New member intro

Feb 6, 2006
Just wanted to introduce myself. Been reading about the racial imbalance in pro sports, particularly the NFL, because it's been gradually seeping into my conciousness that there is a clear lack of white players, especially at the ball-handling positions. And it concerns me. It also concerns me that there is such an ingrained belief that whites cannot compete with blacks in speed positions that even our kids are being systematically discouraged from even attempting to excel in sports that are now dominated by blacks.

This site contains valuable information and I hope to learn more and contribute when I can. I just hope this doesn't turn out to be a haven for angry white men (or women) who think there's a huge conspiracy going on to eliminate white athletes. I don't hate anyone, regardless of race/color. What I do hate is ignorance, whether it's society's as a whole or my own. I just want the truth, because I believe that no one really wins if the truth is hidden. (select individuals may "profit" from hiding the truth, but even that is a short-sighted advantage that turns on them in the end)

More on me later.
I'm a newbie myself, but welcome aboard! I think just about everyone who posts here is fair minded. I know there's lots of great info and opinions here that aren't available anywhere else.
I agree with you on the sentiment about this not being a site for "angry white men". But to some degree there is is a conspiracy against the white athlete but I think most of the problems come from ingrained stereotypes and white athletes not believing in themselves anymore. Welcome to the board. When I first joined I didn't beleive in any conspiracy either but I have opened my eyes a little on that subject.
No, there are no conspiracies going on, despite history being a long series of conspiracy and certain folks more or less blatantly writing of eliminating Whites as athletic and entertainment heroes earlier this century.

If you don't hate anyone, you haven't met very many people, because the planet is filled with people who are eminently worthy of any decent person's hatred and contempt. Oh yes, and no one hates anyone because of skin color-my attitude towards you will remain the same even if you drop a bucket of paint over your head.

Talking about "skin color" is just a clever phrase that implies all differences are arbitrary, and of course that I am so stupid as to prejudiced against chromatic variations. The real, provable genetic differences in behavior, temperament, and intelligence linked to race are what concern me and what the fearful or hypocritical will no acknowledge.

Even so, there are almost no White men who feel substantive hatred of every individual member of a race because of that race's average shortcomings. Whites are not particularly inclined to hate relative to other peoples, unlike many darker varities who would GLADLY murder me because of my skin tone. This turns out to be an evolutionary weakness of White men that has near killed us, so I am puzzled when you say you don't want to see angry White men-I am DELIGHTED when I see a White man get angry about all the crap that's being done to him-it's the first step towards doing something.
Thanks to everyone for welcoming me and responding to my post.

I'm not always sure exactly how to put my thoughts and feelings out in text form, so I may have to clarify any statements I make from time to time. No big deal, none of us knows everything. I do take pride in being right about many things, despite the opposition it sometimes elicits. But, like all people, I'm not always right. And when I'm wrong, I'm okay with that. After all, it's the truth I'm after.

To White Savage, I'd like to respond to some of your statements. And please keep in mind, I'm here to learn. You obviously know a lot, and I look forward to learning from you.

Hate. I've felt hatred in my heart at various times in my life that was so extreme I wanted someone to die or end up seriously hurt. There are many things I "hate" in this world; but it's not the person, per se, that I hate, it's the things they do. And most intelligent people understand that there are a variety of factors involved that help determine the ultimate actions of any given individual. That's not to say that people don't take it upon themselves to do horrible things to others without any comprehensible reason, because they most certainly do. But how I understand "hate" and how I process my own personal feelings about it is something I'd like to understand better.

When I said I didn't want to see "angry white men" here, I meant that I was hoping this didn't turn out to be a haven for white supremists or erstwhile Aryan brotherhoods. I guess I wasn't clear about that.

I'm actually angry about a lot of things in this world, and the drastic underrepresentation of white athletes in pro football, among others, is one reason I came upon this site in the first place. Yeah, it pisses me off when I count 10 black guys and 1 white guy on an NFL team's defense, for example, or when I notice the only white guys on offense are the center, a guard and a tackle or two, a fullback (maybe), a tight end (another maybe) and the quaterback (gradually fading also). It makes me wonder what's wrong with white athletes that they are so MIA in the NFL. And then I read about case after case of incredible white athletes who have the ability to excel in football but are never given the chance because of the "caste system" in pro sports, and it pisses me off. (J.B. Cash's articles are fascinating)

Sorry if I wasn't clear about that. I am angry.

