NFL is London this weekend


Dec 30, 2006
If the long term goal of the NFL is to expand and make it an international game, it's really ironic that they think it's going to happend while this send players like this overseas to represent this game and our country. What a f**king dumbass. I hope they lock him up in the hotel so he doesn't embarrass this country any further.
Not sure what the NFL is thinking here. Why would they shut down NFL Europe, then start having single games in Mexico and England?

Not to mention that by sending the Dolphins they are pushing the blackest and worst NFL team.
nevada said:
Not to mention that by sending the Dolphins they are pushing the blackest and worst NFL team.

They didn't know the Dolphins would be the worst team in the league when the season began. Cut them some slack!
I can understand the point about the NFL not knowing the Dolphins would be such a miserable team but I'm not thrilled about this European stuff. Goodell has been quoted as saying that he would like to have the Superbowl played outside of the U.S. I think that would be a travesty. The Superbowl has already gotten so glitzy and commerically intense that I can bearly stand to watch it. Imagine it being played in France. The only benefit of that would be that there would be no deoderant commercials because they don't use the stuff there but it just wouldn't be right. Look for some Iraq war protest signs in Merry Old England.
I usually have sympathy for those lacking in intelligence. They did not choose to be dumb. But this young fellow actually glories in the the fact that he is a simpleton.
I think we finally saw a guy that scored lower than Vince Young on the Wonderlich...
I'm not sure about this but I think by the time you are in grade 4 in the US you know about the American revolution and the history of England in North America. I guess he speaks Ebonics and doesn't know his language "American" is really a butchered form of english...
foreverfree, I believe they are talking about the guy in the article that cutty posted the link to.
Colonel_Reb said:
They didn't know the Dolphins would be the worst team in the league when the season began.

But they did know the Dolphins were the blackest team, or nearly the blackest team. Is that supposed to encourage the locals to like American football? It's like the NFL is trying to export the caste system.
I don't think the English are brainwashed enought to think that black is better, unlike the average American white fan...
I was trying to make a joke nevada. The thinking behind my joke was that maybe by showing the blackest and worst team it will actually help people wake up over there. Anyway, its just a joke.
I think the reason why the Dolphins and Giants were picked to play in London was because they were two of the most popular and well known teams in the UK. Apparently American Football was quite popular in the UK in the 80's so it was probably at that time that those teams began to attract a fanbase.
I watched bits of it here and there, it wasn't the kind of game that's going to get English people interested in the NFL. Miami Dolphins are piss poor especially Cleo Lemon and the weather didn't help. I might have watched a little more if Zach Thomas had been playing but he was injured, however Roth had a good game instead. They should get the New 'England' Patriots over here. The names good, Tom Brady's a spectacle, Welkers ripping it up and Vrable still a beast in the tackle. Much more interesting!
The game itself was a fiasco for the NFL.

Their main marketing focus, Jason Taylor, did not even tackle a single player the entire game and got outrun by Eli Manning for a touchdown. Even big mouth Joe Porter got in his usual 2 tackle 0 sack game. What was Taylor doing?

Try sending good teams with white players next time, NFL.
yeah, that was Crowder trying to be funny. he's actually not THAT stupid
The English language evolved well over 2000 years.(Negros have yet to invent a wheel) A Complex language to master even joe sixpack makes mistake. But the Negro-They butcher the English to what is known today as ebonics. Likewise in Haiti, the French language is spoken unintelligible.
I would say English started out about 1300 years ago when germanic tribes stated to colonize Britain, as the Roman empire collapsed, pushing back the Celtic peoples into the north and west of Britain. The two largest Germanic groups, the Angles and Saxons formed a language called Anglo Saxon, which we might just be able to understand if spoken slowly. It is quite different to modern English. From about 940 to 1065 England was often ruled ruled by Danish Kings and much of North and eastern England colonized by Scandinavians. Norse and Danish languages became commonly spoken. After the Norman conquest in 1066, the ruling class spoke Norman French and the people spoke Old English (Anglo Saxon). The Anglo-Saxon language evolved over the next few hundred years heavily influenced by Norman French into modern English. Sorry for the history lesson, I couldn't let the above post go without a boring correction.
I don't find your video inspirational I'm afraid Gladiator.
Film of a Nazi army invading its European neighbors doesn't do it for me.
Yea totaly, my Grandad fought against them Nazi's and nearly got killed! I'd hate to be speaking German right now. Have you got your poppy yet Devans? I got mine for £10 because there's nothing more I respect than a war veteran especially the 1st and 2nd world wars.
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