
This Obama girl garbage is so fake--its his campaign staff using the new
media, YouTube, in order to try to drum up support for this mulatto dolt.
People see right through it, so don't worry. Besides, the demographic they
are shooting for doesn't even vote in any kind of numbers.
what about the whole thing where he wants kindergarteners to have sex education! so they can all turn out like this stupid tramp on the stupid video. sorry i don't mean to get carried away but i didn't even know what kissing was when i was 5, let alone intercourse.
What is with all these stupid videos for political candidates? Obama is bad enough but what about the gay one for Hillary. Maybe Hillary and Obama need to go live together somewhere and let us get on with our lives.
Obama is the most violent candidate of all. He has already promised a war against Austrailia. Now he wants to invade the tribal areas of pakastan. Ralph Peters has already asked where are we going to get the soldiers.
We have already learned from GDB what happens if you have a president who is ignorant of military matters. Obama is even dumber. And do not get me started on Tony Renzo. Any one but Obama! Even Hillary would be better.
Affirmative action is hard to justify with a black president.
Ground Fighter said:
KJV1 said:

Sickening. After watching that video, now I know what I want for Christmas...
....a squirt gun loaded with hepatitis, so I can blast her in the face with it.

More like a squirtgun loaded with AIDS. That seems more appropriate for the types of women that bed down with blacks, especially being that black men have one of the, if not the highest AIDS rate in the world
I think she ran with Gary Coleman for Governor of Cali....
What gang bang movies has she been in..
Good morning Geantlemen,

Yep, another stupid girl. I think it's something in the air that makes women out of their minds. Interesting.

Tom Iron...
They have been trying to bury Ron Paul with that crap for months. It won't work. The Ron Paul movement is getting too big too fast.

He has said many times he is against "group rights", believeing that individual rights are important. This is what the founding fathers intended.

They keep coming up with new smear tactics for Ron Paul and they keep failing, as anyone with any computer savvy can just look up the truth for his/her self. Paul's record is flawless compared to the other candidates.

Go Ron Paul!
I believe that Paul is the best candidate for all Americans, White and Black both. The media will try to smear him and write him off as a "racist", because they are afraid of him and realize that his message is catching on with people of all races who are sick and tired of the same old lying politicians and who want things to change. It's pretty funny to see media pundits like Hannity and Glenn Beck act like Paul doesn't have a chance. Boy are they in for a shock.
Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate for our sovereign Republic. Most all other candidates (both DNC & GOP) are total puppets for the Globalist Elite (ie - Shillary ClinTAX, Obomber, Rudy McRomney, "Fraud" Thompson, etc.).