NBA Lockout

WA33, love the fact that you referred to them as the 'Oklahoma Bobcats'. They are the Charlotte Bobcats, but your very minor error is very forgivable because: One, the league sucks so bad and, two, that franchise has done almost nothing to standout since it entered the NBA back in 2004.

I try not to listen to black neo-con Stephen A. Smiff on ESPN radio much...but I have made an exception in recent months. He's clearly on the owners side and keeps taking phone calls from angry black guys about the lockout. Well anyway, one brother called recently and asked about the NBA players starting their own league?

He responded by saying something like 'many of these guys can't live week to week because they spend cash on stupid stuff, so how can they own a team'? He went on to say Michael Jordan (the richest NBA player ever?) doesn't really 'own the Bobcats''s Bank of America and others that own the team. He only put in $30 mill. and it's losing so much money on his investment that he can't even pay off his loans. Smiff suggested he might even be happy if the league wiped out the entire season so he doesn't have to pay the salaries. With this, I can imagine that the arena is bleeding money.The league is awful. Again, if most these teams did not get charity from ESPN and sponsors (like the WNBA) this league would be just like it was in the mid-1980's, perhaps worse.

By the way, when the Charlotte Hornets first formed they seemed fairly white friendly (1988) with Rex Chapman, Kelly Tripuka and others and would draw over 20,000 per game...far cry from the all-black Bobcats, who play in front of friends and family that get in free and a few thousand DWF's that actually pay to watch this mess -- sort of like the WNBA's defunct Charlotte Sting did?

PS: Some good news for Jordan and the few Bobcat fans:
WA33, love the fact that you referred to them as the 'Oklahoma Bobcats'. They are the Charlotte Bobcats, but your very minor error is very forgivable because: One, the league sucks so bad and, two, that franchise has done almost nothing to standout since it entered the NBA back in 2004.

I try not to listen to black neo-con Stephen A. Smiff on ESPN radio much...but I have made an exception in recent months. He's clearly on the owners side and keeps taking phone calls from angry black guys about the lockout. Well anyway, one brother called recently and asked about the NBA players starting their own league?

He responded by saying something like 'many of these guys can't live week to week because they spend cash on stupid stuff, so how can they own a team'? He went on to say Michael Jordan (the richest NBA player ever?) doesn't really 'own the Bobcats''s Bank of America and others that own the team. He only put in $30 mill. and it's losing so much money on his investment that he can't even pay off his loans. Smiff suggested he might even be happy if the league wiped out the entire season so he doesn't have to pay the salaries. With this, I can imagine that the arena is bleeding money.The league is awful. Again, if most these teams did not get charity from ESPN and sponsors (like the WNBA) this league would be just like it was in the mid-1980's, perhaps worse.

By the way, when the Charlotte Hornets first formed they seemed fairly white friendly (1988) with Rex Chapman, Kelly Tripuka and others and would draw over 20,000 per game...far cry from the all-black Bobcats, who play in front of friends and family that get in free and a few thousand DWF's that actually pay to watch this mess -- sort of like the WNBA's defunct Charlotte Sting did?

PS: Some good news for Jordan and the few Bobcat fans:

Truthteller, any idea when the league really started to lose a lot of money? I'm guessing in around the year 2000. In the mid 90's the league was much more popular. I know some small market teams like Seattle and Portland have been losing money for years but I'm willing to beat the league was doing pretty well in the mid 90's..
Steven A Smiff is what I call one of the few exceptions to the rule. A smart negro. Not on the level of a Thomas Sowell but can figure out the money trail and the pathology of his people and speak intelligently about it. I have also noticed that he has tempered his heavy ebonic accent in recent months.

