All this being said, I will still not vote for the man, I will vote for whoever plans to keep the guard down at the border the longest, so my gravy train can keep going.
Obama is nothing more than another media manufactured black hero. Like Martin (I love hookers) King, and Nelson (I completely destroyed South Africa) Mandela. Grant it, it has been a little while since I have lived in the states. That being said, only in a society that has lost all of it's decency, all of it's ethics, and all of it's glory can a thing like a Hillary, or Obama receive more accolades than a man like Ron Paul.

Truth be known, it really matters very little who becomes the next president unless it is Ron Paul.

Sometimes I wish that obama will beat Hillary and deny her the chance to run for president. The reason for this is Hillary's view on affirmative action. Hillary believes in Affirmative action. So I would find it quite hilarious if she was defeated in the primary by a black muslim.
Obama on affirmative action...

Barack Obama - "I want to make sure that today's decision upholding affirmative action remains in force, and that the doors of opportunity remain open to all those who make up our nation."

Barack Obama - "This administration sought to slam the doors of higher education in the face of African Americans and other minorities. It's a sad day for the cause of equal opportunity when the President of the United States, the land of opportunity, calls for the Supreme Court to rule against policies that seek to open institutions for historically excluded racial minorities,"
Barry O (as i call him) is the most corrupt politician running today. He is strongly connected to Tony Rezko, a syrian who has been arrested for curruption charges. They are even next door neighbors!
Obama or Hilary? It is like compare horse manure to cow manure. They both smell bad.
Like all the other DNC andGOP "frontrunners", Obama is a Globalist shill/pawn/puppet and will serve his NWO Masters if/when elected.

Elect Ron Paul!!!
I believe a black president would be the sign of the beast. If Obama is elected president, I believe it will indeed be the beginning of the end as predicted in the Bible.

By the way Aussie, its MICHAEL King. I refuse to use a communist like him in the same context as a great man such as Martin Luther
C Darwin said:
Obama on affirmative action...

Barack Obama - "I want to make sure that today's decision upholding affirmative action remains in force, and that the doors of opportunity remain open to all those who make up our nation."

Barack Obama - "This administration sought to slam the doors of higher education in the face of African Americans and other minorities. It's a sad day for the cause of equal opportunity when the President of the United States, the land of opportunity, calls for the Supreme Court to rule against policies that seek to open institutions for historically excluded racial minorities,"

Apparently, Obama does not believe that blacks can be admitted to selective universities on their academic merit. Otherwise, why is he so in favor of "affirmative action"?

Of course, the objective evidence strongly indicates that few blacks can be admitted to selective universities on their academic merit. It is doubtful that blacks with high grade point averages and high SAT or ACT scores would be denied admission. In fact, it seems that just the opposite is true. Universities try really hard to find qualified blacks, there just are not many of them. There is plenty of evidence of the "achievement gap".

I cannot vote for a person in favor of "affirmative action" because it is really just discrimination against whites and Asians, and i'm all for fairness.
C Darwin said:
JoeV said:
Well I would rather have him than Hilary as prez.
Bros before hoes?

If I had a gun put to my head, and was forced to make a choice...then sure, why not. I'd take Obama over that femi-Nazi socialist pig Clinton any day of the week.
Am I crazy, but do we have a few things to gain from a black president. The political footing that blacks hang their hand out hat on is that they can't get ahead in society. Well, what if there were to be a black president? I would think that Obama as president might takeaway some of the minority political thunder. I think where it might make a huge difference is in the appointing of Supreme Court members. I could see Obama appointing some big time AA supporters. Or maybe he might go off the deep end like Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.

I don't have the answer, but I agree with the other posts in that there are two choices; Ron Paul and everyone else.
Edited by: C Darwin
We might get a Hillary/Obama ticket or a Hillary/Bill Richardson ticket to attract the Hispanic vote. Either way it's going to make for some pretty interesting times spring to fall of 2008. God only knows what will be happening in the world around that time. Don't have a good feeling about it. Do any of you guys get the feeling that something ominous is on the horizon because I sure do.
A major terrorist attack will occur fall 2008. Bush will declare marshal law, cancel the elections, and remain in power until such time as the national 'emergency' has passed and a true Manchurian candidate can be appointed without an election.

You heard it here first.
Ground Fighter said:
C Darwin said:
JoeV said:
Well I would rather have him than Hilary as prez.
Bros before hoes?

If I had a gun put to my head, and was forced to make a choice...then sure, why not. I'd take Obama over that femi-Nazi socialist pig Clinton any day of the week.

I'd choose Hillary over Obama any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Despite her asinine socialist policies and her idiotic "it takes a village" rhetoric, at least Hillary is WHITE, albeit in name and appearance only. There is no way I could ever vote for an affirmative action black moron such as Obama, and a muslim black at that! That would be a death sentence for this country. God would strike us down with force and abandonment.
The truth is there would be little difference between an Obama and Hillary presidency, except that Obama might send more money to Africa. I'd rather have neither and will not vote for either, unless they run against the Anti-Christ himself. And even then I'd have to know for a fact he is the Anti-Christ.
Edited by: White Shogun
White Shogun said:
A major terrorist attack will occur fall 2008. Bush will declare marshal law, cancel the elections, and remain in power until such time as the national 'emergency' has passed and a true Manchurian candidate can be appointed without an election.

You heard it here first.

Shogun, from the potential black ops going down in the UK, and the "high alert" (aka pre-martial law) response, I suspect some further "terrorist" (ie - false flag pretext for enslavement) attacks this summer. Joe LIEberman is already pushing for more surveillance cameras/Big Brother asap.

