NFL 2014 Week 2

All first-half scoring done by white players.
The problem is when you 'Google' 'Caste Football Forum' this site does not come up..........I have to back my way in through another site that mentions this forum with a link.......lots of folks won't go through those steps.

Yep, I noticed that too. Google is definitely blocking it in searches. Pathetic.
All first-half scoring done by white players.

That is cool, especially considering those two teams. :) I used to look for things like that in college and pro football. The only SEC game I remember going to where it happened was New Miss 19 Arkansas 7 in '03.
Yep, I noticed that too. Google is definitely blocking it in searches. Pathetic.
I wonder if Stormfront is experiencing the same log on issues? Anyone here on that site who could provide any info?
No need to ****block storm front. They're just an arm of the MSM.
Explain, is Stormfront a vehicle used by the tribe to bring hate and discontent towards White people by being over the top in their rhetoric and obscene threads against all minorities ?
Anytime this odious PIT team loses a game and loses badly, it's a victory for us. I hope that after last season, they are now in year 2 of a decade long period of decline and mediocrity.

The supremely racist Mike Tomlin has finally run out of Bill Cowher's players and the African draft classes brought in by him and the current regime over the years have failed to amount to much of anything. The team for the most part has been carried by Big Ben, Heath Miller, Brett Keisel, and for a year or two Troy Polamalu, who's generally been overrated and is now a shell of his former self with that 5.5 40 speed and pudgy frame. I don't think the repulsive Rooney family is going anywhere, which means the AA hiring policies and roster demographics are unlikely to change even if Tomlin is fired.
Anytime this odious PIT team loses a game and loses badly, it's a victory for us. I hope that after last season, they are now in year 2 of a decade long period of decline and mediocrity.

The supremely racist Mike Tomlin has finally run out of Bill Cowher's players and the African draft classes brought in by him and the current regime over the years have failed to amount to much of anything. The team for the most part has been carried by Big Ben, Heath Miller, Brett Keisel, and for a year or two Troy Polamalu, who's generally been overrated and is now a shell of his former self with that 5.5 40 speed and pudgy frame. I don't think the repulsive Rooney family is going anywhere, which means the AA hiring policies and roster demographics are unlikely to change even if Tomlin is fired.

Defensive coordinator Dick LeBeau had a lot more to do with the Steeler's success than Mike Tomlin. LeBeau and not Tomlin should have been given the head coach job. Tomlin brings nothing to the table.

The success of the Steelers is primarily due to two white men, Dick LeBeau and Ben Roethlisberger. Take away these two white men and the Steelers would have been perennial bottom dwellers under Tomlin.
Welker reinstated. Adrian Peterson indicted for child abuse and won't play.

Greg Hardy beat a white woman and was convicted, so he will start Sunday.
Lets take notice of how the NFL does things:

Ray Rice hits black woman. Therefore defer to feminism. Ban for life.
Greg Hardy hits white woman. Therefore defer to multiculturalism. No suspension.
Adrian Peterson beat a child, but is worshipped by millions of white men. Therefore defer to multiculturalism. No suspension yet and probably will be a small one.
Welker reinstated. Adrian Peterson indicted for child abuse and won't play.

Greg Hardy beat a white woman and was convicted, so he will start Sunday.

Lets take notice of how the NFL does things:

Ray Rice hits black woman. Therefore defer to feminism. Ban for life.
Greg Hardy hits white woman. Therefore defer to multiculturalism. No suspension.
Adrian Peterson beat a child, but is worshipped by millions of white men. Therefore defer to multiculturalism. No suspension yet and probably will be a small one.

These are examples of the racist hypocrisy of our society. White people are regarded as lesser than non-whites, even to the point of being regarded as subhuman.

The prevailing attitude of our society is that violence toward white people doesn't matter, especially if the perpetrator is black.

White people are seen to be deserving of any violence they are the victims of because they're "racist."
These are examples of the racist hypocrisy of our society. White people are regarded as lesser than non-whites, even to the point of being regarded as subhuman.

The prevailing attitude of our society is that violence toward white people doesn't matter, especially if the perpetrator is black.