Anyways I see hordes of NBA players plying their trade oversees. I hope the owners stand firm. A F**K Bryant Gumbel racists remark about the league being plantation owners. When did a slave make 10 million a year and had a parade of white hos? NEVER!
Gumbel can't believe what he says(or can he???), he is just saying these hot button comments to have some relevancy. He is on niche cable station on a fringe show on the station. The show is so fringe, that even on the pirate sites that I have frequented to find HBO shows his show is never listed. The same with Youtube his show is barely on that free site. With his big ego and blow hard attitude he needs attention. People on this site might forget he was viewed as real future star in sports broadcasting when he started out reporting on football and then hosting football(something like a Black Costas). He screwed all of the networks good graces because of his intense ego and his over inflated sense of market net worth. Hence is banishment to broadcasting Siberia(HBO).
Gumbel can't believe what he says(or can he???), he is just saying these hot button comments to have some relevancy. He is on niche cable station on a fringe show on the station. The show is so fringe, that even on the pirate sites that I have frequented to find HBO shows his show is never listed. The same with Youtube his show is barely on that free site. With his big ego and blow hard attitude he needs attention. People on this site might forget he was viewed as real future star in sports broadcasting when he started out reporting on football and then hosting football(something like a Black Costas). He screwed all of the networks good graces because of his intense ego and his over inflated sense of market net worth. Hence is banishment to broadcasting Siberia(HBO).
WIR, your probably right, but this scumbag "I hate my blackness" Gumbel is always pontificating about white injustice, all the while living in the white world with it's associates and fruits. This prick is married to a White trophy skank wife as well. Shocking. This prick never in a 1000 years would marry someone that looked black. If I ever see him in an airport I will ask him "how come you never considered a negress as a wife and all the while you vilify whites, all the time?"
Truthteller, any idea when the league really started to lose a lot of money? I'm guessing in around the year 2000. In the mid 90's the league was much more popular. I know some small market teams like Seattle and Portland have been losing money for years but I'm willing to beat the league was doing pretty well in the mid 90's..

I'm not sure WA 33, my guess -- and it's simply a guess -- is most teams in the league have been losing money for years -- since the league was formed? Remember, well into the 80's there were constant rumors of multiple contractions (teams folding) and teams merging to save money -- last big league teams to do this were the Cleveland Barons and Minnesota N' Stars of the NHL. Contractions and mergers would not happen in a healthy league. The league had some better years in the 1990's (MJ era) because of their TV ratings on NBC and the smashing success of the NBA players competing in the Olympics in 1992, but that ended around 2000, as you suggested.

Right now, Stern claims 23 teams lost a total of $300 million -- that's eye popping! Big problem seems to be two-fold:

1) Players make too much (ave salary is $5m per), which is the most in any U.S. sport.

2) Teams don't have enough 'paying customers'. White America, for the most part, doesn't care much and too many fans are getting into NBA games at drastically discounted rates or are given free tickets (ala the WNBA). Stern has mentioned this himself in recent months, so I'm not making it up....At the same time, corporations that have kept this league afloat are cutting back on luxury boxes and very expensive courtside seats due to the horrid economy.

You mentioned 2000. Here's an interesting quote from an article 10 years. I've noted here at Caste many times that the NBA's and NHL's ratings are almost identical for their entire seasons -- but the NBA's rating spike sharply for the conference finals and NBA finals, mostly due to an influx of black viewers at the end of the playoffs. Well, here's a quote from a article 10 years ago (Variety) that backs this up:

"The overall ratings decline of the NBA is bad enough, but NBC is particularly concerned about the way the demographic has skewed over the past few years toward blacks.

The Peac0ck, for example, averaged a 2.9 rating for its regular-season games in 2000-01, but within that total, the black average was a 9.2 rating, a staggering 317% above the statistical norm. By contrast, the black audience for CBS' Sunday-afternoon regular-season pro-football games last season was a 10.0 which, at 125%, is higher -- but not eye-poppingly higher -- than the overall average rating of 9.5.

The bottom-line problem with this disproportionate percentage of blacks is that most advertisers won't pay a premium for them, even when they cluster in the hard-to-reach 18-to-34 category."

