NBA 22% White

Well said Pitbull, I think many posters on this board feel just like you. It's good to see it expressed so clearly in print.
Jerve, what is your ethnicity? I may have you confused with another poster, but I thought you mentioned that you were of Jewish ethnicity. Jewish culture is among the most ethnocentric eugenic oriented cultures in the world. Strange how you would insist that we lose our desire to maintain the purity of our own gene pool. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Phenomenal post, PitBull. I wholeheartedly agree. We must be realistic about the world we live in, we have to pursue our self-interest, and we can't worry about "fairness," because other peoples will never treat us with the same fairness that we treat them.
Just joined the
site. I would have to agree that people are nitpicking when looking at
Latin American players like Ginobili and saying they're not white.
Ginobili very well might have small amounts of Native American
bloodlines in him
but by his looks are mostly of Spanish (Spain origin) Varejao looks
pretty white to me too (w/o the crazy hair-do) he may be a small part
native American or black but guys in the NBA see him as white. Arujao
and Okur are definitly white. Turkaglu looks to be mostly Arab or Persian/Kurdish origins more
than European.

I would also agree with Pitbull that every
successful civilization has tried to perserve itself . Preserving
the European cultural values is important in America as well as Canada.
If you look around the world succesful cultures such as Sweden and
Japan are almost completly ethnicly isolated. In Japan you can't own
land unless your Japanise, I believe, and it's nearly impossible to
become a citizen and this prevents racial tensions.

My own personal veiw though is that there are really only small
differences among the worlds races. It's been proven through
Mitochondrial DNA that all human beings have shared a common
relative within the last 150,000 years and through Y-Chromosomal
DNA in the last 80,000 although their is some speculation that
some subsaharan African groups only in the last 150,000. The largest
difference ever found in two peoples DNA is .2%. That being said I
still definitley cheer for and take pride in white athletes because
they are closer related to myself and I definitley believe their is a
"big" pro black castesystem in the NFL and to a smaller extent the NBA..

The main reason that the caste system prevails is because white players
and couches lack the gumption to stand up to selfish egotistical
inner city black athletes who would cry "racism" if whites are put as
starters in front of them. Many whites would even believe this b/c of
sterotypes against supposed "inferior" white athletes. Latrell
Spreewell complained when Wally Szerbiak, who's better, was seeing more
playing time than him in minnesota. Or Keshawn calling his teamate
Cherbet a flashlight, or Vince Carter calling dirk an "uncordinated"
white guy. Blacks accuse whites of racism all the time but in my
opinion they are really the most racist complaining people on earth

Sorry about the post length. I have two questions to leave posters
with. 1. Why is the caste system weaker in the NBA than NFL and 2. What
NBA team is most racist against whites? </span>

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I have two questions to leave posters
with. 1. Why is the caste system weaker in the NBA than NFL and 2. What
NBA team is most racist against whites? &lt;/span&gt;

The "dream teams" have failed to take gold in the last two world championships and the 2004 olympics. They've been defeated by all-white teams. Another reason is the influx from Europe, South America, and Canada(Nash). Players like Peja, Dirk, and Gasol have done wonders. It's starting to affect the college game with Morrison, Redick, and Hansborugh last year. White athletes' unselfishness, along with America's fascination with dunking were hurting us. I think coaches are starting to catch on that skills like shooting, passing and thinking are more important than dunk specialists' skills. And I'm not saying whites can't dunk. They are not limited to it.
Hm. I don't know if the caste system is weaker really. I guess there's just more positions in football so racial slotting is a lot more apparent. The overall perception of blacks being vastly superior athletes prevails in all sports.
One of the biggest reasons (in my opinion) is that there is a Combine for
the NFL. Just because someone runs a tenth of second faster after a 40
yard run than another guy says little about how well the fractionally
slower guy can play. Same with bench presses. Credentialism at work.
Chris Spielman once said that if he was running 40 yards in game,
something went very wrong. The only way you know if a guy can play or
not is to put him on the field. More whites would play if there were more
exhibition games, or even a minor league for football.

I know of no similar credetialism event for the NBA. Also, with basketball,
players play both offense and defense, and all usually touch the ball a lot
even if they don't shoot. A player has to be able to do a lot of things, and
there is a lot less specialization. In football, very few hands touch the
ball, and there is lots of specialization. Hence the Holy Grail of 40 yard
times to try to predict how fast a player will get to the ball, either on
offense or defence. Wonderlic scores, etc.

