Obama birth certificate

There are so many "records" issues surrounding this man: birth certificate, college, law school, social security, etc...that is why I think that he is totally controlled. He came to the realization in his 20's that he was being groomed by handlers for the white house..that they had everything prepared and streamlined for him... that all he had to do was "enjoy the ride" and do what they say. and that's what he is doing...that's why nothing fazes him...trillions in deficits? who cares? "I'm havin' a great time speechifyin'" Oil spill?-a great opportunity for environmental regulation and government intervention! Earthquake in Haiti? A photo op.

I think that he's going to laugh in our faces when the truth the comes out..."I'm not a US citizen? ok maybe not...ya got me...but what are you going to do about it? Impeach me? so what...at least i'll get a presidential library and a fat pension...and some laughs and memories at your expense! It was a great ride! I'd rather be a fake president than a real bellhopat the chicago ritz!"Edited by: Solomon Kane
Not matter what additional evidence is uncovered (everybody knew this was an issue years ago), impeachment is not an option for a "black"Â￾ person"¦at least I hope its not. I want every white person who supported the reprehensible "BHO"Â￾ to squirm as a result of their choices. If Obongo wasn't instilling the obligatory anti-white Marxism"¦some other person (probably a white man) would be playing the same character.

This nation is on the cutting edge of treachery and deceit and humiliation towards our race. The White House and the American Flag are the sordid symbols of our willing enslavement.
There is an episode of the original Outer Limits called the hundred day of the drago. An oriental leader has a agent disquised as a american president.
Everytime BHO bows to the Chinese I think of this,
Thrashen said:
Not matter what additional evidence is uncovered (everybody knew this was an issue years ago), impeachment is not an option for a "black"Â￾ person"¦at least I hope its not. I want every white person who supported the reprehensible "BHO"Â￾ to squirm as a result of their choices. If Obongo wasn't instilling the obligatory anti-white Marxism"¦some other person (probably a white man) would be playing the same character.

This nation is on the cutting edge of treachery and deceit and humiliation towards our race. The White House and the American Flag are the sordid symbols of our willing enslavement.
it seems that between fluffing his remaining few strands of hair and making a few more million dollars, The Donald has finally found the time to catch wind of the truth ... and he's making a lot of noise about it.Trump first made waves in the media concerning the"birther" movementa few days ago when he appeared on The View and said Obama should show his birth certificate to get rid of all the controversy.

it seems that since then The Donald has become more outspoken ... he's even provided a copy of his own birth certificate and has increased his criticism of"our" (sic)President. i've copied an excerpt below.

"Now, this guy either has a birth certificate or he doesn't,"Â￾ Trump said. "And I didn't think this was such a big deal, but I will tell you, it's turning out to be a very big deal because people now are calling me from all over saying, please don't give up on this issue."
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Trump's insistence that he's being encouraged to continue on his birther crusade has led to what he says is the startling revelation that, "all of a sudden, a lot of facts are emerging and I'm starting to wonder myself whether or not Obamawas born in this country."
An article entitled "Donald Trump Casts More Doubt on Obama's Citizenship"

Three weeks ago Donald Trump urged Barack Obama to produce his birth certificate to put the "Birther"Â￾ issue to rest. In his latest interview with Meredith Vieira, Trump has stated that he now thinks there may be something to the Obama citizenship controversy. Trump also stated that he had some of his people research the issue and they discovered some amazing information that casts serious doubt on Obama's citizenship.

There are rumors that Trump may be planning to run for president. Because Trump has a TV show still running, he can't officially announce that he wants to run for president until the season is over. Trump's public statements about Obama's citizenship appear to be a deliberate effort to undermine Obama (as if the floundering economy isn't enough).

Trump appears to have his act together. He knew that the Certificate of Live Birth produced by the Democrats is NOT proof of US citizenship since the state of Hawaii gives that same document to the parents of foreign born children.

Despite the claims by certain arrogant ignorant liberals claiming that the challenges to Obama's citizenship have been "thoroughly debunked"Â￾, anyone who does a serious amount of research into the issue discovers the complete opposite.

"The Donald" needs to stay on the exposure of (mongrel son of the commie mudshark) Barry Soetoro...then shift gears to the private "Federal" Reserve.


