Obama releases long form birth certificate


Apr 6, 2007
Personnaly I've always thought that there was/is PLENTY to criticise Obama's policies rather then the question of his birthplace. I'm not a fan of Glen Beck but he once said that Obama was using this (non)issue to make the conservative right look bad.

A couple of things

#1, Trump/and all the other "birthes" won. He forced him to show what appears to be his birth certificate. Now let's have experts pore over it and tell us whether it's the real McCoy.

#2, OBAMA is vulnerable. He can be shaken. At some point, he's going to have to dmit one of more of his shenanigans. The thing is not to let up. To keep probing until you hit the nerve.
Yeah, one thing that this proves is that the BO adminstration is reading the polls. A lot of Americans suspect his nationality. On another important issue ARE his grades! Bring them on.
This is his feeble attempt to get invited to the Royal wedding. The birth certificate says his father is African. This means that BHO is a British subject, not an american citizen!
I expect that BHO and Michelle will be added to the guest list, shortly.
Well, now we know the exact amount of time it takes to create a credible forged birth certificate.

In other news, the United States is on the brink of collapse. I don't care if he was born on the steps of the White House. He's the greatest disaster this nation has ever known.
screamingeagle said:
This is his feeble attempt to get invited to the Royal wedding. The birth certificate says his father is African. This means that BHO is a British subject, not an american citizen!I expect that BHO and Michelle will be added to the guest list, shortly.

I think the release of this does have a lot to do with the 'Royal wedding'.There is no doubt that this is being put out there now, knowing thatin a few daysmillions ofclueless American Sheeple (led by our Marxist media) will be obsessed with an butt-ugly English dork marrying some gold-digger, meaning this story comes and goes in the span of less than 36 hrs.?

Hey, we have areal unemployment of over 20% in the U.S., while Rino's from places like Utah are working on guest worker programs to bring in more Mexicansbecause we have a 'labor shortage'....No problem, William and Kate are getting married?

California, our largest state, is beyond bankrupt andnow so dangerous due to this 3rd world invasion, that fans are scared to go to Dodgers games or leave there house at night in many areas, fearing they might be beaten by the anchor babies of the men thatmow their lawns and the women that wash their shorts for low wages....No problem, William and Kate are getting married?

Beat goes on in Don King's America
An article entitled "Under Pressure from Billionaire Trump, Was a Forgery Rushed through?"

Obama has suddenly produced an alleged birth certificate.

Apparently Obama couldn't care less about the Constitution, which says you have to prove you're a citizen BEFORE you run for president. And he definitely didn't care about all the White people who raised serious doubts about his qualifications.

Now what is the explanation for:

* Obama spending two million dollars NOT to release the birth certificate.

* Why did the hospital that he was born in NOT claim credit for him being born there all this time?

I guess Trump questioning Obama's citizenship was a little too much for the Dems as well as Jerome Corsi's upcoming book. I'm sure they were desperate to do something to counter all that. A forgery however is a very high risk move, and it's almost impossible to make a flawless forgery of a nearly fifty year old document.

Great points, Riddlewire and Truthteller! This is just a side show. One more way to keep the sheeple from paying attention to the real problems behind the rapidly shrinking curtain.
the timing of this release is certainly bizarre ... not to mention the questionable validity, of course. i suspect that the timing hassomething to do with creating a distraction from the Federal Reserve's press conference today, the first press conference called by the Fed in the nearly-100 years of its history.

i mean, with the "birther" claims "proven" wrong by an "obviously legitimate" birth certificate, why would anyone be interested in what's going on with the sole bank in control ofthe monetary supply and policy of these United States? pfft. who cares about the Fed, right?

Bernanke holds first press conference in Fed's history.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
i mean, with the "birther" claims "proven" wrong by an "obviously legitimate" birth certificate, why would anyone be interested in what's going on with the sole bank in control ofthe monetary supply and policy of these United States? pfft. who cares about the Fed, right?

Bernanke holds first press conference in Fed's history.

Well said.
Riddlewire said:
Well, now we know the exact amount of time it takes to create a credible forged birth certificate.

I've been saying this for a long time. Why did it take so long even if it had to be faked? How could the full aparatus of the US spy system, which has been creating fake documents of all kinds for decades not be able to fake this? I guess there is risk involved and maybe they wanted to wait as long as they could before taking the risk?

It's really a big win for Donald Trump. He's ridiculuosly rich, and it's money he made not inherited, and he knows how to play the media, which means he knows how to play the jews.

