OBAMA WON; Here we go

One thing about blacks is interesting. They seem to always pull defeat from the jaws of victory. For example, when they acheived integration, they also took Affirmative Action, which set them back years and is still keeping them down. It only seems to be a good thing for them. Affirmative Action for blacks is like a drug to an addict. They can't shake it loose. When they try anything on their own, they ultimately fail all the time and run back to the drug.

So this election of a black to the presidency will prove the same for blacks. Even with this poor slob in the White House, the overall lot for blacks in general, will remain the same. They will continue to sink lower in the society and not understand that obama's election was a put up deal from the getgo and they've been had once again.

In the end, blacks will find themselves worse off than before. Just like now in baseball, all these years after Jackie Robinson, the blacks are falling out of baseball. In time the Latin blacks will fall away as well. They're just cursed with low brain power, but the worst part of the black persona is they've got no sticktoitiveness (not every last one of them, but the vast majority). If they don't have a natural talent for something, they can't persevere and make themselves acheive like the other races.

Tom Iron...
I read an article in today's paper about Obama receiving more threats than any other president. The article stated that "stubborn racism" still exists all over the US because as we all know whites are always racists. What kills me is the article stated there has been alot of hate crimes since Obama's election. What kind of crimes you may ask? Some spray paint here, a second grader making anti Obama comments, and just bad comments being made about Obama. Wow what crimes.
whiteathlete33, we might as well get ready for the PC and thought police to really crank it up. Anything against a minority will be deemed a "hate crime." Looks like the real hate is against free speech.
The only hate that took place after the election was the sh*t I took from my black friends. One sent out a text "We won. God is good. Watch your back cuz there's gonna be a lot of angry haters out there." In a state where we voted McCain 67 to 33, I'm not aware of a single incident of "hate."
My wife said the n.....s she works with keep calling each other "fellow Americans" and rubbing it in her face.
Yeah, there are articles when I access the internet and one said, "Major increase in race crimes since Obama was elected."

I didn't bother to read it because I knew what the "theme" would be. One thing to keep in mind about these propaganda pieces is they may be a sign that people are waking up. It's pure damage control; A futile attempt at "White guilt tripping."

Gun sales are through the roof. Everyone didn't vote for Obama, so there is a ton of anti-Obama sentiment. I expect the "cult of Obama" - his little commie army - to be involved in a whole bunch of trouble. He is their God, so there will be some fighting in the streets. We've seen it before in the East. "Worship or die" - that will be their motto. Obama will NEVER be my God.

"Major increase in race crimes"

That would be a good title for an article documenting the increase in TNB in the coming months and years. Again, the MSM gets the title right, but the story is completely backwards.
I find it funny how a great number of black people think that their ten percent of the population won the election by themselves.
I lot of white people thought that electing obama would prove how unracist white people are, wrong!
white tornado said:
I find it funny how a great number of black people think that their ten percent of the population won the election by themselves.
I lot of white people thought that electing obama would prove how unracist white people are, wrong!

Yes blacks refuse to believe that a large percentage of "racist" whites actually voted for Obama. Without their votes he wouldn't have even come close.
whiteathlete33 said:
white tornado said:
I find it funny how a great number of black people think that their ten percent of the population won the election by themselves.
I lot of white people thought that electing obama would prove how unracist white people are, wrong!

It's not suprising that blacks think that way. They are a people that are bad at math. They still think that their picking cotton was solely responsible for the growth and success of America. They have over inflated ideas about themselves and their race. They are the planets biggest losers and they think they're the best. Total delusion, just what one would expect from immature morons.
Only whites think highly of blacks for some odd reason. Rest assured the rest of the world does not share this fetish. In a recent edition of the Asia Times one of the writers quoted a Japanese muckety muck on the supposed need to issue United States Treasury bonds in the Yen, even nicknamed them the "Obama bonds." Translation; The USA is becoming the Third World and the election of Obama hastens the fall.
wile said:
Only whites think highly of blacks for some odd reason. Rest assured the rest of the world does not share this fetish. In a recent edition of the Asia Times one of the writers quoted a Japanese muckety muck on the supposed need to issue United States Treasury bonds in the Yen, even nicknamed them the "Obama bonds." Translation; The USA is becoming the Third World and the election of Obama hastens the fall.

You are right on that wile. Whites have some kind of obsession with blacks here in the US. I remember an article a while back on yahoo. They did a poll on what percentage of whites think highly of blacks and vice versa. Well according to this "poll" 70 percent of blacks responded they feel highly of whites. Yea right. On the reverse side some 40 percent of whites said they feel highly of blacks. This had to be one of the fakest articles I have ever seen.
Dang Right man! I think 99.9999999% of blacks have a deep rooted hatred of Whitey. I grew up in an all black town. Ive knownhundredsof them, from my three years in New Orleans. I can honestly think of none that havent at least tried to screw me over. NOT ONE! Most thought theywere real tricky, and left room for an aliby, or made it where I coudnt quite prove it on them. Therefore, I was a racist when I called them on it. Ive been friends with them since diapers, only to have them betray me in the end. There are lots of white folks who are capable of this too, but Id say most, or all balcks have NO regard for anyone else, even family, or friends.
jaxvid said:
whiteathlete33 said:
white tornado said:
I find it funny how a great number of black people think that their ten percent of the population won the election by themselves.
I lot of white people thought that electing obama would prove how unracist white people are, wrong!

