OBAMA WON; Here we go

Electric Slide said:
guest301 said:
Yes I know he is a Mormon. But if a guy agrees with me on most things, some things or just a few important things then I don't care what he is or isn't.

Amen to that. I think oftentimes we fail to see the forest for the trees. If there is somebody who supports something the way I do, I will be with them, but simply disagree with them when we fail to see things the same way. Rush Limbaugh I think is deep down a very decent guy. The reason he supports Jews and Israel is because I really think he feels it's the right thing to do, not because he wants to uphold "neo-cons" desire to evaporate all of our rights.

I think it's important that when we develop our opinions, and truthfully realize what makes things better and what makes things worse, that we should avoide using catch-phrases, buzzwords, and bumper-sticker logic. I honestly simply fail to believe that the Dems and the Repubs are the same party. When you compare it to Al-Qaida, if you want to consider that a "political" party, then yes they look the same. But in the context of American politics they are different and people in both parties fight very hard to try to win their elections. When it comes to passing legislation, people feel that they should give in to certain things so that they can get things done and not stall out on certain issues. Over time, due to bad influences, this can lead us away from what they were trying to accomplish in the first place. Also, you have to factor in that there are liberal Repubs, and conservative Dems, which kind of makes things confusing. But, when you get down too it, you have to realize that the leftist organizations in America who want to codify Global Warming as a supreme law, that want abortion-on demand at taxpayers expense, fight for "gay rights," and "equal-pay" for women, and affirmative action, they always side with democrats and villify republicans. They do this with large sums of cash, and people going to nearly every college campus and low-income neighborhood in America to instill these beliefs, and get democrats elected over republicans.

Believe me, I'm not saying that the republican party is ideal. The only person whose politics I agree with 100% of the time is MY OWN! Aside from that, if someone is willing to help me accomplish most of my beliefs, I will aplaud that as long as they are not a serial killer, rapist, or support out-right direct anti-white policies such as affirmative action.

Thus, in the context of the zionist run MSM worshiping and celebrating Obama because he is black, I absolutely and unapoligetically give credit to those who speak a different opinion on the matter. I don't belive in any ulterior motive unless there is a reason to believe that. To accomplish our goals we need to think clearly and critically as to what really can help us.

I absolutely respect everyone's right to believe as they wish. I respect the thought and research that everyone here has put into forming their beliefs. I hope that those of us who, on certain issues, have slightly different beliefs (but think it's still in our best interest) will get the same type of respect into our process of thinking these things through. I am grateful for each and every poster on this forum who speaks their mind in a rational way that clearly shows honest thought and a positive intent to help our cause and make our society a better place to exist.

Good post, Electric Slide. I agree with most of your sentiments on that post. Sometimes we treat as enemies people who would be our friends on many a issue important to us here at CF. We need to work with politicians and radio talk show hosts who will advance our cause on a issue or issues and not throw them under the bus when they might disagree elsewhere on something else. We must be idealistic and principled where we can be and pragmatic when we need to be in order to get something done and right this sinking ship.
electric and guest make good points. But the problem is this:

even if people like Beck are paleocons ona few issues (immigration, etc), they pretty much lose all paleocon credibilitybecause oftwo issues.

1) Their support of war and nation building--this inevitably expands the power of the national government and imparts an internationalist spirit to american life and policy.In additionthe citizens of the countries we occupy begin to feel they have a claim now to enter america.

2) Their support of an "Israel first" foreign policy. The first principle of any sort of american national good is the independence of our nation from foreign domination. Right now we are effectively under foreign dominion because of the power of israel, the israel lobby and their american supporters. Until a conservative acknowledges that, he's still living in neocon dreamland.

I'll watch Glen Beck if hegains the awareness and the courage to speak about the walt and mearsheimer report on israeli influence, the liberty affair, the arms we supply israel (and the negative effect that has on our reputation in the middle east.), the cost of the war on terror, etc.

I'm hopeful---after all he did praise Ron Paul.
Obongo's inaugaration miraculously makes black kids as smart as white kids. it's in the New York Times so it must be true!

Now researchers have documented what they call an Obama effect, showing that a performance gap between African-Americans and whites on a 20-question test administered before Mr. Obama's nomination all but disappeared when the exam was administered after his acceptance speech and again after the presidential election.

