New York State to Allow Abortion up to Birth

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
New York State to Allow Abortion up to Birth

Virginia abortion bill sponsor saying plan would allow termination up until birth

Henry Morgentaler: This monster devoted his entire life to have Canadian women aborted. At first, he made thousands of illegal abortions, but later convinced the government to legalize abortion. Today his clinics are practising abortions on a massive scale.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson: He spearheaded the whole abortion "rights" movement, overseeing at least 60,000 abortions of gentile babies. But unlike the psychopathic Morgentaler, his conscience began to bother him in his later life and he converted to Roman Catholicism.

What do all these pro-abortion activists have in common:

Rosalie Abrams
Barbara Ehrenreich
Marcy Bloom
Betty Friedan
Lorraine Rothman
Balfour Brickner
Jacob M. Appel
Bella Abzug
Gloria Steinem
Alix Kates Shulman
Stephen Fleck
Judith Levine
Gloria Feldt
Leslie Cagan
Barbara Levy Boxer
Sarah Silverman
Ayn Rand
Barry Goldwater

"The commandment 'Thou shalt not kill' does not apply to gentiles" - Talmud

"They would kill us all if they could" - Martin Luther
Rhode Island soon to follow.

On his show yesterday, Rush Limbaugh said that many years ago when he was giving a talk to a large group of people at some conference (could've been CPAC or something, I was late to that part) he compared abortion to "The Holocaust" and was met with jeers and boos. He said he was pretty shocked by their response and didn't understand why.
Absolutely horrendous. The Leftist Commies want to take our guns to prevent one innocent from being killed, but have no remorse for babies. Disgusting times.
1 minute prebirth the fetus is just a clump of cells and a parasite, 1 minute after birth its murder would be horrific because the baby stops being a parasite and clump of cells in that 2 minutes somehow, even though it still can't care for itself and would die unattended.

After 8 weeks if a pregnant woman is murdered it is considered double homicide.
However, that pregnant would could have decided to legally terminate that same fetus weeks even months later in all 50 states.

The cognitive dissonance these people must go through.
This is just sick. Abortion has nothing to do with free will, women's rights, reproductive rights - all of those things come before conception. In most instances people are going to be put in the obvious situation where the possible outcome is life is conceived. Abortion in 99% of cases is essentially birth control or looking for an easy way out.
The satanic left and their love for abortion. The ultimate worship of oneself by killing a baby that you made and would otherwise be responsible for.
Any one of the people in that aforementioned list of "activists" are evil beyond evil. THEY are the enemies of all humanity.

We are at war. There is to be no wussing out or turning back at this point from our side. They've gone too far. This is what "they" do. They always go too far and it gets them in trouble. This time their trouble will be be very noticeable...
Charles Martel, I quoted your question, "What do all these activists...." and the list of names and posted it in the comments section at link.

I suppose it's awaiting moderators to approve it....
Any one of the people in that aforementioned list of "activists" are evil beyond evil. THEY are the enemies of all humanity.

We are at war. There is to be no wussing out or turning back at this point from our side. They've gone too far. This is what "they" do. They always go too far and it gets them in trouble. This time their trouble will be be very noticeable...
Yep, they always go too far. Abortion wasn't high on my list of priorities but this is just depraved. I can't imagine where we're going with all this - maybe "Brave New World".
“Man’s” laws are in direct opposition to God’s laws on matters such as this, I consider them “illegal” & always subordinate to God’s Word. With that, it’s too bad Eric Rudolph is in the Florence ADX Supermax, & not (still) on the lamb. He took extreme measures against baby butchers because “man’s” law is wicked & unjust. Now...I’m not openly advocating those actions by others, but I believe God used Rudolph’s action on the abortionist & s0d0mites to render (just a touch of) His wrath!
Virginia's leftist governor supports the attempt to pass a similar law in that state. But now he's being "Kavanaughed," being urged to resign because of a 35 year old picture in his medical school yearbook. It's always fun to watch the anti-Whites turn on each other, but on the other hand it's more evidence that the communists who dominate the culture are getting more hardline all the time. It was known by everyone that Robert Byrd was a former Klansman yet he served in the U.S. Senate for decades. He wouldn't even be allowed to run today given the outrage that would ensue.

Given bills like the one passed in New York and others like it proposed in several states, the genocidal impulses of the left are becoming more and more open. The United States is not immune from the open cleansing of Whites should the elements now dominating the Democrat Party replace Trump in two years. These people are crazed with hatred not only for Trump but for his supporters as well.
It's amazing how many liberals claim to be concerned about animal cruelty yet they support a living creature being dismembered alive, piece by piece, in late term abortions. The poor fetus/baby (whatever you prefer) is a living creature with a nervous system. It must experience terrible agony.

The hypocritical liberals don't care.
It's amazing how many liberals claim to be concerned about animal cruelty yet they support a living creature being dismembered alive, piece by piece, in late term abortions. The poor fetus/baby (whatever you prefer) is a living creature with a nervous system. It must experience terrible agony.

The hypocritical liberals don't care.
Nope. They don't care at all because they are reprobate fools. Their mind is, according to the Bible, reprobate, debased, disqualified. All these terms are essentially explicit that they have a "mindless" mind. This is considered the natural sowing and reaping of rejecting the revelation of God, that He has made evident to them when he put the knowledge of God in everyone of us. Therefore, the Bible says these people are "without excuse". (See Romans chapter 1 for further details).
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