New York Times stands by writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Critics are slamming The New York Times, saying the newspaper has a “hypocritical double standard” after the publication stood by its hiring of tech writer Sarah Jeong despite several derogatory tweets of hers aimed at white people.

Jeong tweeted that she gets joy out of being “cruel to old white men,” used a “CancelWhitePeople” hashtag and sent numerous other offensive tweets. The tweets – mostly from 2014 – were unearthed earlier this week after the Times announced Jeong was joining the paper.
Critics are slamming The New York Times, saying the newspaper has a “hypocritical double standard” after the publication stood by its hiring of tech writer Sarah Jeong despite several derogatory tweets of hers aimed at white people.

Jeong tweeted that she gets joy out of being “cruel to old white men,” used a “CancelWhitePeople” hashtag and sent numerous other offensive tweets. The tweets – mostly from 2014 – were unearthed earlier this week after the Times announced Jeong was joining the paper.

From the viewpoint of the NYT it's a single standard. They are cowardly and hypocritical but go by a single standard of "We hate white people."
Hate for white people is so obvious, they don't even try to hide it subtly anymore.
I figured there'd be NO WAY that they would fire her. I was right. She's just scoring brownie points for a future raise...

The tweets are exactly how the Jews at the New York Slimes feel towards Whites. Civil War II, folks...
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They fired one girl just for being friends with Weev even though she did not share his views.

They are busy right now trying to attack the MMA fighter Cody Garbrandt because he said the N-word with an a on his twitter back in 2012, even though it wasn't used in a derogatory context.

The selective outrage and punitive double standards by the wannabe political correctness commissars can only backfire on them, so hopefully they keep it up.
I figured there'd be NO WAY that they would fire her. I was right. She's just scoring brownie points for a future raise...

The tweets are exactly how the Jews at the New York Slimes feel towards Whites. Civil War II, folks...

Absolutely. The arrogance of the communist Jews knows no bounds whatsoever.
They fired one girl just for being friends with Weev even though she did not share his views.

They are busy right now trying to attack the MMA fighter Cody Garbrandt because he said the N-word with an a on his twitter back in 2012, even though it wasn't used in a derogatory context.

The selective outrage and punitive double standards by the wannabe political correctness commissars can only backfire on them, so hopefully they keep it up.

Yep. Everytime these Satanists do something like this that is so blatant and obvious, it wakes up more normies.
P1$$ on that oriental obliviot...& her “Tribal” enablers! She & her kind do NOT belong on Western soil...period. She should rightfully be working in a rice paddy or “servicing clients” in a cheap Hong Kong brothel...not playing “journalist”. Her and the “Noo Yak Slimes” are total refuse!
Yep. Everytime these Satanists do something like this that is so blatant and obvious, it wakes up more normies.
I beat me to it. This is a good thing.

Limbaugh covered it exclusively during the first 12 minutes of his second hour yesterday. His whole second hour was excellent, but the first 12 minutes he was exclusively going off on all of this anti-White hate rhetoric in the media and touches on the MLB players now being targeted with old tweets. Great stuff.

He has an audience of 27 million plus, and growing, due to all of the Fake News and Fox moving left, establishment and that's 27+ million more Americans hearing about this driving around in their cars or listening to it at work or home.

Rush's second hour show yesterday:
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I’m so god damn sick of these “conservatives” like Rabbi Shapiro and the national review using their “welp its a private company. We can vote with our dollars” schtick while gleefully taking it up the ass when the tables are turned
Maybe all the dumb faux white nationalists who keep bleating on with "Asians be our allies" and "Asian wimmenz be so much better than White wimmenz" can take a lesson from this racist harpy. If they ain't White, they ain't our friends. We can count only on Sinn Fein (ourselves alone).

(Not pointing fingers here, haven't really seen too much of it. It's worse on other sites).
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That piece of garbage also commented “f___ the police” & started more men need to be killed. If that asiatic @$$hat was drowning, I’d toss her an anchor! ;) :biggrin:
P1$$ on that oriental obliviot...& her “Tribal” enablers! She & her kind do NOT belong on Western soil...period. She should rightfully be working in a rice paddy or “servicing clients” in a cheap Hong Kong brothel...not playing “journalist”. Her and the “Noo Yak Slimes” are total refuse!
I think I would pass on a "date" with her as he could make any male into another John Bobbit...
Maybe all the dumb faux white nationalists who keep bleating on with "Asians be our allies" and "Asian wimmenz be so much better than White wimmenz" can take a lesson from this racist harpy. If they ain't White, they ain't our friends. We can count only on Sinn Fein (ourselves alone).

(Not pointing fingers here, haven't really seen too much of it. It's worse on other sites).
Koreans have a very negative attitude towards white people, as I've found many times over the years. They are not as polite as other East Asians, they seem to have an inferiority complex over being historically dominated by Japanese, Chinese and in the past century Americans.

Korean women have strange eyes curving downward at the sides and often have scowling expressions, they are less attractive than other East Asian women.
South Korean girls' obsession with double eyelid surgery as they strive to look like 'pretty western celebrities'.

South Korean women have become so immersed in western celebrity culture that double eyelid surgery, which creates the Caucasian crease many Asian women don't naturally have, has become as common as going to the dentist.