The main reason for the Caste System though is media and advertising
driven. Blacks and other minorities are far more likely to tune out if they
don't see their own in the game. Whites will cheer for anybody, it seems.
Advertisers and the leagues know this, so they have to hype blacks and
put their faces everywhere to get the biggest audience for their products.
And as market share shrinks because of cable, internet, etc, it becomes
even more important to get that marginal viewer, and even small
numbers (read minority groups) become massively important to generate
ad revenue. Same with politics too. And other so-called
"entertainment" (tv shows, crap music, etc.) That's why they all pander to

Things won't change until whites get more racially aware and tune out, or
better yet, raise hell. But as long as we have large numbers of minorities
and they have money to spend (with black quarterback jobs), the situation will
I guess that would make sense, since
Europe doesn't have the " white inferior"
complex that America does the best
usually play. However, you can see what is
happening in liberal France with
there influx of Migration now. Interestingly France
has started to appease black athletes as you can see their Olympic
Basketball team is mostly black yet they haven't won big yet. I
don't hold things against groups
really as a whole but their is
clearly racial tension with Arabs only finding lower
level jobs in France. Hopefully France will find a better solution than
liberal appeasment of Affirmative action though which is racism in

It bothers to me to admitt this but I have never to my knowledge seen
blacks defend a white person over one of their "brothers." And you
virtually never find a black person who will support a white person
keeping there job who has been accused of Racism ie Rush Limbaugh,
Jimmy the Geek, Fuzzy Zeller- a simple fried chicken joke. It's not
like any of these guys said the n word "on aire" which should be
grounds for a "professional broadcaster" to lose his job. So the
thing that just came to my mind is that since rosters have as many as 5
backups for WR and RB and CB is that if one of their "brothers" is cut
for a white dude they'd cry racism, where in the NBA it's easier for a
coach to keep control of a team with only one backup where the player
often nurtures the development of a younger player or even makes
friends with him. Maybe the coaches point to success of International
players to defend themselves against being called "racist white
favoritists" by blacks on the team. Honestly I am sick of our
society appeasing every other race except our own. Everytime I hear
Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton on the TV crying about racism I quickly
change the channel or throw my bad call "foam" brick at the TV!

I also find it funny that it's certain
black coaches like Dungy who favor blacks less as you could see with
him actually letting Alstott take handoffs! "Wow what a white
favoritist he is."lol. It would be hard for blacks to accuse their
own of bias. and Alstott went on to become one of the most "productive"
players in his prime. I think Herman Edwards is somewhat fair to whites
also but Lovie Smith and Dennis Green are "reverse" racists in my
opinion. And by the way that woman is hot no matter what race she is I'd like to get to know her, lol!

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
This has been a very interesting thread. I think a lot of posters are struggling to classify people. But it's not a black and white issue. White europeans, and black (sub saharan africans)TOGETHER comprise a small minority of the people on this planet. There is a whole color chart of preople out there, the majority being some shade of brown or olive yellow. I wouldn't get too hung up on whether a person is 60% or 80% white, if (like Kaesviharn) they are breaking down barriers and ending the near monopoly that Black athletes have in many roles, and putting some diversity back into American sports. If we are too selective about who we support on this site we risk just looking like a bunch of narrow minded bigots, instead of opening peoples eyes to the current white corporate inferiority complex / bias.
devans said:
I wouldn't get too hung up on whether a person is 60% or 80% white, if (like Kaesviharn) they are breaking down barriers and ending the near monopoly that Black athletes have in many roles, and putting some diversity back into American sports. If we are too selective about who we support on this site we risk just looking like a bunch of narrow minded bigots, instead of opening peoples eyes to the current white corporate inferiority complex / bias.

That's a fair point. But in that case, should this website be about celebrating non-black athletes rather than white athletes? Many people would actually find that more offensive. At any rate, people will think that we're "narrow minded bigots" no matter what we do! There's no way of escaping that.
PitBull, you haven't really set up anything close to a dialogue, here. If Nationalists want to vent diatribes on their frustrations with American Multiculturalism or wax poetic on the particulars of In-Group Selection or Eugenics or what-have-you, I simply feel it's best kept in Nationalism boards.

That way, Armenoid-Atlanto-Mediterranean-Irano-Afghan-Balkan-Jewy-non- Nordics without particular racial purity agendas can respectfully steer clear. I can speak on behalf (from what I know, anyhow) of these groups and say I personally have no interest in breeding your women off to whatever minority group.

Yes, Kaptain Poop, old-fashion Ashkenazim Jews (like pretty much every other group originating in the Fertile Crescent and Mediterranean) are traditionally ethnocentric. So are the Turks, Armenians, Greeks, Italians, Palestinians, Serbs, Macedonians, Albanians, Persians, yadda yadda yadda. Congratulations on wading through the media agit-prop in deciphering that one.