White people are seen to be deserving of any violence they are the victims of because they're "racist."
To be fair, Peterson hasn't been convicted, so innocent until proven guilty there. But yea, not cutting Hardy and indefinitely suspending him for arguably doing something worse than Rice, total hypocrisy. Rice just hit his wife after she hit him and charged at him, both were charged, both were drunk. This is why they got suspended sentences. I personally think the penalty was absurd. Even though I don't care for the man, I think there was a lynch mob that was riled up by feminists and mainstream media to make this man a total villain. So nothing short of an indefnite ban wouldn't have been enough for this mob. Hardy assaulted this white "woman" in a premeditated fashion and threatened to kill her, yet nothing happens to him. Definitely I think anti-white hypocrisy plays into this. Also, the league doesn't suspend players, they safe harbor criminals of all kinds and will only act if the media and the consumers of their product demand it en masse. All they care about is money and pushing a cultural marxist narrative when special interest groups and the media command them to

If anyone deserves an indefinite suspension, it is Hardy, not Rice.
These are examples of the racist hypocrisy of our society. White people are regarded as lesser than non-whites, even to the point of being regarded as subhuman. The prevailing attitude of our society is that violence toward white people doesn't matter, especially if the perpetrator is black. White people are seen to be deserving of any violence they are the victims of because they're "racist."
Well, it could be a lot of reasons. This post is pretty retarded, even for you.
Greg Hardy should be banned for life as well as other criminals in the NFL. Jim Brown should be banned from any NFL stadium or NFL activities and removed from the Hall of Fame. Ray Rice should be done for as well IMO. Adrian Peterson has never been accused of being father of the year - though he has fathered many children. He beat another women's 4 year old child to the point of making large welts and open wounds. As he called it "tearing that butt up." I can make a 4 year old cry by looking mean at him. Any good father could. A couple of swats with a harmless hand is all a good father needs - especially with just a 4 year old. He should be banned for life IMO as well.

I think we have become conditioned to accept outrageous black behavior. Behavior that would never be accepted if a white person did it. Nobody would be defending it and not a single NFL team would ever employ that white person again even if he wasn't banned for life. Matt Jones was effectively banned for life for drinking a beer in a similar manner.

I will guarantee Peterson has done much worse than this. The guy has slid under the radar his whole career. Could he really be that out of touch with reality to think that he could beat his child from a broken relationship? Everybody knows you can't touch kids in those situations these days. To be so clueless leads me to believe that there is actually much more to the story. Probably a pattern. We may see more of Adrian's mud-sharks coming forward with more mud on Adrian.
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These are examples of the racist hypocrisy of our society. White people are regarded as lesser than non-whites, even to the point of being regarded as subhuman.

The prevailing attitude of our society is that violence toward white people doesn't matter, especially if the perpetrator is black.

White people are seen to be deserving of any violence they are the victims of because they're "racist."

Well, it could be a lot of reasons. This post is pretty retarded, even for you.

Whenever you tell the truth about prevailing racial attitudes in America someone comes out of the woodwork to deny it. "Oh, it's not true," they cry. "What you're saying is exaggerated," they say.

Every thing in my post is true. The media and American society in general do have this attitude toward white people even when they're the innocent victims of crimes.

I've had discussions with American leftists about the Alice and Helen Lotter murders in South Africa. Their response is to laugh or say they deserved it because they were "racist."

Leftists think whites deserve whatever violence happens to them and will defend the non-white perpetrators any way they can. These are the people with most of the power in the USA.

The mainstream media routinely covers up black on white atrocities. Examples are the murders of Kevin Shifflet, Jonathan Foster, Melissa McLauchlin, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, and Alexandra Ivanova.

I'm insulted by what seattlefan said and I resent it. I spend a lot of time and effort to make posts that I hope will make white people aware of what's going on. My posts are not "retarded."

I'm not going to respond on a personal level to what seattlefan said. I'm simply going to put him on ignore. Maybe some day he'll wake up.
To be fair, Peterson hasn't been convicted, so innocent until proven guilty there. But yea, not cutting Hardy and indefinitely suspending him for arguably doing something worse than Rice, total hypocrisy. Rice just hit his wife after she hit him and charged at him, both were charged, both were drunk. This is why they got suspended sentences. I personally think the penalty was absurd. Even though I don't care for the man, I think there was a lynch mob that was riled up by feminists and mainstream media to make this man a total villain. So nothing short of an indefnite ban wouldn't have been enough for this mob. Hardy assaulted this white "woman" in a premeditated fashion and threatened to kill her, yet nothing happens to him. Definitely I think anti-white hypocrisy plays into this. Also, the league doesn't suspend players, they safe harbor criminals of all kinds and will only act if the media and the consumers of their product demand it en masse. All they care about is money and pushing a cultural marxist narrative when special interest groups and the media command them to

If anyone deserves an indefinite suspension, it is Hardy, not Rice.