The inspiring role model that Mr. Obama projected helped blacks overcome anxieties about racial stereotypes that had been shown, in earlier research, to lower the test-taking proficiency of African-Americans, the researchers conclude in a report summarizing their results. ...

the "study" has not yet undergone peer review, nor has it had its results replicated, but it is presented as groundbreaking truth.
wow. just wow.

additionally, it's probably not surprising that the last name of the lead researcher is Friedman. wonder what his lineage is?
i stumbled across a column that refutes the above article and research here.

let's remember the Times story by Tamar Lewin last summer that triumphantly declared that females perform as well as males in tests of math skills. The article was a total lie, as Heather Mac Donald showed at City Journal ...

... the study has not yet been peer-reviewed, and that the study has not been replicated. Yet the Times published the sensational claim anyway. Also, no descriptions of the questions are provided.

I would add that the theoretical explanation of the study's findings is instantly dismissible. It is that enhanced racial confidence resulting from Obama's ascension has overcome the "testing anxiety" (a.k.a. "cultural anxiety") that supposedly lowers blacks' performance. But if the anxiety thesis is correct, why do blacks, as Arthur Jenson has pointed out, do virtually as well as whites when asked to repeat a sequence of numbers that has been read to them, but do significantly worse than whites when asked to repeat the same sequence backwards? Are blacks immune to cultural anxiety during the forward sequence test, but suddenly beset with cultural anxiety during the backward sequence test? It sounds as though cultural anxiety is simply a proxy for lower black g, meaning general intelligence, the basic ability to process information, which is the core of IQ.

Also, in the test given before Obama's nomination, whites got 12 out of 20 answers correct and blacks 8.5 out of 20 correct, while in the test given after Obama's election blacks did virtually as well as whites. Let's consider what this means. An average difference of 3.5 out of 20 for two population groups is very large. It roughly matches the 15 point black-white IQ difference, and the four-grade black-white difference in reading abilities among high school seniors. If the study and what it is implying were correct, it would mean that since July 2008 there has been a 15 point rise in the average black IQ, and a four year leap in the reading ability of black high school seniors. Let's find some studies that show that! ...
Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
Thanks for posting the last article Jimmy! I'm sure we will see more of this bunk-science (BS) throughout the Obongo sentence.
OldSchoolBoy75 said:
White Shogun said:
Don't tell anybody.. he's a Mormon. Shhhh.....

Actually, he's just a convert to the Mormon faith, who no doubt chose Mormonism because it was the safe way to resist hitting another bottle of booze.

Whenever I've seen his show he seems to me like he just had to wipe a bunch of white powder off of his nose before the camera rolls. I mean, the guy seems to develop rabies when he thinks about polar bears.
I wish the Obama effect was true. The better the test scores, the more likely they would succeed at school, and the less likely they would commit crimes.
It is just another urban myth.
More reasons why supporting Limbaugh, Hannity, et. al., and expecting anything beneficial is a dead-end pursuit. The neo-con talking heads will never be allies of any people or groupthat challenges the legitimacy of the current power structure.

A Very Real New World Order
It is hard to believe, but a majority of Americans (including Christians and conservatives) seem oblivious to the fact that there is a very real, very legitimate New World Order (NWO) unfolding. In the face of overwhelming evidence, most Americans not only seem totally unaware of this reality, they seem unwilling to even remotely entertain the notion.
On one hand, it is understandable that so many Americans would be ignorant of the emerging New World Order. After all, the mainstream media refuses to report, or even acknowledge, the NWO. Even "conservative" commentators and talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, or Joe Scarborough refuse to discuss it. And when listeners call these respective programs, these "conservative" hosts usually resort to insulting the caller as being some kind of "conspiracy kook." One host even railed that if anyone questions the government line on 9/11, we should "lock them up and throw away the key." So much for freedom of speech!
full article: http://www.newswithviews.com/baldwin/baldwin487.htm
Solomon Kane said:
I'll watch Glen Beck if hegains the awareness and the courage to speak about the walt and mearsheimer report on israeli influence, the liberty affair, the arms we supply israel (and the negative effect that has on our reputation in the middle east.), the cost of the war on terror, etc.

I'm hopeful---after all he did praise Ron Paul.

Glen Beck has called Ron Paul supporters "terrorists."

[url]http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/november2007/161107_bec k_smears.htm[/url]
Don Wassall said:
Glen Beck has called Ron Paul supporters "terrorists."