But I don't think it's any fault of the black guys, for example, who make up 80% of the players in the NFL; but more to the point, it's more than likely the owners, coaches, upper office personnel, and more who orchestrate everything from "above" and give us what we ultimately watch on the field. With that, I believe there IS a conspiracy, because if the truth were to be exposed, a lot of people would be angry, and rightly so.

I'd like to posit a theory and see what you guys think. It's just a theory...

I think most of society is under the "control" of a select elite who have enormous sums of money and power. They are the ones who exercise the most influence over government, our laws, and much of our economy. They want to perpetuate myths when it's advantageous for them. For instance, they want blacks to believe their only way to financial equality is through two career avenues: sports and entertainment.

With me so far?

They promote this fallacy to keep a social "order" in place, so that the good ol' boys in charge don't have to share their power with anyone they don't want. They don't want racial equality or racial harmony; they want a polarized society that pits race against race, color against color, haves against have-nots, etc. And all they care about is money, period. Profit.

I do believe there is some validity to genetic advantages in certain sports, and I also believe there is validity to the overall psychology that motivates or inhibits individuals of all races to excel. But I don't have the answers. I do have a lot of questions.

I've had friends and associates of all colors and races throughout my life, and many of those people I hold in high regard. There are people of integrity and honor in every race, just as there are people of despicable character and moral depravity in every race too. So, I don't condemn one entire group or race due to the misbehavior of a few or even a whole mob.

The world is a crazy place. Consider me down for the adventure, and bring it on! And I want to win just as bad as anyone else.
veritas vincit said:
I think most of society is under the "control" of a select elite who have enormous sums of money and power. They are the ones who exercise the most influence over government, our laws, and much of our economy. They want to perpetuate myths when it's advantageous for them. For instance, they want blacks to believe their only way to financial equality is through two career avenues: sports and entertainment.

With me so far?

They promote this fallacy to keep a social "order" in place, so that the good ol' boys in charge don't have to share their power with anyone they don't want. They don't want racial equality or racial harmony; they want a polarized society that pits race against race, color against color, haves against have-nots, etc. And all they care about is money, period. Profit.

Looks to me like you are going to fit right in.
Veritas Vincit said:
But I don't think it's any fault of the black guys, for example, who make up 80% of the players in the NFL; but more to the point, it's more than likely the owners, coaches, upper office personnel, and more who orchestrate everything from "above" and give us what we ultimately watch on the field.

Nobody blames black athletes for the Caste System. We may dislike certain black athletes (Vick, Owens, and Bonds,) or we may not particularly enjoy rooting for them (I'm in this category,) or we may have a great disdain for the terrible behavior and antics that so many of them display (too many examples here.) They're merely taking advantage of a corrupt system, and they should. Who would pass up stardom, adoration, and riches? I wouldn't. The authority figures that you mentioned are to blame. We all agree with you on that.

Veritas Vincit said:
For instance, they want blacks to believe their only way to financial equality is through two career avenues: sports and entertainment.

With me so far?

They promote this fallacy to keep a social "order" in place, so that the good ol' boys in charge don't have to share their power with anyone they don't want.

So you're basically saying that a bunch of evil white men are disempowering black people- by allowing them to succeed only in sports and entertainment- so that they don't have to share their power with them? Am I misinterpreting this? Please tell me I am!!!

Veritas Vincit said:
They don't want racial equality or racial harmony; they want a polarized society that pits race against race, color against color, haves against have-nots, etc. And all they care about is money, period. Profit.

That makes sense.

Edited by: JD074
The caste system in NFL is but a speck in the total aggregate of insults and discrimination foisted upon the white man. It is part of a systematic grinding, a steady, greeping gradualism, fomented to dispose of an entire race from prominance in a country that their forefathers hewned out of a barbaric frontier. So yes Virginia there is a conspiracy.
While I do believe that the New World Order is more fact than fiction, I also blame blacks for their role in the Caste system. Blacks will protect their own at the expense of the team. They will quit on a coach if he offends them. They will help each other while ignoring white teammates.

