Newt Gingrich

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
I know what I'm about to write here is not going to be popular with most of you on CF, but here goes. Newt Gingrich in my opinion is the only or best candidate that can beat BO! No, he's not who I prefer personally, but baring a major mishap this evening, who of the remaining candidates have not stumbled, made gaffs or has made as many statements that has damaged themselves possibly beyond repair?(Santorum being the exception)

Yes, Newt is sleazy and probably an immense liar, but so far, to me he's the only one who seems to not let all the allegations against him affect him to where he buckles under the pressure.

Most if not all of the candidates have squirmed somewhat under the different allegations or questioning about their politics or personal life. Newt, doesn't seem to let it affect him. Call it no conscious or whatever. At this point with the liberals attacking in full force, picking each candidate off one by one, Newt, to me is the only intelligent, no conscious, no fear, or whatever you want to call candidate who will stand up to the media.

No matter what you think as I do also, he's the only one so far who can stand up to the liberal media and BO and smack him the mouth!

Honestly guys, put aside all personal beliefs, first we've got to get that idiot negro out of office, who else?
If the choice is between Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama I won't even bother with voting.
If the choice is between Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama I won't even bother with voting.

OK Anak. You've eliminated Gingrich and Barack Obama. Whom do you prefer of the remaining 3 Republican candidates?
Gingrich has too many negatives. A lot of people vote against a candidate more then for a candidate. He's an easy guy to dislike. Woman must hate him, he's ugly and has misused the women in his life.

Romney has few negatives, in fact the knock on him is he's too bland. That can be a good thing. I think Romney can beat Obama. I won't vote for him but who cares, it's a sideshow anyway.
Gingrich has too many negatives. A lot of people vote against a candidate more then for a candidate. He's an easy guy to dislike. Woman must hate him, he's ugly and has misused the women in his life.

Romney has few negatives, in fact the knock on him is he's too bland. That can be a good thing. I think Romney can beat Obama. I won't vote for him but who cares, it's a sideshow anyway.

jaxvid, I agree with your description of Gingrich, but he kind of reminds me of another ugly, miss user of women, and just as sleazy who was a former president. Bill Clinton. He for some reason got a pass on his transgressions.
Ah yes, NeoCON Newton...the bloated, philandering egomaniac...he of former CFR membership, willing to shill for AIPAC & do Israel's bidding.
Gingrich is a master debater. But the fact remains, he's a bum. Notice, his one word openings - pause - explanations, uncanny ability to use the attackers argument against him, etc. Very good at the use of telling pauses.

Also, of course, as you can see, the audience was filled with dregs of society who live their lives as he does.

But overall, this will hurt him. I'd say his ex's interview killed his chances.

Tom Iron...
Gingrich is a master debater. But the fact remains, he's a bum. Notice, his one word openings - pause - explanations, uncanny ability to use the attackers argument against him, etc. Very good at the use of telling pauses.

Also, of course, as you can see, the audience was filled with dregs of society who live their lives as he does.

But overall, this will hurt him. I'd say his ex's interview killed his chances.

Tom Iron...

Tom Iron,

Again, please see Jennifer Flowers/Bill Clinton!

Good posts on RP and NG.
Unless I'm mistaken, Romney supports the individual mandate.
So if he won, we'd have our second straight criminal tyrant in the White House.
Negative Riddlewire, Romney was a State mandate; read states rights when he was a governor. He has gone on record at every debate that he would repeal BOcare, if able(read Repubs take control of both houses) or at the very least give an excutive order releasing states from particapating in BOcare.

He could still change his mind once he gets in office, though. Perhaps the left would give him some sugar and convince him that all that revenue could only be a good thing for him.

I just don't see anything in Romney that suggests he's any more than another cog in the one party machine that rules America.
Ah yes, NeoCON Newton...the bloated, philandering egomaniac...he of former CFR membership, willing to shill for AIPAC & do Israel's bidding.
Yes if he shakes your hand better check to see that all your rings and watch is still on your hand...:thumbdown:
Carolina Speed,

Sir, you don't seem to understand. The Gingrich thing is different from Clinton's mess (Flowers was the other woman). Women don't give a sh*t about the "other" woman. They always come down on the side of the wronged wife, always. Trust me on this. I'm in close proximity to one of them every day/my wife. I "know" (yeah sure - this is my best shot anyway) how they think.

This thing with Gingrich's ex wife is going to really hurt him.

Tom Iron...
Ah yes, NeoCON Newton...the bloated, philandering egomaniac...he of former CFR membership, willing to shill for AIPAC & do Israel's bidding.

In addition to that, like any good NeoCon hack propped up by Faux News -- who's sole mission is to save Israel at all costs and destroying the U.S. via 3rd world immigration -- Newton is a big hit with the Hispanics**.