Don, there were a lot of Ron Paul supporters who were an embarrasment to the cause. I saw anarchists at the RNC who were destroying the property that people worked very hard to build, waving Ron Paul banners. I saw an interview with Ron Paul himself where he said he does not like the crazies that support him. In addition to that, there were some mega-liberal socialists that supported Ron Paul simply because he was against the war. I questioned them on some of the issues, and they were totally clueless that Ron Paul is against abortion-on-demand, unlimited immigration, and for lower-taxes less government.

The problem with 9/11 truthers is that they don't seem to be looking at this objectively. They are starting with the assumption that the government did it. I do not know exactly what happened on 9/11. Some of the explanations as presented seem logical, some seem far fetched. Same goes with explanations from the truthers. The thing though is they are not looking for truth, but rather want to incite hate against our government. Ultimately the only way to get to truth is to not go into something with presumptions, and not hope to come out with a particular outcome.

Many different far-fringe groups supported Ron Paul for all the wrong reasons. I support Ron Paul because he is a traditional conservative republican representing Texas in the United States House of Representatives who doesn't cave into politically correct beliefs.

If you like what a lot of conservatives on air are saying except the whole Israel thing, then we need to convince conservatives that there is nothing to gain from supporting Israel. I can tell you nobody will support the Palestinians, and there's no reason too because they are radical Muslims hell bent on conquoring or destroying the West. That is not Zionist propoganda, but the truth that comes from THEM. They go parading around London, Paris, and Copenhagan saying how they want to kill Westerners and rape/stone unveiled women. So we can be against Israel without supporting the Muslim cause.

I simply tell fellow conservatives who might be inclined to support Israel that Jews vote 80% for the dems. This makes them rethink their support.

The problem with talking about NWO and things of that nature is that they are simply buzz-words and catch phrases that aren't based on logical rational thinking, but simply propell an ideology. To me there is no NWO constitution sitting in an office somewhere, and all the pieces are falling into place as if they are "scripted." Everything is seperate actions taking place, but it's all interconected due to influence from the media, school, activist groups, etc. There are simply a lot of people who have been convinced to think a certain way in areas of influence. If we are able to get more people who think our way in areas of influence then we will reverse the wrong trends.

If there was a full-fledged NWO I think they would have taken over a long time ago. I'm not too afraid of the NWO if we they can't even get rid of the Confederate battle flag out of Mississippi's flag. Remember, these are people just like us and they do not have super powers. We can do the same thing they do, influence people the same way. If they are able to dominate us and silence us, they were just better than us.

If you want to know why Rush and Hannity and other conservatives don't talk about conspiracy theories, it's because they would lose ALL credibility if they did. That's why we should stay away from them as well, and only adress subjects that are valid and not based on someones fantasy to explain why things are the way they are. We are supposed to be the ones that follow the European heritage of rational thought and logical analysis. Africans and Asians are the ones that have all this mythology, folklore, astrology and mysticism. These are all just ways of trying to explain things by putting made up thoughts to fill the gaps.

The way things are is all due to influence that started from just a few people but have spread far enough to get the way they are now. Let's think logically and rationally to seek the truth and influence people in the right and proper ways. Edited by: Electric Slide
Neocon waterboys like "Limblah", "Pawn Vanity" & (phoney Libertarian) Boortz are propaganda outlets for the Globalist Elite to further the (bogus) Left/Right paradigm. By propagating this fallacy, the Elite dupe the sheeple into thinking they have a (legit) "choice" between 2 sides of the same (controlled) coin. This is another control mechanism to placate the masses.
Don Wassall said:
Solomon Kane said:
I'll watch Glen Beck if hegains the awareness and the courage to speak about the walt and mearsheimer report on israeli influence, the liberty affair, the arms we supply israel (and the negative effect that has on our reputation in the middle east.), the cost of the war on terror, etc.

I'm hopeful---after all he did praise Ron Paul.

Glen Beck has called Ron Paul supporters "terrorists."

http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/november2007/161107_bec k_smears.htm

Oops! I did not know that (or am I confusing Beck with Boortz?)
Electric Slide, funny that you should mention the Mississippi flag vote as being a sign of the NWO not being so influential. Just remember that when it comes to things like heritage and history, Mississippians are among the die-hards. The local politicians were too afraid to vote it out in the legislature because they feared losing their jobs. Our democratic governer at the time, Ronnie Musgrove (muskrat), wanted to do any with it. Everyone knewhis effortwas a sham and the people turned out in droves to vote to preserve a piece of history and to vote muckrat out of office two years later.