They have made the game of basketball in this country so unappealing to whites in general that whites have moved on to other sports and basically given up on basketball.

When the NFL finally gets all of its QB's black, and there are no more quality white QB's to compare them to, the NFL will join the ranks of the NBA as a game that is basically unwatchable to the average white fan.

As the NBA spirals to the level of streetball so too will the NFL spiral downward to the level of touch football we played growing up. It will have little structure and be nothing more than a "track meet".

I blame blacks because they continue to show disdain for anything they consider white and they go out of their way to destroy it. I should add that this seems to be a phenomenom mostly among American blacks. It seems the closer they are to white civilization the more they hate it. This includes the games invented by whites as well.

Without getting too off track here, I want to make one more point. I believe that the United States is the only country that was created from a good idea. I believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the many other documents that were written to help form this country. I also believe that immigration is a necessary part of the continued success of this country. Because I have lived in New Jersey for so long, I have witnessed many of the different cultures and races start their new lives in America. They all start out in similar fashion. No money, no job, sometimes a language barrier and not much of a place to live. Every race from every country seem to be able to overcome the rough start and in a couple of generations have seemlessly entered into the American workforce and communities through hard work and a lawful lifestyle.

They all adapt to the American way of life while keeping their home country and its customs close at heart. If the Mexicans were brought in at the same slow pace as previous races and cultures they would make the transition in a similar fashion.

Yet the ghettos continue to be filled with blacks who seem unwilling to assimilate into society. They refuse to respect the laws of this country or any of the people who have success here. This continues generation after generation with even the most well to do blacks(ex. Tony Dungy's son) hating whites and everything they represent.

But because of the never ending reminders of slavery in this country, whites have been guilted into capitulating to blacks demands. This exists in the sports world and the music business more than any other place and has corrupted and split the people in America. On any given day, blacks know very little about what is going on in white America and whites know very little about what is going on in black America.

So, I do blame blacks to some degree for the Caste system. I blame them for their hate. I blame them for their willingness to milk the system while they refuse to break out from their "whitey owes me" attitude. And I blame them for ruining what was once an exciting and respectful sports world.
I agree with almost everything you said(95%)in that posting GWTJ. Especially the part about them ruining and exciting and respectful sports world. Also agree with you about the United States being the only country created from a good and the bill of rights. Also agree about the immigration part except there needs to be some serious curbs on that and some improved qualifications if you want to be a citizen of this country. I also think for the time being our borders need to be closed while we are still at war on terror.
GWTJ said:

Without getting too off track here, I want to make one more point. I believe that the United States is the only country that was created from a good idea. I believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the many other documents that were written to help form this country.

This country started out the same as every other country-some people wanted or needed some other people's land and stuff and they took. Not that there is anything wrong with this, its been the game of the world since the Stone Age. I only rue the the fact that White men have become ashamed, rather than justly proud, of being the best in the world at it. That they were sensible enough to attempt to secure some protection for their right to life, liberty, property (newly taken land and however many slaves they may have owned), is laudable. I should point out that such notions of rights of free roughly equal males, such as arms and speech, go all the way back to Celtic and Germanic tribes, probably up to our race's dim beginnings. These things were given a severe setback by Roman imperial notions and the Church's "divine right" concept, however, and America became the best ever exposition of said rights.

GWTJ said:
I also believe that immigration is a necessary part of the continued success of this country.

Why is it nessecary? I see no evidence that mass immigration was ever particularly nessecary once Europeans had formed already formed a reproducing core population in the New World. In fact, Old World immigration may have made the bad aspects of the Industrial Revolution far worse by providing a steady stream of labourers with much lower standards in regard to pay and conditions than natives. But because this immigration was almost entirely White, the immigrants could assimulate easily and it did no long term damage to the country. China and Japan you'll note, however, industrialized at blinding speed with zero immigration.

There is no fundamental difference between the USA/Canada and Mexico/parts South, save that the formula was founded and continues to be populated by a White majority, while the latter are mostly Mestizo. Yes, Hispanic culture approaches White culture in some respects, yes the Hispanic average is so much higher than the black that being around Hispanics is almost a relief, yes many Hispanic individuals are essentially White. But still the Mestizo nations do not come close to the level of civilization and stability achieved in the USA or European countries. If they were able and willing to make Mexico into a copy of the USA, they could have done so by now. Simularly, if the blacks had inclination or ability to change, they would have done so by now. People should quit thinking they can change non-Whites into Whites by "getting the message out", whether it be the conservative values or the evangelical church. Even if differences really are more cultural genetic, they are still inherited at a young age and not readily changeable. I mean, we could being a program of kidnapping black ghetto infants and shipping them off to be raised with Middle American White families, but even if it worked, ain't gonna happen folks.