Koreans are difficult to gauge and a lot of it depends on whether you are in Korea (never been there) or here in the States. From posts I've read elsewhere, including YouTube, Korean women/girls are "sluts" for "European men" in Korea, either written by complaining Korean males or White male can usually tell by the tone of the post.

Korean parents in Korea don't want their daughters having anything to do with blacks, whereas in the States, especially in the NYC area, quite a number of them are mudsharks. The women "date" outside of their race more than any other, but are also some of the most racist people. I'm fine with them being "racist" in their own home country of Korea, as that is their right, but disparaging the people (Whites) that built the country and system they are greatly benefitting from now is not.
Diversity + Proximity = War: Sarah Jeong Edition
August 4, 2018 by CH

Remember when I first wrote Diversity + Proximity = War, and noted that, among other consequences of increasing racial diversity within the American Intra-Empire, one battle line would be formed around the normalization of anti-White hatred?

Well, MPC just dedicated a whole thread to my astuteness.



From commenter Libertardian,

In effect, the NYT has taken out a full-page ad to say:

Dear Heritage America,

1. If you say, or have ever said, or might have said, anything that can be construed as racist, sexist, transist, or (x)-ist, or in any way contradicts the liberal orthodoxy, you can expect yourself and/or your family to be silenced, doxxed, threatened, rendered unemployable, injured, jailed, or killed.

2. Liberals also reserve the right to find you guilty of crimespeak post hoc, after unilaterally moving the goalposts of acceptable discourse.

3. Nonwhites, however, can do whatever they want, and we’ll always find excuses for them.

4. Noticing this double standard is an offense that falls under #1.

5. We want you dead, your civilization erased, and your posterity raped and brainwashed, and we think it’s hilarious.

6. Vote accordingly, while you can.

Keep an eye on the White vote in coming elections. We should see a continuation and hardening of the movement of Whites away from the Democreeps, as a nascent racial survivalism takes hold of Whites’ consciousness and becomes an important factor in their voting decisions. Whites are now, like they never have before in America, voting into the teeth of a rising bloc of nonWhite Diversity that hates them and wants them stripped of their national inheritance. When the stakes are this primal, issues like tax rates and maternity leave tend to take a backseat to the more pressing concern of holding onto territory and resources.
Paul Joseph Watson‏ Verified account@PrisonPlanet

Candace Owens copied Sarah Jeong's tweets, replacing the word "white" with "Jewish" and "black". She was immediately given a 12 hour suspension. Jeong's account remains unaffected. The absolute state of this platform.

8:19 AM - 5 Aug 2018
1,108 replies 17,696 retweets 32,770 likes
Paul Joseph Watson‏ Verified account@PrisonPlanet

Candace Owens copied Sarah Jeong's tweets, replacing the word "white" with "Jewish" and "black". She was immediately given a 12 hour suspension. Jeong's account remains unaffected. The absolute state of this platform.

8:19 AM - 5 Aug 2018
1,108 replies 17,696 retweets 32,770 likes
There has to come a day of reckoning when Whites will not tolerate this or WTF up. Either one will be historic in changing this country for the better.
This piece of racist trash sounds like the stupid sort of Asian who only plays the Asian card when she wants to virtue signal or pretend to be a victim of oppression. At all other times she's a skank who wishes she were White and I'd bet a thousand dollars if she isn't a lesbo, 99.9999999% of her exes or men she's slept with are White dudes, and that she acts like the typical rich kid who never had to suffer for a moment of her entire life.
This is not surprising from a Jewish owned newspaper. More and more people need to be asking the Jewish question.
There has to come a day of reckoning when Whites will not tolerate this or WTF up. Either one will be historic in changing this country for the better.
I think this day is coming. I hope that the ensuing rage isn't only directed at people like Sarah Jeong and her ilk, but also at their handlers. The Jewish handlers enabling them and pulling their strings.
Until white people do something in situations like this it will continue with no end. Had this been said about a black Big Bad Al Sharpton who be there in a second and the white person would be fired, publicly humiliated, and banished from town. When whites are minorities in this country will we be given all the special privileges? Not a chance in hell.
This is not surprising from a Jewish owned newspaper. More and more people need to be asking the Jewish question.

I think this day is coming. I hope that the ensuing rage isn't only directed at people like Sarah Jeong and her ilk, but also at their handlers. The Jewish handlers enabling them and pulling their strings.
Spot on!
There was a recent news story about four Korean-American women who were fired by Delta Airlines for giving unauthorized first-class upgrades to certain passengers. Naturally, they're now suing for...racism! Who could have seen that coming?! The article didn't state it explicitly, but it's quite obvious just who those free upgrades were going to - members of their own ethnic group. A lot of these Ayyyyzhunnn-Amurrikun groups act just like Jews and Gypsies - obsessively tribalistic and viewing all outsiders as The Other, whom it's okay to screw over.

I've had the opportunity to travel to a few Asian countries and while most Asian people in their own countries seemed like decent human beings (though not our "brothers and sisters"), the vast majority of Asians who have immigrated to Western countries are like White liberals on steroids - hardcore SJWs who bring over the worst aspects of their "traditional" culture such as blind obedience to authority, Eastern religious kookery, medicinal quackery, etc., and combine it with the worst parts of modern Western society like sexual degeneracy, hyper-materialism, and toxic feminism.

LOL @ stupid neocon cucks and their "muh model muhnority."
American Freedom News