The people of Georgia were never given that chance with their state flagin 2000, thanks to their cowardly legislators, but there are still quite a few people left in the Deep South who don't give a rat's behind about what other people think about them or their customs, traditions, etc. Sadly, there aren't nearly enough of them who are aware of or willing to speak out about other issues that we at CF discuss frequently. For me, April 17, 2001 was my proudest day as a native of Mississippi. Yes, we can stand up to some of the assualts on our freedom on a local or even statewide level, but nationally we don't have enough people to do that. That old Rebel spirit isn't dead yet in Mississippi though.

Long may our flag wave!


Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Col I am very happy that Mississippi has been able to leave the flag untouched. It is such a nice looking flag, I don't care if you are black, white, Latino or Asian, it is a very distinct flag with great colors, that just so happen to be the colors of the good ole US of A.

I remember driving on a road trip and with a group of guys going to Florida. We drove past a large Confederate battle flag. One of the guys said that flag should be "illegal." I told him first, it's against the 1st Ammendment to do so. Then he said they supported slavery, so I mentioned that the United States also supported slavery, so should our flag be illegal or shunned as well? Then he said it was a flag of a nation that waged war against the U.S. Well so is the United Kingdom, and nobody has a problem with the Union Jack in the Hawaiin flag. Speaking of the Union Jack, as well as the flag of Scottland, Jamaca, and several others, is essentially the same base symbol as the Confederate flag, only the Conf. flag has stars on it, something very many flags have.
DixieDestroyer said:
Neocon waterboys like "Limblah", "Pawn Vanity" & (phoney Libertarian) Boortz are propaganda outlets for the Globalist Elite to further the (bogus) Left/Right paradigm. By propagating this fallacy, the Elite dupe the sheeple into thinking they have a (legit) "choice" between 2 sides of the same (controlled) coin. This is another control mechanism to placate the masses.

Dixie, I understand your frustration and I agree with you on many views. I just have a couple questions about the basis of your beliefs about these conservative commentators.

Do you think these guys really don't believe in what they are saying, but rather are very happy to be helping the Globalist Elite? Or do you think they are being duped and used as a tool of the Elite unknowingly or naively?

Secondly, how do you suppose someone goes into the MSM and express conservative beliefs? If given a platform, do you think they should turn down the offer and keep their message to themself so they don't make more money for Elite MSM networks?

Third, would you be more or less likely to support Hannity, Limbaugh, Boortz, and Beck if you have a private meeting with them. In this meeting they swore you to secrecy and told you the only reason they express support for Israel is not because they believe it, but they have been told that they will be sacked by the Elite if they offer a differing opinion, and that by beeing on the air they are pushing the bounderies of pushing conservative causes.

Lastly, what are your ideas about taking our beliefs and getting them into the mainstream. I think we need to express these ideas to each other so we can put our beliefs into positive action that will ifluence others. Thanks sir I really respect your beliefs and I want to hear what you have to offer about building our level of influence
Electric Slide said:
DixieDestroyer said:
Neocon waterboys like "Limblah", "Pawn Vanity" & (phoney Libertarian) Boortz are propaganda outlets for the Globalist Elite to further the (bogus) Left/Right paradigm. By propagating this fallacy, the Elite dupe the sheeple into thinking they have a (legit) "choice" between 2 sides of the same (controlled) coin. This is another control mechanism to placate the masses.

Dixie, I understand your frustration and I agree with you on many views. I just have a couple questions about the basis of your beliefs about these conservative commentators.

Do you think these guys really don't believe in what they are saying, but rather are very happy to be helping the Globalist Elite? Or do you think they are being duped and used as a tool of the Elite unknowingly or naively?

Secondly, how do you suppose someone goes into the MSM and express conservative beliefs? If given a platform, do you think they should turn down the offer and keep their message to themself so they don't make more money for Elite MSM networks?

Third, would you be more or less likely to support Hannity, Limbaugh, Boortz, and Beck if you have a private meeting with them. In this meeting they swore you to secrecy and told you the only reason they express support for Israel is not because they believe it, but they have been told that they will be sacked by the Elite if they offer a differing opinion, and that by beeing on the air they are pushing the bounderies of pushing conservative causes.