He's also going after Obamas college grades which is another pile of documents that are going to have to be faked. HA HA I only wonder how they are going to get Trump eventually?
I am not surprised, but a bit disappointed. I was hoping to see the looks on the plebs faces when Obama remained president and the powers-that-be explained to them who holds all the power and that they need to shut up and vote for the next set of establishment-approved candidates.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
the timing of this release is certainly bizarre ... not to mention the questionable validity, of course. i suspect that the timing hassomething to do with creating a distraction from the Federal Reserve's press conference today, the first press conference called by the Fed in the nearly-100 years of its history.
<div>i mean, with the "birther" claims "proven" wrong by an "obviously legitimate" birth certificate, why would anyone be interested in what's going on with the sole bank in control ofthe monetary supply and policy of these United States? pfft. who cares about the Fed, right? </div>
<div>Bernanke holds first press conference in Fed's history.</div>

The only reason that the FRB should have a press-conference is to announce they are disbanding and sound money is the rule now (as it should be.)
I agree Jack Acid. If only we could get that to happen.
To Jimmy Chitwood:
I think you are to something. The release was meant as a distraction, I couldn't figure out what we are not suppose to see. Distracting us from the Fed makes sense.
It is time to disband the Fed. The best you can say is that it is obsolete and their is no reason for its existance.
Maybe the original certificate was altered way back in 1992... it was a big year for Obama in becoming active with ACORN, and his marriage that year might have presented someone with the opportunity to access the certificate. 1-9-9-2 is hand-written on the right side?
The document scanning process would have subsequently picked-up the anomalies of the various inks and typestyles from the alterations made at that time.
If the typewriters in Hawaii really did such a crappy and inconsistent job back in 1961, they should have asked for donations to purchase a functional unit.
Well, is the birth certificate going to be examined by experts or not? Is that all we get. A photo of it? Does anyone know if Trump or anyone else is going to demand a closer examination?

Tom Iron...
There has been no shortage of folks examining this obviously faked certificate. Like Alex Jones notes in the YouTube video below, it's such an obvious, apparently intentional forgery that it is intended to create a stir.

In the box "Race of Father" it states "African." For some reason, I think the common word used in the early sixties was "negro." This point needs to be looked into. I suspect that anyone who questions this document will be labeled a racist. Hopefully some brave principled person gets to the bottom of this.
An article entitled "Obama "birth certificate"Â￾ contains Adobe Illustrator editing data."

The Obama birth certificate was not "scanned"Â￾ in by White House. It was absolutely, positively was created using Adobe Illustrator. The staff here at CofCC.org downloaded a copy directly from the White House and opened it with Adobe Illustrator.

Obama spent three years a $2 million in legal fees refusing to hand over a copy of a $15 birth certificate. Why? Now about the "mainstream"Â￾ media has been demonizing anyone who mentions the issue, Obama suddenly releases what he says is his birth certificate. Why did Obama hide it for so long. Also, Obama knows full well that even if he released a crude forgery, the media would declare it was real no matter what.

In short, Obama and the media have put the American public in a position where we can't take anything at face value.

The blatant arrogance of not trying to even make a good forgery! Even the Clintons' won't have been so arrogant! Sure the controlled press covers for them, but how arrogant or stupid does one have to be to not even to try to hide that it's a fake? Is it that they are so stupid that don't understand how easy it is for Whites to detect fraud or is it just they are so arrogant they don't care or are the two connected.

Some speculate that it was done so blatantly on propose but with the administration being so full of blacks and Jews, arrogance and stupid clearly have reached new heights! Basically, arrogance of this level is found only in extremely self-centered people who think they are brilliant but in really appear to be very dumb!
If it is a fake, then I'm pretty sure they've committed a crime by claiming it as an official document. Of course, they have nothing to fear. Who's going to go after them? Eric Holder???
Riddlewire said:
If it is a fake, then I'm pretty sure they've committed a crime by claiming it as an official document. Of course, they have nothing to fear. Who's going to go after them? Eric Holder???
Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate'

By Rachel Rose Hartman

During the 2008 campaign, questions about John McCain's birth in the Panama Canal Zone on a U.S. military base prompted some to ask whether McCain was eligible to be president, since the Constitution stipulates that anyone not born in the United States is not eligible to be president.

Amid a flurry of news reports, McCain's own campaign announced in February 2008 that it was conducting an investigation. When a bipartisan pair of lawyers announced the following month that McCain was indeed eligible, the issue virtually died--apart from a Senate resolution that pretty much laid the question to rest by attesting to the facts surrounding McCain's birth and citizenship.

But the winner of the 2008 election, Barack Obama, has faced a relentless campaign questioning his U.S. citizenship--and thereby the legitimacy of his presidency--that has disregarded the facts.

