Now the Red Sox are too white

Victor Martinez is a good pickup for the Red Sox, He's a very good ballplayer and a good guy in the clubhouse. So yes, the Red Sox did get darker but only marginally so and I think they got better.
Yeah, even though they did get darker, their offense picked up again, and at least Martinez isn't black. They still remain mostly white.
And as you said, he is a very good guy to have in the clubhouse, and on the field.

They still need to dump Ortiz, though. Varitek is almost batting better than "Papi" is.Edited by: Jack Lambert
I heard that Victor Martinez who was with the Indians organization since 1996 begged the Indians not to trade him and so at least you can tell he's a loyal guy and guy who didn't want to uproot his family. I have a feeling that he is going to enjoy playing for the Red Sox though. If you become a playoff and World Series hero for the Red Sox, you become a instant legend and they start naming drinks and hamburgers after you!
Deadlift said:
A great comment from the comments section:

"I think Ken should be replaced by fox sports with a black writer"

Nuff said... Classic! "Pack your bags Ken, FOX needs more African-Americans. You are just TOO White!"

How you like them apples?
I'm sure Ken would be against that.
Today there was an article in the local paper about the lack of blacks in baseball. They make up 10 percent of major leaguers. How is that a lack when they are 12 percent of the population. Of course Sheffield and fattboy Sabathia were the ones complaining.
now they know what its like to be a white guy trying to make the nba or a white guy trying to play a skill position in the nfl.
Greenfire the article consisted of the typical bull arguments. First that black cities do not have baseball fields and equipment. It also mentioned that 27 percent of MLB was black 30 years ago or so. Yea and the NFL was around 50 percent white 30 years ago as well. What a bunch of crap!