The point is deconstructing stereotypes which contribute to kids being passed up for scholarships, or what-not, on account of not adhering to some template ideal of superficial characteristics. I think guys like Turkoglu qualify; I don't see what the fvck difference it makes if he's mongoloid, unless this is a Eugenicist Nationalism Pride forum.Edited by: JerveyGotGypped

I'm not trying to set up a dialogue. I'm stating my opinion. By multi-
culturalism, do you mean the official anti-white (man, specifically) racism
by our government, media, and corporations? What the hell did I ever say
about eugenics? If a blacks mate within their own race, is that eugenics?
If whites do, is that eugenics? Is that the tactic, if you disagree with
someone, you slant their argument into some sort of Nazi-esque idea
that you don't have to argue against?

Imagine, this is a sports board! People form associations and root for
their OWN TEAM! How odd! People show partiality! How archaic! This is
a pro-white site. The people reading it bring their own biases to the
information and arguments here. And I guarantee you that many who are
pro-black, for whatever reason, aren't exactly fairly weighing the
information. You see the evidence. You see trends, not only in sports
but also in the society at large. You make a decision to believe it or not.

This board isn't a court of law. But having said that, there is abundant
evidence that this stuff is going on. I don't know why you think it stops at
the corporate office or the government bureaucracy. In fact, it would be
odd if it would.

If you want a perfect example of anti-white bias in the media, look at the
coverage of the basketball World Championships at ESPN. Even after the
brothers lost it, the columnists at ESPN were making excuses, saying the
best players (Kobe, Shaq) were not on the team, that the international
rules sucked, that the US was surely the most athletic (read: black) so that
it was really the best, yada yada yada. Just compare this to the rest of
your local daily paper. Same slant. Funny, that. Funny how blacks seem
to get the big commercial endorsement contracts too, because whites will
root for blacks, but not vice versa, and advertisers play to black racism
(see high schooler LeBron James. I'm still waiting for Steve Nash and Dirk
Nowitzki to get a $100 million contract from Nike). That's fair. Its a
good thing blacks are expected to and only recognize excellence, rather
than race.

To me, Turkoglu is like a Yao. But any player who is acting to destroy the
black athletic superiority myth is fine with me. I'm really sick of the anti-
white crap from these people. We here only want to know if he is like us
so we can root harder, that's all. See above for the explanation for that.

Look, I stated my opinion clearly. I don't think there is any neutral
ground in this. When whites are in charge, they favor other whites. When
blacks are in charge, they favor other blacks (this is why the Post Office in
my big city is 90% black, when blacks are only 35% of the population).
Ditto for other groups. That's how life works. Meritocracies exist in very
few places, mostly in one-to-one competition. But in other sports and in
life, it just doesn't happen. I support being in charge and taking
advantage of the situation, and fighting for what I can if I'm out of charge.
That makes me normal.

There's plenty of information here Jervey.It's easy to make the jump if
you try. I don't mind other posters being ethnocentric. There is no
neutral ground to me, and in my opinion, its silly to think so.
It's great to see debate like this. In response to Pitbull I would say that Nationalist societies that are isolated have been more successful and lack racial tensions, as I stated earlier. However, atthis point nationalism isn't practical b/c our society is already a "melting pot" At this point the only way of producing true nationalism is segregation which as we saw didn't work and was disadvantages to blacks.

Unfortuanatley now our society is putting whites at a disadvantage while every other group but ours, the most oppressed being white males, cries injustice. So the only thing we can do at this point , is fight to hold true to our values and beliefs and start defending our race. Personally although this may sound racist I am not really against most cultures except African American culture because they are the most appeased group, and I guess I hold rap against them also for it's lack of values. Blacks have to stop playing victim as Bill Cosby, who is black,has stated.

And on a lighter noteabout the previous picture of the hot lady,I would have to say that personally I find the olive brownskin color ie. Native American, Hispanic, Spanish, Sicillian orArab most attractive but do not usually find black women attractive. As we can see, we all have our preferences.
In response to Jervey, I think that Yao Ming has been great for the
NBA, especially for fighting the usual Pro black caste system. Also,
Yao is debunking the usually true sterotype of asians being small, and
as we all know basketball is a tall sport. I hope to see a few more
good asian players in the league (hopefully Jian Jaojing or whatever
his name is will be a good PF, Sun Yue a PG/SG could also be good.) In
general though, Iam more hopeful to see more Europeans and
especially white Americans in the NBA. I might actually watch the
regular season then, to keep track of stats, instead of just the

Shaq is my least favorite player in the NBA because he gets
all the calls and bangs his way to the basket. He's good but if called
correctly would offensive-foul out after about 25 good minutes, I don't
consider him to be the best Center of all time. Heck even Bill
Walton, who had a short career was a better player in my opinion and
Definitley Bill Russel and Wilt the Stilt.
I hope he retires soon!

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
JerveyGotGypped said:
PitBull, you haven't really set up anything close to a dialogue, here. If Nationalists want to vent diatribes on their frustrations with American Multiculturalism or wax poetic on the particulars of In-Group Selection or Eugenics or what-have-you, I simply feel it's best kept in Nationalism boards.

