NFL News, Rumors and Musings

There are always exceptions for the good of the country. Government has to create the environment where companies can excel and profit. Already I see that Trump will create this environment. Thus, if the companies are smart and the forecast is profitable, they are not going anywhere. Consequently Americans will be employed. The country will profit, a nation of winners, for those who want to work and succeed. I see Disney in the crosshairs of the new administration. They will be advised to hire Americans and not have Americans train foreigners then given a pink slip. Outrageous.

The Chargers profited greatly in San Diego. If the Spanos ownership is unable to "excel," then they should sell the team rather than punish the city and its fans. Unrestrained corporate greed is wrong whether its under the rubric of using "free trade" to flee the country to use cheaper labor, or fleeing a city that doesn't cave to outrageous greedy demands. Communities that build a company over time and make it profitable also have a stake in it, or at least they should. No team should be able to leave a city unless attendance is bad and they are losing money. Even then the ownership should first try to sell to someone who will keep the team in the city. The Packers have the right idea, being owned by their fans who have stock in the organization. The unaccountability of corporations is at the root of a lot of problems in this society, including how hollow and artificial it's become, as everything is sacrificed to the wants of mega-accumulations of wealth.
I learned in my late 20s never to question a property owners right to make money. Never to be jealous of them. Else, I would be a twisted liberal. You hear idiot liberals go on and on about companies and CEOs making too much money. Funny, you never here these idiots damning actors such as Clooney or Denzel Washington making 20 million or more per sh*tty film. All you hear is fawning over these liberal actors.

But your right, the Packers model of sports ownership is optimum. The accountability of corporations is to their shareholders. CEOs are paid to insure companies bottom line is profit. Greed is GOOD!
I learned in my late 20s never to question a property owners right to make money. Never to be jealous of them. Else, I would be a twisted liberal. You hear idiot liberals go on and on about companies and CEOs making too much money. Funny, you never here these idiots damning actors such as Clooney or Denzel Washington making 20 million or more per sh*tty film. All you hear is fawning over these liberal actors.

But your right, the Packers model of sports ownership is optimum. The accountability of corporations is their shareholders. CEOs are paid to insure companies bottom line is profit. Greed is GOOD!

