Neo-Con Fox 'News' Caught Again

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
<H1 id=yn-story-title>Fox News again accused of airing misleading video</H1>

For the second time in just over a week, Fox News is coming under fire for misusing old news footage. The latest flap is leading some people to charge that the cable news network is intentionally misleading its audience, while Fox claims a "production error."
full article:

Edited by: Don Wassall
So far I believe this was a honest error. If I am proven to be wrong about that; fine but they are still better than any other network by far. With the huge ratings Fox gets and having so many enemies on the left, other media and the White House watching their every move, it doesn't seem to me Fox has very much to gain and a whole helluva alot to lose to do this kinda stuff on purpose.Edited by: guest301
It also seems to me that this is very truncated and if this was on purpose, it was very clumsy and not well thought out. So again I have my doubts about this being some propaganda piece, too clumsy and too much to lose on the public credibility front. I could be wrong and I admit some bias on my part.
Somebody at Fox has done it on purpose, at least twice. The question is whether it's being done by a random individual somewhat down the line in importance or whether it's knowingly being done by the network.

I know Fox is popular with a lot of conservatives, and they've done some good things like helping to organize Tea Parties, but I couldn't resist posting this.
It is refreshing to see a MSM network bend the rules to Make Sarah Palin look better. The media has attacked this woman with a fury I have never scene used against any other political figure. It actually maybe back firing. My interest in Palin has nothing to do with Sarah Palin. I want to know why MSNBC and the Huffington post hate ad fear this woman so badly
Tired old White said:
It is refreshing to see a MSM network bend the rules to Make Sarah Palin look better. The media has attacked this woman with a fury I have never scene used against any other political figure. It actually maybe back firing. My interest in Palin has nothing to do with Sarah Palin. I want to know why MSNBC and the Huffington post hate ad fear this woman so badly

I think the reason so many conservatives like Palin is because they think "well, if the left hates her that means I must love her."

I have grown to learn that she is a typical neo-con, who appears to do nothing to reverse the growth of big-government.
I, for one, haven't made any sort of judgement either for or against Sarah Palin. She, and her background, come across as an "any person", rather than a politician, which I find refreshing. But on the other hand, as she's become more of a national figure, she is becoming more mealy-mouthed when asked straight questions (like on Hannity the other night), as she tries to cover all the bases. I would rather her just be blunt and say what she thinks. As for the Fox "mistake", so what? She had a few thousand folks show up for a lousy book signing, much more impressive than the campaign footage that they used by "accident."
Fox News is the only news organization that keeps the liberal media from having the people completely brainwashed into their far left way of thinking, that is why the liberal media hates them so much.

As far as Sarah Palin goes, even though she has some faults, she does not deserve the treatment she gets from the MSM. The MSM hates Sarah Palin, because she is not a liberal elitist like they are. They hate her because she is an ordinary american, and the MSM liberal elites hate the average american.
I hope that she stays and "average American" and doesn't become just another politician. It was sickening watching her tow the line with the Globalist John ("Let 'em all in!") McCain campaign. I have not yet read her book, so I'll withhold judgement.
IMO, "Faux" News is mostly Neocon propaganda meant to further propagate the "Left vs. Right" control mechanism (utilized by the Globalist Elite). I used to be a fan of GOP waterboys "Pawn Vanity" and "Bull O'Lielly", but once I started researching the roots, players & controlled avenues of the Elite...I saw these folks as they are. On the surface Faux support many solid issues, but underneath, they're part of the MSM...puppeteer'd by the PTB.

***P.S. - "Faux" would gain points with me if they bring Lou Dobbs aboard. While he leans Neocon on a few issues, I love his stance on the illegal invasion, NAU exposure & pressure on Obonga's birth status.
She hangs the Star of David in her office, and she wanted John McCain to win the presidency. That's all I have to know about her.
There is no way to make a "mistake" like this. Video is labled and archived. Having worked in this field and knowing Fox's standard operating procedures, I can tell you that this is NOT a mistake. The producer deliberatly pulled the old video.
FootballDad said:
I, for one, haven't made any sort of judgement either for or against Sarah Palin.  She, and her background, come across as an "any person", rather than a politician, which I find refreshing.  But on the other hand, as she's become more of a national figure, she is becoming more mealy-mouthed when asked straight questions (like on Hannity the other night), as she tries to cover all the bases.  I would rather her just be blunt and say what she thinks.  As for the Fox "mistake", so what?  She had a few thousand folks show up for a lousy book signing, much more impressive than the campaign footage that they used by "accident."