Questions regarding Obama's birth certificate have persisted for more than two years, as the president noted Wednesday at a press conference announcing the release of his long-form birth certificate. A vast array of evidence attests to Obama's citizenship--including a certificate of live birth, signed affidavits from people who viewed Obama's long-form birth certificate, confirmation by Hawaiian officials, and independent investigations by news outlets. Nevertheless, "this thing just keeps going" as Obama said this morning. Even after the White House released the long-form certificate of Obama's birth, birther leader Orly Taitzâ€"who has filed unsuccessful lawsuits seeking to obtain access to Obama's birth certificateâ€"sought to cast doubt on the document's authenticity, suggesting that in 1961, Hawaiian officials would have classified Obama as "Negro" rather than using designation "African," which suggests, in her view, a more contemporary concern for "political correctness."

So what's fueling the dogged questioning of Obama's origins? Many critics of the birther movement say its core tenets--and its stubborn resistance to evidence disproving those beliefs--can be traced to racial hostilities. The fundamental birtherist conviction, these critics say, is that an African-American can't have legitimately won the presidency--and that his elevation to power therefore has to be the result of an elaborate subterfuge.

"There is a real deep-seated and vicious racism at work here in terms of trying to de-legitimate the president," Peniel Joseph, a professor of history at Tufts University, told The Ticket.

"This is more than just a conspiracy," Joseph added. "I think this is fundamentally connected to a conception of white supremacist democracy in this country."

Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. in early April called for the connection to be publicly drawn between birthers and racism: "So it is time to call this birther nonsense what it is--not just claptrap, but profoundly racist claptrap."

And columnist Michael Tomasky wrote for The Guardian Wednesday that the birther conspiracy "had to be the only explanation for how this black man got to the White House." He added: "And if you think race isn't what this is about at its core, ask yourself if there would even be a birther conspiracy if Barack Obama were white and named Bart Oberstar. If you think there would be, you are delusional."

In a similar vein, Rev. Jesse Jackson told Politico yesterday that Donald Trump's campaign to get Obama to release his birth certificate is deeply rooted in race.

"Any discussion of [Obama's] birthplace is a code word," Jackson said. "It calls upon ancient racial fears." Jackson later added that, in his view, Trump "is now tapping into code-word fears that go far beyond a rational discourse."

Birthers emphatically deny such criticism. But it's difficult to apprehend the ongoing resistance to proof of Obama's citizenship without crediting racial fear as a significant factor. At first, after all, many adherents of birtherism argued that the administration fueled speculation by failing to release the long-form version of Obama's birth certificate, but now that this version has been released to the public, the call continues to go out for other kinds of information about Obama's past to be released--a level of scrutiny that neither McCain nor Obama's 43 predecessors in the Oval Office were expected to face.

Trump, who has railed against Obama as he floats himself as a presidential contender, on Wednesday at a press conference in New Hampshire called for Obama to release his academic transcripts:

The word is, according to what I've read, that he was a terrible student when he went to Occidental. He then gets to Columbia. He then gets to Harvard. I heard at Columbia he wasn't a very good student. He then gets to Harvard. How do you get into Harvard if you're not a good student. Maybe that's right or maybe that's wrong. But I don't know why he doesn't release his records. Why doesn't he release his Occidental records?

Trump and others have accused Obama of not authoring his memoir, while many Obama detractors continue to argue he is secretly Muslim. Both Jackson and Joseph noted that never before has a sitting president's nationality been questioned.

Meanwhile, an eye-opening recent study from the University of Delaware appears to confirm that race-minded detractors of Obama view him as "less American"--as Dan Vergano writes for USA Today.

The study, which surveyed blacks and whites on their opinions of Obama compared to Vice President Joe Biden, found that whites classified as "higher prejudice-predicted Whites" viewed Obama as "less American"--a view that, in turn, resulted in lower evaluations of the president's performance.

"Finally, many in the media have speculated that current criticisms of Obama are a result of his race, rather than his agenda. We believe that the current results are an empirical demonstration that this is sadly the case," the study concluded in its analysis. "As the United States approaches important decisions regarding issues such as economic reform, health care, and overseas military interventions, the intrusion of racial attitudes in the evaluation of political leaders' performance is ironically inconsistent with what many believe to be 'American.' "

Two separate national polls conducted this spring found that about half of Republicans don't believe Obama was born in the United States.

But Democrats and Republicans alike say that "birther" talk will be a political liability for whoever propagates the discussion.

"I don't think it's an issue that moves voters," Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus told reporters Tuesday. "It's an issue in my opinion that I don't personally get too excited about, because I think the more important question is what's going on in this country in regards to jobs, to debt, and the deficit and spending. Those are the things that people are worried about. People aren't worried about these other issues."


Edited by: DixieDestroyer