Since the Asians present an interesting counter-point, I will treat with them last. Asian immigrants are almost always law-abiding and successful. Their high I.Q.s and work ethics make them valuable parts of any community. Never the less, there are fundamental racial incompatabilities that make me object to mass Asian immigration as well. As Steve Sailer points out, traditional predictions about political affinity based on economic status fail with American Asians. They are overwhelmingly Democrats. But this should come as no surprise when you take racial and cultural differences into mind. The things we have so revered in the West-freedom, individuality, independence, innovation-have gotten short shrift in Asian culture since time immemorial. Conformity, harmony, and reverence for tradition are the watchwords. All Asian societies were and are authoritarian by White standards. Whether you call it an Empire or a People's Republic, China is authoritarian. Nessecity may be driving them to primitive capitalism, but you can bet your bottom dollar it won't mean American-style freedoms for the people. We handed Japan an American-style democracy after WWII, but it has rapidly been adapted to suit the Japanese. The police "visit" your home twice a year, up until recently you couldn't even own an obselete edged weapon (now you only have to sign over your first-born and bend over for the government to keep that family katana in your home.), and firearms? Fuggedaboutit. Oh well, the heavily armed populous so difficult to stamp out in European man has never been allowed to exist in Japan or Asian in general.

Clinching the argument, the very few Asians I've met who were interested in Conservatism were so inclined because they believed people needed controlling, particularly in regards to drugs, sex, media obscenity, and that criminals had too many rights. They saw the Republicans as being more authoritarian-minded in certain areas than Democrats, whereas the average White man almost always favors the Republicans for being more Freedom-minded in regards to guns, tax rates, etc. Despite the many cultural contributions Asians bring, I fear what would happen if they ever became a majority of the voters in either a state or the nation as a whole.

Therefore, we don't need more non-White immigration and we don't need to waste any time trying to convince blacks to "straighten up and fly right"
WS, if you re-read what I said about immigration you will see I merely stated that immigration is necessary, not MASS immigration. Our immigration policy pre-1960's was working fine. It was helping to keep the country young and bringing in more people to make us even stronger. I remember my first job had a bunch of Polish immigrants that spoke no English. They worked on the assembly line minding their own business and doing a lot of grunt work. Even though they were white, they were looked down upon by the English speaking workers as dumb immigrants. And the truth is they were. But their children grew up in America, not Poland. They learned the American way and the transition from immigrant to common citizen was a very successful formula for giving this country more quality people.

If we had never taken in immigrants, Hitler would have conquered the world. His scientists would have invented the A-bomb, not the defectors who became our scientists.

Like anything else, too much of a good thing will become a bad thing. I do not know the elites reasons for allowing the mass immigration of Mexicans but that is not what I support.

The truth is that we have had very poor leadership for a long time now in this country and it doesn't matter whether it is a football team or a country, without leadership there is no strength.
Now THIS is what I'm talking about! I really appreciate all the input here, because there are so many points made here that touch upon the fundamental aspects of our society that (IMO) have enormous relevence.

To GWTJ, I do agree with you that blacks do seem to be unwilling to assimilate themselves into "civilized" society, and I am personally appalled at the behavior of so many black Americans, especially the "laundry list" of absurdly rich athletes and entertainers who don't know how to behave in society or even why they should.

But I'm still not convinced that their behavior is exclusively due to their race or their genetic makeup. If, for example, blacks find themselves excluded from certain echelons of society (the good ol' boy syndrome) and only given the two roads to money, sports and entertainment, wouldn't you be angry too? I know I would. And as long as the media plays up on the black-male athlete-as-beast stereotype encouraging all races to perceive them as such, how are they supposed to break out of this mold?