So, even the ultra Libs at NBC (who own MSNBC) didn't want to lose boat-loads of money with the NBA...Notice how the "white Knights" over at ESPN/ABC came to the rescue and over paid for the product? These are the same people keeping the failing WNBA afloat!
With each passing day, the NBA lockout looks increasingly likely to end in a canceled season. I continue to hope the season is not only lost, but that the league has to downsize considerably. It's nice not having to see anything related to NBA games on TV right now.
I am quite enjoying this NBA lockout. I hope for the league to fold entirely one day. I personally feel that all sports should have multiple leagues to keep from having only one choice (one league having all the power). I read something somewhere about an all white basketball tour/league being started a couple years ago, but am not sure what came about from that.

I also read an article a few days ago about the players trying to take this lockout situation before the courts, and having some Barack Hussein Obama hand-picked members overturn the lockout somehow. Although I cannot find that article anymore.
I am a big "lockout" fan as well, but really don't see a big happy ending to the whole sordid ordeal. I like that the NBA will, and has, suffered a huge PR hit. but ultimately, the makeup of the league is going to remain a Cultural Marxist fantasy. Whites are discouraged from participating from the HS level on up, with the majority of college teams, who are not part of the lockout, being highly "affletic. Also, a high percentage of college recruits come from the AAU leagues (of traveling HS kids) which are near 100% black, as no self-respecting white parent would allow their kids to participate in these ghetto leagues.
Two pictures that say it all about the NBA.

Player representatives and union head Billy Hunter:

Commissioner David Stern and Deputy Commissioner Adam Silver:


BTW, Paul Kersey has an article on the lockout linked to on the CF homepage in the right hand column. Read it and write a comment!
The White man has very little involvement with the NBA. When you look at the executives in charge, from the commisioner and his deputy lapdog pictured above, they are all jewish. The majority of the owners, as well as most of the other senior members of the NBA management team are also jewish, plus women, blacks, and other minorities. You can see the list for yourself here:

Of course, the players are about 80% black. The majority of the coaches may be White, but very few get any sort of respect that someone like Phil Jackson or Pat Riley would command. As has been mentioned over and over, the NBA is a players league and the inmates run the asylum. Being a headcoach in the NBA comes with little job security and a high turnover rate. In some ways, this is not too different than the NFL, either.

The only thing keeping this bogus league alive, as puzzling as that is, is the White fanbase. Why such people would shell out big $$ to go watch a bunch thugs play some glorified street ball that passes as "professional basketball" is beyond me. I truly hope the entire season is cancelled and the NBA never recovers from it.
The White man has very little involvement with the NBA. When you look at the executives in charge, from the commisioner and his deputy lapdog pictured above, they are all jewish. The majority of the owners, as well as most of the other senior members of the NBA management team are also jewish, plus women, blacks, and other minorities. You can see the list for yourself here:

Of course, the players are about 80% black. The majority of the coaches may be White, but very few get any sort of respect that someone like Phil Jackson or Pat Riley would command. As has been mentioned over and over, the NBA is a players league and the inmates run the asylum. Being a headcoach in the NBA comes with little job security and a high turnover rate. In some ways, this is not too different than the NFL, either.

The only thing keeping this bogus league alive, as puzzling as that is, is the White fanbase. Why such people would shell out big $$ to go watch a bunch thugs play some glorified street ball that passes as "professional basketball" is beyond me. I truly hope the entire season is cancelled and the NBA never recovers from it.

Not to mention that being an NBA head coach always comes some type of danger like being choked by one of your players(PJ Carlisimo). There is always the risk that your affletes will just quit on you like they did to Larry Brown.
i would not bat an eyelash if they cancel it altogether. honestly, i see precious little of interest with a league that's clearly racially ****ed up to even larger a degree than NFL!
I hope I'm wrong but I think the players union will blink. Given their lifestyles too many of the players need the constant cash flow. The NHL union has warned them about their experience which only strengthened the hand of the owners.

I suspect few people would miss the NBA if the season were to be cancelled. Even those who do follow the league will find new interests so when they start playing again many fans will have got out of the habit of watching.
Good news. I'm totally wrong! (See my last post). The players have rejected last week's offer from the owners. An antitrust suit will be filed against the NBA.
Good news. I'm totally wrong! (See my last post). The players have rejected last week's offer from the owners. An antitrust suit will be filed against the NBA.

