NFL Europe

Will do kevin. I'm guessing Boone is from BYU. Am I right?
World Bowl XIII was won by Amsterdam, 27-21 over Berlin. Berlin had won three of the previous four. John Booth led Amsterdam in receiving with 4/103, while Aaron Boone led Berlin with 8/83/1. Kurt Kittner (owned by Bears) was the QB for Amsterdam, Dave Ragone was Berlin's QB. Ragone has a good chance to pass up Tony Banks to become David Carr's backupwith Houston this season.
Ragone is from Cleveland and has lit up defenses at every level hes played at. Dave was the best QB I ever saw in the past 10 years come out of Conference USA for the University of Louisville.
NFL Europe should not be about how many games teams
win, but how much do the players develop. Grant Steen could
become a top LB but becoming a more overwhelming physical specimen.
Eric Crouch ended the season on injured reserve, according to Hamburgs website. I hope this doesn't affect him with the chiefs later this summer.
Here's an article in support of NFL Europe and how it has helped the Chiefs over the years. Unfortunately WR John Booth is not mentioned as one of the players who should help KC this year. Can't say it surprises me, especially when the team already has Boerigter and Horn.