Lastly, what are your ideas about taking our beliefs and getting them into the mainstream. I think we need to express these ideas to each other so we can put our beliefs into positive action that will ifluence others. Thanks sir I really respect your beliefs and I want to hear what you have to offer about building our level of influence

ES, I think Limbaugh knows the scoop & has soldout for $+power. Hannity is probably headed that way, but not to the level of "Limblaah". I think Beck means well, but hasn't done enough "homework". Boortz is quasi-egotistical blowhard, but I don't think he's directly complicit. On the surface, ALL of these "mainline" conservative make valid/good points on some issues (less taxes, tax releif, anti-infanticide, etc.), but they err in the arena of the Globalist Empire building scheme, "free trade" and Zionism.

On point 2, I think if they have paleocon/Constitutionalist views (ala Ron Paul & Pat B.), they shouldn't water them down to get a bigger gig. If "Faux" News requires them to re-work their platform to get their own show, etc...they should say "thanks, but no". IMHO.

On point 3, I think grassroots activism & word of mouth is key, as us paleocons/WNs are effectively shut out by the MSM. Utilizing various blogs, e-mails, word of mouth to educate folks about the fallacy of the Left vs. Right paradigm, the Globalist Elite (& their control of "Hollyweird", Madison Avenue, the MSM & (most of) "Crapitol sHill". It was awesome to see the massive support of Dr.Ron Paul (even in the midst of the MSM endless attempt to marginalize him). Utilization of the internet (e-mail, blogs, Facebook, YouTube) to spread the word on the NWO & efforts to save/restore our Republic! We must be relentless and spread the word with those with "ears to hear & minds to learn"!
I have to get this off my chest. The local MSM is making a great deal out of a local Black woman. She has just died and is over 100 years old. Her claim to fame? This November is the first time in her life she voted. Naturally, she went for BHO. Think about it. She could not move her ass out the door to vote for FDR or IKE, or JFK, Jimmy Carter, or even Bill Clinton. She would only vote for a Black guy.
Racist bitch.
screamingeagle, I share your frustration at the story. I would put her laziness above any anti-white sentiments she may have, but thats just me. Americans, especiallyhave becomeextraordinarily lazy.
I have somehow gotten into a zone where I just don't care what "minorities" who consider themselves my enemies feel. If they're happy, good for them--I care about as much as whether the ants in the yard are happy. This attitude is far different from myself five years ago, when I my blood pressure would have skyrocketed after watching these celebrations, and most certainly more than ten years ago, when I spent about half the day being angry because everyone loved Clinton so much.
This attitude almost caused me to vote for Obama (Thanks to Col. Reb and others for returning me to lucidity), and that would have been a mistake. But it has facets that commend it to me, also. It returns the focus of my emotions to the things I care about (family, friends, animals) and away from wasting my life basing my thoughts on what a bunch of jerks think that don't matter in the first place. If they destroy us, they're dead pretty soon, too, and they know it. All the screams, gestures, unmerited and unceasing accusations, and so on are just smokescreens that I'm happy to be ignoring now.
DWFan said:
I have somehow gotten into a zone where I just don't care what "minorities" who consider themselves my enemies feel. If they're happy, good for them--I care about as much as whether the ants in the yard are happy. This attitude is far different from myself five years ago, when I my blood pressure would have skyrocketed after watching these celebrations, and most certainly more than ten years ago, when I spent about half the day being angry because everyone loved Clinton so much.
This attitude almost caused me to vote for Obama (Thanks to Col. Reb and others for returning me to lucidity), and that would have been a mistake. But it has facets that commend it to me, also. It returns the focus of my emotions to the things I care about (family, friends, animals) and away from wasting my life basing my thoughts on what a bunch of jerks think that don't matter in the first place. If they destroy us, they're dead pretty soon, too, and they know it. All the screams, gestures, unmerited and unceasing accusations, and so on are just smokescreens that I'm happy to be ignoring now.

DWFan, I totally agree with you on the attitude thing. There's too many bad things in the world, always have and always will be, to get all riled up over other people's opinions that don't matter. I think there are practical ways of counteracting the effects thos people have on society, and that's what we should be focused on. Of all people, Howard Stern did a great job of exposing the idiotic nature of Obama voters, as did John Ziegler who questioned voters at the polling place. He's making a documentary at howobamagotelected.com.

Getting upset and depressed doesn't do us any good except shorten our life. As I've stated before, I'm not big on NWO talk because one I don't think any human is smart enough to create such a system, and even if it was tried it would self destruct because it would rely on the trust of millions of people that it would not benefit, so at some point something would have to give. Anyway I think staying positive and working to find ways to spread our message!
How BHO got elected? He spent twice as much money as his opponent.