It's not suprising that blacks think that way. They are a people that are bad at math. They still think that their picking cotton was solely responsible for the growth and success of America. They have over inflated ideas about themselves and their race. They are the planets biggest losers and they think they're the best. Total delusion, just what one would expect from immature morons.

Well said Jax!
Ooh, look at who's going to be speaking at Barack's inauguration in a few weeks.

http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/showthread.php?p=50285 #post50285

NOTE: Read Miss Alexander's poetry with a certain degree of discretion.

"Poet Elizabeth Alexander to read at inauguration"

Elizabeth Alexander was a toddler in a stroller when her parents took her to hear Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech in Washington.

Now it's Alexander's turn to move the nation.

Alexander, professor of African American studies at Yale University, was chosen by President-elect Barack Obama to compose and read a poem for his inauguration on Jan. 20.

"I'm completely thrilled and deeply, deeply honored," Alexander said Thursday.

Alexander's mother is a historian specializing in African American women's history at George Washington University. Her father has been a presidential civil rights adviser and secretary of the Army.



Her crappy, nappy, poems...

archer, imagining gold leaf
woven through my hair, and diamonds.
Observe the wordless Odalisque.
I have not forgotten my Xhosa
clicks. My flexible tongue
and healthy mouth bewilder
this man with his rotting teeth.
If he were to let me rise up

from this table, I'd spirit
his knives and cut out his black heart,
seal it with science fluid inside
a bell jar, place it on a low
shelf in a white man's museum
so the whole world could see
it was shriveled and hard,
geometric, deformed, unnatural.


funky, is
leaky, is
a soggy, bloody crotch, is
sharp jets of breast milk shot straight across the room,
is gaudy, mustard-colored poop, is
postpartum tears that soak the baby's lovely head.
Edited by: OldSchoolBoy75
She is no Carl Sandburg, that's for sure.
Barack Obama will be the 44th President of the United States of America in a matter of minutes.

I think it is time for me to go order my "Obama Victory Plate" for $19.95 before they are sold out.

"Here We Go!"

God Help Us.
Van_Slyke_CF said:
Barack Obama will be the 44th President of the United States of America in a matter of minutes.

I think it is time for me to go order my "Obama Victory Plate" for $19.95 before they are sold out.

"Here We Go!"

God Help Us.

Yeah, I've got to get me one of themObama coins too. Its legal tender man!
I am sure Obama's face will be on some real currency soon. Since he claims that he is a big fan of Lincoln, maybe Obama can put his face on a new penny. He's worth about that much. The Obama worship and idolatry going on today is revolting. Where can we buy the little Obama idol made of wood that we can all put in our homes?
My POLI105 (American National Government) class today was an hour and a quarter of watching CSPAN-2 coverage of the pre-inauguration. The professor just flipped it on, told us how "historic" it is, and said nothing more.

I should probably write a letter to someone telling them of this unacceptable allocation of my tuition funds. Seriously, I'm paying them to teach me the necessary curricula to achieve a degree, and improve myself as a scholar. I don't need this crap. Especially when I'm observing Screamingeagle's "No Television Day."

I didn't vote for the fellow.
I wouldn't deny a day of happiness to any decent black person, but my emnity for white liberals knows no bounds. They are an embarrasment, they have crowded around this event like it is a third world tourist trap, oohing and aaahing like dunces.
PhillyBirds said:
My POLI105 (American National Government) class today was an hour and a quarter of watching CSPAN-2 coverage of the pre-inauguration. The professor just flipped it on, told us how "historic" it is, and said nothing more.

I should probably write a letter to someone telling them of this unacceptable allocation of my tuition funds. Seriously, I'm paying them to teach me the necessary curricula to achieve a degree, and improve myself as a scholar. I don't need this crap. Especially when I'm observing Screamingeagle's "No Television Day."

I didn't vote for the fellow.

Philly, definitely complain about this. If enough of you complain, they just might scold the professor for it. That in itself doesn't seem like much, but its better than nothing. Just letting the liberal Marxists know that you won't accept their crap is a pretty big statement. I've rebelled against that kind of stuff in classes before and it does get their attention.
I can remember being a senior in high school when Bill Clinton's inauguration happened. I had to watch part of it. All I remember about it now was having to listen to "poet" Maya Angelou dish out some gibberish about how Clinton's win signaled a "new morning" or something.
wile said:
I wouldn't deny a day of happiness to any decent black person, but my emnity for white liberals knows no bounds. They are an embarrasment, they have crowded around this event like it is a third world tourist trap, oohing and aaahing like dunces.

Amen to that!
OldSchoolBoy75 said:
Oh spare me those ridiculous Obongo "coins". As for Obama figurines, I think a bobblehead will do just fine perched atop a commode.

...or perhaps a lawn jockey.