I've read a few things about blacks in society and the statistics on college graduation and test scores, for example, are alarming. So few black males graduate from college, and the few who do so graduate with athletic scholarships. Very few actually graduate based on the strengths of their academics. I believe that this is due, in part, to the perceptions that the media help to perpetuate: that blacks are inferior intellectually but superior athletically. Tests have shown that this is simply not true for either, although there is probably some merit to genetics in sports such as long distance running (East African) and sprinting (West African). The book "Taboo..." is a fascinating read, for anyone who's interested.

I guess my point is, if we don't encourage blacks to succeed in the world outside sports and entertainment, how can we act surprised when they do bad things?

Please don't misuderstand me, because I do NOT condone the antics of men like Terrell Owens or Latrell Spreewell, Maurice Claret... They have free will like all of us, and they made bad choices, some like Owens do it till they lose everything they've worked for. But I think society is partly to blame. Making whites feel guilty for what we did to blacks during the slavery years is not the answer. But I'm not sure if racial harmony is even possible in this country as long as false stereotypes and myths are continually perpetuated by the media and the "ruling class" for profit and social "status quo".

Thanks for everyone who contributed to this thread. I'm learning a lot, and I hope to learn more as the days go by.

And yeah, I'm rooting for guys like Brandon Stokley and Matt Jones!

rock on
Bravo, White Savage! Great stuff. For anyone who wants an education on immigration, I strongly urge you to read Alien Nation by Alan Brimelow. He makes the crucial point that immigration is simply not an economic necessity for America right now. It's political, not economic. We have to get past the "We're a nation of immigrants" sentimentality and accept reality. Immigration is a national security, crime, and "infrastructure" issue, not just a "jobs" issue, and the fact that our President could care less about it just goes to show that it is indeed political. It is not about the best interests of the American people.

As for Asian immigration, there's no question that it's preferable to Hispanic, African, and Muslim immigration, but not only are they different from us, as Savage pointed out, but there are an increasing number of Asian gangs in white countries like England. There are billions of poor Asians, and if enough of them come here, they, too, will cause havoc to our countries.

And as for our "pre-1960's immigration policy," every period of high immigration in America's history was followed by a period of low immigration. So according to historical precedent, since we've had a period of very high immigration for 40-50 years, we should have a period of low immigration, and it should last for 20-50 years.
Veritas Vincit said:
But I'm still not convinced that their behavior is exclusively due to their race or their genetic makeup.

It's a combination of genetics and culture. They reinforce each other.

Veritas Vincit said:
If, for example, blacks find themselves excluded from certain echelons of society (the good ol' boy syndrome) and only given the two roads to money, sports and entertainment, wouldn't you be angry too?

Yeah, Whitey keepin' the black man down!

Veritas Vincit said:
I guess my point is, if we don't encourage blacks to succeed in the world outside sports and entertainment, how can we act surprised when they do bad things?

Why do they need to be "encouraged?" They should be able to motivate themselves. Their parents should be able to motivate them. Why do we have to coddle them all the time? It's so paternalistic. If I wanted to be a missionary I'd go to Africa.

Veritas Vincit said:
But I think society is partly to blame.

You mean... white society.

Veritas Vincit said:
Making whites feel guilty for what we did to blacks during the slavery years is not the answer.

But what you're saying basically amounts to that, even if you don't realize it.

Edited by: JD074
Veritas Vincit said:
I've read a few things about blacks in society and the statistics on college graduation and test scores, for example, are alarming. So few black males graduate from college, and the few who do so graduate with athletic scholarships. Very few actually graduate based on the strengths of their academics. I believe that this is due, in part, to the perceptions that the media help to perpetuate: that blacks are inferior intellectually but superior athletically. Tests have shown that this is simply not true for either,

Appreciate your interest and support. I would like to point one thing out: Over the last 85 years or so, blacks in America have averaged about one standard deviation lower on IQ tests than whites. Clearly testing has shown one thing to be true, blacks are not as intelligent as whites.
"If, for example, blacks find themselves excluded from certain echelons of society (the good ol' boy syndrome) and only given the two roads to money, sports and entertainment, wouldn't you be angry too?"

They have multiple roads. Affirmative action policies(reverse discrimination) more than make up for this. Blacks get in over whites with higher grades and SAT scores in colleges and they have instituionalized racial black quarterbacks to encourage blacks in the work force. Just ask Will Purdue.