His-pandering Newton has even hinted that he'd try to grant amnesty to many illegals. No doubt he will try just as hard as Jorge Arbusto (GW Bush) did to legalize them all (not just a few). These illegals are having tons of useless male anchor babies, who would make great "cannon fodder" as Marines in future wars for Israel. After all, what's an anchor baby in Cali or Texas to do if he can't make it in pro baseball or MLS soccer? Heck, maybe the Neo-cons can even grab some female anchor babies, who don't go into the porn industry?

I think the vile Micheal Savage-Weiner -- who pretends to be a Paleo-Con for "language, Borders and Culture" -- has even pushed for the idea of granting immediate U.S. Citizenship for anyone who wants to join the military and fight for our "good friends in the Middle East". I know Newton thinks that's a "great idea", as do most Republican hacks.

Based on immigration alone, Newt can take a hike in my opinion. Hopefully he gets hit by a bus full of illegal Mexican janitors heading to work at Tyson Chicken at one day, so we never have to see his disgusting gut and face again.

Newt is the only GOP candidate who has actually suggested amnesty for illegals. He is in the mainstream of the Democratic party on that issue. Concerning foreign wars, I believe he was an army brat (like Mccain), and has never been in private industry. At least Romney has a business background, which I believe makes one inherently less pro-war, and a family heritage distrustful of the government (his father was born in Mexico on a mormon colony, they were in a way political/religious refugees from the US federal government). Clearly the best choice in my view is Paul, but if I had to choose between Romney or Gingrich, I'd have to take Romney due to the immigration issue, though Romney will hardly be cleaning things up on that front either.
Careful there.

Sorry Carolina, you're just wrong. Newt has enough baggage to jam up an airport. The Obama machine would pummel that overstuffed egomaniac.

OK Bronk, but how do explain the original baggage handler Bill Clinton becoming President! I would bet the farm we could dig up as much on Clinton as we can on Gingrich.

Everyone here is saying what I've already said in the opening of the thread. There's no question how sleazy Gingrich is. I'm not arguing this. I'm not arguing the best choice. I'm arguing who can win!!!!!

Again, my opinion is he's the only candidate that can beat BO!!!!!!

He's (Gingrich) not my preference! I want BO out of office. If you stay home, you will contribute to the re-election of this idiot(BO)!

Your argument doesn't hold water to me about Gingrich, CLINTON was just as bad and won.

If Gingrich has a downfall, it will be Santorum staying in. He will take Newt's votes in Florida and Romney will become the nominee.

Romney will lose to BO. I really don't think any of us here at CF want BO to be re-elected.

BTW, I guess you could say the reason for Clinton being elected was partially due to H. Ross Perot. I think Bill Clinton became the first President elected without getting over 50% of the votes.

If no one cares if BO gets back in so be it. I do!
Don't forget that Newt actually saved affirmative action when the GOP had the votes to kill this anti-white policy. quarterback-king

As for debating, Newt just debates to his audience. Ever seen him debate a lefty? I have.

He debated John Kerry on global warming. Gingrich was supposed to take the conservative side but in his opening remarks he went to the left of Kerry and said global warming is real and that we must act to stop it.

Did he go after Al Sharpton or Nancy Pelosi? Or did he join with them to make commercials for leftwing activism?

Gingrich challenged Clinton to a debate in 1995. They ended up agreeing to work on expanding some government program (I think it was Medicaid).

Newt - perhaps the ugliest man ever to run for office - wants to be loved. He especially wants to be loved by liberals. He will get some bright idea to debate Obama from the left should this buffoon get the Republican nomination.

Newt is poison and will get utterly destroyed by Obama in an election.
The only way a republican beats Obama is they can get a much larger % of the vote from independents and White women than McCain got and Newt polls horribly with both compared to Romney. Newt isn't an electable candidate!
Newt Gingrich would lose to Barack Obama by a considerable margin.

Mitt Romney would have a reasonable chance of winning.

The whole thing is a joke anyway.
The whole thing is a joke anyway.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner, with Mr. Van_Slyke making the best comment in this thread :) (among many other valid points regarding fat-boy zionist tool Newt).

The office of the President is no longer the highest office in the land, and hasn't been so for probably the last 50 years. It doesn't matter who gets elected, and that includes Dr. Paul, who simply will not be allowed to win anyway. If by some miracle he became President, it would be made very clear to him who runs the show, and if he tries anything funny like abolishing the Fed or ending all the illegal wars, then just look at what happened to other past Presidents who tried similar tactics against the cartel.