His text messages to the mother were released and his own account about what happened was for sure child abuse.


The text messages are the typical negro speak:
Peterson also allegedly said via text message to the child’s mother that he “felt bad after the fact when I notice the switch was wrapping around hitting I (sic) thigh†and also acknowledged the injury to the child’s scrotum in a text message, saying, “Got him in nuts once I noticed. But I felt so bad, n I’m all tearing that butt up when needed! I start putting them in timeout. N save the whooping for needed memories!â€
In further text messages, Peterson allegedly said, “Never do I go overboard! But all my kids will know, hey daddy has the biggie heart but don’t play no games when it comes to acting right.â€
Because the abuse photos appear to be of fairly white-skinned child, expect players and media to come to Adrian's defense. Expect a slap on the wrist from the commish. I've already seen black commentators defending Peterson and nobody white or black really condemning him. The cast has been set.

I had a white lady cashier at a gas station last night that complained to me when I came up to pay about everyone talking about Adrian Peterson. I didn't respond. She then continued to talk about the Peterson and then defended him. I just looked at her coldly and told her that she should stop talking about it herself.

BTW, Zach line being released at the very moment that he actually could have been used is purely racial pandering. They had to release a "white boy" if Peterson was to be punished. Why would you kick a RB off your team when you just lost one? Even when picking up the terrible Joe Barnyard thy Vikings are one RB down. Line was listed as a FB even though they already have another FB on the roster. Nobody keeps two FB anymore. To my point, Zach Line was never really a FB. He was supposed to be there for situations exactly like this. To step in whenever a RB or FB went down.
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Well, it could be a lot of reasons. This post is pretty retarded, even for you.

Your post is retarded. Even for you. White people are treated unfairly by the multicultural occupying government and media. No one with their eyes open can deny that, even a Seattle fan.
Patriots versus minnesota vikings should be good, Cassell and Brady in a possible shoot out.

Vikings started 8 whites total - 5 on offense (Cassell, Rudolph, Khalil, Sullivan, Fusco) and 3 on defense (Smith, Robison, Greenway).

Patriots started 10 whites total - 8 on offense (Brady, Edelman, Amendola, Gronkowski, Solder, Connolly, Devey, and Vollmer) and 2 on defense (Ninkovich and Vellano).

Matt Cassell already abusing New England’s plodding, all-black LB corps, feeding the ball to TE’s Ellisson and Rudolph. WR Adam Theilin didn’t start, but was on the field during the first drive.
RGIII down injured for the redskins hmmmm never happy to see an injured guy but come on cousins show em what you got boy.
Anybody know why Kirk Cousins just threw a 20 yard TD pass? Is the Gremlin injured, or was Cousins just playing as part of a package?
Anybody know why Kirk Cousins just threw a 20 yard TD pass? Is the Gremlin injured, or was Cousins just playing as part of a package?

that would be funny, a passing package just for Cousins...who can actually throw but RG3 is made of glass. Desan Jackson injured while landing on the turf trying to catch a pass. Nobody touched RG3 either. Seems like way more injuries this year, like it increases each year. Coincidental that the league also increases the number of blacks each year? Its only week 2 and tons of injuries.

broken ankle for rg3, dislocated shoulder for desean. Neither were touched by anybody. And they say Whites are more injury prone? lol PPl still blaming the coach for playing him while he wasnt 100 percent. He is a grown man that can make his own decisions since he is black his starting job would be waiting for him regardless of how well the White "backup " played. IF you are going to run you'll never be 100 percent. White players have to play hurt and injured all the time which leads to more injuries.

the only problem with Kirk starting isthat the Jags will abandon the run since they are up so much and Gerharts stats will suffer.
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Edelman burns Xavier Rhodes for a 44-yard catch, his second reception of that length in 2 weeks.

Edelman already with 4 catches, 57 yards and an awesome TD.
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