Westside, I think you'd make a good NFL owner. Are you a billionaire yet? ;)
No, just a content guy who is looking at retirement 5 years away with a tidy nest egg. Not being to greddy. LOL. But I'll find myself more content after 1-21-2017. MAGA
Excellent post Don by the way. The Charger's fans for 56 years through thick and thin( mostly thin the bolts have never been to the big show) have been loyal servants to the team. What do they get in return after building the franchise? Used toilet paper. This is going to get ugly. We live in a bastard like modern day robot feudal system where "Walmart society" has killed off a great part of our working population. Walmart( nicely greedy) is a Chinese company in case no one is paying attention. Where I live during the 70's and 80's we had three local department stores that were located in most of the bigger towns with up to ten or twelve stores or more per company. And lots of jobs. There were ample opportunities to move up the ladder and most normal middle class people working for these stores were making enough money to have a family and send their kids to college and enjoy life you know attend concerts, sporting events, nice restaurants, outdoor recreation etc etc...It was primarily a local job market. I like things local ie "The Andy Griffith Show". I know it makes me a square idiot out of time and out of place but hell how is that worse than the creepy crap we have to deal with today? Chargers fans you just lost your team and it seems to me it is headed for extinction as far as I can tell. After hearing the news a lot of Charger fans are erupting in anger.
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Gekko: "Greed for lack of better word is good. Greed is right, greed is good. Greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all its forms, greed for life, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. " Pretty confident Trump subscribes to this. I could care less for the San Diego DWFs. Spanos and his family are getting paid handsomely. Kudos for them. Greed cuts through the BS, if not for a single family but for a nation of winners. One just has to take the risk.
I think you completely misunderstood that movie . It was meant as a critique of unrestrained capitalism . Gordon Gekko was obviously the bad guy. He bought a company and laid off all of the blue collar workers so he could sell it for parts and turn a nice profit You're not supposed come away from that movie thinking "greed is good".
I think you completely misunderstood that movie . It was meant as a critique of unrestrained capitalism . Gordon Gekko was obviously the bad guy. He bought a company and laid off all of the blue collar workers so he could sell it for parts and turn a nice profit You're not supposed come away from that movie thinking "greed is good".
No I did not. Greed is good. I will submit that floating Amtrak for years on the public dollar is the perfect example of why it should have been sold to a private investor or company to make it run efficiently while turning a profit. When was the last time Amtrak turned a profit? Gekko saw the opportunity to make a profit on a company that was poorly run. Bain Capital did the same thing. Ridding the market place of badly run companies and creating better companies and more employment opportunities. Survival of the fitness. Yes, some employees will suffer, but life is not fair. Capitalism rids the fat and unproductive in companies. Socialism is the opposite. Maybe you would prefer a more socialistic America?
Nice article about the Chargers move by Bill Plaschke of the Los Angeles Times. If you read between the lines it appears this move will end in failure. This might go down as one of the worst maneuvers by an owner in pro sports. That Dodger like logo as an opening salvo reeks of idiocy and tone deaf arrogance.. From a capitalistic stand point Westside I think owner Spanos ( man is this guy taking heat) would have been better off building a stadium in San Diego given the fact he was going to get quite a bit of money up front to build it despite the fact that the tax payers rejected his beg and bribe scheme and rightfully so since they have been paying all along for the up keep of his team for over 50 years. And despite mediocre product they loved their Chargers. Spanos will go down in history as one of the most hated owners ever in the NFL( see Art Modell who moved the Browns out of Cleveland). Spanos could have been a hero like George Bailey in one of my favorite movies "It's a Wonderful Life" and stuck with the people of San Diego. Instead he joined forces with "Potter" and well that would have turned that beloved movie's ending sour instead of sweet. So long San Diego bye bye Lance Alworth ( maybe the greatest WR of ALL TIME!!!.
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Nice article about the Chargers move by Bill Plaschke of the Los Angeles Times. If you read between the lines it appears this move will end in failure. This might go down as one of the worst maneuvers by an owner in pro sports. That Dodger like logo as an opening salvo reeks of idiocy and tone deaf arrogance.. From a capitalistic stand point Westside I think owner Spanos ( man is this guy taking heat) would have been better off building a stadium in San Diego given the fact he was going to get quite a bit of money up front to build it despite the fact that the tax payers rejected his beg and bribe scheme and rightfully so since they have been paying all along for the up keep of his team for over 50 years. And despite mediocre product they loved their Chargers. Spanos will go down in history as one of the most hated owners ever in the NFL( see Art Modell who moved the Browns out of Cleveland). Spanos could have been a hero like George Bailey in one of my favorite movies "It's a Wonderful Life" and stuck with the people of San Diego. Instead he joined forces with "Potter" and well that would have turned that beloved movie's ending sour instead of sweet. So long San Diego bye bye Lance Alworth ( maybe the greatest WR of ALL TIME!!!.
You may be right about Spanos making a big mistake and being the most hated owner. I will not lose a blink of sleep over his move, even if I was a Charger fan. But its his property and its his risks for profit and winning in the league that is the motivation to move. Time will tell if the risk pays off.
Good grief! The hires going on would lead one to believe that the NFL is a gov't operation... ... ... er, um, well, now if ya think about it...
There are always exceptions for the good of the country. However, Government has to create the environment where companies can excel and profit. Already I see that Trump will create this environment. Thus, if the companies are smart and the forecast is profitable, they are not going anywhere. Consequently Americans will be employed. The country will profit, a nation of winners, for those who want to work and succeed. I see Disney in the crosshairs of the new administration. They will be advised to hire Americans and not have Americans train foreigners then given a pink slip. Outrageous.
What about corrupt corporate welfare? Spanos begged for that to stay in San Diego and begged unashamedly for it. He also is part of an oligopoly that doesn't allow true competition in the marketplace, that was banned when the Robber Baron era ended in the early 20th century with anti-trust laws.
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**** the Rooney Rule
What about corrupt corporate welfare? Spanos begged for that to stay in San Diego and begged unashamedly for it. He also is part of an oligopoly that doesn't allow true competition in the marketplace, that was banned when the Robber Baron era ended in the early 20th century with anti-trust laws.
If it is corrupt or laws broken, prosecute them to the fullest.
I learned in my late 20s never to question a property owners right to make money. Never to be jealous of them. Else, I would be a twisted liberal. You hear idiot liberals go on and on about companies and CEOs making too much money. Funny, you never here these idiots damning actors such as Clooney or Denzel Washington making 20 million or more per sh*tty film. All you hear is fawning over these liberal actors.