In all reality the players are idiots! 99 percent of them are worthless without basketball. They aren't even capable of cleaning toilets and rejecting another offer just screws them even more. I'd love to see these retards create their own league like some of them claimed they would do. That would be a good one.
Good news. I'm totally wrong! (See my last post). The players have rejected last week's offer from the owners. An antitrust suit will be filed against the NBA.

It’s great news. With any luck, these gluttonous twits will ruin what’s left of professional American basketball. I want to watch NBA, Inc. descend into oblivion and never return.
If the players create a league it would be even more ridiculous than that "street-ball" BSPN was hyping a few years ago. It would be a combination of street-ball and globetrotters...:rofl:
Actually the lockout is devastating for white players at the moment, we should be hoping for it to end. Countless European players have signed contracts overseas, many of which won't allow them to return the NBA later on. Not to mention, many white Americans who were screwed over by bad coaching in the US have signed abroad.

If anything we need this lockout to end, seeing as last year's draft was very white in comparison to the others. The NBA is going to get whiter over the next few years, anyway. Next year's draft will have the top 3 centers being white, with countless other European prospects also entering.
If anything we need this lockout to end, seeing as last year's draft was very white in comparison to the others. The NBA is going to get whiter over the next few years, anyway. Next year's draft will have the top 3 centers being white, with countless other European prospects also entering.

What are you talking about? Next years draft looks like one of the darkest ever.:icon_rolleyes: Tyler Zeller,Mason Plumlee and czech guard Satoransky are the only white players projected to be drafted in the first round. The second round doesn't look much better.

2013 looks also horrible.
What are you talking about? Next years draft looks like one of the darkest ever.:icon_rolleyes: Tyler Zeller,Mason Plumlee and czech guard Satoransky are the only white players projected to be drafted in the first round. The second round doesn't look much better.

2013 looks also horrible.

Both of you are correct. Last years draft had 15 whites selected or 25%. That's of course if you include Enes Kanter from Turkey. That was high compared to recent drafts. The next few years look really dark though. According to the link you provided around 7 whites are expected to be drafted in 2012 if you include the guy from Turkey. is usually pretty accurate so we'll see between 6-8 whites selected next year.

For 2013 it looks like 6 or 7 whites will be the maximum amount drafted unless some "overachievers" really impress scouts.
You guys are forgetting that two months ago had only one white getting drafted in the entire mock draft. Now they're up to six (8 if you count the Turk and the Brazillian). It's the same thing that happened last year, many whites are unknown by a lot of sources until the tournament in March or until tournaments overseas in Europe. Robbie Hummel and Reeves Nelson are missing from that mock draft and I'm sure they'll have NBA careers.

Also last years draft is a bitter whiter then it may seem. Keep in mind many of the blacks drafted in the last picks will not ever see the NBA floor where as every white player actually has the skill to, based on their draft position.
The players are not bigger than the league. Without the league they would be an And 1 streetball tour or Harlem Globetrotters playing exhibitions in high school gyms. The league has cultivated the teams and brands for decades and the players come and go. The revenue is generated from the loyal fans and season ticket holders who support their team for generations.

The loyalty to these teams is such that even the mostly White Boston Celtics fan base blindly supports an all-black team with a racist black coach. But, put Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen and Paul Pierce on any other team, or in any other league, and the Celtics fan wouldn't pay a dime to watch them.

It's criminal the way David Stern has bastardized this league by driving out the White American player. However, the Grand Jew wanted a stable of easily controllable negroes so he could slowly bargain away their rights. Unfortunately, the media and the dwf's have so over-hyped these super affletes that they now believe they are larger than the game. I would love to see this Jew/Negro consortium implode. They cannot survive without the White man's money, and they damn sure won't get any of mine.
All & all, I don't give a spit in the wind if the Yo.B.A season is scrapped. However, I'll continue to pull for our White brothers if the season is salvaged.
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