Indeed, as Van_Slyke correctly points out, this dog and pony show is nothing more than keeping the sheeple occupied and giving them the illusion that they actually have a voice and a choice. They don't. Unless the PTB decide to change horses mid-stream, Obama has already been guaranteed a second term so he can finish the destruction of this country. This pathetic crop of Republican candidates (sans Paul) is really the best anyone could come up with to mount a serious opposition?

The health-care reform, more illegal and third-world immigration, more illegal wars to bankrupt the country, a steady stream of laws and policies that further advance the homosexual, black, latino, and other anti-White agendas, it's all in the works.

Sorry for my Riddlewire moment, but it's very hard to be an optimist in the current climate and where the country is headed.
I mean, this is like explaining how to breathe.

If you want to waste your time, vote for Romney. That jackass actually has a chance to beat the community organizer. Having Mitt as prez won't actually mean a damn thing except that it will topple the gigantic fraud that is Barry Obama, which is what you're driving at. Fine, but don't invest in Gingrich when Romney was the slated nominee from the start, and, please, curb your enthusiasm in the process.
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner, with Mr. Van_Slyke making the best comment in this thread :) (among many other valid points regarding fat-boy zionist tool Newt).

The office of the President is no longer the highest office in the land, and hasn't been so for probably the last 50 years. It doesn't matter who gets elected, and that includes Dr. Paul, who simply will not be allowed to win anyway. If by some miracle he became President, it would be made very clear to him who runs the show, and if he tries anything funny like abolishing the Fed or ending all the illegal wars, then just look at what happened to other past Presidents who tried similar tactics against the cartel.

Indeed, as Van_Slyke correctly points out, this dog and pony show is nothing more than keeping the sheeple occupied and giving them the illusion that they actually have a voice and a choice. They don't. Unless the PTB decide to change horses mid-stream, Obama has already been guaranteed a second term so he can finish the destruction of this country. This pathetic crop of Republican candidates (sans Paul) is really the best anyone could come up with to mount a serious opposition?
Nice post. Great points. Of course they are busy trying to assassinate his (Paul's) character first so they won't have to perform a hard assassination (or immediate impeachment) of him later (if by some miracle he should become President.) The GOP establishment's choice of Santorum, Gingrich, and Romney show how weak they are. The PTB don't really care if Gingrich, Romney, or 0bama become President because they are all pretty much the same. Only nuance separates them.

However, the Matrix Media has been thoroughly exposed though now in their blatant attempts to marginalize Paul. And only the most mindlessly reckless person could actually believe anything they have to say now and have turned to the Internet to get their news. That's why they are so desperate to shut it down anyway they can, via some false-flag "cyber attack" (stuxnet worm, created by US and Israel) or "SOPA" or "PIPA", or threats of "indefinite detention" via NDAA. They are at war with the American people, plain and simple. "We the People" and the Constitution are the enemy and so are candidates like Ron Paul that support it.
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner, with Mr. Van_Slyke making the best comment in this thread :) (among many other valid points regarding fat-boy zionist tool Newt).The office of the President is no longer the highest office in the land, and hasn't been so for probably the last 50 years. It doesn't matter who gets elected, and that includes Dr. Paul, who simply will not be allowed to win anyway. If by some miracle he became President, it would be made very clear to him who runs the show, and if he tries anything funny like abolishing the Fed or ending all the illegal wars, then just look at what happened to other past Presidents who tried similar tactics against the cartel.Indeed, as Van_Slyke correctly points out, this dog and pony show is nothing more than keeping the sheeple occupied and giving them the illusion that they actually have a voice and a choice. They don't. Unless the PTB decide to change horses mid-stream, Obama has already been guaranteed a second term so he can finish the destruction of this country. This pathetic crop of Republican candidates (sans Paul) is really the best anyone could come up with to mount a serious opposition?The health-care reform, more illegal and third-world immigration, more illegal wars to bankrupt the country, a steady stream of laws and policies that further advance the homosexual, black, latino, and other anti-White agendas, it's all in the works.Sorry for my Riddlewire moment, but it's very hard to be an optimist in the current climate and where the country is headed.
Foobar75 if you reallly believe this, then CF and it's forum days are numbered. You really think the PTB would let a bunch of us(subversives to their plan) remain unchecked and allowed to spread the real truth? Ding ding ding, where is pollyana?
Foobar75 if you reallly believe this, then CF and it's forum days are numbered. You really think the PTB would let a bunch of us(subversives to their plan) remain unchecked and allowed to spread the real truth? Ding ding ding, where is pollyana?

Westside, the days of any/all non-conformist (to PTB agenda &/or propaganda) websites' days are numbered my friend. We're technically in a police state (as is), and only (another) false flag "attack" away from martial law. It's just a matter of when.

***BTW, ol' NeoCON NW0 shill Newt supports internet censorship....
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