The original bluntness Gov. Palin exhibited was what initially caught my attention. To some extent it reminded me of deceased Senator Jesse Helms; many despised him but no one ever criticized him for not taking a position. Her feisty this where I stand nature was the reason I voted in the Presidential election at all. I mean the top of both tickets was a liberal regardless of party affiliation. If the media and the liberal activist had just ignored Palin after the election was over I would have to. The media a some of the liberal activist have keep Gov. Palin on the national stage with their continual attacks. It makes me think that one of two conditions exist. Palin really is as dumb as she has been portrayed and would make an easy opponent against Obama or any other Democratic candidate. Or she is a savvy and dangerous Conservative Politician and the Democrats had hoped to destroy her political future and it and that strategy is not working as well as they had hoped and as time goes on they become more fearful, more aggressive and more comical in their attemps.
I'm afraid that getting one's hopes up for Sarah Palin is just engaging in a feminist versionof the endless circle jerk mentality of hoping for the "Man on the White Horse" to rescue us. And btw, when Palin spoke in southern Nevada last year at a campaign rally, her major theme was endorsing one issue after another on the feminist agenda. The longer this phony liberal vs. conservative, Republican vs. Democrat game goes on, the longer the U.S. will continue its current downward path.
Sarah Palin urges Israel settlement expansion, attacks Barack Obama

Sarah Palin calls for an expansion of Israel settlements â€" challenging 40 years of US policy â€" in an interview with Barbara Walters. Palin also criticizes Barack Obama for urging an Israeli halt.

full article:
Great point, Don. Palin is more of the same, just in a different package than we are used to seeing. I find it more difficult to convince people of the uselessness of voting Republican than I do convincing them that the caste system is real. Screw the GOP! They are as power hungry and care less about "we the people" and the Constitution as anyone. I jumped ship after the 2004 election and ain't looking back. We have got to make more of an effort to wake people up to the truth.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
personally, I would point to multiculturism and diversity as the prime reason for the US decline and ultimate demise. Look at your history it is exactly what caused the great Roman Empire to fall.
Amen Don & Col.Reb! Palin is a puppet of the Globalist Elite used to dupe the Christian Zionist sheeple into supporting another Neocon.
Sarah Palin is just another attempt by the elites to create an interest in the political process so that they can continue their control and exploitation of our government. She is just the other side of the coin from Obama who was a "magical negro" used to create interest in an election.

She promises nothing and will deliver nothing that any conservative/WN wants. It's just about boosting ratings and getting people to watch and read and visit internet sites. She's just a celebrity politician. She is also set up to fail as the MSM wants to prop up faux conservatives so that they can knock them down and thus continue the shadow of the left/right paradigm.

Yes she has some personal traits that make her attractive, yes she occasionally says the right things, and yes all the people that hate her are the ones that we hate. But it means nothing in the long run and any energy devoted to her will be wasted.
Marxist-Liberals vs. Neo-Conservatives.... your bets!!!

There has to be a 3rd FACTOR to counter these 2 NEGATIVES!
My bet's always on the Marxists. They constantly consolidate their power, and have pretty much done so my entire lifetime. Neo-cons are an ephemeral phenomena that likes to shoot itself in the foot.
The only real difference between the two parties is their priorities:

Democrats (party of evil) = Welfare/warfare state
Republicans (stupid party) = Warfare/welfare state.
Michael Hoffman quotes Sarah Palin on Israel. Fromhis website "campaign for radical truth":

"Avodah Zarah Sarah" will do anything for her Khazar idol - anything

Sarah Palin with O'Reilly on Fox News, Jan. 13:"What I would like to see the the Obama administration do though is convince Americans that they would be willing to do anything --anything -- that needs to be done to protect America and her ally -- to protect Israel."

wow, that's a very strong pro-zionist message, on par with her saying in 2008 that she would never "second guess" Israel if it attacked Iran.

she really drank the neo-con coolaid in '08, in fact maybe she was drunk from the beginning.
With true intellectuals like Sarah Palin, Michael Steele, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Mike Huckabee (and thousands of other dim-wit homosexuals) running the GOP....who needs liberals?

I could see Palin doing a curtsy to the Star of David in downtown Tel Aviv. She is the same festering, Zionistic, unflushable turd as all the rest of the neocons.
<a href="" target="_blank">
Sarah " No second-guessing Israel"Palin. Interesting link.</A>