That way, Armenoid-Atlanto-Mediterranean-Irano-Afghan-Balkan-Jewy-non- Nordics without particular racial purity agendas can respectfully steer clear. I can speak on behalf (from what I know, anyhow) of these groups and say I personally have no interest in breeding your women off to whatever minority group.

Yes, Kaptain Poop, old-fashion Ashkenazim Jews (like pretty much every other group originating in the Fertile Crescent and Mediterranean) are traditionally ethnocentric. So are the Turks, Armenians, Greeks, Italians, Palestinians, Serbs, Macedonians, Albanians, Persians, yadda yadda yadda. Congratulations on wading through the media agit-prop in deciphering that one.

The point is deconstructing stereotypes which contribute to kids being passed up for scholarships, or what-not, on account of not adhering to some template ideal of superficial characteristics. I think guys like Turkoglu qualify; I don't see what the fvck difference it makes if he's mongoloid, unless this is a Eugenicist Nationalism Pride forum.
Jervey you sound like a professor of cultural anthropology. As for some of the posters here I think they would have problems with any dark caucasian that likes to tan.....
Ie Joe Namath and George Hamilton(joking on both counts)
JD074 said:
devans said:
I wouldn't get too hung up on whether a person is 60% or 80% white, if (like Kaesviharn) they are breaking down barriers and ending the near monopoly that Black athletes have in many roles, and putting some diversity back into American sports. If we are too selective about who we support on this site we risk just looking like a bunch of narrow minded bigots, instead of opening peoples eyes to the current white corporate inferiority complex / bias.

That's a fair point. But in that case, should this website be about celebrating non-black athletes rather than white athletes? Many people would actually find that more offensive. At any rate, people will think that we're "narrow minded bigots" no matter what we do! There's no way of escaping that.

OK, take your point about celebrating non black athletes being taken as offensive so perhaps thsi site should be about the celebration of good athletes who don't get the chances or recognition they deserve, or who are being stereotyped unfairly. Who can be offended by that?
PitBull said:
To me, Turkoglu is like a Yao. But any player who is acting to destroy the
black athletic superiority myth is fine with me. I'm really sick of the anti-
white crap from these people. We here only want to know if he is like us
so we can root harder, that's all. See above for the explanation for that.

That's where I'm coming from. I don't dislike Turkoglu or Yao. It's just different for me, on an emotional level, if I know for sure that an athlete is white. That's the way I am, and I don't think there is anything wrong with it.
Alpha Male said:
JD074 said:
Who said that Ginobili isn't white? We'll agree to disagree about Varejao.

Ginobili is of Italian descent.

Umm... I'm not sure what your point is. I asked, "Who said Ginobili isn't white?" I don't remember anybody saying that he wasn't white.

devans said:
OK, take your point about celebrating non black athletes being taken as offensive so perhaps thsi site should be about the celebration of good athletes who don't get the chances or recognition they deserve, or who are being stereotyped unfairly. Who can be offended by that?

That's fine. I'm not opposed to that line of reasoning. There are those of us who are more or less "color blind" and those of us who are basically "biased" (I know I am and I'm open about it.) We can co-exist.

I'll make a couple of points:

In the bigger picture (beyond sports,) it's out of a sense of self-preservation that I'm biased. It's self-destructive to be fair to other groups if those other groups aren't fair towards you. To a certain degree, it's retaliation. If they want to be biased, so can we.

If we want to celebrate "good athletes who don't get the chances or recognition they deserve, or who are being stereotyped unfairly," we'll probably find very few, if any, black athletes to celebrate, and it would become a de facto "celebration of non-black athletes" anyway. At any rate, the Caste System is racial, and we'll have to confront race no matter what, which will always be offensive to somebody.
Edited by: JD074
For me, I pull for the American born white players first, and if none are found then I pull for the European white player. It is a shame that supposedly the only white players good enough to play seem to come from Europe. I know that the only white players who see any time on the Orlando Magic are European, while we have four other whites who spend all their time on the bench or inactive list. Redick, who is not injured by the way, has not played one second and neither has Augustine.(also not injured) Deiner has only played in 3 games and is averaging 2 1/2 minutes a game. Garrity plays VERY sparingly.
I didn't know about Augustine. Jeez, its getting harder and harder to tell. Just what liberals want. A sutle mixing of the races. Edited by: Skipperron
PitBull, where did you hear that Augustine is part-black? I've seen people claim that on this site before, but I haven't come across anything to substantiate it yet. His cousin is Nick Sorensen, white Special Teams Demon/Mascot on the Jaguars, but I don't know if they're related on his dad's side or his mom's side (I heard the specific relationship before on a broadcast, but I forget what it is).

Then again, Kris Humphries looks whiter than Augustine to me, and he's part-black, so nothing would shock me at this point.
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