But your right, the Packers model of sports ownership is optimum. The accountability of corporations is to their shareholders. CEOs are paid to insure companies bottom line is profit. Greed is GOOD!
I used to think the same way until fairly recently I a came to the realization that greedy corporations are one of the prime culprits behind the non white mass immigration to the US in the last fifty years that had basically destroyed the soon to be former white European majority in the US and Europe. Basically the greedy corporations wanted poor foreigners to keep labor wages down. I would rather pay $10 for my McDonalds hamburger than live in the multicultural seaspool we live in today.
No I did not. Greed is good. I will submit that floating Amtrak for years on the public dollar is the perfect example of why it should have been sold to a private investor or company to make it run efficiently while turning a profit. When was the last time Amtrak turned a profit? Gekko saw the opportunity to make a profit on a company that was poorly run. Bain Capital did the same thing. Ridding the market place of badly run companies and creating better companies and more employment opportunities. Survival of the fitness. Yes, some employees will suffer, but life is not fair. Capitalism rids the fat and unproductive in companies. Socialism is the opposite. Maybe you would prefer a more socialistic America?
Whats your problem with what Disney is doing then ? Why pay some American 70k a year when you can just pay some foreigner 30k a year ? I mean that's just trimming the fat and making things more efficient right ? Cheaper labor will lead to more growth and more employment opportunities for everyone . Yes some employees may suffer but life is not fair .
Whats your problem with what Disney is doing then ? Why pay some American 70k a year when you can just pay some foreigner 30k a year ? I mean that's just trimming the fat and making things more efficient right ? Cheaper labor will lead to more growth and more employment opportunities for everyone . Yes some employees may suffer but life is not fair .
I also stated there are exceptions. Disney tells its employees that they will train the foreigners (India). Once they are trained up, the employees are fired. The intent of my post is that Trump administration will grow America, with that more Americans employed. I am fully on aboard with America first. Hopefully Disney will come to understand that. Disney will be able to pay Americans 70K+ when the economy explodes. The Trump administration will help them to understand that. Also, Lew since when are Indian workers more efficient than American?? And life is not fair.
If it is corrupt or laws broken, prosecute them to the fullest.
Congress gave baseball an anti-trust exemption. I assume the NFL has the same thing, when baseball had their hand wringing steroid scandal congress threatened to take away the exemption. When the USFL tried to sue the NFL and won 3 dollars the judge stated to the effect that the NFL had a monopoly but tough s&^t for the USFL and that was that......
The Chargers owner is a real turd. His net worth is the same as the value of the team, meaning, the only way he could afford to build a new stadium himself is if he sold the team. If you can't build a stadium with your own damn money, then you have no business owning an NFL franchise. As crappy as an owner Steven Ross has been for the Dolphins in terms of on-the-field performance, he at least put his money where his mouth was by totally re-doing the stadium all with his own cash. He knew that after the debacle with Marlins Park, there was no way in hell he was ever going to get public money.
I thought all of the cities where dopes for providing tax payer funds to build stadiums for these owners. If I am an owner, who wouldn't take the free money? These voters who elected these officials who authorized the funds to build the stadiums, are the same who voted in Obama in 08 and 12. Just dumb or ignorant as f*ck.
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Not only is greed good, but if someone else is paying for your enterprises in search of further greed, all the better. Take it, no risk involved. What am I missing here. There are dopes and cities of dopes around every corner. Just like the millions of DWFs.
The Chargers owner is a real turd. His net worth is the same as the value of the team, meaning, the only way he could afford to build a new stadium himself is if he sold the team. If you can't build a stadium with your own damn money, then you have no business owning an NFL franchise. As crappy as an owner Steven Ross has been for the Dolphins in terms of on-the-field performance, he at least put his money where his mouth was by totally re-doing the stadium all with his own cash. He knew that after the debacle with Marlins Park, there was no way in hell he was ever going to get public money.

The owner is not really an owner in the sense that we commonly use the word. He's really just the chairman of the board and controlling share master. Oh he got "public" money alright. It just wasn't an open transfer like a City "loan"/grant. He didn't use his own money either. The NFL is a tax except, charity. Like any charity it accepts donations. He and all others the board was able to coax made "donations" which reduce their tax liability for 10-20 years. It's like instead of paying income tax you invested on a patio for your house with the money only you inflate the actual cost twofold.
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