Edited by: Alpha Male
They have multiple roads. Affirmative action policies(reverse discrimination) more than make up for this. Blacks get in over whites with higher grades and SAT scores in colleges and they have instituionalized racial black quarterbacks to encourage blacks in the work force. Just ask Will Purdue.[/QUOTE]

I don't know much about Affirmative Action. But like most well-intended policies (see: women's movement), political agendas get involved and ruin it. AA's original idea was probably a good one, but things got messed up along the way.

I'd like to see more people talking about the real issues in our society and not simply pandering to wealthy private interests for profit. What does everyone here think of the possibility that the issues we discuss here in this forum will ever reach a wider audience? People just need to know the truth.
Affirmitive Action I dismiss outright from the get go.

The idea is to put more blacks in certain positions right? Why should I want that?

Every position occupied by a non-White is a place that could be taken by a White. Every smidge of power and responsibility that goes with those position is now out of my people's hands. Look in the mirror. Note your skin tone? That should tell you what your policies should be. It's that simple.
The best man should get the job, period. But here in American the best man does not always get the job or the spot on the roster, for that matter.

A.A. sickens me.Edited by: Alpha Male
Alpha Male said:
The best man should get the job, period. But here in American the best man does not always get the job or the spot on the roster, for that matter.

A.A. sickens me.

No, this is a fallacy. This sort of uber-idealism is one of the major evolutionary weaknesses of White men. Our failure to stick together and show preference for our own, allows races that are in every other way our inferiors to compete against us. No other race shows anything but blatant favoritism for its own, and most races don't even bother to hide it.

Job selection is most often never objective anyway, and when it is, the objective criteria are often arbitrary (educational requirements test scores that may or may not have much to do with real world performance in the job.) Whites comprise 88% of the population. You can find a highly-qualified White to do virtually any job, and 9 times out of 10, he will be the most qualified. Blacks demand AA because, even though there will be a certain number of competent blacks, there will always be a larger number of even more qualified Whites. But why the hell should we work to serve the interests of alien and competing minorities? We should serve our own interests. Therefore loyal Whites should preferentially hire Whites, though I'll stop short of suggesting government enforced action in this matter.

Also, the putative quality of an individual worker is trumped by factors of group cohesion. Like works well with like, a racially homgenous work enviroment runs smoothly. If I am in charge of any sort of organization, I want it to be a White organization, run to White tastes, serving White interests.

Further, as I say, many jobs put power, responsibility, and influence into the hands of an office holder. Look what allowing the media and entertainment industry to be held by a non-White minority has resulted in-an agitprop war on Whites. Since every race demonstrably prefers it's own and hates others, especially White, it's crazy and dangerous to let members of various minorities do things like direct our entertainment, handle our finances, or have jobs of responsibility in our armed forces, out of idealism.

Look at sport. It's obvious that despite the caste system, many blacks are in fact highly qualified to play their respective sports. But so what? It's a game for Christ's sakes. Why should all these non-Whites, many of whom openly hate us, be allowed to be our athletic Gods? Once again, I'm not even suggesting we intervene formally. But if the blacks had to do their own training, organize their own teams, etc, they'd barely go anywhere. It takes a long history of well-meaning treachery by Whites, in training, teaching, and assistance, to make an obnoxious pro "Afflete". Like boxing. Its plain that blacks have produced lots of good boxers. But if some White had not taught blacks the principles of skilled fisticuffs and physical culture which Whites devised, had not invested hours training them to beat up Whites for the trainer's own advancement, then no black would ever have come near being any kind of a boxing champion. And the world would be a more pleasant place.
Dammit White Savage, you just screwed me up big time. I've been working on something along the same lines as your post, but after reading yours, I trashed mine. Oh well, this isn't the first time. My new printer will knock out some copies and my poker pals will get something to think about.
I know, Bart, White Savage can write fairly well for a 'barbarian,' right?
White Shogun said:
I know, Bart, White Savage can write fairly well for a 'barbarian,' right?

No kidding. White Savage is an oxymoron. I am seriously considering a name change. It may improve my writing skills. White Savage -- White Shogun -- White Bart? Or maybe Blanco Barto? Why not Caucasoid Bartasoid? Vanilla Bartilla? I shouldn't have had that last glass of vino.