Feds Gear Up For Summer Of All Fearmongering

"Spectacular" summer attacks expected as emergency alert drills invade TV, radio

Prison Planet | July 2, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson

On the back of a hysterical response to attempted car bombings in the UK last week, a leaked secret U.S. law enforcement report warns of "spectacular" summer attacks while emergency alert drills spill over onto live TV and radio, as traveling Brits and Americans are served up the usual dose of fear at the height of the holiday season.

Following the discovery of two car bombs in London that would have done little more than wreck a couple of Mercedes and a bizarre incident in which a Jeep was rammed into a Glasgow Airport terminal, the UK and U.S. governments have seized upon the non-events to feed the military-industrial complex beast with the terror and fear that its survival depends on.

As ever, the media has dutifully amplified the propaganda, doing the terrorist's bidding by striking dread into the population and magnifying the severity of three dud attacks that failed to even kill the suicide bombers, never mind anyone else, and promising with an almost fevered glee that more horror is on the way.

"A secret U.S. law enforcement report, prepared for the Department of Homeland Security, warns that al Qaeda is planning a terror "spectacular" this summer, according to a senior official with access to the document."

"This is reminiscent of the warnings and intelligence we were getting in the summer of 2001," the official told ABCNews.com ."

And so this year's traveling circus of summer fearmongering sets off again, perfectly coordinated to terrorize the most amount of journey bound citizens with dark nightmares of their imminent fiery death save they prostrate themselves in obedience to the stifling security checks and flagrant abuse of any civil rights they imagined might remain as the martial law vice is tightened a little more.

Meanwhile in Illinois, citizens panic after an emergency alert signal, issued to denote a federal emergency, cuts into live programming on television and radio. A drill for what is being planned, a mandate to grease the skids for the coming terror, or just an "accident" as officials claimed?

If nothing else, a reminder that in times of a declared emergency, the feds can take over all forms of communication within an instant.

Beavis gets hosed down as he begins to realize he'll have to wait a little longer for the 72 virgins.
Was this a preparation for the inevitable attacks that we are assured are coming over the next few months?

A new wave of terror is apparently upon us we are told, all sparked by the actions of Al-Qaeda's kindergarten bomb squad, who couldn't even manage to use Google to find out that propane cylinders aren't going to produce anything other than a pretty fireball, and not an explosion, absent a decent oxidizer.

But don't concern yourself with the details, just blindly trust the authorities when they tell you that Beavis and Butthead's Cherokee airport rage heralded the 7th seal of the apocalypse and ignore the fact that these retards couldn't even manage to kill themselves.

The Register's Thomas Greene encapsulates it perfectly.

"Police and securocrats know that there aren't enough real terrorists in the world, which is why they have to keep manufacturing them. This is because citizens tire of being watched by cameras, frisked and x-rayed, having their belongings searched, giving fingerprints to so-called friendly nations on entry, contemplating the myriad government databases where their details and activities are preserved, and wondering if some dour little bureaucrat is reading their email or listening to them on the phone."

"This should have been dismissed for what it is: an event on the level of some teenagers getting a tremendously foolish notion, and being drunk enough for it to appeal to them. But we're hearing whispers of terrorism instead - much as we heard from the Americans when they foiled a "terrorist plot" to blow up fuel storage tanks at Kennedy International. It would have been devastating, prosecutors told us. Only that "plot" had the same hole in it: air makes a lousy oxidiser. If it had been carried out, it would certainly have made a bigger fireball than the one in London would have made. But that's about it."

"So why is this such big news? Because clowns have got to be passed off as terrorists. Because a vast industry depends on terrorists, real and imagined, to justify its existence. We live now in the grip of the security-industrial complex, and that hungry beast demands to be fed. We feed it money hand over fist, and in return, it feeds us fear biscuits, which we are expected to accept with gratitude."

The reverse lionization and exaltation of Beavis and Butthead's private jihad on behalf of Gordon Brown and the rabid British and American media will achieve the goal of what they all crave - more terrorists, more copycats - when in reality these morons should be laughed at, ignored and locked up.

Butthead's demand for an attorney falls on deaf ears.
Terrorism only succeeds if the importance that is attached to it generates enough fear to fundamentally change open societies and strip them of the freedom that we are told the terrorists hate.

The definition of terrorism is, "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments , often for ideological or political reasons .

By this very definition, the hysterical frothing reaction to last week's non-events again underscores the painful truth that the government are the terrorists .

***Reference article...

[url]http://www.infowars.com/articles/terror/uk_car_bomb_feds_gea r_up_for_fearmongering.htm[/url]
Bush declaring martial law and taking over the country? C'mon! George Bush is too lazy to do that. Hillary on the other hand...
White Shogun said:
A major terrorist attack will occur fall 2008. Bush will declare marshal law, cancel the elections, and remain in power until such time as the national 'emergency' has passed and a true Manchurian candidate can be appointed without an election.

You heard it here first.

Very Possible Shogun. I would be more concerned with the "major terroist attack" than I would be of Bush declaring martial law. The newsmedia hates him so much and his conservative base is so upset with him right now that I wonder how long he could get away with doing something like that. I feel a nuclear suitcase bomb attack is long overdue on this country and that is what I feel will happen in the next two years or so. I hope I'm wrong. Not every terrorist attack is some type of falseflag operation. The Brits and Scots were very lucky over the weekend or in my opinion blessed. Those two car bombs in Britian(if they had gone off) would have killed hundreds of Brits if exploded at just the right time. There were nightclubs nearby where those car bombs were placed.
Don't be entirely shocked if something doesn't happen over the Fourth the rest of the week.
R&B music is so mindless. She couldn't even think up some non "love" lyrics for that inane pile of garbage?

I'll bet 1 million dollars she doesn't know a single thing about Obama besides he is black and MTV tells her black people are cool.

We are doomed if this is the American majority.