Edited by: DixieDestroyer
An article entitled "Obama defiant over birth certificate."

Obama is still defiant over his birth certificate, claiming he won't release it and says it won't hurt his re-election bid.

Meanwhile the Arizona legislature just passed a bill that would require Obama to turn over his birth certificate in order to run for re-election. Click Here.

Obama has spent at least $2 million dollars in legal fees to keep his birth certificate under lock and key. Why? Major Democrats are pleading for Obama to just release it, so the issue can be laid to rest.

The stuffed-suit, breathing-teleprompter has gone to such drastic lengths in order to conceal his birth in Kenya, his "Barry Soetoro"Â￾ heritage, his days in Indonesia, his racism-rich and communism-laden past, etc.

The whereabouts of his phantom U.S. birth certificate have been pondered since his battles with "Billary Clinton"Â￾ during the Democratic Primary Elections. Back then, his Corporate Jewish brain trust responded by producing a doctored "Certificate of Live Birth"Â￾ from the state of Hawaii"¦which, if authentic (which, according to supposedly neutral experts, it doesn't appear to be), meant very little in 1961, as it does not authenticate "natural born citizenship."Â￾

In 1961, Hawaii's Department of Health only issued a "Certificate of Live Birth"Â￾ (as an "Amended Birth Certificate"Â￾) under two circumstances"¦1) A person born in Hawaii who already has a birth certificate filed with the Department of Health or 2) A person born in a foreign country.

The American Constitution has been entirely meaningless since the genesis of anti-white, Zionist-moderated "leaders"Â￾ like Woodrow Wilson, nearly 100 years ago. Why should the breaking of this particular constitutional decree be any different? If the American "people"Â￾ desire an insincere, inexperienced, Machiavellian, racist, arrogant, Jew-managed, obtuse, white-abhorring, war-mongering, naive, malicious, condescending, pencil-neck multi-millionaire ‘socialist' Kenyan mut to serve as their nation's GodHead"¦then so be it.
Thrashen said:
The American Constitution has been entirely meaningless since the genesis...
That's partially why it is still so meaningful. It serves to bind the hands of the law-abiding non-Machiavellians.
Trump and the soon to announce GOP candidates need to focus on his college grades at Occidental College just north 6 miles of LA and grades at Harvard. I am astounded why no one focuses on this. Every presidental candidate had to reveal his college grades except BO. I believe if people do, this will gain more traction and give BO major headaches and have to produce mediocre grades of C minues and possible Ds at these institutions. I hope I am right.
An article entitled "Arizona passes birth certificate requirement for candidates; Governor vetoes it"

The State of Arizona, as it has been known to do, passed a sensible law recently that would require all presidential candidates (including Barack Obama / Barry Soetoro) to prove their U.S. citizenship before their name can appear on the state's ballot. Imagine that! Sounds pretty reasonable, right?

Think again.

Proving once again that the Republicans and Democrats are really just two wings of the same vulture when push comes to shove, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoes the measure.

The fact that GOPUSA.com is defending Obama's decision not to produce a birth certificate and promoting the fact that Gov. Brewer vetoed a measure that would force him to do so if just further proof.

Personally? Obama isn't qualified to be President regardless of the birth certificate hysteria, so to me the point is irrelevant. I'm not completely convinced one way or the other. But, I will say that it's obviously suspicious that he refuses to produce a very simple piece of paper that all of us keep in our homes, especially after the question about its very existence has created such a stir for so long.

An article entitled "Why can’t Obama produce a birth certificate for Georgia’s primary?"

The official story according to the mainstream media is that the issue of the Obama birth certificate is now “dead.†Well, no, not really, you’re just not allowed to hear about it any more by the liberal media.

Ah, well, there you go. That green “Obama Birth Certificate†which was presented to the world last year has been shown to be a photo-shopped forgery, but the fly-like attention span of the American public lost interest in this issue as every mainstream pundit assured the public that the issue was resolved.

If Obama does have a real birth certificate, and it’s supposedly on file in the state of Hawaii, then he’ll have to explain why he doesn’t produce it through legitimate channels to the state of Georgia. Good for the state of Georgia. At least one state in the US didn’t let this slippery Kenyan get away with scamming two elections in a row.
